What was the opening price of Dow Jones Industrial Average on May 18, 2018 ?


Answer 1
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) closed at 24,713.98, decreased 0.2%. The S&P 500 Index (INX) decreased 0.1% to close at 2,720.13.

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who led the Black men in the army that were kept in segregated units



On July 26, 1948, President Harry S. Truman issued Executive Order 9981 establishing equality of treatment and opportunity in the U.S. military regardless of race. He appointed the President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services, two of whose five members were African American.

White officers aka white folks

Between 1900 and 2006 total world steel production increased or decreased


It has increased.

In 2006, the United States produced more steel than it did in 1900, but China was the world's leading steel producer in 2006.

You read about a proposed amendment to require all students to remain in high school until they are able to pass all required courses. You argue that it will not become an amendment. Based on Amendments 11 to 27. why would you argue that it will NOT become an amendment? А. It will not pass because amendments only change voting rights and taxes. B It will not pass because amendments only affect people over 18 years old It will not pass because most proposed amendments do not pass D. It will not pass because proposing amendments is no longer allowed​


Answer: If I received this question, the only viable option in my opinion is answer choice C.

Explanation: I believe that it cannot be A due to the fact that amendments have passed and effected things other than voting rights and taxes (3rd amendment, gun rights). I believe that is cannot be B because amendments affect people under 18 (Tinker vs Des Moines). I also believe that it cannot be D due to the fact that as long as 2/3 of the Senate and House approve it and 3/4 of the states ratify it, amendments are still allowed. You could argue for the answer C since it might not pass because most proposed amendments do not pass. 27 amendments have been approved while 6 have been denied. A lot more have been discussed but ultimately not submitted to the States.

With which statement would W.E.B. DuBois agree?
O Equality is best achieved through education.
O African Americans and whites can never live in unity.
African Americans need a permanent homeland in Africa.
The concept of'separate, but equal" can solve racial issues.


Equality is best achieved through education.

WEB DuBois was an American academic, social politician and activist, whose main motivation was the achievement of greater and better rights for African Americans, especially equality in education and access to positions of social and political power.

His main belief was that education was the main engine to achieve real equality between people. Thus, in his life he devoted himself to study and academic training, being the first African-American to get a doctorate at Harvard.

Learn more in https://brainly.com/question/12087013.


Obviously it is through education


Question 3 of 10
A large number of Germana immigrated to the United States because
A. they wanted to spread their religious beliefs,
B, they were on the losing aide of a revolution
C. their main eropa had been destroyed by disease,
D. they wanted to avoid being forced to fight in a war


They wanted to avoid being forced to fight in a war

Which group in the early 1900s OPPOSED immigrants?
political establishment






The Nativists sole idea was that immigrants would be willing to work for ALOT LESS money than the average American citizen would. thus leaving more americans unemployed because immigrants were taking every job for the least amount possible which as you can imagine, back then when wage laws were less prominent immigrants were loved by busniess owners

When the Canadian Confederation was formed in 1867 Canada became

1.The United Province of Canada
2.a colony of the United States
3.a dominion of Great Britain
4.all of the above



In 1867, Canada became A DOMINION OF GREAT BRITAIN.

Let me know if this helps!

What did John Adams' father do during
the winter to keep earning an income?
A. He made wagon wheels.
B. He herded cattle.
C. He was a shoe maker.
D. He delivered mail.


I believe he was a shoe maker!
Adams was primarily a farmer during the growing season, and also worked as a shoemaker, for which he earned “hard money” as a trade during the winters. He was a freeholder, who owned rather than rented his land

how were schools affected by the threat of communism?



teaching many illiterate people to read and write


i just searched it  :))

How did the geography and climate of the Indian subcontinent influence the development of early civilizations there?



The geography of India greatly influenced the location of early settlements on the subcontinent. Both the Indus and the Ganges rivers carried rich silt from the mountains to the plains. When the rivers flooded, the silt spread over the plains and made the soil in the river valleys fertile for farming.

Answer:The east and west lush plains created a very densely populated area. The Himalayan mountains to the north protect from invasion, while in the mountains of northeast India, farmers depend on the winds to bring rain to fertilize crops.


Summarize the roles, powers, and operation of the three main branches of government. IN YOUR OWN WORDS PLEASE



according the U.S. government, these are the three branches of government and their jobs:

Legislative : Makes laws (Congress, House of Representatives, Senate)

Executive : Carries out laws (president, vice president, Cabinet, most federal agencies)

Judicial : Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and other courts in the nation)

Assuming that a person going to community college can't afford to go to a four-year college is an example of a) a generalization. b) discrimination. O c) a stereotype. O d) tolerance.


