What was the Catholic Church's reaction against the Protestant Reformation called?


Answer 1

Answer: Counter-Reformation


The Catholic Church's reaction against the Protestant Reformation was referred to as the Counter-Reformation.

During Counter-Reformation, the efforts of the Roman Catholic were directed against the Protestant Reformation during the 16th century and then directed towards the internal renewal.

The Counter Reformation occurred before the act of Martin Luther where Ninety Five theses were mailed to the Castle Church door.

Related Questions

What created the demand that drove the transatlantic slave trade?
A. The colonists' belief in white superiority
B. The creation of manufactured goods in Europe
C. The desire to convert indigenous people to Christianity
· D. The need for labor in the Americas



D. The need for labor in the Americas



The need for labor in the Americans has created a demand which drove the Transatlantic Slave Trade. This demand had developed since the Europe's conquest and colonization both northern and southern America along with the Caribbean Islands.

What is Transatlantic Slave Trade?

" Transatlantic Slave Trade is a trade between Europe and Africa. This demand of slaves for labor had increased during seventeenth and eighteenth century through Atlantic Ocean to work in the European states."

What is meant by colonization?

" Colonization is an act of settling in a foreign area by establishing control over the indigenous people."

What are Caribbean Islands?

" Caribbean Islands are a set of american Islands in Caribbean sea situated in the southeast region of The Gulf of Mexico."

To learn more about Slave Trade here



Answers anyone ? Please and thank you:)


Answer: B- there were many different competing ethnic groups.


These states do not have stand your ground laws a) Connecticut b) Oregon c) New York d) Arkansas e) California



Connecticut, Oregon, New York, and California all do not have stand your ground laws.

Arkansas is the only state here that does have stand your ground laws.

Therefore, the answer(s) would be A,B,C,E


¿qué significó, para nuestro país, tener conflictos territoriales? porfavor que sea la respuesta correcta



Territorial conflicts can indeed be effectively addressed through nonviolent conflict resolution mechanisms like arbitration and international court determination. The successful completion of border conflicts fosters democratisation and, in the lengthy period, helps to ensure the stability of shared boundaries.

Select the correct answer.
Think of the different political philosophies in Europe during the early nineteenth century. Which statement best describes a way that liberalism and nationalism differed?

Liberalism expected equal rights for all people within a state, while nationalism favored a specific identity based on culture.
Liberalism required government power to be delegated to local organizations, while nationalism opposed local governments.
Liberalism required individual ownership of all property, while nationalism required collective national ownership of all property.
Liberalism supported the absolute rule of monarchs, while nationalism required monarchs to work under constitutional limits




Liberalism expected equal rights for all people within a state, while nationalism favored a specific identity based on culture

Answer: A


What does Cassius foreshadow to be the outcome of the war?
A victory for his army
B. the falling of two eagles
C. defeat for his army
D. the return of Caesar's ghost





Cassius foreshadows defeat for his army in the war. Cassius foreshadows defeat for his army in the war.




This star originated the stand your ground laws A) Florida b) Maryland c) California d) Georgia


I believe it’s A) Florida
I guess the answer is Florida mate

The U.S. Constitution provides for a structure of government that….



C. grants state and national governments delineated authority


Question 1 of 5
Why did the author most likely include information about the Spanish-
American War in the reading?



because it was still a war or battle that happen si that means its a part of history

which of the following communities lasted the longest?New Harmony, The Oneida Community, Red Bank, Brook Farm


The original passage is shown below

While many nineteenth-century reformers hoped to bring about reform through education or by eliminating specific social evils, some thinkers wanted to start over and remake society by founding ideal, cooperative communities. The United States seemed to them a spacious and unencumbered country where models of a perfect society could succeed. These communitarian thinkers hoped their success would lead to imitation, until communities free of crime, poverty, and other social ills would cover the land. A number of religious groups, notably the Shakers, practiced communal living, but the main impetus to found model communities came from nonreligious, rationalistic thinkers.

