What was Genghis Khan’s policy about other religions in the Mongol Empire?

He required other religions to view him as a god.
He allowed followers of other religions to worship freely.
He adopted the religion of conquered peoples as his own.
He forced everyone throughout the empire to accept Mongol religion.


Answer 1

The answer is B, he allowed them to believe in what they wish so long as they respected their Mongol rulers.

Hope this helps!

Answer 2


He allowed followers of other religions to worship freely.


Related Questions

Why do you think traditional gender roles were reinforced during the early years of
the Cold War?


Answer: chiếm lĩnh mạnh mẽ, tin tưởng và có sức mạnh


Well a woman couldn’t go to war since during that time period a woman’s roll was to stay home and care for the home and child if Their was one

When a historian uses the skill of corroboration he or she



Corroboration is the action of double checking information from one source, and searching for different sources, this is done in several social sciences, like history, sociology, anthroplogy, and in journalism, to chech te veracity of information that we have from a source.

which heading best completes the partial outline?

A)Causes of the Russo-Japanese War

B) outcome of the Congress of Vienna

C) results of the Versailles treaty

D) effects of the Bolshevik revolution





I think its D and good luck on that final bro

Which of these is the most likely outcome of a financial crisis?
A. Lower unemployment
B. More businesses failing
C. Fewer foreclosures
D. Greater company profits



B More Buisness failing


it is the only negative one


more business falling,

when there is no financial crisis more business are even falling talk less of when there's no financial crisis in a country

Which powers are given directly to the people or the states? O implied O reserved O concurrent O expressed​


the answer is ( reserved )

Reserved powers are given directly to the people or the states.

What are  reserved power?

This is known to be a kind of a special political authority. These powers are given directly to the people or the states.

The Reserved powers is also known as residual powers, or residuary powers. They are the powers that are said to be allowed by law to any type of government.

Learn more about Reserved powers from


What was one of President Wilson's Fourteen Points?



hope this helps you


The 14 points included proposals to ensure world peace in the future: open agreements, arms reductions, freedom of the seas, free trade, and self-determination for oppressed minorities.Wilson later suggested that there would be another world war within a generation if the U.S. failed to join the League.

The growing support for civil rights following World War II led countries to begin promoting: A. access to the global community. O B. pride in national identities. O C. rapid economic growth. D. equality for citizens of all races.​



D. equality for citizens of all races


The growing support for civil rights led many countries to begin promoting equality for all citizens. Many countries promoted equality based on basic rights rather than being treated differently based on ethnic groups, race, colour, or religion. The civil rights movement took place during the 1950s and 1960s in the United States. It was a movement for social justice for African Americans to obtain equal rights.

A major effect of the agricultural revolution was



The increase in agricultural production and technological advancements during the Agricultural Revolution contributed to unprecedented population growth and new agricultural practices, triggering such phenomena as rural-to-urban migration, development of a coherent and loosely regulated agricultural market.



a major effect of the agricultural revolution was

...What's the Magna Carta?​



Magna Carta, English Great Charter, charter of English liberties granted by King John on June 15, 1215, under threat of civil war and reissued, with alterations, in 1216, 1217, and 1225. By declaring the sovereign to be subject to the rule of law and documenting the liberties held by “free men,” the Magna Carta provided the foundation for individual rights in Anglo-American jurisprudence.

Stenton, Doris Mary. "Magna Carta". Encyclopedia Britannica, 11 Feb. 2021, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Magna-Carta. Accessed 27 June 2021.

Magna Carta, which means 'The Great Charter', is one of the most important documents in history as it established the principle that everyone is subject to the law, even the king, and guarantees the rights of individuals, the right to justice and the right to a fair trial.Feb 2, 2015

Which is true of the 1912 presidential election?



Democratic Governor Woodrow Wilson unseated incumbent Republican President William Howard Taft and defeated former President Theodore Roosevelt, who ran under the banner of the new Progressive or "Bull Moose" Party. The Socialist Party renominated its perennial standard-bearer, Eugene V. Debs.

