What will be the value of median of a moderately asymmetrical distribution? If the mean and mode are 30 and 24 respectively.


Answer 1

The mean, the median and the mode are measures of central tendency, and they are related in some many ways, depending on the type of distribution.

The median of the moderately asymmetrical distribution is 26

The given parameters are:

[tex]Mean = 30[/tex]

[tex]Mode = 24[/tex]

For a moderately asymmetrical distribution, the mean, median and mode are related by the following equation:

[tex]Mode = 3 * Median - 2 * Mean[/tex]

Substitute known values

[tex]30= 3 * Median - 2 * 24[/tex]

[tex]30= 3 * Median - 48[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]3 * Median =30+ 48[/tex]

[tex]3 * Median =78[/tex]

Divide both sides by 3

[tex]Median =26[/tex]

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Related Questions

Suppose point (4, −9) is translated according to the rule (, ) → ( + 3, − 2). What are the coordinates of ′? Explain


Answer: I’m sorry I just need points..

Help please, I attached the question. Is it a!?




Step-by-step explanation:

Recall that for a quadratic equation of the form:


The number of solutions it has can be determined using its discriminant:  

[tex]\Delta = b^2-4ac[/tex]


If the discriminant is positive, we have two real solutions. If the discriminant is negative, we have no real solutions. And if the discriminant is zero, we have exactly one solution.

We have the equation:


Thus, a = 2, b = 5, and c = -k.

In order for the equation to have exactly one distinct solution, the discriminant must equal zero. Hence:




Solve for k. Simplify:



[tex]\displaystyle k = -\frac{25}{8}[/tex]

Thus, our answer is indeed A.

the answer to this is A

What is the explicit formula for the sequence ? -1,0,1,2,3




Step-by-step explanation:

substitute the values in the eq. Ot is also arithmetic progression.

Given a geometric sequence in the table below, create the explicit formula and list any restrictions to the domain.
n an
1 −4
2 20
3 −100

an = −5(−4)n − 1 where n ≥ 1
an = −4(−5)n − 1 where n ≥ 1
an = −4(5)n − 1 where n ≥ −4
an = 5(−4)n − 1 where n ≥ −4



The geometric sequence is:

[tex]n[/tex]              [tex]a_n[/tex]

1                        -4

2                      20

3                     -100

To find:

The explicit formula and list any restrictions to the domain.


The explicit formula of a geometric sequence is:

[tex]a_n=ar^{n-1}[/tex]            ...(i)

Where, a is the first term, r is the common ratio and [tex]n\geq 1[/tex].

In the given sequence the first term is -4 and the second term is 20, so the common ratio is:




Putting [tex]a=-4,r=-5[/tex] in (i), we get

[tex]a_n=-4(-5)^{n-1}[/tex] where [tex]n\geq 1[/tex]

Therefore, the correct option is B.

A furniture company makes large and small chairs. A small chair takes 20 minutes of machine time and 60 minutes of labor to build. A large chair takes 50 minutes
of machine time and 90 minutes of labor to build. The company has 66 hours of labor time and 30 hours of machine time available each day. How many of each
type of chair is built in a day?


9514 1404 393


  30 small chairs and 24 large chairs

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x and y represent the numbers of small chairs and large chairs built in a day. Then the relations for using available time are ...

  20x +50y = 30×60

  60x +90y = 66×60

Removing common factors, these can be written in standard form as ...

  2x +5y = 180

  2x +3y = 132

Subtracting the second equation from the first gives ...

  2y = 48

  y = 24 . . . . . divide by 2

Using the first equation to find x, we have ...

  2x +5(24) = 180

  2x = 60 . . . . . . . . . . subtract 120

  x = 30 . . . . . . . . divide by 2

The company can build 30 small chairs and 24 large chairs in a day.

E. The ratio of monthly income to savings of a family is 7:2. If the savings is Rs. 500, find the monthly income and expenditure.​


Step-by-step explanation:

Since the ratio of monthly income to savings of the family is 7:2, we assume that the income be 7t and savings be 2t

Now, we are given that the savings is =Rs 500

So, According to our assumption, 2t=500


Hence, the income of the family is =7×250=Rs 1750

And the expenditure is =Income−Savings

=Rs 1750−Rs 500

=Rs 1250

Dr. Burger rides his bike to work in the mornings. Usually, he leaves his house at 8:20 and gets to the office at 9:00 riding at a rate of 15 miles an hour. On this particular morning he has overslept and leaves at 8:45. How fast does he need to ride to avoid being late



40 mph

Step-by-step explanation:

40 mins to bike usually, which means he bikes 10 miles. He needs to bike at a minimum of 10 miles in 15 mins, which translates to 40 miles in an hour.

P.S. He is going to surely be late.

(x²-9)(√x-2)=0 ??????????



Which one goes where?