Among the communitarian philosophers, three of the most influential were Robert Owen, Charles Fourier and John Humphrey Noyes Owen, famous for his humanitarian policies as owner of several thriving textile mills in Scotland, believed that faulty environment was to blame for human problems and that these problems could be eliminated in a rationally planned society. In 1825 he put his principles into practice at New Harmony, Indiana. The community failed economically after a few years but not before achieving a number of social successes. Fourier, a commercial employee in France, never visited the United States. However, his theories of cooperative living influenced many Americans through the writings of Albert Brisbane, whose Social Destiny of Man explained Fourier-ism and its self-sufficient associations or “phalanxes”. One or more of these phalanxes was organized in every Northern state. The most famous were Red Bank, New Jersey, and Brook Farm, Massachusetts. An early member of the latter was the author Nathaniel Hawthorne. Noyes founded the most enduring and probably the oddest of the utopian communities, the Oneida Community of upstate New York. Needless to say, none of these experiments had any lasting effects on the patterns of American society.


Oneida Community


From the passage, it can be concluded that the community that lasted longer is the "Oneida Community."

This is evident in the passage which says "Noyes founded the MOST ENDURING and probably the oddest of the utopian communities, the Oneida Community of upstate New York.

By MOST ENDURING, that implies that it is the one that lasted longer

The map shows occupied Germany in 1945.

Based on the map, why were tensions high in Germany after World War II?

A. The country was unified, and everyone involved worried about unrest from the German population.

B. The country was divided into satellite states, and everyone involved worried about a German revolt.

C. The country was unified under four countries, but all sides feared a German revolt.

D. The country was divided under four countries, but all sides feared attack from one another.






They are incorrect its D


¿Qué relación hay entre el sentido de nuestra existencia con el sentido del mundo?

el trabajo es de filosofia ayudenme porfavor



I do not know I’m interested


Like At allll

In 35 words or fewer, predict how the changes brought about by industrialization would impact the world.


Industrialization impacted the world as it led t the development of technology and the economy.

What is industrialization?

It should be noted that industrialization simply means the development of industries in a particular region on a large scale.

In this case, industrialization impacted the world as it led t the development of technology and the economy.

Learn more about industrialization on:



How did the New Deal expand the role of the federal government in nation's economy



It gave the federal government more power by forming regulatory organizations and setting the groundwork for a social welfare system. To avert social and economic difficulties in the future, the government will regulate business and fund social welfare programs.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

Justice is a natural part off the life cycle of the United States true or False




Some mods take real exceptions to this kind of question. If it is not school related, it will get deleted. I would make sure you state  why you are asking the question, and it should not be out of curiosity or worse malice.

I think you will find that the answer is false. There many instances in American history that you have to conclude that Justice is not a natural thing. It is generally hard fought. I think the worst example of Supreme court injustice is probably  Dred Scott vs. Sanford

The best (or worst depending on your point of view) is the murders of JFK and MLK in the 50s and 60s surrounding the civil rights movement.  Or Army McCarthy hearings in the late 50s. Those instances point to something totally unjust.

Which type of market is the least likely to have an official currency?



Traditional economy


The traditional economy is known to be an original economic system in which it has factors that helps in shaping the services and goods in terms with the economy produces.


The type of market that is least likely to have an official currency is the traditional economy. The traditional economy is known to be original economic system in which it has factors that helps in shaping the services and goods in terms with the economy produces.

By 1932, a. President Hoover was sullen and withdrawn. b. All of the above. c. The army had dispersed the Bonus Marchers, veterans of World War I, using tanks and mounted cavalry. d. Unemployment in the United States was almost 24 percent.



All of the above


By 1932,

a. unemployment in the United States was almost 24 percent.

b. President Hoover was sullen and withdrawn.

c. the army had dispersed the Bonus Marchers, veterans of World War I, using tanks and mounted cavalry.

d. all of the above

By 1932, all of the above. There was the all the statement are the president, Unemployment, and the army. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is President?

The term President refers to the service provided to the country. The president leads the country. The president has greater decision-making authority for the nation. The President is relying on a variety of legal mandates and rewritten laws. The President are the different roles and powers.