What was the immediate impact of the 1939 German and Soviet invasion of Poland?
A. The United States declared war on Germany but did not send troops
B. Great Britain and France declared war on Germany but not on the Soviet Union
C. Germany conquered all of Poland but provoked a war with the Soviet Union
D. Japan, Italy, Germany formed an alliance but did not offer one another military aid.



A) The United States declared war on Germany but did not send troops.


The period of war following the invasion of Poland is referred to as the "Phony War", because the Allies declared war, but there was very little actual action until the Germans invaded France and the Low Countries in the whole of Western Europe.


Great Britain and france declared war on germany but not on the soviet union


At the end of World War Il, there was only one superpower. Who was it?
O Red China
O United States
• Soviet Union
O Great Britain


***the United States***

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 which ended the Cold War, the post–Cold War world has in the past been considered by some to be a unipolar world, with the United States as the world's sole remaining superpower.


O United States


At the end of World war two the united states had the only nuclear weapons in the world.

How are China's dams causing international consequences and questions over water rights?



China's water supply has been contaminated by the dumping of toxic human and industrial waste. Pollution-induced algae blooms cause the surface of China's lakes to turn a bright green, but greater problems may lurk beneath the surface; groundwater in 90 percent of China's cities is contaminated.Many times in these cases, the pollution is caused by chemical dumping from nearby factories. Dumping of industrial chemicals, agricultural waste, and urban wastewater has contaminated China's water resources such that over half of all rivers in the country are unsafe for human contact.China's sweeping campaign to cleanse filthy lakes and rivers has improved water quality in some regions — but dirty water still plagues parts of the country. China began tightening environmental rules in 2001, in an effort to cut water pollution emitted by cities, industrial facilities and farms.Dam construction has played significant roles in flood control, irrigation, navigation, and energy supply; however, the enormous negative effects, such as landslides, ecological problems, and water quality decline, could surpass positive gains.

How did art change in the Renaissance?
A. Religion became more important in art.
B. It became more Machiavellian.
C. It became much less secular.
D. People became more the focus of art.



it became much less secular


People Became More The Focus Of Art. Hope it helps *Brainliest please*


3. What powers did Hamilton think that
Congress should have?



He believe that congress can create a bank because the Constitution granted the federal government authority to do anything "necessary and proper" to carry out its constitutional functions.


Define the word socialism, please!



a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.



Socialism is a type of government that tries to spread wealth more evenly and make everyone equal.


Socialism is another way to govern a group, state or country (there is usually just a couple of people governing it). It focuses on mostly economy (the part of the society that creates wealth).

The #1 goal of socialism is to spread wealth more evenly and to treat all people fairly. This might seem like a good idea at first, but very few people can be richer than others. People have had different ideas about how to create a socialist society, but most have agreed that the government, not individuals, should control at least some businesses and property.

Have a great day!


explain the impact of World War 1 on American civil liberties.


During World War I, the Woodrow Wilson administration took unprecedented steps to mobilize public support for the war. In addition to a massive government propaganda campaign, Congress passed laws designed to silence dissent. Newspapers were censored, politicians

were jailed, and mobs attacked those suspected of disloyalty. Some Americans organized to protest the erosion of democratic freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, a group of rights that they called "civil liberties." Thus, while democratic freedoms were undermined during World War I, public concern over these policies inspired the beginnings of a twentieth-century movement to guard the right of Americans to criticize their government, even when their country is at war.

When President Woodrow Wilson called on Congress to declare war on Germany in April 1917, the government faced a formidable task. Millions of young men had to be drafted, equipped, trained, and shipped an ocean away. To accomplish this in time to break the military stalemate on Europe's western front, Wilson demanded unprecedented powers to mobilize American society.

