What two forms do steroids come in ? O a. Groves and Liquid O b. Tablets and Liquids O c. Wheat and Tablets​


Answer 1


The answer is B


because in stores they are usually sold in tablet form or liquids, that goes for most pills

Related Questions

Which of the following might be the best option for providing an entertaining and engaging exercise?

A. A collection of healthy recipes to keep your diet on track
B. A medical device to check blood pressure or glucose
C. An activity tracking tool that you wear on your wrist
D. A web-based app featuring high-intensity workouts​



C. An activity tracking tool that you wear on your wrist.


A is only for diet not excercise and probably wouldn't be too entertaining.

B is only for blood pressure and glucose and would not be very entertaining or engaging.

C could be entertaining and engaging because usually things like these have little mile markers and badges if you complete certain excercises.

D could also possibly be entertaining and engaging since apps like that are similar to C but it is only for high intensity workouts.

Therefore C is probably the best answer.

An activity tracking tool that you wear on your wrist might be the best option for providing an entertaining and engaging exercise.

What are the advantages of activity tracking tool?Keeps a record of your progressEnhances your fitness programActs like a Trainer and advice for free workoutsIt aids in the setting of attainable objectives.Keep an eye on your healthAn easy-to-use fitness tracker interfaceIt help you in accepting daily fitness challenges and stay motivated

Hence a activity tracking tool is the best option for providing an entertaining and engaging exercise and will cover all prospects of good health.

learn more about activity tracking tool here:



Compare the ways in which cliques and gangs are alike.



a clique and a gang are alike because they are both a group of people with goal but they just have different goals.


Different Between Home and community​



home is a place where we live with family and community is a place where we live with many people with harmony and peace and in family we have less members and In community we have many members

What is the calculation to determine your maximal heart rate?



You can estimate your maximum heart rate based on your age. To estimate your maximum age-related heart rate, subtract your age from 220. For example, for a 50-year-old person, the estimated maximum age-related heart rate would be calculated as 220 – 50 years = 170 beats per minute (bpm).


Hope this helps!

Can I have a Brainliest

Describe the health risks associated with dietary supplements and anabolic steroids.


Well vitamin a can hurt you by headaches, liver damage and birth defects. Anabolic steroids also have similar health risks such as liver damage but also include high blood pressure and kidney problems.
Hope this helps.
There’s a lot such as liver damage and more damage to your body make sure to check in with your doctor before using

What sequence of events occurs in the female reproduction tract during menstruation?

1. Hormones signal the lining of the Uterus to break down; it sloughs off and passes out of the body; later the uterine lining begins to thicken and start the process over again.
B. Hormones signal the lining of the uterus to thicken; this thickened lining process bleeding know as menstrual flow.
C. An egg is released from the ovary causing a bloody discharge; if sperm are present the egg may be fertilized in the uterus and implant in the Fallopian tube.
D. An egg is released from the ovary; it travels down the Fallopian tube to the uterus, where it implants; if sperm are present, a pregnancy begins.


d. an egg is released from the ovary; it travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it implants; if speed are present, a pregnancy begins.

Everyone knows that it is important to be fit throughout our lives, yet many people still make unhealthy choices. You are concerned that your parents are living a lifestyle that is putting them at risk for illnesses associated with aging. You know that many of these illnesses can be reduced or even prevented with a healthy lifestyle. Because you care about your parents, you are planning on having a discussion with them to explain the health risks associated with their current lifestyle and to encourage them to embrace a healthy lifestyle. What will you say to them?



I would personally tell them to reduce on the bad habits they are portraying because some people in hospital went through what they are going through and that's why they are in hospital.so I would emphasize on them changing.and would tell them to cut off on taking in things that are not good for there bodies and instead replace them with foods that are tasty but less harmful.

I hope this helps

Apart from medicinal purposes, are there any other positive uses of drugs?



hi vọng là nó không có gì là lạ đâu

Which is one method for detecting cancer?


doing proper self-exams


taking chemotherapy

Explanation: i hope it's one of the options, so sorry if its not

Please answer the following true or false questions. Don't answer if you don't know.

Animals provide a means to test and understand various disease germs. t/f

Viruses are unable to reproduce outside a living cell.t/f

All fungi are unicellular. t/f

Chlostridium tetani thrives near the surface of the skin. t/f

Doctors have identified a single virus as the cause of the common cold.t/f

Thank you


The first one is true. Without animals, we wouldn't understand how various diseases are beneficial to some and harmful to others.

The second is true. Viruses are parasite, so they require a host (bacteria) to inject their DNA in.

the third is false. Tetanus can only develop once they the bacteria get through the skin.

The third one is false. There are more than one

You arrived on scene at a local restaurant, where you encounter a highly agitated combat veteran who is yelling at patrons. Given the public nature of the scene and the patient's known history of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which statement indicates appropriate initial management of the situation



​"Let me see if I can establish a rapport and calm​ him."

