What type of program allows a user to copy or back up selected files or an entire hard disk to another storage medium?


Answer 1


backup utility


Related Questions

1110011*110011 binary multiplication







You have to multiply them normally and then add then in a binary manner..

Remember these are binary numbers ( 1+1=0,

1+0=1, 0+0=0)

When performing actions between your computer and one that is infected with a virus, what is the best protocol offering No risk of your computer getting infected?



sharing removable disks with an infected computer

Write a function called changeCharacter that takes three parameters – a character array, its size, and the replacement character – to change every third character in the array to its replacement character

(C++ coding)


Method explanation:

Defining a method "changeCharacter" that takes three parameters that are "character array", and two integer variable "s, k" in its parameters.Inside the method, a for loop is declared that takes array value and defines a conditional statement that checks the 3rd character value in the array, is used to the array that holds its key-value.Please find the full program in the attachment.

Method description:

void changeCharacter(char* ar, int s, int k)//defining a method changeCharacter that takes three parameters


  for(int j = 1; ar[j]!='\0'; j++)//defining a for loop for 3rd character value in array  


      if(j%3== 0)//use if block that check 3rd character value in array  


          ar[j-1] = k; //Changing the 3rd character in array




Learn more:

Program: brainly.com/question/12975989

Polymorphism with Stores - PYTHON
The goal of this program is to create classes that represent to a certain degree different types of stores in real life and the information tracked and services provided by these stores. In order to accomplish this the following required classes have to be created:
I. Create a file called store.py which contains an abstract class called Store which is made up of the following:
o Store name
o Store address
Store availability/status (open or closed)
o Sales tax percentage Functions/Functionality
o Constructor which provides the ability to pass and set the values for the various attributes
Getter and setters for all the attributes mentioned above is_store_open should return True if the store is open and False if the store is closed
Abstract function called: calculate_total_sales_tax
o Abstract function called calculate_total_sales
II. Create a file called restaurant.py which contains a class called Restaurant which is type of Store. It should possess all the attributes and functions present in the Store class without having to re-implement those in the Restaurant class.
The Restaurant class is made up of the following:
o Total number of people served Max occupancy
o Current occupancy o Price per person Functions/Functionality
o Constructor which provides the ability to pass and set the values for the various attributes
seat_patrons should do the following: Take the number of people to be seated as input
Update the values of the appropriate attributes
If number of people to be seated does not exceed or equals the max occupancy
Print "Welcome to [replace with name of restaurant]"
• Return True If number of people to be seated exceeds the max occupancy
Print "We are at capacity, we appreciate your patience"
Return False
serve_patrons which should do the following:
Take the number of people to serve as input
Update the values of the appropriate attributes
Return the number of people being served currently
o checkout_patrons (this is when the patrons are ready to leave the restaurant) which should do the following:
Take the number of people leaving as input
Update the values of the appropriate attributes
Return the current occupancy of the restaurant
o Create a getter and setter for the attribute: Price per person
III. Create a file called grocery_store.py which contains a class called GroceryStore which is type of Store.
It should possess all the attributes and functions present in the Store class without having to re-implement those in the GroceryStore class.
The GroceryStore class is made up of the following:
o Total revenue
Grocery store type (independent or chain)
o Constructor which provides the ability to pass and set the values for the various attributes
sell_item which should do the following:
Takes the quantity and price of an item as input
Update the values of the appropriate attributes
Return the total revenue of the grocery store
o Create a getter and setter for the attribute: Grocery Store type
IV. Create a file called shopping.py which will make use of the above mentioned Restaurant and GroceryStore classes and call their various functions to simulate the actions which take place in real life restaurants and grocery stores in order to test your code.
Reminder: Do not forget to implement the two abstract functions specified in the Store class within each of the classes mentioned above



. Create a file called store.py which contains an abstract class called Store which is made up of the following:


o Store name

o Store address

Store availability/status (open or closed)

o Sales tax percentage Functions/Functionality

o Constructor which provides the ability to pass and set the values for the various attributes

Getter and setters for all the attributes mentioned above is_store_open should return True if the store is open and False if the store is closed

Abstract function called: calculate_total_sales_tax

o Abstract function called calculate_total_sales

Polymorphism is used in Python for a variety of purposes, most notably Duck Typing, Operator and Method overloading, and Method overriding, just like it is in other programming languages like Java and C++.

