What's is biosynthesis


Answer 1
The answer is:

Biosynthesis is a process in which substrates are converted to more complex products with inf living organisms or cells.

In biosynthesis, simple compounds are modified, converted into other compounds, or joined together to form macromolecules. This process often consists of metabolic pathways.
Answer 2


the part of an organism close to the flesh and the cells


Biosynthesis is a multi-step, enzyme-catalyzed process where substrates are converted into more complex products in living organisms. In biosynthesis, simple compounds are modified, converted into other compounds, or joined together to form micro molecules. This process often consists of metabolic pathways.

Related Questions

Which of the following statements best describes one difference between transcription and translation?


The answer is the first one

which of the specific classification is the specific organism found



Species are as specific as you can get. It is the lowest and most strict level of classification of living things. The main criterion for an organism to be placed in a particular species is the ability to breed with other organisms of that same species.

The largest population of a particular species that an ecosystem can support
is the ecosystem's
O A. biome
O B. biodiversity
O C. carrying capacity
O D. keystone species
O Type here to search


The largest population of a particular species that an ecosystem can support is the ecosystem's carrying capacity.

What is a carrying capacity?

Carrying capacity in ecology refers to the number of individuals of a particular species that an environment can support.

Every ecosystem has a maximum number of biotic components that it can support to ensure the sustainability of its resources.

Therefore, the largest population of a particular species that an ecosystem can support is the ecosystem's carrying capacity.

Learn more about carrying capacity at: https://brainly.com/question/2375972


Under normal conditions the sympathetic division is usually active in the body resting heart rates are influenced by nor epinephrine the parasympathetic system keeps heart rate lower than the heart would beat on its own. all of the above are true



the parasympathetic system keeps heart rate lower than the heart would beat on its own.  


The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is one division of the autonomic nervous system. The vagus (parasympathetic) nerves that innervate the heart release acetylcholine in order to slow the heart rate by decreasing the slope of the pacemaker potential. Acetylcholine activates a type of G-coupled protein receptor known as muscarinic receptors, allowing for a parasympathetic reaction in the cardiovascular system (where these receptors are expressed), and thereby decreasing cardiac output by inhibiting heart rate. During rest, PNS predominates and controls the heart rate at a resting rate of 65-80 beats/minute (bpm), if parasympathetic nerves to the heart are cut, then the heart beats at its own rate of about 100 bpm.

1. Discuss at least two attributes of a study that you would look for to determine whether or not it is rigorous.


Some of the aspects that help you determine whether a study is rigorous are questions and hypotheses that can be answered, adequated method use, and bibliography.

Rigorous is a term that refers to a quality that focuses on accuracy and precision to comply with norms, precepts, and pre-established rules. This term is widely used in science to refer to the precision of a study or investigation.

Therefore, when it is established that a study is rigorous, its attributes must be taken into account, such as:

- Questions and hypotheses that can be answered: This aspect refers to the investigator having the ability to limit his study so that it is appropriate to do so and does not include too much information that makes his study "impossible".

- Adequated methods use: This refers to using the appropriate methods to reach feasible conclusions, for example, methods of observation, deduction, induction, among others.

- Bibliography: This refers to the research or study being supported by reliable sources so that it is as accurate as the information it provides.

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/14617975

Question 1 of 10
The picture below represents a nitrogen atom.
How many protons does this atom have?
Answer: 7



where is the picture. I could understand your question

What is the frequency of a wave that has a wavelength of .20 m and a speed of 22 m/s



110 Hz


Find the frequency of the wave using the formula, frequency = speed / wavelength.

Plug in the speed and wavelength, and solve:

frequency = speed / wavelength

frequency = 22 / 0.2

frequency = 110

So, the frequency of the wave is 110 Hz

Una de las aplicaciones más importa del electromagnetismo son



Las principales aplicaciones del electromagnetismo se emplean en: La electricidad. El magnetismo. La conductividad eléctrica y superconductividad.


100 POINTS!!!!!!
The theories surrounding the formation of our solar system are based on many

biased opinions
incorrect facts
non-testable data
scientific investigations


scientific investigations is the correct thing


"scientific investigations."

PLEASE HELP ME!!!! I am stuck.
The frequency of tasters and nontasters of PTC varies among populations. (Answer ALL questions)
- In population A, 94 percent of people are tasters (an autosomal dominant trait)
and 6 percent are nontasters.
- In population B, tasters are 75 percent and nontasters 25 percent.
- In population C, tasters are 91 percent and nontasters are 9 percent.

