what was true about reconstruction ?​


Answer 1


The Southern States did not like it and did all they could until they finally destroyed it

Answer 2


Leaders in the North disagreed about the terms of Reconstruction

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What was the Antifederalists' main reason for opposing the new Constitution? What addition to the
Constitution helped ease this opposition?


The Antifederalists opposed it because they thought it would bring too much power into one national body, the Constitution. Their idea was that equal authority should be spread among all states so individual rights can be protected. Although the Federalists thought it would unnecessary, they still promised for a Bill of Rights in order to compromise with the Antifederalists to establish the Constitution.

Which statement best describes how globalization is affecting the world?
Globalization is growing less important as time passes,
The world is becoming more globalized and connected,
Globalization has resulted in fewer connections among countries,
O Countries are growing less likely to wade with one another



The world is becoming more globalized and connected.

What effect did Kennedy's inaugural speech have on his approval rating?

increased it

decreased it

didn't affect it

approval ratings weren't measured



the correct answer is option ( A )

his approval rating was increased


Hope it helps you

Mark my answer as brainlist

have a good day

porque medusa era diferente a otras mujeres en su entorno?


According to Hesiod’s Theogony, Medusa was one of the three Gorgon sisters born to Keto and Phorkys, two primordial sea gods; Medusa was mortal, while the others, Stheno and Euryale, were immortal.

China uses its lumber supply to make millions of __________ each year. A. shoes B. weapons C. chop sticks D. bamboo drums Please select the best answer from the choices provided


C. chop sticks, China uses its lumber to millions of chop sticks.


Your answer would be C hope that helps you out


Which best describes why Women's Christian Temperance Union was formed? Members were concerned about the impact of new ideas on their communities. Members were concerned about the impact of alcohol on their communities. Members wanted to organize distillery workers, who had few rights. Members wanted more religious freedom for their families.



Members were concerned about the impact of alcohol on their communities.


The women christian temperance union was a religious organization that was formed for the main objective of addressing and combating the influence of alcoholic drinks in families and in the society at large. This organization was formed in the year 1874 in Cleveland Ohio. Alcohol was blamed for the decline in culture, immorality, increased violence and death. Hence the need to combat alcohol intake.

Statement that best describes why Women's Christian Temperance Union was formed is Members were concerned about the impact of alcohol on their communities.

What is Women's Christian Temperance Union?

This are Union that are formed to sensitize about effect of alcohol in the body.

Therefore, Women's Christian Temperance Union was formed is Members were concerned about the impact of alcohol

Learn more about Temperance Union at:


What best describes the protests at the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago



Protestors Take Over Lincoln Park

In July 1968, MOBE and yippie activists applied for permits to camp at Lincoln Park and hold rallies at the International Amphitheatre, Soldier Field and Grant Park. Hoping to dilute the protestors’ momentum, Mayor Daley approved only one permit to protest at the bandshell at Grant Park.

About a week before the convention, despite not having permission, thousands of protestors—many of them from out of state and from middle-class families—set up camp at Lincoln Park, about ten miles from the Amphitheatre. Expecting resistance, protest leaders organized self-defense training sessions including karate and snake dancing.

In the meantime, Democratic Party delegates began arriving in a Chicago that was rapidly approaching a state of siege: National Guardsmen and policemen met their planes. Their hotels were under heavy guard and the convention Amphitheatre was a virtual fortress.

The answer is What they said ^^

Te parece que la pintura representa una situación de la realidad? Explica.



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Art is characterised in truly representative theory by its capacity to represent reality. This is not to say that art must constantly replicate reality, but it must portray reality in some manner (even if it is through metaphor). As a result, the fundamental link between individuals and art is one of observation rather than feeling.

The military districts shown on the map were created during Reconstruction to
create economic and social equality in the South.
pay for the physical rebuilding of the South
move Native American Indians to reservations.
govern the former Confederate states.


Govern the former Confederate states (because they resented the Union's authority and overbearingness).

The military districts shown on the map were created during the Reconstruction Era to govern the Confederate States. Hence, option D is appropriate.

What is the Reconstruction Era?

The Reconstruction era has been referred to as the time from the American Civil war days to the Era of Compromise. Broadly speaking, the Reconstruction Era went on from 1865-1890. The reconstruction Era was a phase of great historical value in the Americas.

The main and most important thing was that during the Reconstruction Era, the African Americans, or the number of slaves who had been freed were now being put under the citizenship of the United States. It was in simpler terms patch up where the newly freed southern states of the African American slaves were to be incorporated within the Union.

