What would a student most likely use if he or she wanted to consult a
secondary source?


Answer 1

They would most likely check an encyclopedia, handbooks, or documents.

Related Questions

Tom and his wife, Rebecca, are having a discussion about whether Tom can play poker with his brother and some friends Thursday night, or if he must watch the kids while Rebecca attends classes to receive her nursing certificate. Read the dialogue below and select the part of their argument that represents the compromising conflict style.

Read the dialogue below and select the part of their argument that represents the compromising conflict style.

Tom: "I'm going to be late for work. Can we talk about this some other time?"
Rebecca: "No, we need to settle this now. The babysitter canceled and my class is tonight. If I miss it, it will be really hard for me to make up the material."
Tom: "Don't worry about it; I'll skip poker and stay home so you can go to your class."
Rebecca: "What if I leave class a little bit early? That way you can hang out with your brother and your friends, even if you're late to the game.
Tom: "No, just go. I've got this."
"No, we need to settle this now. The babysitter canceled and my class is tonight."
"I'm going to be late for work. Can we talk about this some other time?"
"Don't worry about it; I'll skip poker and stay home so you can go to your class."
"What if I leave class a little bit early? That way you can hang out with your brother and your friends, even if you're late to the game."



Rebecca: "What if I leave class a little bit early? That way you can hang out with your brother and your friends, even if you're late to the game.


The compromising conflict style is a conflict management style that aims to bring a little compromise to the demands of all parties involved in a conflict in order to bring a balance or arrive at a common ground that at least brings a solution/cooperation and ends the conflict. This is what happens in the above example where Rebecca tries to compromise a little so that Tom could go for his poker and in that way there is no conflict.

roles of institutions on supporting human rights violation​


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The roles of institutions in supporting human rights violation​ are basically to protect every individual on planet earth, independently of its country, race, ethnicity, color of skin, gender, education level, or financial situation, against the abuse of power from tyrannic or authoritarian governments.

Human rights can be achieved around the world through the kind of education that promotes respect for human rights and through the overseeing of the United Nations members that are committed to ensuring the acceptance and attention of these rights in their respective nations.

We are talking about the Human Rights Declaration, an important document signed by the member states of the United Nations. It was signed on December 10, 1948, under the name of "Resolution 217. It was signed in Paris, France. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has thirty articles that support human rights throughout the world.

write Down the of the compounds that contain the elements listed below​



Where are the elements?


I need a question that can be answered. just put what elements and im sure someone will help.

What event boosted NOW's membership? How can you interpret this increase?

The topic is like the feminist movement


Hello. You did not inform the time period in which this increase in NOW membership occurred, which prevents me from telling you about a specific event. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

NOW refers to the National Organization for Women, which is an American institution that seeks to protect and strengthen the rights of women in the country. This institution had a large increase in membership in the 1960s because it was heavily influenced by civil rights movements. As civil rights was a very specific and recurrent subject at that time, many women, also socially devalued and prevented from having their rights, took advantage of this moment to claim their causes, which increased the number of adhesions and supporters to NOW.

They are in the restaurant



who and why? can i join them?

Who are in restaurant?

what does a greenhouse represent?​



What is the importance of greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in Earth's atmosphere trap the Sun's heat. This process makes Earth much warmer than it would be without an atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is one of the things that makes Earth a comfortable place to live.


pls give brainliest

Derecho a la libertad de pensamiento



El derecho a la libertad de pensamiento también es una libertad importante.


El derecho a la libertad de pensamiento es también una libertad importante que es necesaria para el crecimiento y desarrollo de la sociedad. La libertad de pensamiento proporciona ideas valiosas de las personas que se pueden implementar en la sociedad para lograr un buen cambio en la sociedad. Este derecho a la libertad de pensamiento es el derecho de las personas al igual que otros derechos como el derecho a la libertad de expresión, religión, etc., por lo que podemos concluir que el derecho a la libertad de pensamiento es muy importante.