What role of Polymorphism is used in different program?

The + operator is used to execute arithmetic addition operations on integer data types. As a result, the procedure above produces 3. The + operator is also used to execute concatenation for string data types. The output of the aforementioned application is Python Programming.

The opposite of uniformity, polymorphism, is defined as having “various forms.” Overloading and overriding are two different approaches to implement this polymorphism.

Therefore,`Three types of polymorphism exist in object-oriented programming languages: subtype polymorphism, parametric polymorphism, and ad-hoc polymorphism.

Learn more about Polymorphism here:



You are interested in buying a laptop computer. Your list of considerations include the computer's speed in processing data, its weight, screen size and price. You consider a number of different models, and narrow your list based on its speed and monitor screen size, then finally select a model to buy based on its weight and price. In this decision, speed and monitor screen size are examples of:_______.
a. order winners.
b. the voice of the supplier.
c. the voice of the customer.
d. order qualifiers.


In this decision, speed and monitor screen size of a laptop are examples of a. order winners.

What is a laptop?

A laptop can be defined as a small, portable computer that is embedded with a keyboard and mousepad, and it is usually light enough to be placed on an end user's lap while he or she is using it to work.

What are order winners?

Order winners are can be defined as the aspects of a product that wins the heart of a customer over, so as to choose or select a product by a specific business firm. Some examples of order winners include the following:

SpeedMonitor screen sizePerformance

Read more on a laptop here: https://brainly.com/question/26021194

Please draw the dynamic array stack structure (you must mention the size and capacity at each step) after the following lines of code are executed. You should assume that the initial capacity is 2 and a resize doubles the capacity.

values = Stack()
for i in range( 16 ) :
if i % 3 == 0 :
values.push( i )
else if i % 4 == 0 :





Illustrate why sally's slide meets or does not not meet professional expectations?


Your missing info to solve this

write a programmimg code in c++ for school based grading system, the program should accept the subject in the number of students from a user and store their details in the array of type student(class) the student class you have:
1. number student name, index number remarks as variables of type string, marks as integer and grade as char.
2. avoid function called getData which is used to get student details
3. avoid function called calculate which will work on the marks and give the corresponding great and remarks as given below on
Marks 70-100 grade A remarks excellent Mark 60-69 Grade B remarks very good marks 50-59 grade C remarks pass maths 0-49 grade F remarks fail​



The program is as follows:

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Student{

string studName, indexNo, remarks; int marks;  char grade;


 void getData(){


     cout<<"ID: "; getline(cin,indexNo);

  cout<<"Name:"; getline(cin,studName);

  cout<<"Marks: ";cin>>marks;  }

 void calculate(){

  if(marks>=70 && marks<=100){

      remarks ="Excellent";       grade = 'A';   }

  else if(marks>=60 && marks<=69){

      remarks ="Very Good";       grade = 'B';   }

  else if(marks>=50 && marks<=59){

      remarks ="Pass";       grade = 'D';   }


      remarks ="Fail";       grade = 'F';   }

  cout << "Grade : " << grade << endl;

  cout << "Remark : " << remarks << endl;  }


int main(){

int numStudents;

cout<<"Number of students: "; cin>>numStudents;

Student students[numStudents];

for( int i=0; i<numStudents; i++ ) {

 cout << "Student " << i + 1 << endl;


 students[i].calculate(); }

return 0;}


This defines the student class

class Student{

This declares all variables

string studName, indexNo, remarks; int marks;  char grade;

