What seems to be the biggest change or difference between the Agrarian Era and the Industrial Era? In which era do you think technology changed the fastest and the most? Why do you think this?


Answer 1

Answer:The Agricultural Revolution has therefore been cited as a cause of the Industrial Revolution. However, historians also continue to dispute whether the developments leading to the unprecedented agricultural growth can be seen as “a revolution,” since the growth was, in fact, a result of a series of significant changes over a her long period of time.


please brainleist me

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Select all the correct answers.
For which two reasons did the delegates decide to scrap the Articles of Confederation instead of revising them?
to establish and operate post offices
0 0
to form alliances with foreign countries
to solve trade disputes between states
to gain independence from Great Britain
to generate revenues to repay war debts



generate revenues to repay war debts, and solve trade disputes between states

The Mayans and the ancient Egyptians were alike because they both:

rose to power at the same time
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I'm stuck between C and B



Pretty sure it's A (they live in similar climates)


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A. people who supported equal rights
B. Women and children
C. African Americans
D. Business Owners

A. People who supported equal rights
C. African Americans


Answer: A. people who supported equal right. & C. african americans.


i got the answer right ✅

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The Nile supports agriculture and fishing. The Nile also has served as an important transportation route for thousands of years.


explain how slavery was used so often in the production of sugarcane and tobacco. what was causing these items to be in such high demand?



The conditions required for cultivating different cash crops largely shaped regional labor experiences and population demographics for enslaved Africans in the New World. European settlers experimented with a range of crops and export goods, often with significant influences from American Indians and Africans, but eventually market competition and environmental constraints determined which major cash crop different plantation regions primarily exported. The most lucrative cash crops to emerge from the Americas in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were sugar, tobacco, and rice. Cotton agriculture did not become a major feature of the U.S. southern economy until the early nineteenth century.


Which statement best describes the impact of the election of 1912?

A. Woodrow Wilson lost the election to William Howard Taft

B. The Democrats won the presidency due to the split in the Republican Party

C. William Howard Taft lost the republican nomination to Theodore Roosevelt.

D. The Republicans lost the office after Theodore Roosevelt won as the progressive candidate.


Answer:B is correct becuase many republicans split and made the progressive party in 1912.


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The political objective of the assassination was to free Bosnia of Austria-Hungarian rule and established of a common South Slav ("Yugoslav") state.


In 2 paragraphs tell me what role did the House of Representatives play ir deciding the outcome of the 1824 Election? ​



The role that the House of representive played in deciding the outcome of the 1824 Election was the House performed the constitutionally prescribed role of deciding the 1824 presidential election. Andrew Jackson of Tennessee had won the popular vote and commanded 99 electoral votes. On the appointed day, each state delegation got one vote.


What happened to many tombs and mummies before laws were passed to protect them?



Many of the tombs were raided and the mummies were stolen.


why might the colonists be to blame for the french and indian war



With the French and Indian War over, many colonists saw no need for soldiers to be stationed in the colonies. Britain also needed money to pay for its war debts. The King and Parliament believed they had the right to tax the colonies. They protested, saying that these taxes violated their rights as British citizens


They also just want someone to blame




How many pages or paragraphs do you want this task to be

I’m really not sure about this one but i need help asap



look close because that is the question


How did the Great Migration affect the nation in the 20s​



they begin to build new place for themselves in public life actively confronting racial prejudice as well as economic political and social challenges.

Great Migration occurred between 1916 and 1970, it signaled the start of a new era of increased political activism among African Americans,

What does the Great Migration mean?

Between 1916 and 1970, the Great Migration was the movement of approximately six million African Americans from rural areas in the Southern states of the United States to urban areas in the Northern states. It happened in two waves, i.e. before and after the Great Depression.

The Great Migration also signaled the start of a new era of increased political activism among African Americans, who, after being rejected in the South, found a new place in public life in the cities of the North and West.  This led to the civil rights movement.

Therefore, the above statement explains the Great Migration.

Learn more about the Great Migration here:


What is a hacienda?

