What was one significant outcome of the thirty years war


Answer 1


The peace of Westphalia ended the war in 1648 and had many important consequences. It recognized Europe as a group of equal independent states. Marked the beginning of the modern state system and was the most important result of the thirty years war.


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Highlight the answers
26 Ireland’s great export in the 1840’s was
a people.
b potatoes.
C whiskey.
d wool.
27 Eli Whitney was instrumental in the development of the
a steamboat.
b steel plow.
c mechanical reapers.
d cotton gin.
28 The basis for modern mass-production was the
a musket.
b cotton gin.
c principle of limited liability.
d use of interchangeable parts.
29 New transportations systems such as turnpikes, canals, and steamboats
a lowered freight rates.
b encouraged economic growth.
c facilitated migration of peoples.
d all of the above.
30 Deists endorsed the religious concept of
a a supreme being who created the universe.
b revelation.
c original sin.
d none of the above.
31 Northern attitudes toward free blacks can best be described as
a supporting their right to full citizenship.
b advocating black migration to new territories.
c very racist.
d none of the above.
32 Slaves were
a regarded primarily as financial assets by their owners.
b the primary form of wealth in the South.
c profitable for their owners.
d all of the above.
33 The view that God ordained the growth of the U.S. across North America
a was referred to as Manifest Destiny.
b Isolationism.
c Continentalism.
d none of the above.
34 The Mexican American War resulted in
a one-third increase in the territorial sine of the United States.
b combat experience for the future Civil-War military leaders.
c increased respect for American military and naval capabilities.
d all of the above.
35 The man who opened Japan to the United States and the West was
a Clayton Bulwer.
b Matthew Perry.
c Franklin Perce.
d John C. Calhoun.
36 The major result of the famous Lincoln-Douglass Debates was that they
a gained Douglass the Illinois senate seat.
b gained Lincoln the Illinois senate seat.
c propelled Lincoln into the national spotlight.
d destroyed Lincoln’s political career.
37 In his raid on Harper’s Ferry, John Brown intended to
a discredit abolitionists.
b make Kansas a free state.
c foment a massive slave rebellion.
d force a political compromise on the slavery issue.
38 The impeachment of President Andrew Johnson.
a resulted in his conviction and removal from office
b resulted in a “not guilty” vote by a massive majority favoring Johnson.
c was led by Radical Republicans who saw him interfering with
with Reconstruction.
d was the only time a president has been impeached
39 The Emancipation Proclamation declared free only those slaves in
a the Border States
b Slave States that had remained loyal to the Union.
c United States territories.
d states in rebellion against the United States.
40 Radical Republicans’ policies came to dominate Reconstruction because
a they had the majority of votes in the Senate.
b of Lincoln’s assassination.
c of the views of the conquering Union generals.
d collusion with northern industrialists.

Extra Credit (2 points each, 20 for all)

List the three (3) important political firsts of the election of 1832:

List five examples of “modern warfare” associated with the American Civil War:



Just trying to get some points



What books to read for medieval history​



10 Illuminating Medieval History Books

The Norman Conquest.

The Roman Empire and the Silk Routes.

The Great Betrayal.

The Vikings.

Aristotle's Children.

A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century.

The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time.

Which is NOT true about the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in December 1941?
the crew of the Arizona had been given permission to sleep in that day.
The President had been advised that Pearl Harbor was about to be attacked
the ships had been lined up along the port making them easy targets
Our biggest ships were not in port at that time



They didnt sleep in so it dat one


1. What economic concerns caused the Civil War?

2. Why were the Native Americans resistant to establishing a relationship with the U.S. government after the Civil War?



1.) A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery. In fact, it was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict. A key issue was states' rights

2.) The new United States government was thus free to acquire Native American lands by treaty or force. Resistance from the tribes stopped the encroachment of settlers, at least for a while.

PLEASE HELP! Which is a balance sheet?

jewelry someone owns

a person's total financial value

statement of financial position

the amount of credit-card debt a person has


Statement of financial position

Hope this helps! :)

Which country started the Industrial Revolution, and why?

A) Germany, because it won recent wars in Europe against other great powers.
B) Russia, because it was the most powerful country in the world.
C) The United States, because it was the world’s fastest-growing country.
D) Britain, because it had a growing population and large deposits of coal and iron.



D, Britain


Industrial Revolution, in modern history, the process of change from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing. This process began in Britain in the 18th century and from there spread to other parts of the world. Although used earlier by French writers, the term Industrial Revolution was first popularized by the English economic historian Arnold Toynbee (1852–83) to describe Britain’s economic development from 1760 to 1840. Since Toynbee’s time the term has been more broadly applied.