"RS tangent to circle a..." is first statement          Reason: Given

Second Reason: "Radius perpendicular to tangent"

Second Statement: "AR is parrallel to BS"      Reason: "2 lines perpendicular..."

By selling a radio for $8400 a dealer gained 12% .how much money did she gain​



Amount gained = $900

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the cost price be = x

Given selling price = 8400

And profit% = 12%

Profit = selling price - cost price

        = 8400 - x

[tex]Profit \ \% = \frac{profit}{cost \ price} \times 100\\\\12\% = \frac{8400 - x}{x} \times 100\\\\\ 12 \times \frac{1}{100} = \frac{8400 - x}{x}\\\\\frac{12 \ x}{100} = 8400 - x \\\\\frac{12x}{100} + x = 8400\\\\12x + 100x = 8400 \times 100\\\\112x = 8400 \times 100\\\\x = \frac{8400 \times 100}{112} = 7500[/tex]

Therefore , cost price of the radio $7500

The amount she gained = 8400 - 7500 = $ 900

Random samples of of outh bass and smallmouth bass were taken from a lake, and their lengths in millimeters) were deter mined. We wish to know if the mean standard length differs between the two species in this lake. The results were as follows:

Largemouth Bass Smallmouth Bass
x 164.8 272.8
s 96.4 40.0
n 97 125



Hence , the means of Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass are significantly different.

Step-by-step expl;anation:

From the question we are told that:

Largemouth Bass:

[tex]\=x_1 =164.8[/tex]



Smallmouth Bass:

[tex]\=x_2 =272.8[/tex]




[tex]\alpha =0.05[/tex]

Generally The hypothesis is given as

H_0: The Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass are equal  

H_1: The Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass are  not equal

Generally the equation for Test statistics is mathematically given by

[tex]T=frac{( \=x_2 - \=x_1 )}{\sqrt{\frac{s^{1}}{n_1} + \frac{s_1^{2}}{n_2}}}[/tex]

[tex]T =\frac{(272.8 - 164.8)}{\sqrt{\frac{96.4^{2}}{125} + \frac{40^{2}}{97}}}[/tex]




From table

Critical Value




Since 11.33 is greater that 1.661 we eject the null hypothesis that the means are the same.

Hence , the means of Largemouth Bass and Smallmouth Bass are significantly different.

ABC ~ DEF. What sequence of transformations will move ABC ~ DEF​




Step-by-step explanation:

we first dilate it, making it the same size, then translate it to the right. I hope I have helped :)

Simplify to the extent possible: (
logx16)(log2 x)


Use the change-of-base property for logarithms to write

log(16) log₂(x) = (ln(16) / ln(x)) (ln(x) / ln(2)) = ln(16)/ln(2) = log₂(16)

Then since 2⁴ = 16, we hvae

log₂(16) = log₂(2⁴) = 4 log₂(2) = 4

Using the digits 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and repetition is allowed how many options are there to
Create a 4 digit even number?

Create a 4 digit odd number?



250 options to create an even number

375 options to create an odd number

khai niem hinh cat don gian ?



khai niem hinh cat don gian?

Thorazine is available in a strength of 25 mg/mL. Express this strength as a percent.




Step-by-step explanation:

Thorazine is available in the strength of 25mg/mL.

To find out the percentage strength,

W/V = g/mL  (weight in grams of solute/milliliters of solute.)

1mL of Thorazine contains 25mg.

Dissolve Thorazine with the 100mL solution.

Therefore, 25 x 100 = 2500mg

Which is equals to 2.5g

100mL solution contains 2.5g of Thorazine.

Percentage Strength (W/V) = 2.5 / 100 x 100 = 2.5%.

The percentage strength of Thorazine 25mg/mL has 2.5%

At which root does the graph of f(x) = (x + 4)^6(x + 7)^5 cross the x-axis?
O -7
O -4
O 4
Ο 7



Step-by-step explanation:

to cross the x-axis you need to solve f(x)=0

x(x+4)(x+7)*5=0 which means you will have x=0  ,x+4=0 or x+7=0

so the final answer is

x=0 or x=-4 or x=-7

Can y’all help me again I’m sorry I just want to pass summer school guyss<33



for D, the slope of (2,5) (3,6) it is one

Step-by-step explanation:

i can't really get much, but i can give basic info



9514 1404 393


  x = 10/3 = 3 1/3 ≈ 3.33

Step-by-step explanation:

Triangles ABC and ADE are similar, so corresponding sides are proportional.


  x/(4+6) = 2/6

  x = 10(2/6) = 10/3 = 3 1/3

Which statement best compares the two functions?
A) Neither function A nor function B has an x-intercept.
B) Neither function A nor function B has a y-intercept.
C) The domain and range of both functions contain only
positive numbers.
D) The domain and range of both functions contain only
positive numbers and zero



A) Neither function A nor function B has an x-intercept.