A:Another name for ports along the Pacific and Caribbean coasts

B:An emerald mine where native slaves had to work

C:A plantation that grew coffee, tobacco, sugarcane and other cash crops

D: A capital city in the European colonies in South America



I think it's C. I'm sorry if it's wrong tho.

the negative effects of which type of mining would most likely be exacerbated by human error


When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth

What are the characteristics of traditional religion in Africa?



There have been many attempts at describing African Traditional Religion according to its main characteristics. Turaki (1999:69) lists the following main characteristics: belief in a Supreme Being • belief in spirits and divinities • the cult of ancestors • the use of magic, charms and spiritual forces.


Very shortly after Hitler achieved power, there were massive book burnings all over Germany as the Nazis banned books that might go against their own teachings. Conduct online research on the Nazi book burning campaign and write a paragraph explaining the event.



on may 10 1933 uneversety students in 34 uneversety towns across germany burned over 25,000 books. the works of jewish authors like albert einstein and sigmund  Freud went up in flames alongside blacklisted american authors    such as Ernest hermingway and Helen Keller. While nazi gave the nazi salute.


hiw did young Americans react to the war, and how did their reaction shape cultural developments​


The attitude of young people to war has changed markedly during the 20th century. In the early 20th century, many young men were eager to join armies in wartime, as it promised high pay and the opportunity to travel. As the century progressed, the availability of travel and increased living standards neutralized these advantages, and improved media coverage made the horrors of war known. This translated into a dislike and hostility toward service in the armed forces.

What aspect of Missouri‘s new state constitution grants to derail its admittance to the union and the entire Missouri compromise


Free blacks were to be prevented from settling in the state. gchcucyc

It admitted Missouri as a slave state grants to derail its admittance to the union and the entire Missouri compromise.

What is Missouri compromise?

The Missouri Compromise was a piece of federal legislation in the United States that struck a balance between northern states' aspirations to stop the spread of slavery in the nation and southern states' desires to do so.

In order to maintain the country's balance between slave and free states, this legislation accepted Maine as a non-slave state and Missouri as a slave state. In the remaining Louisiana Territory, above the 36° 30' latitude line, slavery was prohibited.

Although the Missouri Compromise succeeded in maintaining the peace for the time being, it was unable to address the crucial issue of slavery and its future in the country.

The Missouri Compromise was opposed by the South because it established a precedent for Congress to pass legislation pertaining to slavery, and by the North because it implied the spread of slavery into new areas.

To learn more about Missouri compromise



how does the sedition act of 1918 impact the war effort? explain.



The Sedition Act of 1918 curtailed the free speech rights of U.S. citizens during times of war.

Passed on May 16, 1918, as an amendment to Title I of the Espionage Act of 1917, the act provided for further and expanded limitations on speech. Ultimately, its passage came to be viewed as an instance of government overstepping the bounds of First Amendment freedoms.

President Woodrow Wilson, in conjunction with congressional leaders and the influential newspapers of the era, urged passage of the Sedition Act in the midst of U.S. involvement in World War I. Wilson was concerned about the country’s diminishing morale and looking for a way to clamp down on growing and widespread disapproval of the war and the military draft that had been instituted to fight it.

The provisions of the act prohibited certain types of speech as it related to the war or the military. Under the act, it was illegal to incite disloyalty within the military; use in speech or written form any language that was disloyal to the government, the Constitution, the military, or the flag; advocate strikes on labor production; promote principles that were in violation of the act or support countries at war with the United States.

The targets of prosecution under the Sedition Act were typically individuals who opposed the war effort, including pacifists, anarchists, and socialists. Violations of the Sedition Act could lead to as much as twenty years in prison and a fine of $10,000. More than two thousand cases were filed by the government under the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918, and of these more than one thousand ended in convictions.

The Supreme Court upheld the convictions of many of the individuals prosecuted. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. established the “clear and present danger” test in Schenck v. United States (1919). In upholding Socialist Charles Schenck’s conviction, Justice Holmes wrote that “the most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic.” The Court also unanimously upheld convictions in Debs v. United States (1919) and Frohwerk v. United States (1919).

In Abrams v. United States (1919), the Court reviewed the conviction under the act of Jacob Abrams, who, along with four other Russian defendants, was prosecuted for printing and distributing leaflets calling for workers to strike in an effort to end military involvement in the Soviet Union. The Court in late 1919 upheld the conviction.