This declares function getData()


 void getData(){


Prompt and get input for indexNo

     cout<<"ID: "; getline(cin,indexNo);

Prompt and get input for studName

  cout<<"Name:"; getline(cin,studName);

Prompt and get input for marks

  cout<<"Marks: ";cin>>marks;  }

This declares funcion calculate()

 void calculate(){

The following if conditions determine the remark and grade, respectively

  if(marks>=70 && marks<=100){

      remarks ="Excellent";       grade = 'A';   }

  else if(marks>=60 && marks<=69){

      remarks ="Very Good";       grade = 'B';   }

  else if(marks>=50 && marks<=59){

      remarks ="Pass";       grade = 'D';   }


      remarks ="Fail";       grade = 'F';   }

This prints the grade

  cout << "Grade : " << grade << endl;

This prints the remark

  cout << "Remark : " << remarks << endl;  }


The main begins here

int main(){

This declares number of students as integer

int numStudents;

Prompt and get input for number of students

cout<<"Number of students: "; cin>>numStudents;

This calls the student object to declare array students

Student students[numStudents];

This is repeated for all students

for( int i=0; i<numStudents; i++ ) {

Print number

 cout << "Student " << i + 1 << endl;

Call function to get data


Call function to calculate

 students[i].calculate(); }

return 0;}

Over-activity on LinkedIn?



Being over-enthusiastic and crossing the line always get you in trouble even if you’re using the best LinkedIn automation tool in the world.  

When you try to hit the jackpot over the night and send thousands of connection requests in 24 hours, LinkedIn will know you’re using bots or tools and they will block you, temporarily or permanently.    

This is clearly against the rules of LinkedIn. It cracks down against all spammers because spamming is a big ‘NO’ on LinkedIn.    

What people do is that they send thousands of connection requests and that too with the same old spammy templates, “I see we have many common connections, I’d like to add you to my network.”    

It will only create spam.    

The LinkedIn algorithm is very advanced and it can easily detect that you’re using a bot or LinkedIn automation tool and you’ll be called out on it.

Write a program that prompts the user to input an integer that represents cents. The program will then calculate the smallest combination of coins that the user has. For example, 27 cents is 1 quarter, 0 nickel, and 2 pennies. That is 27=1*25+0*5+2*1.
Example program run 1:
Enter number of cents: 185
Pennies: 0
Nickels: 0
Dimes: 1
Quarters: 7
Example program run 2:
Enter number of cents: 67
Pennies: 2
Nickels: 1
Dimes: 1



The program in Python is as follows:

cents = int(input("Cents: "))

qtr = int(cents/25)

cents = cents - qtr * 25

dms = int(cents/10)

cents = cents - dms * 10

nkl = int(cents/5)

pny = cents - nkl * 5

print("Pennies: ",pny)

print("Nickels: ",nkl)

print("Dimes: ",dms)

print("Quarters: ",qtr)


The program in Python is as follows:

cents = int(input("Cents: "))

This calculate the number of quarters

qtr = int(cents/25)

This gets the remaining cents

cents = cents - qtr * 25

This calculates the number of dimes

dms = int(cents/10)

This gets the remaining cents

cents = cents - dms * 10

This calculates the number of nickels

nkl = int(cents/5)

This calculates the number of pennies

pny = cents - nkl * 5

The next 4 lines print the required output

print("Pennies: ",pny)

print("Nickels: ",nkl)

print("Dimes: ",dms)

print("Quarters: ",qtr)

write the
Text can be celected using
2 A mouse
device of
3 Scrolls bars are
buttons which assist
upwards downwards
sideways to





these are instructions to a question?

Write a recursive function stringReverse that takes a string and a starting subscript as arguments, prints the string backward and returns nothing. The function should stop processing and return when the end of the string is encountered. Note that like an array, the square brackets ( [ ] ) operator can be used to iterate through the characters in a string.



void stringReverse(string s, int start){










with the aid of examples explain the differences between open source software and licensed software​




Source is when a company go no limits to run the software but can easily be taken done by a complaint or two or a bug while a licensed it a protected version of the software.