The correct answer is C. A stereotype


Stereotyping is a concept that refers to a generalized, simplified, and exaggerated perception that a person has regarding a specific person or group with certain characteristics, qualities, and abilities. Generally, stereotypes are based on prejudices that are due to behaviors, physical characteristics, social position, among others. According to the above, the correct answer is A. Because is assumed a perception "(a person going to community college) can't afford to go to a four-year college" from a social condition.

Why are primary sources important when studying historical events



because it trusted info in detail

6. Earth's surface did not play a significant role. tell me ture or false pls fast​





Earth surface always was an important thing

This statement is a lie: "I claimed Canada for France."
Rewrite the statement to say something that is true.


yeah i just told her i i just

Có quan điểm cho rằng: “Kinh tế thị trường định hướng xã hội chủ nghĩa ở Việt Nam thực chất là đang phát triển theo kinh tế thị trường của chủ nghĩa tư bản”. Quan điểm đó đúng hay sai. Tại sao?



đúng mà vì nó là tk mà


Which three factors were part of European imperialism



The three main factors that were part of the European Imperialism are as followed:

Economic - The exploitation of foreign countries for natural resources.Political - The promotion of the idea of white superiority or supremacy. Social - The wide spread of the English language across regions such as South Asia.

The European imperialists pushed into regions such as South Asia anmd Africa solely motivated by three main factors which were economic, political, and social.

How many stars are found in the background of the state seal? What do they represent? (Site 1)



Answer : In the background of the seal, surrounding the main star, are forty-five smaller stars, representing the forty-five states in the Union when Oklahoma became the forty-sixth state.

Which of the following is an editing technique?
A. Graphic relations
B. Rhythmic relations
C. Spatial relations
D. All of the above



D. All of the above


Graphic relations, rhythmic relations, spatial relations are all editing techniques.

D. All of the above

What happened in the Soviet Union after the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Nuclear weapons were dismantled.
Victory was declared.
Khrushchev was driven from power.
Supplies were secretly taken to Cuba.



Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev orders withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, ending the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy announced a naval blockade to prevent the arrival of more missiles and demanded that the Soviets dismantle and remove the weapons already in Cuba.


hope it helps.


Khrushchev was driven from power.


Because the Cuban Missile Crisis seemed in public like a Soviet defeat, Khrushchev was removed from office just a couple years later.

Which was not a reason the colonist wanted to declare independence



any answer choices btw i need a picture


One might be that they had a fear that they would lose the protection of their mother country and get attacked due to a weak military.


There are many reasons why the British colonists didn't want to declare independence. One might be that they had a fear that they would lose the protection of their mother country and get attacked.

Which of the following presidential powers does not require the cooperation of the US Senate?




declare war. decide how federal money will be spent. interpret laws. choose Cabinet members or Supreme Court Justices without Senate approval

President Nixon began a policy of measured troop withdrawals from Vietnam. What was this policy called?



[tex]vietnamization \\ to \: end \: us \: involvement \: in \: vietnam \\ thank \: you[/tex]

this is what go ogle says

warfare in the sixteenth century​


Okay and it has nothing to do with you.

Question 3 of 10
What helped President Johnson get civil rights legislation passed?
O A. He said Americans had talked enough about equality and needed
to act.
B. He said it would honor President Kennedy's memory.
C. He was from the South.
D. All of the above





After JFK's assassination, LBJ was pushed to pass the civil rights act to honor JFK. He is from Texas, so that could help him gain some support from southerners. He stated, "We have talked long enough in this country about equal rights. We have talked for one hundred years or more. It is time now to write the next chapter, and to write it in the books of law.” during his session with Congress.

The Johnson from the south to get the help to pass civil rights legislation, and said that Americans had spoke about equality and act it honors Kennedy's memory.

What is civil rights legislation?

Discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, gender, or national origin is prohibited under the Civil Rights Act or legislation of 1964.

Discrimination on the basis of gender, as well as race, was prohibited in hiring, promoting, and dismissing under the provisions of this civil rights act.

The president Johnson from the south to get the help to pass civil rights legislation, by said that the Americans had talked enough about equality and needed to act.

He also said that it would honor President Kennedy's memory that belongs from the south.

Therefore, option d is correct.

To learn more about the legislation, refer to:


40 points
After being destroyed in World War II, what did Japan have that helped it recover from the devastation?
a sound economy
a great education system
tremendous wealth
unlimited natural resources

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




Great education system

What was the name of the largest city in the Mississippian Empire?
Cuzco Cahokia natchez




Cahokia was the largest and most influential urban settlement of the Mississippian culture.