However, in this instance Holmes, along with Justice Louis D. Brandeis, dissented from the majority, arguing that the “clear and present danger” test was not met under the circumstances arising in the case. Specifically, Holmes felt that Abrams had not possessed the necessary intent to harm the U.S. war effort. In contrast to his majority opinion in Schenck, Holmes’s dissenting opinion in Abrams urged that political speech be protected under the First Amendment.

The Sedition Act of 1918 was repealed in 1920, although many parts of the original Espionage Act remained in force.

Hope this helps, have a nice day/night! :D

What is the significance of the naval race between Germany and Great Britain​


The naval race between Germany and Great Britain between 1906 and 1914 created huge friction between both nations and it is seen as one of the causes of World War One. In 1906, Britain launched the first dreadnought – a ship that meant all others were redundant before its awesome fire power.

*8. Gandhi makes a radio speech heard by millions. He makes 3 main points: (1) Promote Hindu Muslim
unity; (2) Get rid of personal anger; (3) Defy the British. Explain why each of these points was important to
Gandhi's goals.



Gandhi proposes that the British leave India and grant them their Independence. Gandhi makes a radio speech heard by millions. He makes 3 main points: (1) Promote Hindu-Muslim unity; (2) Get rid of personal anger; (3) Defy the British. ... A unified India would not be able to be control by England.


What was Washington’s final decision on the national bank



Washington sided with Hamilton's argument and signed the Bank Bill into law on February 25, 1791. The debate over the National Bank ultimately fractured the government into the first political parties, the Democratic-Republicans led by Jefferson and Madison and the Federalist led by Hamilton


List 3 interesting facts about life in a Totalitarian society.



Totalitarian society are society that basically allows only single political party to control the affairs therein.

The three interesting fact about the society includes:

* The practice of a totalitarian society started in the modern world. The practice seems like Authoritarian but it is quite different.

* The society leadership are often addressed as authoritarian.

* The economy of totalitarian society are control by the leader, thusm it is termed a command economy.



Totalitarian regimes are often characterized by extreme political repression, to a greater extent than those of authoritarian regimes, under an undemocratic government, widespread personality cultism around the person or the group which is in power, absolute control over the economy, large-scale censorship and mass .


What does Austin Seward mean by “with no hope of release this side of the grave”?




I don't know what exactly he is referring to. But I  do know what he means.

He means there is not a chance of being released this side (meaning while he lives) of the grave.

Maybe he will get a release when he dies, but there is no hope of it while he is alive (this side of the grave.)

Hi people if know American history well that's great,
I want to know when did Monica Lewinsky start working at the Whitehouse as an intern thanks


Answer: Hi! I believe she began her employment at the white house in 1995 as an intern in the Chief of Staff office before making it her actual job. :)


What was one reason for the growth of industries?



More efficient technologies


Hope this helpss!

Why did medicine occur at the time period in ancient china? Why did Egypt and china develop this concept for the time period?



the origin of Chinese medicine emerged in the shamanistic era of the Shang dynasty period ( 1766 to 1122 BC). during this time the religious deity was called Shang Di who was believed to live in heaven in an imperial court accompanied by dead ancestors.

Study the following quote. Then answer the question that follows. "I challenge the warmest advocate for reconciliation to show a single advantage that this continent can reap by being connected with Great Britain. ... Our corn will fetch its price in any market in Europe." This quote from Thomas Paine's Common Sense

A: argues that ties to Great Britain are essential to maintain prices for corn grown in the colonies

B: states that breaking away is a good idea as long as they continue to trade with Great Britain

C: challenges those who wish to break away from Great Britain to find other countries to trade with

D: reassures colonial farmers that they can earn a profit from their goods without Great Britain's help​


Wants complete independence from




What were President Eisenhower's aims in the Vietnam war?


Answer: He wanted to invest huge sums of money and prestige in transforming South Vietnam into a showcase of a new “free Asia.” Spending billions of dollars



To invest huge sums of money prestige in transforming South Vietnam into a showcase a new free Asia.

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