Which of the following characteristics of economic systems best describes a characteristics that
most often found only in a Free Enterprise economy.

a. Citizens are allowed to own and control private property however the government may own many of the
factors of production.

b. Gaining wealth or profit is generally discouraged so citizens are prohibited from owning the factors of

c. The government works to evenly distribute wealth among the people of the nation.

d. Individuals and businesses own most of the factors of production and they make most of the economic
choices based on self-interest.



the correct answer is A thanks

Religion courses and chapel attendance are part of the curriculum. Tell us why you believe such a faith-based education would be of special benefit to you?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

Religion courses and chapel attendance are part of the curriculum. I believe such a faith-based education would be of special benefit to me because religious concepts will help me strengthen my faith and my will in all moments, especially when I face difficulties and adversity in my career and personal life.

With the help of religious studies, I will have a better education with more disciplines that give me more tools for life.

I will expect to have some field activities such as community work or missionary work where we as students can visit churches in poor neighborhoods, orphanages, or rural areas where we can be of so much help.

Definitely, religion courses will give me a broader perspective of real-life and why can I do to be of service.

what is ecosystem and two types of it. ​



a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.

"the marine ecosystem of the northern Gulf had suffered irreparable damage"

(in general use) a complex network or interconnected system.An ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life. Ecosystems contain biotic or living, parts, as well as abiotic factors, or nonliving parts.

"Silicon Valley's entrepreneurial ecosystem"

There are two types of ecosystem: Terrestrial Ecosystem. Aquatic Ecosystem.

Trust me mark me as brainliest trust me

An ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life. Ecosystems contain biotic or living, parts, as well as abiotic factors, or nonliving parts. ... Ecosystems can be very large or very small.

According to the cognitive description of classical conditioning
-is the key to process





Classical conditioning can be defined as a learning process which involves repeatedly pairing two stimuli: conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus.

In classical conditioning, a response which is at first brought forth by the second stimulus is later brought forth by the first stimulus alone.

Therefore, it is a learning procedure that helps us to understand when a neutral stimulus is paired with a conditioned response.

According to the cognitive description of classical conditioning, reinforcement is the key to the process.

A reinforcement of a desired behavior involves the process of strengthening a positive behavior being exhibited by an individual through the use of stimulus. Therefore, making the behavior to be exhibited in the future by the individual.

For example, through the reinforcement of desired behaviors with rewards, parents, teachers and leaders can help students and other people in building positive norms.




According to the cognitive description of classical conditioning = reinforcement.

Summarize, in your own words, Pope John Paul II thoughts from the Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life).


Answer and Explanation:

Evangelium Vitae was written by Pope John Paul II as a life support manifesto. In this text we can see how the Pope defends that life is a gift given by God, because life belongs to God and therefore, God is the only one able to take it away, and those who try to take this responsibility will be in sin and they will have to answer for this before the God who created them. In this document, the Pope emphasizes that life is very valuable and must be defended, especially by Christians who must do everything to preserve it in any situation, therefore, the document states that killing is wrong under any circumstances, unless an assassination is the last possible possibility in a situation where many lives are in danger and the only way to protect them is to kill their threat. In this case, the document refers to the death penalty and how its application is only allowed if there is no other option to protect the lives of a large number of people.

When the document is positioned in defense of life, it encompasses cases of abortion, which must be prohibited, according to the document, as well as any kind of disturbance to the embryo, since it is considered, that at the time came into being, the embryo is already a living being.

please answer this question ​



the herald


A pandemic is a virus that affects multiple continents am epidemic only effects some countries


A. The Herald


C.... ooo vid is a pandemic.

name and explain two laws that protect citizens against human rights violation​



Article 2 protects your right to life

Article 2 of the Human Rights Act protects your right to life.

This means that nobody, including the Government, can try to end your life. It also means the Government should take appropriate measures to safeguard life by making laws to protect you and, in some circumstances, by taking steps to protect you if your life is at risk.