Luca is thinking about joining a game because of a challenge in his family environment which situation most likely his decision decision




He feels hopeless about life and his future

Describe the pathway of air when you inhale and the action of the diaphragm.



When you breathe in, the diaphragm moves downward toward the abdomen, and the rib muscles pull the ribs upward and outward. This makes the chest cavity bigger and pulls air through the nose or mouth into the lungs.

Factors that influence physical fitness include heredity, behavior, and environment.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



Heredity influences several factors that contribute to fitness, such as body size and muscle fiber composition. Whether we are tall or short is determined by heredity. The percentage of slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers found in skeletal muscle is determined genetically.




Match each child care with it's disadvantage



is this a true or false question or? what are the choices and ill get back to you


can someone make a slogan for a fitness company? it only has to be, like, one sentence. I need to think of one but I'm having a hard time thinking of one lol.



Lift Today, shape yourself tomorrow.

You have to hustle if you want muscle

(sorry if they are cringey lol)


write a dialouges of two friends about health and related issue​




team work makes the dream work

Which of the following is NOT considered a barrier to healthy food choices?

A. Your menu preference at a restaurant is fried chicken tenders and fries.
B. Your family cannot afford many fresh groceries.
C. Your mom works 60 hours per week and cannot cook.
D. Your school does not offer fruits and vegetables each day.​



I think the answer is A! Sorry if I got it wrong!

The option that is not considered a barrier to healthy food choices is that Your school does not offer fruits and vegetables each day.. That is option D.

What are barrier to healthy food choices?

Barriers to healthy food choices are those factors that affect the type of food that an individual takes.

These factors include the following:

lack of time and competing priorities,

cost of healthy food,

adjusting habits to favor a healthier diet, and

geographic isolation.

Being a student of a school may not give you the opportunity to eat fruits and vegetables each day but for some days.

Therefore, the option that is not considered a barrier to healthy food choices is that Your school does not offer fruits and vegetables each day.

Learn more about food choices here:


Which of the following is true of smoking tobacco of any kind?

A. It results in more frequent headaches and shortness of breath.
B. It causes cancer of the lungs but not cancer of any other organs.
C. It contains tar but not any other known chemicals or carcinogens.
D. It is not as addictive as other known drugs commonly smoked.​


Answer : D Explanation Just did it

Tobacco is an addictive substance that can be administered by chewing and smoking that generally cause headaches and shortness of breath. Thus option A is correct.

What is the effect of smoking tobacco?

Smoking tobacco is injurious to health due to the presence of lots of carcinogens which cause cancer of the colon, bladder, lungs, etc. This causes addiction along with several other diseases like headache, emphysema, and bronchitis.

Smoking's direct effect is seen in the lungs and blood circulatory system causing shortness of breath and headaches. So option A is true.

Learn more about emphysema, here:



In what way is the pulmonary artery different from the other?​



Arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart, while veins carry oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart. ... The pulmonary veins transport oxygenated blood back to the heart from the lungs, while the pulmonary arteries move deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs.)

Que es la resistencia aerobica?


Answer: YO BRO


Insert a word, phrase, or number in each blank to complete the following sentences



1. nucleus

2. 46

3. 23

4. Genes


6. nucleotides

7. the DNA sequence

8. 23

9. 46

10. 23



im not sure what 5 and 11 are sorry but hope theses help

explain briefly what a 'disiocated bone" is.



a bone that is not in the correct place

ends of your bones (the joints) are forced from their normal positions

if we eat in Apple then what will be happen ​



Apples are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, all of which benefit health. They also provide an array of antioxidants . These substances help neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are reactive molecules that can build up as a result of natural processes and environmental pressures.

apple a day keep the doctor away, no its a solid fruit fruit is good for health and good health equals no death

_____is the science of food, the nutrients in foods
and how the body uses those nutrients.



is it nutrient


that's a word that fit with the sentence

The above answer is correct

people living in hot climate bear more children give reason why

urgent ​



Climate change has begun to change our world in unprecedented

ways. We are already witnessing increasingly frequent and severe

floods, droughts and changes in precipitation as well as heat and

water stress. These phenomena are having, and will continue to

have, a devastating impact on living conditions in many parts of the

world, particularly where many of the world’s poorest and most

vulnerable children live.