How did China change as a result of European imperialism in the late 19th


China's nationalist government collapsed after a war with European armies.

1. Which Amendments or Articles were violated by the Alien and Sedition Acts?



The Republican minority in Congress argued that sedition laws violated the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which protects freedom of speech and the press.

William Penn’s concern for religious freedom is shown in the _____.

Select the best answer from the choices provided.
Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges
treaty with the Lenape
English Bill of Rights
city plan for Philadelphia



The answer is A. Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges.


In 1701, William Penn created the Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges for the residents of his colony. Penn envisioned a colony that permitted religious freedom, the consent and participation of the governed, as well as other laws pertaining to property rights. The Charter of Privileges recognized the authority of the King and Parliament over the colony, while creating a local governing body that would propose and execute the laws. Penn clearly states the responsibilities the citizens have in selecting virtuous men to lead and govern what many would refer to as the “Holy Experiment.”

A is the correct answer

What is the main reason the italian city-states were wealthy kingdoms during the renaissance


Answer: The trade at the Italian Peninsula

Explanation: They could trade with China and India for silk and spices. They would then sell these things to western Europe and use some of it for making things that was useful for themselves.

what was the incident due to which Muslims entered in South Asia​


Islam was first introduced into South Asia in ad 711, when an Arab naval expedition sailed to the mouth of the Indus River (now in Pakistan) to suppress piracy against Arab shipping

Hi hurry help!
Buying land in Florida appealed to many people who wanted to
A: take advantage of stable prices.
B: preserve it for future generations.
C: build new businesses and homes.
D: construct new roaps and highways.



A: take advantage of stable prices

which of these writers combined history with stories about gods





He is renown for his best works: The Iliad and the Odyssey.

Is this statement true or false?

During the period of congressional Reconstruction, the Radical Republicans took steps to give blacks the rights of full citizenship.



How is Tuckman's model shown in the lion king



oh i dont know :0


I do not know either

sorry if this does not help

Why did historians choose to study this topic?

They were interested in finding out which artists stopped building statues

They wanted to understand why there was a decline in caring about cities

They wanted to discover how so many statues were lost

They wanted to learn why there was a decline in creating statues in ancient Rome


Answer: D- They wanted to learn why there was a decline in creating statues in ancient Rome.

Explanation:hope this helped ! (:

Answer: D


A watering method used to grow crops in the dry areas of the Middle East is known as __________.
A. exporting
B. herding
C. irrigation
D. reduction



The answer is C. Irrigation.


Irrigation is the process of applying water to the crops artificially to fulfil their water requirements. Nutrients may also be provided to the crops through irrigation. The various sources of water for irrigation are wells, ponds, lakes, canals, tube-wells and even dams. Irrigation offers moisture required for growth and development, germination and other related functions.

The Middle East's climate and environment make living harsh, so the Middle East requires water resources and suitable land for agriculture. Much of the land that is available for producing food is destroyed by increasing desertification.

Desertification is a sweeping environmental problem, with vast effects in countries such as Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Iran. Universal causes for a spread of arid environment are unsustainable agriculture practices and overgrazing.  

What happened to the Ottoman Empire after World War I?
O Its territories were divided under the Treaty of Versailles.
O It became an independent nation.
O It became a modern industrial power.
Its territories were absorbed by Italy under the Treaty of Versailles.


Answer: It's territories were divided under the Treaty of Versailles


Finally, after fighting on the side of Germany in World War I and suffering defeat, the empire was taken apart by treaty and came to an end in 1922, when the last Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed VI, was deposed and left the capital of Constantinople (now Istanbul) in a British warship.

France got control of southeastern Turkey, northern Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. Given Ottoman defeat in 1918 and the subsequent partitioning of the Ottoman Empire, the agreement effectively divided the Ottoman Arab provinces outside the Arabian peninsula into areas of British and French control and influence.

Territories were divided. I got it right

how did the ratification of the Constitution lead to the Civil War?





According to MLK, how has the US treated the people of Vietnam? Use at least 3 examples.​



While King was personally opposed to the war, he was concerned that publicly criticizing U.S. foreign policy would damage his relationship with President Lyndon B. Johnson, who had been instrumental in passing civil rights legislation and who had declared in April 1965 that he was willing to negotiate a diplomatic end to the war in Vietnam. Though he avoided condemning the war outright, at the August 1965 annual Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) convention King called for a halt to bombing in North Vietnam, urged that the United Nations be empowered to mediate the conflict, and told the crowd that “what is required is a small first step that may establish a new spirit of mutual confidence … a step capable of breaking the cycle of mistrust, violence and war” (King, 12 August 1965). He supported Johnson’s calls for diplomatic negotiations and economic development as the beginnings of such a step. Later that year King framed the issue of war in Vietnam as a moral issue: “As a minister of the gospel,” he said, “I consider war an evil. I must cry out when I see war escalated at any point” (“Opposes Vietnam War”).