Public authorities should also consider your right to life when making decisions that might put you in danger or that affect your life expectancy.

If a member of your family dies in circumstances that involve the state, you may have the right to an investigation. The state is also required to investigate suspicious deaths and deaths in custody.

The courts have decided that the right to life does not include a right to die.

Separately, Protocol 13, Article 1 of the Human Rights Act makes the death penalty illegal in the UK.

Are there any restrictions to this right?

Article 2 is often referred to as an ‘absolute right’. These are rights that can never be interfered with by the state. There are situations, however, when it does not apply.

For example, a person’s right to life is not breached if they die when a public authority (such as the police) uses necessary force to:

stop them carrying out unlawful violence

make a lawful arrest

stop them escaping lawful detainment, and

stop a riot or uprising.

Of course, even in these circumstances, the force used must be essential and strictly proportionate. Force is ‘proportionate’ when it is appropriate and no more than necessary to address the problem concerned.

The positive obligation on the state to protect a person’s life is not absolute. Due to limited resources, the state might not always be able fulfil this obligation. This could mean, for example, that the state does not have to provide life-saving drugs to everyone in all circumstances.

Using this right – example

A social worker from the domestic violence team in a local authority used human rights arguments to get new accommodation for a woman and her family at risk of serious harm from a violent ex-partner. She based her case on the local authority’s obligation to protect the family’s right to life and the right not to be treated in an inhuman or degrading way.

(Example provided by the British Institute of Human Rights)

What the law says

This text is taken directly from the Human Rights Act.

Article 2: Right to life

1. Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally save in the execution of a sentence of a court following his conviction of a crime for which the penalty is provided by law.

2. Deprivation of life shall not be regarded as inflicted in contravention of this Article when it results from the use of force which is no more than absolutely necessary:

in defence of any person from unlawful violence

in order to effect a lawful arrest or to prevent the escape of a person lawfully detained, and

in action lawfully taken for the purpose of quelling a riot or insurrection.

Note: See Article 1 of Protocol 13 for the wording in the Act that makes the death penalty illegal in the UK.

Example case: Pretty v United Kingdom [2002]

A woman suffering from an incurable degenerative disease wanted to control when and how she died. To avoid an undignified death, she wanted her husband to help her take her life. She sought assurance that he would not be prosecuted, but the European Court of Human Rights found that the right to life does not create a right to choose death rather than life. It meant there was no right to die at the hands of a third person or with the assistance of a public authority.

Case summary taken from Human rights, human lives: a guide to the Human Rights Act for public authorities, which shares examples and legal case studies that show how human rights work in practice.

Ida is the captain of her school's soccer team. She believes that the members of her team are more diverse in terms of skill, experience, and possessing game strategies than the members of the rival soccer team. She perceives the rival team members to be alike in all aspects. In the context of the cognitive sources of prejudice, this scenario illustrates ________.


This question is missing the answer choices. I was able to find the complete question. Since the passage is the same, I will omit it:

. . . this scenario illustrates:

A. the overjustification effect

B. the outgroup homogeneity effect

C. the bystander effect

D. the continued influence effect


The scenario illustrates:

B. the outgroup homogeneity effect.


Ida's beliefs about her own team and the rival team are a typical example of the outgroup homogeneity effect. This effect can be described as a perception of diversity when it comes to one's own group but of homogeneity when it comes to other groups. In other words, a person would perceive members belonging to other groups, such as a rival team, as being more similar to one another. Notice that Ida sees the rival team's members to be "alike in all aspects" while her own team's members are "more diverse in terms of skill, experience, and possessing game strategies."

• president of the United States from 1961 until 1963
• agreed to increase the number of U.S. military forces in Vietnam in 1961
• was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, in 1963

Which U.S. president is being described here?



Abraham Lincoln


Hopefully this helps :)

John F. Kennedy
the person above me is wrong lol

please answer this question ​


The correct answer is C. I and II.