Children will suffer disproportionately from climate change and

growing environmental risks:

• The youngest will have to contend with the immediate and

life-threatening dangers of climate-related disasters, food

insecurity, rising air pollution, increased risk of vector-borne

diseases, acute respiratory infections, diarrhoeal diseases and

malnutrition.1,2 Evidence is increasingly showing that these

risks can have a markedly detrimental impact on a child’s early


• Children, especially young children, live their lives at a faster

pace than adults. Consequently, anything harmful in the

environment is bound to have a relatively greater impact on

them. For example, young children breathe at twice the rate

of adults. In polluted environments, their risk of respiratory

infections, such as pneumonia, or conditions such as asthma,

is likely to be far higher than for adults.5, 6, 7

• Children’s vulnerability to vector-borne diseases such as

dengue, malaria, and diseases associated with poor water

quality, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene practices, such

as diarrhoeal diseases, is also far higher than adults. In 2015,

malaria is estimated to lead to 438,000 deaths, of which more

than two-thirds are children under 5 years of age.8 Children are

also more susceptible to undernutrition. Diarrhoeal diseases

are a major cause of under-five mortality, and are estimated to

result in 530,000 deaths in 2015 alone.9

• Some of the most dense child population areas in the world

are likely to suffer significantly from flooding, drought and

water and heat stress. These include parts of South Asia,

particularly coastal South Asia and south of the Himalayas;

the Mekong Delta; the Nile river basin; the Pacific Islands and

other Small Island Developing States (SIDS) across the world;

Equatorial Africa; and the Pacific coast of Latin America. Due

to several major global trends, including demographic and

migration trends, more and more people are living in disaster-

prone areas and exposed to weather extremes.10 Those

with the highest exposure to climate risks are also likely to

experience repetitive crises, which also makes it more difficult

for poor families and children to recover. Even without climate

change, the challenges ahead would stand to be enormous;

climate change will significantly compound these challenges.

• Children, particularly young children are reliant on adults for

their survival and development: whatever happens to adults

often has a devastating impact on children too. Besides the

direct risks of climate change, children are also affected when

climate change hits their parents and other caregivers, such

as loss of livelihoods and crop productivity. Moreover, when

climate change sparks conflict over dwindling resources,

children again pay the price for adults’ actions.

Today’s children will live longer than most of the people

who read this report. The impacts of climate change are

only just beginning, and will likely continue to worsen over

the lifetime of todays children, and future generations.

The decisions made now will have greatest impact on our


The number of children potentially exposed to climate risks and

their effects is alarming. Currently, over half a billion 7children are

living in areas with extremely high levels of flood occurrence, and

nearly 160 million live in areas of high or extremely high drought

severity. Most of them live in some of the world’s poorest

countries with the least capacity to manage these environmental


Strengthening the resilience of the poorest children and families

to not only absorb these changes, but also adapt and transform,

will be critical. It will also require, as part of these efforts, that

we address the profound social and economic inequities that

drive the ways in which many children will be so deeply impacted

by the climate crisis.


May be it has been long answer. you can summary the answer and write it.

So i've been up all night, how does staying up all night and getting no sleep effect the human body? Regarding energy of course.




A man is overweight and wants to improve his cardiovascular endurance.

Why is this important to his health?

It can help the man raise his LDL cholesterol and lower his cardiac output.

It can help the man lower his VO2 max and his anaerobic threshold.

It can help the man increase sarcopenia and lower the rate of bone remodeling.

It can help the man lose weight and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.




During the inflammatory process_______destroy pathogens

O A tears
O B phagocytes
Ос. Іymphocytes
D. cilia



B. Phagocytes


Phagocytosis is a process which uses phagocytes to help ingest bacteria. It’s followed by inflammatory activation which promotes pathogen elimination. Putting two and two together, phagocytes are what destroy pathogens during the inflammatory process.

Which of the following is the best example of something businesses can do to encourage individuals to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

A. Advertise the ingredients in all processed food products so consumers can be informed about the food they choose.
B. Choose healthy foods, if they are available, when you are at school, work, or otherwise away from home.
C. Discourage the advertisement and sale of high-fat, high-sugar food options at all youth events and schools.
D. Exercise regularly, ideally, 60 minutes a day for teenagers or a total of 150 minutes a week for adults, at minimum.​



It is a battle between A and D but A would be theoretically correct.


if a person is told to get into shape the first thought they would think is "oh I should do something physical like running or going to the gym" But in that moment the idea of physical activity has over driven the person and the idea of a healthy diet does not come into perspective.  So the way to advertise something is to make some one think or realize some thing that could improve there life instead of the simple thing they are doing already so mentioning food would be best. But mentioning the ingredients involved in the food you are convincing your audience to eat would be the best option to pick.

The best example of something businesses can do to encourage individuals to maintain a healthy lifestyle is Discourage the advertisement and sale of high-fat, high-sugar food options at all youth events and schools. The correct option is C.

Of the options provided, discouraging the advertisement and sale of high-fat, high-sugar food options at youth events and schools is likely the best example of something businesses can do to encourage individuals to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This action not only helps create a healthier food environment for young individuals but also sends a positive message about promoting nutritious choices.

While all the options listed have their merits in promoting a healthy lifestyle, option C specifically targets a vulnerable demographic—youth—and focuses on reducing exposure to unhealthy food options in environments where children and teenagers spend a significant amount of time.

To know more about healthy lifestyle:



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