What role do water masses play in the distribution of global heat?


Answer 1
What she said is the answer

Related Questions

someone please help me it's soo hard.​



what is the question



What is the question?

what is the mid-point of the segment (3, 7) and (2, -1)



(2.5, 3)


This question requires using the midpoint formula.

(formula is attached below as an image for better understanding)

First identify which values correspond with which variables in the formula:

First coordinate: (3, 7)

x_1 = 3

y_1 = 7

Second coordinate: (2, -1)

x_2 = 2

y_2 = -1

Now we plug the values into the formula and simplify:

((3+2)/2, (7-1)/2)

(5/2, 6/2)

(5/2, 3)

(2.5, 3

Hope that helps (●'◡'●)

____________ is the amount of matter in an object and the mass of an _____________ does not change based on location.



MASS is the amount of matter in an object, the mass of an OBJECT does not change based on location.


Correct answer is above! Great explanation

All of the rungs of a ladder are parallel and the top rung is perpendicular to a side of the ladder. What conclusion can be reached?


All rungs are perpendicular to a side of a ladder.
Step-by-step explanation:
The problem tells us that ALL the rungs of a ladder are parallel.
It also tells us that the top rung (which is a subset of all the rungs) is perpendicular to a side of the ladder.
But if this top rung is perpendicular to a side but we know that ALL rungs are parallel, then this top rung is also parallel to the other ones and therefore, all the other rungs are also perpendicular to a side of a ladder.

the resources which are self renwable are



Renewable Resources


Resources that never run out.

- Solar Power

- Wind Power

- Biomass Energy

- Hydropower

- Geotheremal Power

The answer is: biomass, hydropower, geothermal, wind and solar

If x ⊥ a and x ⊥ b, then _____



a + b = 180


If x ⊥ a and x ⊥ b

=> a + b = 180

Do you think we might ever run out of salt water? Give your reasons​


I don't think so because it will evaporate leaving salt which will then dissolve with the water which will fall on the surface by rain so yeah no

Brainstorm important elements of the natural environment.​



Natural elements such as metals, wood, and recourses such as H20,C02,and o2.

Iron, copper, and aluminum are 3 metals that are commonly used in todays economy.

Which statement describes one way new immigrants influenced America in the late 19th century?



Most likely D



A: New Immigrants help fuel American Industrial growth



Por que los combates con los piratas debilitaban el monopolio comercial entre España y América dare buenos puntos :V



La piratería implicaba una ocupación de la capacidad naval a fines militares y de protección de caravanas comerciales, reduciendo la capacidad de carga para el comercio de productos entre las Españas y encareciendo los costes asociados a la logística y el transporte de las embarcaciones.

También la piratería incluía actividades de contrabando, de las que se beneficiaron familias de la llamada "nobleza criolla", lucrándose al no requerirse el pago de impuestos del comercio requeridos para financiar el esquema de seguridad para las caravanas entre las Españas (España Peninsular y España Americana).


La piratería implicaba una ocupación de la capacidad naval a fines militares y de protección de caravanas comerciales, reduciendo la capacidad de carga para el comercio de productos entre las Españas y encareciendo los costes asociados a la logística y el transporte de las embarcaciones.

También la piratería incluía actividades de contrabando, de las que se beneficiaron familias de la llamada "nobleza criolla", lucrándose al no requerirse el pago de impuestos del comercio requeridos para financiar el esquema de seguridad para las caravanas entre las Españas (España Peninsular y España Americana).

Fill in the blanks.
a. Warm air rises at the equator, and cold air sinks near the _______________.
b. The Coriolis force causes all winds in the _______________ hemisphere to curve to the left.
c. Global winds rise and fall within three _______________ cells in each hemisphere.


areyoucomedymeanwer is the answerNepali honi

Find the value of y if [2is 130° and [4is 2y.





The value of y :

Swpwratibg the information into two seperate relations :

If 2 = 130° and 4 = 2y

The relation becomes :

2 = 130°

4 = 2y

Cross multiply :

(2 * 2y) = 130 * 4

4y = 520

y = 520/4

y = 130

Hence y = 130°

what planet needs oxygen in order for individuals to live on ?



Earth. all life forms on earth need oxygen to breathe.

With basic knowledge it can be concluded that earth is the only know planet with life creature therefore we need oxygens to live on

In the late 1950's the Hebgen Lake earthquake outside of Yellowstone triggered a mass wasting event. The landslide originated on steep mountains slopes where rocks slid off a surface and descended to the valley floor in a few seconds, burying a campground and many people staying there. This type of landslide would be called ________.


Answer: a rockslide


Rockslide can be referred to as the rapid downward movement of rock fragments which slide down over an inclined surface.

Based on the question given, since the landslide originated on steep mountains slopes where rocks slid off a surface and descended to the valley floor in a few seconds, burying a campground and many people staying there, this is referred to as a rockslide.

which types of landscape are found around the tropics of cancer and capricorn


Hot deserts are located along the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (the latitude lines to the north and south of the Equator).

Hot desert types of landscape are found around the tropics of cancer and capricorn.

Tropic of cancer: This is otherwise called "Northern Jungle." It is expressed that at the hour of its naming, the sun was situated in the Malignant growth group of stars (one of the heavenly bodies of the zodiac). It is situated at 23.5 degrees north of the equator and goes through the districts referenced previously.