In addition to drafting men and directing the economy, Wilson took steps to control public opinion, encouraging patriotic support for the war effort. The task was made more urgent because Americans remained deeply divided about the conflict. When Germany invaded France in 1914, most Americans shared Wilson's desire to remain neutral. His reelection in 1916 was widely considered a vote for the man who "kept us out of war." When he declared war five months later, many Americans still opposed involvement. Some German immigrants remained sympathetic to their ancestral home; socialists thought the war was inspired by capitalist greed; and various religious sects opposed all war on principle. Considering national unity essential to military success, Wilson took steps to silence these critics, guarding American society from what he called "the poison of disloyalty."

why is a written constitution important


Because it states and gives rights and rules to people that are protected by a constitution. Is is the only one who has a constitution

Which of the following does not protect consumers?
O A. A boycott
O B. A recall
O C. Antitrust laws
O D. A warranty

Help please it’s economics



A boycott


because it is an act of non violent, voluntary and intentional abstention from using,buying , organization

is a type of government where the people elect leaders to run the government and make the
A democracy
В. republic
C monarchy
D aristocracy



A. Democracy


Democractic Society


A: Democracy


Former members of the Democratic-Republican Party, founded by influential Anti-Federalists such as Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, founded the Democratic Party in the early 1790s. The Whig Party and the modern Republican Party were formed by factions of the same Democratic-Republican Party. In the presidential election of 1828, Democrat Andrew Jackson defeated incumbent Federalist John Adams by a landslide, solidifying the party and establishing it as a long-lasting political force.

Hope this helps and if it does, don't be afraid to give my answer a "Thanks" and maybe a Brainliest if it's correct?  

4. There were many important results of the Civil War. Which do you think was the most important, and why?
Start typing here


Stopping slave holding

How did European imperialism change over the course of the 19th century?
A. European imperial powers gradually became more accepting of
different religions.
O B. European imperial powers began focusing on conquering territory
in Asia instead of Africa.
C. The number of European countries participating in imperialism
greatly increased.
O D. Scientific racism fell from favor as a justification for European






Which of the following was the "middle passage" in the triangular trade route of the colonists?
the transport of goods from Europe to Africa
O B.
the transport of weapons from England to America
O C.
the transport of slaves from Africa to America
O D.
the transport of tobacco from America to England
O E. the transport of indentured workers from Europe to America



C. the transport of slaves from Africa to America


This answer makes the most sense to me out of the five options.

The Triangular Trade, at least the way it was taught, started with Europe, then Africa, then the Americas, then back to Europe. If I understand the question correctly, this would make the trip from Africa to the Americas the "middle passage."

I am pretty sure it is #3 not sure though

Which route on the map did Vasco da Gama use in his search to a find new way to Asia?



vasco da gama went around africa to find the new way to asia.



he actually went around africa so the one that goes around africa


¿Por qué se produce la crisis de la monarquía española? ¿Cuál era la situación de España a fines del siglo XVIII y comienzos del siglo XIX?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

La crisis de la monarquía española se produce aproximadamente entrando al mes de marzo de 1808 debido a una revuelta debido a la situación política dentro del interior del palacio real. Conocida como el motín de Aranjuez, el rey Carlos IV se ve en la necesidad de abdicar al trono debido a la fuerte presión ejercida. El respaldo total es para su hijo, y es cuando Fernando VII se convierte en el nuevo rey de España.

La situación de España a fines del siglo XVIII y comienzos del siglo XIX era muy complicada. Los ejércitos franceses de Napoleón estaban estacionados en España y ejercían una fuerte presión en ese reino, al grado de que se consideró la posibilidad de que el rey de España tuviera que salir de Madrid para irse a refugiar a Sevilla, ante la constante amenaza del ejército francés. Finalmente, asumiría el poder José Bonaparte.

Which generalization best explains why Koreans made scientific advancements during the time period discussed in the excerpt above?

1.Scientific achievement is a central tenet of Buddhism

2.Korean Buddhists conquered civilizations that made technological breakthroughs

3.Other Buddhist civilizations shared technological innovations in addition to cultural ideas

4.The Chinese conquered Korea and brought their innovations with them



4. The Chinese conquered Korea and brought their innovations with them

Explanation:  my teacher explained it to us :D

The Chinese colonized Korea and carried their innovations with them, which is the greatest generalization that explains why Koreans made scientific achievements during that time period.

Thus, Option D is correct.

Is South Korea a technical powerhouse?