According to the period was the based of the historical events such as President Hoover was the withdrawal of the position. Using tanks and mounted cavalry, the army had dispersed the Bonus Marchers, World War I veterans. The ratio of the unemployment 24% are the United States. The all the terms are the classified the period of the 1932.

Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on President, here:



What problem was the caused by the quick growth of tobacco farming in Jamestown?



Tobacco farming changed the settlement at Jamestown in many ways like- tobacco farming saved Jamestown by ensuring its economic success by becoming the colony's cash crop. As it required lots of land and labor, it sped up the growth of the colony.

A viral music video is spreading to many parts of the world as children love to watch and sing along with the song. What type of diffusion would this represent?





It’s is contagious I hope this helps.

Which countries were satellite states of the Soviet Union after World War II??



Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, East Germany, Yugoslavia, and Albania.


These were the satellite states of the Soviet Union after World War II.

The Soviet satellite states were Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, East Germany, Yugoslavia, and Albania (Yugoslavia and Albania were satellite states until they broke off from the Soviet in 1948 and 1960, respectively).

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

Power, right to rule





Pope Innocenti III


King Henry IV




Saint Peter

King Richard I




Policy or power, right to rule.


plz mark me brainliest

How did cars and highways make suburban living easier?
They eliminated the need for public transportation.
They connected people to jobs, schools, and stores.
They brought urban business to the suburbs.
They eased racial tensions between the city and the suburbs.



They connected people to jobs, schools, and stores.


What were the Articles of Confederation? [PLS HELP QUICK :(((


1. Establishes the name of the confederation with these words: "The stile of this confederacy shall be 'The United States of America.'"

2. Asserts the sovereignty of each state, except for the specific powers delegated to the confederation government: "Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated."

3. Declares the purpose of the confederation: "The said States hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defense, the security of their liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other, against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, sovereignty, trade, or any other pretense whatever."

4. Elaborates upon the intent "to secure and perpetuate mutual friendship and intercourse among the people of the different States in this union," and to establish equal treatment and freedom of movement for the free inhabitants of each state to pass unhindered between the states, excluding "paupers, vagabonds, and fugitives from justice." All these people are entitled to equal rights established by the state into which they travel. If a crime is committed in one state and the perpetrator flees to another state, he will be extradited to and tried in the state in which the crime was committed.

5. Allocates one vote in the Congress of the Confederation (the "United States in Congress Assembled") to each state, which is entitled to a delegation of between two and seven members. Members of Congress are to be appointed by state legislatures. No congressman may serve more than three out of any six years.

6. Only the central government may declare war, or conduct foreign political or commercial relations. No state or official may accept foreign gifts or titles, and granting any title of nobility is forbidden to all. No states may form any sub-national groups. No state may tax or interfere with treaty stipulations already proposed. No state may wage war without permission of Congress, unless invaded or under imminent attack on the frontier; no state may maintain a peacetime standing army or navy, unless infested by pirates, but every State is required to keep ready, a well-trained, disciplined, and equipped militia.

7. Whenever an army is raised for common defense, the state legislatures shall assign military ranks of colonel and below.

8. Expenditures by the United States of America will be paid with funds raised by state legislatures, and apportioned to the states in proportion to the real property values of each.

9. Powers and functions of the United States in Congress Assembled.

• Grants to the United States in Congress assembled the sole and exclusive right and power to determine peace and war; to exchange ambassadors; to enter into treaties and alliances, with some provisos; to establish rules for deciding all cases of captures or prizes on land or water; to grant letters of marque and reprisal (documents authorizing privateers) in times of peace; to appoint courts for the trial of pirates and crimes committed on the high seas; to establish courts for appeals in all cases of captures, but no member of Congress may be appointed a judge; to set weights and measures (including coins), and for Congress to serve as a final court for disputes between states.

• The court will be composed of jointly appointed commissioners or Congress shall appoint them. Each commissioner is bound by oath to be impartial. The court's decision is final.

• Congress shall regulate the post offices; appoint officers in the military; and regulate the armed forces.

• The United States in Congress assembled may appoint a president who shall not serve longer than one year per three-year term of the Congress.