Write a program that reads a list of 10 integers, and outputs those integers in reverse. For coding simplicity, follow each output integer by a space, including the last one. Then, output a newline. coral


def reverse_list (num_list):


if num_list.isdigit() == True:

return num_list[::-1]

elif num_list < 0:

return "Negative numbers aren't allowed!"

except ValueError:

return "Invalid input!"

user_list = list (int (input ("Please enter ten random positive numbers: " )))

print (reverse_list (user_list))

You are the network administrator for the ABC Company. Your network consists of two DNS servers named DNS1 and DNS2. The users who are configured to use DNS2 complain because they are unable to connect to internet websites. The following shows the configuration of both servers:

Server Configurations:

DNS1: _msdcs.abc.comabc.com
DNS2: .(root)_msdcs.abc.comabc.com

The users connected to DNS2 need to be able to access the internet. What should be done?



ABC Company

The action to take is to:

Delete the .(root) zone from the DNS2.  Then configure conditional forwarding on the DNS2 server.  If this is not done, the users will be unable to access the internet.


DNS forwarding enables DNS queries to be forwarded to a designated server, say DNS2, for resolution according to the DNS domain name.  This stops the initial server, DNS1, that was contacted by the client from handling the query, thereby improving the network's performance and resilience and enabling the users to be connected to the DNS2 in order to access the internet.

python is an example of a low level programming language true or false?​


False- python is an example of a high level language. Other high levels are c++, PHP, and Java

please give me correct answer

please give me very short answer​



1.A table is a range of data that is defined and named in a particular way.

2.Table tools and layout

3.In insert tab Select the table and select the number of rows and colums

4.Split cell is use to split the data of a cell.Merge cell is used to combine a row or column of cells.

5.Select the cell and click down arrow next to the border button.

tinh S(n) = 1+2+3+.....+n





[tex]\sum_{k=0}^{k=n} k = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}\\[/tex]

look up the derivation by Srinivasa Ramanujan for a formal proof.

The basic idea behind DNSSEC is a. providing name resolution from a hostname to an IP address b. ensuring that only local authoritative nameservers have the authorization to contact nameservers higher in the hierarchy (i.e., TLD nameservers, root nameservers) c. encrypting each DNS response so that it cannot be read by a third-party d. authenticating that the data received in a DNS response is the same as what was entered by the zone administrator (i.e., the response has not been tampered with)



authenticating that the data received in a DNS response is the same as what was entered by the zone administrator

Write an algorithm to solve general formula? ​





simple math cause of that bubye

] Write a Java program to build an integer HashSet from scratch without using any built-in hash libraries. Your program should include these functions: a. insert (value): Insert any integer of your choice into the HashSet. b. contains(value) : Check the HashSet for the "value". Return "True" if the particular integer exists in the HashSet else return "Hey Nothing there".




The program was written in Java, it created the HashSet and the two seperate functions. Each of the functions uses the created HashSet and input values from the user to perform the appropriate actions on the HashSet. While also returning or printing the values if needed. The program has been tested and can be seen in the attached image below. Due to technical difficulties I have added the code as a txt file below as well.

outline three difference each of a raster filled and vector file​



Unlike raster graphics, which are comprised of colored pixels arranged to display an image, vector graphics are made up of paths, each with a mathematical formula (vector) that tells the path how it is shaped and what color it is bordered with or filled by.


what do you mean by hardware and software?



I think the above information will help you a lot.

Have a nice day.

Please read the screen shot brainly is not letting me write the whole thing

Suppose a Huffman tree is to be built for 5 characters. Give a set of 5 characters, and their distinct probabilities (no duplicates), that would result in the tallest possible tree. Show the tree. Derive the average code length: write the expression, you don't have to simplify it down to a single value.