The Reconstruction Era saw various discrepancies between the Federal government and the government of the states. The Reconstruction Era sought to merge African Americans with that Whites. Hence, option D is correct.

Learn more about the Reconstruction Era here:



Why do some people consider the way the media cover candidates for public office bad for democracy
A. People tend to vote for the candidates who they find most appealing, rather than the ones
whose beliefs are most like their own.
B. The media are for-profit businesses, unable to be fair or objective in the interest of the public.
C. Candidates already in office receive more media attention than those who are trying to take their positions
D. People always vote for the person the media determine is most qualified, rather than the
candidate who can bring about change.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



A. People tend to vote for the candidates who they find most appealing, rather than the ones whose

beliefs are most like their own.



I'm going to pick B because it's another way of saying the media is biased.


Well it's not A. They tend not to think about beliefs at all. Some people just vote. Sometimes people just vote for anyone who promises to give them more than any other candidate.

B: I think that's true now, but in days past it certainly wasn't. Watergate was an example of outstanding media coverage. Fox news is an example of the statement made in B.

C: C is certainly true.  But I don't know that it is the answer.

D: I'd pick D except for the most qualified part. People listen to the media and believe what they are told.

So what's the answer? The problem is that democracy is not the issue or at least not now. If you are talking about the present time, likely the best answer is B.

Who was appointed to write the Declaration of Independence?
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
John Locke
Thomas Paine
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Thomas Jefferson


"A committee of five delegates was appointed by the Second Continental Congress to write the Declaration of Independence on 11th June 1776.

The committee of five decided that Thomas Jefferson would write the first draft of the document."- History of My America Article

Hope this helps!

Answer: The answer is:

B: Thomas Jefferson


Edge 2023

Hope this h :}

What is the main point Engels is making in this passage?


Industrialization has created poor living conditions for the people.

Which statement BEST describes life in the Soviet Union under totalitarian leader Joseph Stalin?



well I don't know what the statements you can choose are,but I'd say that life under joseph stalin was filled with fear and required you to be completely loyal and supportive of Stalin


Millions of people died under the reign of Stalin, since his main goal was keeping power.


Kareem wants to make the most logical choice about what do after high school. Which advice would help him do that?

A. Make a choice based on costs exceeding benefits.

B. Make a choice with no opportunity cost.

C. Make a choice based on a rational decision-making model.

D. Make a choice with no trade-offs.​



C make a choice based on a rational decision making model


She has to know what career will be the best that she wants to do but will cover all cost that she ha s to live

Kareem wants to make the most logical choice about what to do after high school. The best advice to help make a choice based on a rational decision-making model. Thus, the option (c) is correct.

What is school?

The term school refers to the education institute are involved in students and teachers. The teacher is a guide for the student. The teacher work to teach the student as related to the study, courses, and future guidance. The student is benefit to go to school because they are effectively communicate, built punctuality, decorum, ethics, and value are increased.

Kareem wants to take confused to choose the career after the high school. The rational decision-making model is based on choose to the best outcomes. The person have multiple choices to doesn't select one option that's time are best option use rational model.

The rational model first step is identify the problem, second step to criteria of your choices, observe the criteria, create option list for best suitable, last is finalize the favorable option.

Therefore, the option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on school, here:



List at least two categories of comparison that could be used to
compare the arguments in Federalist No. 10 and Brutus No. 1.


The two categories of comparison that could be used to  compare the arguments include the proper role of the government and the size and power of the federal or central government.

Regarding the proper role of the government, the Federalist believed that the government should cater for everyone in the society. Brutus believed that government should be small and should look out for those in their community alone and not everyone in the country.

Regarding the size and power of the federal or central government, the Federalist believed in a central government while Brutus believed in a small government that has a limited power.

Read related link on:


Which is an example of how the physical environment helped the Aztecs establish an empire?



A. The capital city of Tenochtitlan could be easily defended from attack.


The capital city of Tenochtitlan was located on a swampy island and as such the surrounding water was a natural defense system against would-be invaders.

The Aztecs built bridges from their city to the mainland which could be removed if they were being attacked.

What is Pope Urban’s solution for the Franks to stop murdering each other? Do you think this is a good solution? Why or why not.


Answer: He urged the Franks to stop murdering each other, and instead fight the Muslims.

Pope Urban II called for the First Crusade in 1095, aiming to redirect the violence among the Franks by focusing it on a common enemy, the Muslims in the Holy Land.

Who was Pope Urban II?

Pope Urban II was the head of the Catholic Church from 1088 to 1099. He is best known for launching the First Crusade in 1095, calling upon Christians to reclaim Jerusalem and other holy sites from Muslim control in the Holy Land. This event marked a significant historical and religious moment.