Step-by-step explanation:

fifteen more than 3 times a number is 33. What is the equation and solve



x = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

15 more represents “+15”

3 times a number represents “3*x” which is written as “3x”

So fifteen more than 3 times a number is 33 would be written as;

3x + 15 = 33

Now solve for x using algebra;

3x = 33 - 15

3x = 18

x = 18 / 3

x = 6

Hope this helps!

X=6 so the answer is six

An isosceles trapezoid has a consecutive-sides of length: 10,6,10 and 14. Find the measure of each angle if the trapezoid.



Angle A = Angle D = 69° 30'

Angle B = Angle C = 110° 30'

Step-by-step explanation:

     B ___ C

    /              \

  /                  \

A ________ D

AB and CD are 10

BC is 6

AD is 14

If we divide the trapezoid, we can imagine a line.

     B_ F_C

    /      |      \

  /        |         \

A ___E____ D

AE = ED = 7 (14/2)

BF = FC = 3

So now, we draw another line from B or C to AE or ED

     B_ F_ C

    /      |     | \

  /        |     |    \

A ___E_ G_ D

EG = GD = 3.5 (7/2)

There is a right triangle now, GCD

GD is 3.5 and CD is 10. To determine angle D, we can apply trigonometric function:

CD is H, and GD is A

cos D = A/H

cos D = 3.5/10 → 0.35

angle D = 69° 30'

By theory, we know that angle D and angle A, are the same so:

Angle D = Angle A = 69° 30'

Angle B = Angle C

We also make a cuadrilateral, which is EFCD.

Angle D is 69° 30', Angle E is 90°, Angle F is also 90°

Sum of angles in cuadrilateral is 360°

360° - 69° 30' - 90° - 90° = Angle C = Angle B

Angle C = Angle B = 110° 30'

Let's confirm the angles in the trapezoid:

69° 30' + 110° 30' + 69° 30' + 110° 30' = 360°

A + B + C + D

For -180°<θ<0 , which of the primary trigonometric functions may have positive values?



cos theta  = adj / hyp is positive (+/+)

Step-by-step explanation:

In this open interval, the hypotenuse (radius) is always positive, whereas the adjacent side is positive and the opposite side negative.

in this interval:

sin theta = opp / hyp is neg (-/+)

cos theta  = adj / hyp is positive (+/+)

tan theta = opp / adj = (-/+) :  negative

hope anyone help me please​


9514 1404 393


  a) Lahulspiti: -8; Srinigar: -2; Shimla: 5; Ooty: 14; Bengahuru: 22

  b) 30

  c) 6

  d) yes; no

Step-by-step explanation:

a) The values are read from the graph.


b) 22 -(-8) = 22 +8 = 30 . . . . difference between highest and lowest


c) -2 -(-8) = -2 +8 = 6 . . . positive difference

(Technically, the difference between L and S is L - S = (-8) -(-2) = -6.)


d) -2 + 5 < 5 . . . . true

  -2 + 5 < -2 . . . . false

Find the probability that the spinner will land on gray and then purple



true the question is true and wait for others my could be wrong also

find all the missing measurement​



m = 6

n = 9/2 = 4.5

Step-by-step explanation:

we are dealing with similar triangles, and you need to find the scaling factor from small to large (or vice versa).

so, the triangle with 2 and 3 as sides turns into the larger triangle with 4+2 and m+3 as sides.

so, what is the scaling factor to go from 2 to 4+2 (=6) ? the scaling factor is 3.

so, (m + 3) = 3×3

m + 3 = 9

m = 6

and now we are further growing into the large triangle.

that means the right side goes from 6 to 6+3 = 9.

the factor to go from 6 to 9 is 9/6 = 3/2.

so, n + 6 + 3 = 3/2 × (6 + 3)

n + 9 = 3/2 × 9 = 27/2

2n + 18 = 27

2n = 9

n = 9/2

Jack drives 175 miles in 2.5hrs. How far can he go in 4hr



280 miles

Step-by-step explanation:


= 70

70 x 4

= 280

1 and 2 are supplementary.If m1 = (3x-17) and m2= (5x+21) find the value of x




Step-by-step explanation:

m1 + m2 = 180

3x - 17 + 5x + 21 = 180

3x + 5x + 21 - 17 = 180

8x + 4 = 180

8x = 180 - 4

8x = 176

x = 176 / 8

x = 22

convert the following fractions to decimals using a different method for each. explain why you chose that method for that particular example. SHOW ALL WORK!!


9514 1404 393


  a. 0.28

  b. 0.125

Step-by-step explanation:

a) We recognize 25 as a divisor of 100, a power of 10, so we can convert the fraction to one that has 100 as a denominator.



b) We can convert this fraction to a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator. The work is shown in the attached.

  1/8 = 0.125

what is the discrimination of the polynomial below ?



9(x - 1)^2

Step-by-step explanation

9x^2 - 18x + 9

Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) in the polynomial

Answer: 9

Then use it to discriminate the polynomial

9(x - 1)^2

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