1. Caracterize um Regime Totalitário. (1,0)

2. A Crise de 1929 atingiu vários países. Porém, um dos países abaixo não foi atingido. Assinale-o. (0,4)
( ) Inglaterra ( ) Brasil
( ) Argentina ( ) União Soviética

3. Sobre o NAZISMO: (0,3)
a) País: _____________________
b) Líder: _______________________________
c) Livro da doutrina nazista: _________________

4. Sobre o FASCISMO: (0,2)
a) País: _______________________
b) Líder: _______________________________

5. Em 1929 o país mergulhou em uma terrível crise econômica que se espalhou por vários países do mundo, estamos nos referindo: (0,5)
(a) A França (b) A Inglaterra
(c) Aos EUA (d) A Itália

6. “New Deal” foi o nome pelo qual ficou conhecido o programa inspirado nas ideias do economista John Keynes que tinha como objetivo: (0,5)
(a) superar a crise (b) aumentar os impostos
(c) diminuir a pobreza (d) criar novos empregos

7. Hitler declarava que os judeus faziam parte de uma raça inferior, sendo capazes de corromper e destruir a pureza alemã. Os casamentos entre judeus e alemães deveriam ser proibidos e os judeus aniquilados, estamos falando: (0,5)
(a) do expansionismo (b) do antissemitismo
(c) do Nazismo (d) do Maxíssimo

8. Quando começou efetivamente a II Guerra Mundial? E quando terminou? (0,5)

9. Uma das causas que levaram o acontecer da guerra foi o desrespeito do Tratado de Versalhes por parte da Alemanha. Essa afirmação é verdadeira ou falsa? (0,3)
( ) Verdadeira ( ) Falsa

10. Quem comandava a Alemanha no período da guerra? (0,4)
( ) Adolf Hitler ( ) Sebastian Puhr
( ) Czar Nicolau II ( ) Benito Mussolini

11. Na segunda guerra mundial formaram-se dois blocos de países envolvidos na guerra, os "Países do Eixo" e os "Países Aliados", quais países estavam unidos no bloco "Países Aliados"? (0,5)
( ) URSS, EUA, Itália e Chile
( ) EUA, Canadá, França e Inglaterra
( ) Inglaterra, URSS e França

12. Quais países faziam parte do bloco "Países do Eixo", na sua formação inicial? (0,6)

13. Qual foi a batalha mais sangrenta da 2° guerra mundial? Quais países estavam envolvidos nesta batalha?
( ) Stalingrado; URSS e Alemanha (0,6)
( ) Leningrado; URSS e Japão

14. Em que ano o Brasil entrou na Guerra? Qual era o presidente do Brasil nesta época? Para qual bloco de países o Brasil se uniu? (0,6)
( ) 1941; Floriano Peixoto; Países do Eixo
( ) 1940; Castelo Branco; Países Aliados
( ) 1942; Getúlio Vargas; Países Aliados

15. Em agosto de 1945, os EUA lançaram duas bombas atômicas em que cidades japonesas? (0,6)

16. Em que país, a FEB (Força Expedicionária Brasileira) teve maior destaque com seus pracinhas em combate?
___________________ (0,5)

17. O fim do conflito foi marcado pela criação de uma organização responsável pela manutenção de paz entre os países em geral. Qual é o nome desta organização? (0,5)

18. Que grupo étnico foi principalmente afetado pelos nazistas? (0,5)

19. A invasão de que país desencadeou a segunda guerra mundial? _____________________ (0,5)

20. Qual dos Blocos foram os vencedores da segunda guerra mundial? (0,5)


Siksjdndnu hahahanskjsnnsjjk
Kksijsunnbdjwjkw thebenshjssbhjsiijsbdjsiwksndbbdjjdik

Good writing is enhanced by sentence emphasis and variety in what way?
A. Good writing really does not require these things.
B. Sentence emphasis and variety offer diversity to boring subjects.
C. A variety of sentence patterns can alleviate choppy writing that
halts and stops, create a more dynamic flow, and pique the
reader's interest.
D. None of the above



C. A variety of sentence patterns can alleviate choppy writing that  halts and stops, create a more dynamic flow, and pique the  reader's interest.


Good writing is when an author writes in a structured and logical manner. This pattern of writing shows or expresses the ideas in a free-flowing manner, with the move from one idea to the next done in a smooth, natural way.

Good writing is enhanced by sentence emphasis and a variety in the pattern of the sentences. This is because such sentence patterns can alleviate choppy or coarse writing, thereby reducing the sudden halts and stops while one reads through a text. Moreover, it helps create a more dynamic flow in the expression, attracting and increasing the interest of the readers.

Thus, the correct answer is option C.

cương lĩnh chính trị đầu tiên của Đảng diễn ra vào ngày nào?



Cương lĩnh chính trị đầu tiên của Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam (2-1930) Cương lĩnh đầu tiên của Đảng được đề ra tại Hội nghị hợp nhất các tổ chức cộng sản trong nước có ý nghĩa như Đại hội để thành lập Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam.


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