Whether it was a good solution is subjective and debated among historians. It did have significant consequences, both positive and negative, shaping medieval history, but opinions vary on its long-term impact and ethical implications.

learn more about Pope Urban II: https://brainly.com/question/196674


Name at least 5 countries that became imperial powers and created huge empires during the 1800's and early 1900's?



As Researches said, That Russia, Netherlands, Germany, France and Britain are all Countries that became Imperial powers and created huge empires during the 1800's and early 1900's

United States also you can think of the most

Who was the 56 President



For what country? If you mean America and made a typo with 56 rather than 46, Joe Biden is the U.S.'s 46th president

What were the aims of the Civil Rights Movement?




The Civil Rights Movement was an era dedicated to activism for equal rights and treatment of African Americans in the United States. During this period, people rallied for social, legal, political and cultural changes to prohibit discrimination and end segregation.

Write a three-paragraph essay in answer to this question: QUESTION: How did different groups of Americans win greater civil rights during the period between 1920 and the 1960s?
Bro, I'll do anything and mark brainliest I'm tired of essays



The Civil Rights movement happened around the 1960s. ... This movement had effect and created change all across the country. Men, women, and children everywhere started to really see how segregation and discrimination shaped their world. One big thing that created a start to the movement were Jim Crow laws.

As another member previously mentioned, the Civil Rights Movement was prominent in the 1960s. Elaborate on figures such as Rosa Parks or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Explain the societal effect of the Jim Crow laws, and how the Harlem Renaissance blossomed during the intense prejudice of African-Americans; art, music, jazz, and more was shaped to what it is today. Explain the power of protest and unity — Selma, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, March on Washington, etc. Finally, compare and contrast change-making of that era to modern times. Perhaps include something on George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, or Breonna Taylor. Link back to the common theme of justice. I know this isn’t an essay per se, but I believe in you; you’ve got this.

Congressman Gerald Ford had become vice president of the United States when a. Nelson Rockefeller resigned the vice presidency to become governor of New York. Selected:b. Spiro Agnew resigned on corruption charges and Nixon appointed Ford under the Twenty-Fifth Amendment.This answer is incorrect. c. he was selected to replace Spiro Agnew as Nixon's vice president in the 1972 campaign. d. Nixon was impeached and Congress needed to select a new president.This is the correct answer. e. the Twenty-Fifth Amendment made the Speaker of the House vice president in case of potential impeachment.



Congressman Gerald Ford had become vice president of the United States when Spiro Agnew resigned on corruption charges and Nixon appointed Ford under the Twenty-Fifth Amendment. Hence the correct option is option b.


Congressman Gerald Ford had become vice president of the United States when Spiro Agnew resigned on corruption charges and Nixon appointed Ford under the Twenty-Fifth Amendment

40th Vice President of the United States.

In-office December 6, 1973 – August 9, 1974.

Hidden Message

Find a short hidden message in the list of words below.

carrot fiasco nephew spring rabbit
sonata tailor bureau legacy corona
travel bikini object happen soften
picnic option waited effigy adverb
report accuse animal shriek esteem

HINT:First and last.



the message is congratulations code breaker

Really need help help help



There are multiple examples of counterculture in the modern world. It's important to note that counterculture movements aren't inherently good or bad. What makes a group a counterculture is simply that it doesn't adhere to the cultural norms of mainstream society

How does government policy try to combat cybersecurity threats?



It is undoubtedly challenging to craft and execute a national cybersecurity strategy. Our research reveals common elements of successful strategies.

Please help

I forgotten how to do this problem



substitute y and x in each question as 0 and get your variables and find the point where they intersect


the first line has to go through(0,-3)

the second line has to go through (0,2)

you can find other co ordinates for the line to pass through but inputing other numbers.

After he compared 158 governments to find the best one, ____ wrote the book Politics.


The answer is Herodotus.




Which former US president signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913?
A. Calvin Coolidge
B. Herbert Hoover
C. Woodrow Wilson
D. Theodore Roosevelt



answer is Woodrow Wilson


C. Woodrow Wilson


It took many months and nearly straight party-line voting, but on December 23, 1913, the Senate passed and President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act.

The map divides the original thirteen colonies into what type of geographical area?


Answer: the map divides them into colonies because it is on the east side of the map

Someone who is intent on going to college should



He or she should me the ideal student.


Because he or she knows that education is important in our life. So to get education we should go to colleges and schools.

Apply for scholarships, apply to colleges, go tour the colleges, figure out what classes to take. Have something they motivated you to finish.
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