Communism is a current of economic, political, and social thought that focuses on the working class, it is characterized by proposing the elimination of social classes. In Communism, the State is the owner of production means, and commercialization and the workers control them. Communists propose that the State provides to social benefits such as health, education, work, among others. In this system, it is stated that everything belongs to everyone, however, who controls is the State. This means in communism the State has a great influence on society and workers play a key role by controling the means of production. According to the above, the correct answer is C. I and II.

Which part of a map would you use to determine what the symbols on the map mean



i would use the key


the key shows what is what.

what are the function of judiciary​



The main function of the Judiciary is to adjudicate and to interpret Acts of Parliament and the common law. Additionally the Judiciary has the power to issue out orders or directives as may be necessary to ensure law, peace and order is maintained.

Can you please give me Brainliest answer plz

Which of the following locations would be expected to have the most hours of sunlight on January 15, 2021? A. 50°N 20°E B. 10°N 100°E C. 10°S 100°W D. 50°S 20°W




name two categories of Vitamins on the basis of the their solubility​



There are two types of vitamins: fat soluble and water soluble. When you eat foods that contain fat-soluble vitamins, the vitamins are stored in the fat tissues in your body and in your liver.


There are two main groups of vitamins:

Fat-soluble (easily stored in fat upon absorption). Water-soluble (washed out and not easily stored).

Although adequate intake of all vitamins is important, regular intake is required to avoid deficiency due to the transient nature of water-soluble vitamins.

⇒ I hope I have helped you, greetings!

Atte: ||°Miraculer18°||

Which of these is a guarantee in the First Amendment?
A. States have the power to regulate public education.
B. People can choose whether and how to participate in religious services.
C. Persons accused of a crime are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
D. Citizens have the right to be judged by a jury of their peers.


B people can choose to be religious

what happened as results of the harsh rule implement by emperor Chandragupta during the Mauryan empire​



The Maurya Empire was a geographically extensive Iron Age historical power in ancient India, ruled by the Maurya dynasty from 322-185 BCE. Originating from the kingdom of Magadha in the Indo-Gangetic Plain (modern Bihar, eastern Uttar Pradesh) in the eastern side of the Indian subcontinent, the empire had its capital city at Pataliputra (modern Patna). The empire was the largest to have ever existed in the Indian subcontinent, spanning over 5 million square kilometres at its zenith under Ashoka.


Which of the scenarios is NOT an example of mechanical weathering? Pls hurry





assess how the media is supposed to exercise its roles and responsibilities in exposing gender based violence in democratic society​



Social medias reports on poor gender based violence is sometimes based on nothing more hut a joke and someone searching for clout. Which is why its hard to take something serious on social media

      I hope you have a wonderful day


please answer this question ​



A. Individualist


The individualist ideology centers around the concepts of individuality (ironically), limited government, and free market economy.

Describe any six risky situations youth are frequently exposed to​


1) Unprotected sexual activities.

2) Stong addiction of drugs and alcohol.

3) Addiction of different casino games which can cause financial damages.

4) Involvement in illegal works for easy earnings.

5) Under-age driving of different two wheeler or four wheeler vehicles.

6) Involvement in political parties where they might face different threatening situations.

who is not in the field education​



It's full question? Can you upload image?

The Bretton Woods system ended when:



The international monetary system in place

from 1945 to 1971 , with par value based on

gold and the US dollar

He’s right

The existence of ____ provides evidence that attaining achievement status is not necessarily permanent. the personal fable adolescent egocentrism the foreclosure stage the moratorium stage



- The moratorium stage


According to Erikson, 'The Moratium Stage' is described as the stage that taken the person forward in order to attain his/her true identity or sense of self. This stage substantiates that achieving the status of identity achievement is not perpetual always as this stage talks about the identity crisis that the adolescents undergo. This shows that the ones who fail to proceed through this struggle and unable to self-explore themselves leading to identity diffusion. Thus, option D is the correct answer.

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