King’s opposition to the war provoked criticism from members of Congress, the press, and from his civil rights colleagues who argued that expanding his civil rights message to include foreign affairs would harm the black freedom struggle in America. Fearful of being labeled a Communist, which would diminish the impact of his civil rights work, King tempered his criticism of U.S. policy in Vietnam through late 1965 and 1966. His wife, Coretta Scott King, took a more active role in opposing the war, speaking at a rally at the Washington Monument on 27 November 1965 with Benjamin Spock, the renowned pediatrician and anti-war activist, and joined in other demonstrations.

In December 1966, testifying before a congressional subcommittee on budget priorities, King argued for a “rebalancing” of fiscal priorities away from America’s “obsession” with Vietnam and toward greater support for anti-poverty programs at home (Semple, “Dr. King Scores Poverty”). King led his first anti-war march in Chicago on 25 March 1967, and reinforced the connection between war abroad and injustice at home: “The bombs in Vietnam explode at home—they destroy the dream and possibility for a decent America” (“Dr. King Leads Chicago”). A few days later, King made it clear that his peace work was not undertaken as the leader of the SCLC, but “as an individual, as a clergyman, as one who is greatly concerned about peace” (“Dr. King to Weigh Civil Disobedience”).

Less than two weeks after leading his first Vietnam demonstration, on 4 April 1967, King made his best known and most comprehensive statement against the war. Seeking to reduce the potential backlash by framing his speech within the context of religious objection to war, King addressed a crowd of 3,000 people at Riverside Church in New York City. King delivered a speech entitled “Beyond Vietnam,” pointing out that the war effort was “taking the black young men who had been crippled by our society and sending them eight thousand miles away to guarantee liberties in Southeast Asia which they had not found in southwest Georgia and East Harlem” (King, “Beyond Vietnam,” 143).

Although the peace community lauded King’s willingness to take a public stand against the war in Vietnam, many within the civil rights movement further distanced themselves from his stance. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, for example, issued a statement against merging the civil rights and peace movements. Undeterred, King, Spock, and Harry Belafonte led 10,000 demonstrators on an anti-war march to the United Nations on 15 April 1967.

During the last year of his life, King worked with Spock to develop “Vietnam Summer,” a volunteer project to increase grassroots peace activism in time for the 1968 elections. King linked his anti-war and civil rights work in speeches throughout the country, where he described the three problems he saw plaguing the nation: racism, poverty, and the war in Vietnam. In his last Sunday sermon, delivered at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., on 31 March 1968, King said that he was “convinced that [Vietnam] is one of the most unjust wars that has ever been fought in the history of the world” (King, “Remaining Awake,” 219). Nearly five years after King’s assassination, American troops withdrew from Vietnam and a peace treaty declared South and North Vietnam independent of each other.

While there have been many genocides throughout history, "The Holocaust" of
World War II stands out in history. Could something like this ever happen again
in world history? Be sure and use specific examples in your reasoning for or
against the argument of whether or not this could occur in the future.




Sure, why not? What's changed?

Hatred is still around. The middle east is a hot bed for it.Antisemitism is alive and well. Read some of the Jewish accounts of how alive and well it is.People still don't feel much empathy for those who face and live with terrible diseases or other non-trivial problems.People still don't study carefully why the Nazis were so successful. It's almost a forbidden subject.People don't understand the role of large government and why  you should never have one.The American Constitution is almost waste paper for all that it means to most.Ditto for the Declaration of Independence.

People and businesses usually file for bankruptcy in order to:



So many business owners choose to file an individual bankruptcy after a business closure because of the ability to erase the individual's responsibility to pay a personal guarantee and other business debt.


Ai giúp mình với
Trình bày những nét đặc sác về nghệ thuật quân sự Việt Nam từ khi có Đảng Cộng Sản Việt Nam lãnh đạo?



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Disability rights organizations supported laws requiring _____.

mandatory hiring of people with physical or mental limitations

land, mineral, and water rights to be returned to Native Americans

health insurance for retired Americans and an end to age discrimination

public buildings to provide access for people with physical or mental limitations


Disability rights organizations supported laws requiring public buildings to provide access for people with physical or mental limitations.