Tropic of Capricorn-This is otherwise called "Southern Jungle." It is expressed that at the hour of its naming, the sun was situated in the Capricorn heavenly body. It lies at 23.5 degrees south of the equator and goes through the districts referenced previously.

To learn about tropic of cancer



What does the law of conservation of energy state?



The ammount of energy is neither crated nor destroyed


Se o clima e a variação do tempo de um determinado lugar pode-se afirmar a alternativa que indica respectivamente tempo e clima São?


Olá. Você não aresentou as opções e resposta. Isso impede que eu possa responder a sua pergunta. Além disso, você precisa saber que só é permitido postar perguntas em português na aba "World languagens" porque esse não é o site brasileiro e sim o estadunidense.  Apesar disso, eu vou tentar te ajudar a encontrar a sua resposta corrreta.

Clima e tempo são coisas muito diferentes. O tempo se refere as condições atmosfericas que são passageiras e que passam rapidamente. Por outro lado, o clima, é um padrão de tempo que, embora seja passageiro, durará po um periodo prolongado. Um exemplo de tempo pode ser visto na frase "As chuvas foram fortes e violentas essa semana." Um exemplo de clima pode ser visto na frase "O inferno esse ano não tem sido rigoroso."

La producción primaria y agraria Las actividades primarias
1-¿Cuáles son las actividades primarias? Explique cada una.



El sector primario es el sector económico que recibe beneficios de la naturaleza. El sector primario incluye las siguientes industrias: agricultura, caza, apicultura, silvicultura y pesca. Parte del sector primario se utiliza sin procesar, pero la mayor parte es materia prima de empresas del sector secundario. El sector primario a veces incluye la industria minera, pero principalmente las empresas mineras son empresas de otras industrias.

El sector primario fue la primera actividad económica en la historia de la humanidad (recolección y caza). Hasta el comienzo de la revolución industrial, tenía la mayor participación en la economía mundial, pero dentro del sector, la agricultura era la más importante.

En la economía actual, el predominio del sector primario indica que un país o región está rezagado. Este es el caso de la mayoría de los países africanos, donde la mayor parte de la población sigue empleada en la agricultura. Un país donde predomina el sector primario es una sociedad agraria.


North African governments are:

A. Often Corrupt

B. Unique in Form and How Leaders are Selected

C. All of the Above​


I believe the answer is C
Answer: C. All of the above

How are countries of the region similar and different in the challenges they face concerning water resources?



There are some countries that its like there were in the paradise and some countries have nothing or sometimes less than that's country with à lot of water

Distinguish between ubiquitous resources and localized resources



Natural resources that are found every where are called ubiquitous resources, like air. Natural resources that found in a particular place are called localized resource like copper or iron ore.

Cause of day and night (One word answer)​


Answer: Motion


The Rotation  of the Earth which is known as the Earth's motion around its axis from west to east in 24 hours causes day and night. This happens because as it rotates, a part of the earth will face the sun causing daytime while the part that faces away from the sun, causes Night.

1. hectare

2.5 acres

2. land degradation

the pressing of soil particles closer together, reducing the amount of air between particles

3. mangrove

small tropical tree

4. salinization

higher than normal salt content in the soil

5. junta

group that controls the government

6. Iberian

of Spain and Portugal

7. compaction

reduced ability of the soil to support life



pain and Portugal

7. compaction

reduced ability of the soil to support life

choose the best selection for the quadrilateral with vertices at the following points (-5,-1), (2,2), (0,0), (-3,-3),
a.rectangle b.square c.rhombus d.trapezoid



it's not a geography's question..

Câu 1: Châu Mĩ tiếp giáp với những đại dương nào?
A.Thái Bình Dương, Đại Tây Dương, Bắc Băng Dương.
B.Thái Bình Dương, Bắc Băng Dương, Ấn Độ Dương
C.Đại Tây Dương, Ấn Độ Dương, Bắc Băng Dương.
D.Thái Bình Dương, Đại Tây Dương, Ấn Độ Dương.


Answer:A.Thái Bình Dương, Đại Tây Dương, Bắc Băng Dương.



A.Thái Bình Dương, Đại Tây Dương, Bắc Băng Dương.


Me ajudem pfvrrrrrrrrrrrr


Jjbijb ihibiubiub buibihbhi bi in. B.R.A.I.N.L.I.E.S.T?
I can’t see the pic clear :(


Which of these people leads an ethnic religion?
the Dalai Lama
an imam
a Buddhist monk
the pope
a Hindu swami



Judaism and Hinduism are two prime examples of ethnic religion



a Hindu Swami


Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are all universalizing religions; the first four answers describe leaders from those three religions. Hinduism is the only ethnic religion and a swami is a Hindu leader.

why are bearings given in three figures


(please give this brainliest loll)

A bearing is a direction, expressed as a three-figure number. Bearings are measured clockwise from north. Bearings are always given as three figures because if you only wrote down 35°, it could easily be mistaken for 350°

Where are the majority of the world's oil reserves found, according to this graph?

A. Russia and Canada
B. North and South America
C. The Middle East
D. Europe and Eurasia





I've taken the test before

Europeans forced North African rulers to ___

A. resign their titles

B. become allles

C. pay debts​


I think C pay debt it is not B for sure tho it could be A
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