I love chipotle do you live chipotle

Describe how tuples can be useful with loops over lists and dictionaries,
and give Python code examples.
Create your own code examples. Do not copy them from the textbook or any other source.
Your descriptions and examples should include the following: the zip function, the enumerate function, and the items method.



what is computer

what is simple machine

what is output device

Why Do You Need to Set Goals for a LinkedIn Automation Campaign?



Some users are simply eager to use LinkedIn automation to run campaigns because they believe these tools would do some magic and they’d hit a jackpot over the night.

They don’t set any goals or take any necessary steps before starting and then complain about campaign failure.

Write a program that uses linear recursion to generate a copy of an original collection in which the copy contains duplicates of every item in the original collection. Using linear recursion, implement a function that takes a list as user-supplied runtime input and returns a copy of it in which every list item has been duplicated. Given an empty list the function returns the base case of an empty list.


Answer: b


Program using linear recursion to duplicate items in a list:

def duplicate_list(lst):

   if not lst:

       return []


       return [lst[0], lst[0]] + duplicate_list(lst[1:])

# Example usage

user_input = input("Enter a list of items: ").split()

original_list = [item for item in user_input]

duplicated_list = duplicate_list(original_list)

print("Duplicated list:", duplicated_list)

How can a program use linear recursion to duplicate items in a list?

By implementing a function that utilizes linear recursion, we can create a copy of an original list with duplicated items. The function duplicate_list takes a list lst as input and checks if it is empty. If the list is empty, it returns an empty list as the base case.

Otherwise, it combines the first item of the list with itself and recursively calls the function with the remaining items (lst[1:]). The duplicated items are added to the resulting list. This process continues until all items in the original list have been duplicated and the duplicated list is returned.

Read more about linear recursion



Give minimum computers configuration that can be used by a law firm.​



Processor: Intel i3, i5, or i7 processor or equivalent. Memory: 8 GB or more. Hard Disk Storage: 500 GB or more. Display: 13-inch or larger.


The lowest computers configuration that can be used are:

Operating System: such as MacOS 10.14. Windows 10 or higher version.Processor: such as Intel i3, i5, or i7 processor or others.Memory: 8 GB and more.Hard Disk Storage: 500 GB and more.Display: such as 13-inch or more.

What is  Configuration of a system?

This is known to be the ways that the parts are said to be arranged to compose of the computer system.

Note that in the above case, The lowest computers configuration that can be used are:

Operating System: such as MacOS 10.14. Windows 10 or higher version.Processor: such as Intel i3, i5, or i7 processor or others.Memory: 8 GB and more.Hard Disk Storage: 500 GB and more.Display: such as 13-inch or more.

Learn more about computers from



different types of computer and state the major difference between them​



computers system may be classified according to their size.

four types of computers are;

microcomputers / personal computers- micro computers are also called personal computers which is PC this computer came in different shapes size and colors. a personal computers are designed to be used by one person at a time.

some examples of the computer are;

laptopdesktopa palmtopa work station

2. mini computers- mini computers are sometimes called mid-range computers which are more powerful than microcomputers and can support a number of users performing different tasks, they were originally developed to perform specific tasks such as engineering calculations.

3. Mainframe computers- Mainframe computers are larger systems that can handle numberous users, store large amounts of data and process transaction at a high rate. these computers are expensive and powerful.

4. super computers- super computers are the most largest, fastest and most powerful computer. this systems are able to process hundreds of million of instructions per second they are used for job requiring and long complex calculation.

3. Using Assume the following list of keys: 36, 55, 89, 95, 65, 75, 13, 62, 86, 9, 23, 74, 2, 100, 98 This list is to be sorted using the quick sort algorithm as discussed in this chapter. Use pivot as the middle element of the list. a. Give the resulting list after one call to the function partition. b. What is the size of the list that the function partition partitioned



a. 36, 55, 13, 9, 23, 2, 62, 86, 95, 65,74, 75, 100, 98, 89

b. 15


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