They wanted to forbid discrimination against people with disabilities in all spheres of public life, including employment, education, transportation, and all public and private locations that are accessible to the general public. Making sure that people with disabilities have the same opportunities and rights as everyone else have been their goal. Thus they demand that people with disabilities have the same civil rights protections as people who are discriminated against because of their race, color, sex, national origin, age, or religion. They wanted to ensure that people with disabilities have access to public facilities, employment opportunities, transportation, state and local government services, and telecommunications.

Learn more about Disability rights here:



how did physical features affect mongol expansion​


Mongols took over all the land inside a big bowl of mountains

The "Free Soil" Party's slogan of "free soil, free labor, free men" meant O land should be given at no cost to men willing to farm it without demanding wages. that the U.S. was a land built on both the free labor of slaves and the hard work of free men. that land should be available to free white men for small farms rather than large plantations with slaves. O all of the above​


O land should be given at no cost to men willing to farm it without demanding wages.

O that the U.S. was a land built on both the free labor of slaves and the hard work of free men.

O that land should be available to free white men for small farms rather than large plantations with slaves.

O all of the above☑️




What has the government done for me lately



Police work under the Government... so technically they are "help"... the rest i really dont know


Elaborate the term plagiarism and dishonesty in Engineering Research and Testing



IEEE defines plagiarism as “the use of someone else's prior ideas, processes, results, or words without explicitly acknowledging the original author and source”

hope that helps<3

Which 20th-century Chinese leader launched the Cultural Revolution, which
led to widespread chaos in China and the near failure of its economy?



Mao Zedong


Launched by Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and founder of the People's Republic of China (PRC), its stated goal was to preserve Chinese communism by purging remnants of capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society.

In what year did the Great Depression begin?



it began in 1929


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Which of the following is not true of liquidity or marketability risk or discount? It is measurable. The magnitude of the discount or risk is inversely related to the size of the investors equity ownership in the business. The magnitude of the discount or risk is directly related to the size of the investors equity ownership in the business. It is important to adjust the discount rate for liquidity risk. It is believed to have declined in recent years i dont know what the anwsered would be i dont understand this module Which of these events happened during the 1980s?A. MTV went on the air for the first time.B. First personal computer introducedC. Whitney Houston became the first female artist to have an album go straight to number one.D. All of the above PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which naval battle established the U.S. Navy as a strong fighting force What are effective ways to get ready for a test? Check all that apply.O making sure to be well preparedeating properlystaying up later to study if necessaryO getting enough sleepO using the proper study methods Based on Darwin's ideas of descent with modification and natural selection, which observation would best support the idea thatincreased competition causes changes in a species?A) A population of frogs develop greener skin after a hurricane blows away the white flowers in the environmentB) A population of artic foxes develop a brown fur color as warmer temperatures reduce the number of days ofsnowfall in the areaC) A population of rattlesnake goes extinct as the water resources in their environment dry up during anextreme, prolonged droughtD) A population of deer show an increase in antler size over time, which allows them to obtain more matesduring mating season A horse pulls a cart along a flat road. Consider the following four forces that arise in this situation. (1) the force of the horse pulling on the cart (2) the force of the cart pulling on the horse (3) the force of the horse pushing on the road (4) the force of the road pushing on the horse Suppose that the horse and cart have started from rest; and as time goes on, their speed increases in the same direction. Which one of the following conclusions is correct concerning the magnitudes of the forces mentioned above? Which statement best describes how international governments have worked together to solve environmental problems? Which situation would most cause a researcher to adjust their research strategy?The researcher was able to easily draw conclusions from the information that was gathered.An error was found in the way a source was cited by the researcher.A peer reviewed the research and mentioned other evidence that supported the findings.The researcher discovered that one of the sources used contained a hidden agenda. The general term of a sequence if Tn = 2n, what will be its 50th term? Simplify: 2X5X3/2x5x3 Which of these is true about a pH meter?It is inexpensive to use.It measures pH indirectly.It does not require calibration.It can be used in any acid-base titration. To find 4 + 1, start at 0. Draw the arrow for 4. Then, from , draw the arrow for 1; the sum is . To find 4 + (1), start at 0. Draw the arrow for 4. Then, from , draw the arrow for 1; the sum is . Master Thomas's response to Douglass illustrates that slavery was in part based on differentiate the following by using "limit"[tex] \displaystyle \frac{d}{dx} \sqrt{x} [/tex] Which point lies on both y=5x3 and y=4x+6 ?(4, 14)(3, 1)(3, 10)(2, 6)(1, 2) Can someone pls help me with this?! Which of the following is equivalent to11/18?A. 0.61O B. 0.61C. 0.61D. 0.611 can u unscramble these letters to make a word still using every letter BALQUOFplz help