Congress may request requisitions (demands for payments or supplies) from the states in proportion with their population, or take credit.

• Congress may not declare war, enter into treaties and alliances, appropriate money, or appoint a commander in chief without nine states assented. Congress shall keep a journal of proceedings and adjourn for periods not to exceed six months.

10. When Congress is in recess, any of the powers of Congress may be executed by "The committee of the states, or any nine of them", except for those powers of Congress which require nine states in Congress to execute.

11. If Canada [referring to the British Province of Quebec] accedes to this confederation, it will be admitted.[12] No other colony could be admitted without the consent of nine states.

12. Affirms that the Confederation will honor all bills of credit incurred, monies borrowed, and debts contracted by Congress before the existence of the Articles.

13. Declares that the Articles shall be perpetual, and may be altered only with the approval of Congress and the ratification of all the state legislatures.

Help me please i added an photo


I believe the word you are looking for is “half”

Why do you think human rights have been so difficult to enforce?



human rights, non-intervention and state sovereignty


Because human rights been difficult because ok non-intervention and state sovereignty

What generally happens when the Senate and the House of Representatives pass different versions of the same bill?



When the Senate and the House of Representatives pass different versions of the same bill, it is sent to the Conference Committee. There, the Committee will discuss these differences in order to reach an agreement between both chambers of Congress, fundamentally seeking to avoid a congressional ping pong between them, and the approval of an intermediate version of both positions for the benefit of American society.

Which of the following statements is FALSE?
Jim Crow Laws contributed to racism and violence against African Americans.
Jim Crow Laws were passed to segregate poor white Americans in the South as well.
Jim Crow Laws made segregation the law in the South.
Jim Crow Laws lasted until the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s.



The incorrect answer is B.) Jim Crow Laws were passed to segregate poor white Americans in the south as well


Everything else is true, heres how:

A.) Jim Crow Laws contributed to racism and violence against African Americans.. "Jim Crow Laws were a collection of state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation.....those who attempted to defy Jim Crow laws often faced arrest, fines, jail sentences, violence, and death. " quoted from https://history.com/topics/early-20th-century-us/Jim-crow-laws

C.) Jim Crow Laws made segregation the law in the south

"Jim Crow Laws soon spread around the Country (talking about the united states) with even more force than previously. Public parks were forbidden for African Americans to enter, and theaters and restaurants were segregated" quoted from https://history.com/topics/early-20th-century-us/Jim-crow-laws

D.) Jim Crow Laws lasted until the civil rights movement in the 1960's "Jim Crow laws were a collection of state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation.Named after a Black minstrel show character, the laws --- which existed for about 100 years, from the post- Civil War era until about 1968--" quoted from https://history.com/topics/early-20th-century-us/Jim-crow-laws

Now all over this sight and others it only says "racial segregation" NOT anything about segregation among whites happening.

define the following terms of domestication​



the adaptation of a plant or animal from a wild or natural state (as by selective breeding) to life in close association with humans Wild and feral dogs are hunters, but domestication and differential breeding have modified breed and individual predatory motivation.

In one or two sentences list two reasons why the marshall plan succeeded



1.  At the end of the Marshall Plan period, European agricultural and industrial production had increased significantly, the trade balance and related "dollar gap" had narrowed, and substantial efforts toward trade liberalization and economic integration had been accomplished. The Plan had improved European morale and political and economic stability, weakening domestic communist parties.

2.  The Truman Administration and Congress collaborated on the European Recovery Program, which delivered $13.3 billion in aid to 16 countries.


Is included in the responses above.

Which statement is true?
O A. The Bantu learned agriculture only after migrating to South Africa.
O B. The Bantu learned new technology as they migrated.
O C. The Bantu lost most of their technology as they migrated.
O D. The Bantu lost their language as they migrated.



B. The Bantu learned new technology as they migrated.


The Bantu learned new technology as they migrated to South Africa from the people that are living there due to interaction with other tribes of South Africa. They know the knowledge of cultivation of crops and the main reason of their migration to South Africa is to search a fertile land where they can do agriculture and feed the people of their tribe so interaction enable them to learn new technology.

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