1. Calculate the frequency of the dominant (T) allele for PTC tasting in population A.
2. Calculate the frequency of the recessive (t) allele for nontasting in population A.
3. Calculate the frequency of the dominant (T) allele for PTC tasting in population B.
4. Calculate the frequency of the recessive (t) allele for nontasting in population B.
5. Calculate the frequency of the dominant (T) allele for PTC tasting in population C.
6. Calculate the frequency of the recessive (t) allele for nontasting in population C.
7. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the TT frequency in population A.
8. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the Tt frequency in population A.
9. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the tt frequency in population A.
10. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the TT frequency in population B.
11. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the Tt frequency in population B.
12. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the tt frequency in population B.
13. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the TT frequency in population C.
14. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the Tt frequency in population C.
15. Assuming that Hardy-Weinberg conditions apply, determine the tt frequency in population C.







hhm y chupapico

reptilesimprovements over amphibians​


The person above me is correct

ronmental Science
17.1.2 Quiz: Characteristics of Populations
Question 1 of 10
What do members of a population have in common? Select all that apply.
A. They live in the same area.
OB. They have the same density.
C. They are the same species.
D. They are the same size.
O E. They live at the same time.





A- Makes Sense because if you were a member of a population then the other members live in the same area as you.

B- Doesnt make sense because even though you live in the same population as someone, it doesnt mean you'd have the same density.

C- Makes sense because the definition of population is "a group of individuals of the same species living and interbreeding within a given area.

D- Doesnt make sense everyone is different size.

E- Makes sense in order to be considered a member of a population you have to be living

What is the best way to ensure that results of a study are generalizable to a population?

By making sure to use as many participants as possible

By making sure the results are significant

By making sure to use an equal number of men and women

By using random assignment

By using a random selection of people in that population


The best way to ensure that results of a study are generalizable to a population is by using a random selection of people in that population

The goal of every research experiment is to obtain results that are  generalizable to a whole population.

This is achieved by the method of random selection. In random selection, members of the of the population are selected in such a way that is representative of the entire population. If for instance, I want to study a school having six classes which comprises of boys and girls. There are 700 students in the school and I need only 180 students to participate in a study whose results will be extrapolated to all the 700 students. I can decide to randomly select 15 boys and 15 girls from each class to participate in the study. This is an example of random selection.

In this way, the results obtained from the study is reflective of the whole population even though only a sample of the population actually participated in the study.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/10678373

M. magneticum can only survive in low-oxygen environments, which are typically found near the bottom of bodies of water.

a. True
b. False


b good luck on future quizzes !!

Cells dispose of large waste molecules through a process called



Cells dispose of large waste molecules through a process called exocytosis.

Exocytosis is the process through which cells can eliminate wastes, which might be useless or toxic, to the extracellular space.


The endocytosis and exocytosis process refers to molecules transport mediated by vesicles.

Exocytosis occurs from and into the cell and needs energy to happen because it is active transport.Exocytosis involves vesicles or vacuoles. Vesicles or vacuoles can carry substances destined for exportation or cellular wastes. Wastes may be large molecules that result useless for the cells or that might be toxic. During the exocytosis process

         1) excretion compounds of varying nature accumulate within the  


         2) The vesicle migrates toward the cellular surface.

         3) Once in the surface, the vesicle's membrane fuses with the cellular

             membrane, and its content is expelled from the cell to the  

             extracellular space.

         4) Vesicle membrane remains fused to the cell membrane until it is

              reused during endocytosis events.


Related link: https://brainly.com/question/11660031?referrer=searchResults

Which of the following combinations of phylum and description is correct? (and why?)
a) Nematoda − roundworms, internal skeleton
b) Porifera − gastrovascular cavity, coelom
c) Echinodermata - radial symmetry as a larva, coelom
d) Platyhelminthes − flatworms, gastrovascular cavity, no body cavity


it’s answer c!! i just took that and i got it right

The phylum and description that is correct among the options is Platyhelminthes − flatworms, gastrovascular cavity, no body cavity

Flatworms belongs to the phylum platyhelminthes. They are said to have no true body cavity, but they do have bilateral symmetry. For the lack of a body cavity, it is called acoelomates.

They also have an incomplete digestive system. That is, the digestive tract has only one openings

From the above we can therefore say that Option d is the correct option that gives the true description of the phylum platyhelminthes

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Partes del sistema linfatico




Le parti principali del tessuto linfatico sono il midollo osseo, la milza, la ghiandola del timo, i linfonodi, i linfonodi e le tonsille.

Explain why the lack of surfactant would result in respiratory distress. Furthermore, what type of acid-base disorder might she develop and how would her body compensate. Be detailed in your explanation and support your answer with facts from your textbook, research, and articles from scholarly journals.



Due to lack of expansion of lungs.