South Korea is also one of the most technologically advanced and digitally connected countries in the world.

With the third-highest number of broadband Internet users among OECD countries and a leading voice in electronics, video screens, semiconductor gadgets, and cellular phones.

To learn more about Korean scientific advancements refer to the link:



What was an affect of the us increase in production during World War II. It gave the allies the advantage to win the war



It allowed for the allied powers to be supplied and fully equipped during the entirety of the war as well as out producing the Germans and Japanese.


The Greeks sought out the disciple ______
because he had a Gentile name.






The Cold War was a time best characterized by
which word?


Because the Cold War marked a time period of geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union with its satellite states and the United States with its allies following World War II.

I hope this helps :]

Proposals for extending the United States school year to bring it more in line with its European and Japanese counterparts are often met with the objection that curtailing the schools' three month summer vacation would violate an established United States tradition dating from the nineteenth century. However, this objection misses its mark. True, in the nineteenth century the majority of schools closed for three months every summer, but only because they were in rural areas where successful harvests depended on children's labor. If any policy could be justified by those appeals to tradition, it would be the policy of determining the length of the school year according to the needs of the economy. The argument counters the objection by



The correct option is (C) arguing for an alternative understanding of the nature of the United States tradition regarding the length of the school year.


Note: This question is no complete as it does include the group of answer choices. The complete question is therefore provided before answering as follows:

Proposals for extending the United States school year to bring it more in line with its European and Japanese counterparts are often met with the objection that curtailing the schools' three month summer vacation would violate an established United States tradition dating from the nineteenth century. However, this objection misses its mark. True, in the nineteenth century the majority of schools closed for three months every summer, but only because they were in rural areas where successful harvests depended on children's labor. If any policy could be justified by those appeals to tradition, it would be the policy of determining the length of the school year according to the needs of the economy. The argument counters the objection by

The argument counters the objection by

(A) providing evidence to show that the objection relies on a misunderstanding about the amount of time each year United States schools traditionally have been closed

(B) calling into question the relevance of information about historical practices to current disputes about proposed social change

(C) arguing for an alternative understanding of the nature of the United States tradition regarding the length of the school year

(D) showing that those who oppose extending the school year have no genuine concern for tradition

(E) demonstrating that tradition justifies bringing the United States school year in line with that of the rest of the industrialized world.

Explanation of the answer is now provided by analyzing each of the options as follows:

(A) providing evidence to show that the objection relies on a misunderstanding about the amount of time each year United States schools traditionally have been closed

The time frame provided was, as far as we know, correct and accurate. Therefore, this option is out.

(B) calling into question the relevance of information about historical practices to current disputes about proposed social change

Inconsistent, which makes it tricky. The data used is accurate and pertinent to the topic. The data used is accurate and pertinent to the topic at hand. However, the error is the use of a parallelism between the practice of a tradition a century ago and the practice of the same tradition today that youngsters are no longer required to work over the summer.

(C) arguing for an alternative understanding of the nature of the United States tradition regarding the length of the school year

Indeed, the reasoning demands us to abandon the reasons that shaped tradition in the first place, despite the fact that such reasons no longer apply. This is therefore the correct option.

(D) showing that those who oppose extending the school year have no genuine concern for tradition

This is not within the scope.

(E) demonstrating that tradition justifies bringing the United States school year in line with that of the rest of the industrialized world

This is not within the scope.

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3If f(x) =x-VX-3, complete the following statement:X + 2than or equal toThe domain for f(x) is all real numbers.3.Answer hereSUBMIT Rice is being prepared at home.They put water into a metal saucepan They put the saucepan on the cooker.Why is metal a good material for the saucepan?Tick ONE box.It is very heavy It is opaqueIt conducts electricity well It conducts heat wellb) After five minutes, the water starts to boil. Josh puts the uncooked rice into the saucepan The metal saucepan is hot.The wooden handle of the saucepan is still cool.Explain why the wood is cool but the metal is hot. 3 marks11. a) Mina makes this list to show the functions of different parts of the body.complete the table. Write the parts responsible for these functions. - Pumps blood - Takes in oxygen.. 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