The lack of surfactant compound would result in respiratory distress because Surfactant enables the lungs to expand more easily which allows easiness in respiration. Without surfactant, the air sacs in the lungs will collapse very easily. This collapse leads to decreased amounts of air or oxygen in the lungs which makes it very difficult for the people or infant to breathe.

What is the role of pitutary gland in puberity



Puberty has begun. The trigger for puberty in both boys and girls is the production of 'gonadotrophin releasing hormone' (GnRH) from a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This hormone stimulates the pituitary gland to release two hormones, Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH).


Please Mark me brainliest


the gland produce hormones that help to regulate growth and body functions.

What is



1 How food keeps us healthy. Food is needed for energy and nutrients to exist, it provides energy for work, and warmth for the body. Everybody also needs food to build, maintain and repair their body. It is also required for control of body processes and for protection against disease and infections.


Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.

Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological process by which an organism uses food to support its life.

Life cycle of peziza


growth stage

While the pizza category was in the growth stage, the product life cycle of long-lived products was observed in the rice category.

The MN blood group in humans is under the control of a pair of co-dominant alleles, M (we will call the frequency of M, p) and N (we will call the frequency of N, q). In a group of 556 individuals, the following numbers of individuals are found for each of the genotypes:
167 MM
280 MN
109 NN
a) What is the frequency of each allele? p= q=
b) What is the value of the Chi-square statistic test to find if in this particular case the genotypic frequencies conform to the Hardy-Weinberg distribution.
Chi square value =
c) What is the probability associated with you chi square statistic calculated above? Please complete the blanks below with the corresponding symbol, < OR > than the critical value, your conclusion with respect to the null hypothesis of Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, Retain or Reject.
P value __ than 0.05
Conclusion ___ the null hypothesis of HW equilibrium



a) f(M) = p = 0.55

   f(N) = q = 0.45

b) X² = 12.12

c)  P₀.₀₅ = 5.991

d) P₀.₀₅ < X²

e) Reject the null hypothesis of HW equilibrium


Due to technical problems, you will find the complete explanation in the attached files




D. Their ability to replicate very fast and natural mutations combine to allow them to evolve rapidly


They develop mutations in their DNA that can be resistant to the drugs given.

Which of the following choices has had the most destructive impact on deciduous forests?
forest fires
termites and woodpeckers
humans clearing forests
chemical pollution



humans clearing forests


what is the difference of biology and human and social biology?????



Man's health (human biology) affects and effects change on society (social biology). Human and social biology scrutinizes the human body, disease, health, nature and the environment's influence on biology.


Man's health (human biology) affects and effects change on society (social biology). Human and social biology scrutinizes the human body, disease, health, nature and the environment's influence on biology.

Hope this helped! Good luck! :)

Also do you think you could pls give me the brainly crown? Its totally fine if not! :)

Which part of the cell functions to recognize other cells? (1 point)
O nucleus
O cytoplasm
O cell wall
O plasma membrane



cell wall maybe it may be wrong also

Plasma membrane of the cell functions to recognize other cells. Thus option D is correct.

What is Plasma membrane?

The plasma membrane which is an outer covering of cell present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.

It is a thin selectively semi-permeable membrane which enclose the cytoplasm along with other organelle.

Proteins and lipids are the major components of membrane, beside this carbohydrate are also present in cell membrane.  

The most common lipid in membrane is phospholipid, other lipids are glycolipid, sphingolipid.  

The function of cell membrane is to provide protection and maintain the integrity of the internal environment of the cell,

It act as a base of attachment for the cytoskeleton  for cell-cell communication.

It involve in transport of materials like nutrients, toxic substances.

Thus option D is correct.

Learn more about plasma membrane, here:



Which of the following describes the product of Meiosis?
A. 4 genetically identical diploid cells
B. 4 genetically unique diploid cells
C. None of these are correct
D. 2 genetically unique haploid cells





meiosis made 4 haploid daughter cells, with 1 round of dna replicates and followed by 4 division of haploid daughter cells

Which is the only element in group 1 on the periodic table that forms covalent bonds?






Hydrogen is the only nonmetal in group 1, therefore it is the only element in group 1 that forms a covalent bond.




What type of cells are produced during

A. asexual cells
B. diploid cells
C. division cells
D. haploid cells



D. haploid cells


Meiosis results in 4 gametes with 23 unpaired chromosomes, making them haploid cells.

what are microorganisms? write the living and non living characteristics of virus. ​



In easy word ......the virus or organism that can only be seen through Microsoft is called microorganisms


Those organisms which cannot be seen under naked eyes and require microscope to be seen are called micro-organisms.

The main living character of the viruses is they contain DNA or RNA as the genetic material. The main non-living character of the viruses is they can be crystallized like other chemicals

Hope ,this helps you!

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