What’s the answer please help

Whats The Answer Please Help


Answer 1




third point of view

Related Questions

Location B is which place?

B.Syrian Desert


D.Mediterranean Sea



D. Mediterranean Sea


According to the given map, location B is the Mediterranean Sea because it is clearly on the blue side of the map which signifies water or the ocean.

Therefore, the answer cannot be Syrian Desert, Egypt, or Cannan.

How did the recession impact the election of 1976?

A. The recession was solved by Jimmy Carter.
B. The recession was not addressed by President Ford.
C. The recession led to President Ford’s low popularity.
D. The recession had no impact on American views of the presidency.





El cuento social político y cultural


Es el cuento social, político y cultural. ... En este caso, la característica de este género narrativo es que denuncia una causa social y también política con relatos culturales agregados. Este tipo de género narrativos utilizan la técnica donde se destaca la búsqueda de un objetivo a través de la narración.

Does democracy require equality of income or wealth?



This answer is really opinion based, but I would go with the latter being wealth.


The reason I chose wealth is because equality of income is definitely not a necessity , seeing as democracy does exist where income is not equal. At the same time though, would lack of wealth prevent democracy? I would disagree but seeing as there are two options, wealth makes more sense just due tot he absurdity of the other option. Why would everybody need to have equal income for democracy to work? Isn't democracy useful for those who lack the same situation as others. Democracy benefits the lower income population if there is more of them then the wealthy.

What was the iron curtain? Why did
Churchill choose that term?



the iorn curtain was a political boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of world war 2 in 1945 until the end of the cold war in 1991. the term symbolizes the effect by the soviet union to block itself and satellite states from open contact with the west and its allied states

he chose it because he wanted to choose its his wish you cant judge him

Which of the following was one of the first
fascist ideas Mussolini enacted as the leader of
A. ally the nation with the United States
B. declare war on the German Republic
C. rid Italy of all forms of democracy
D. blame the fall of the economy on the Italians themselves


Answer: C. rid Italy of all forms of democracy

Explanation: Upon becoming Prime Minister of Italy, Mussolini had to form a coalition government, because the Fascists did not have control over the Italian parliament. Mussolini’s coalition government initially pursued economically liberal policies under the direction of liberal finance minister Alberto De Stefani, a member of the Center Party, including balancing the budget through deep cuts to the civil service. Initially, little drastic change in government policy occurred and repressive police actions were limited.

What did the farmers include in the constitution to prevent Congress from having i enumerated powers over individual states?



Federalism is the system of government in which sovereignty is constitutionally divided between a central governing authority and constituent political units. It is based upon democratic rules and institutions in which the power to govern is shared between national and state governments, creating a federation. Dual federalism is a political arrangement in which power is divided between national and state governments in clearly defined terms, with state governments exercising those powers accorded to them without interference from the national government. Dual federalism is defined in contrast to cooperative federalism, in which national and state governments collaborate on policy. Dual and cooperative federalism are also known as ‘layer-cake’ and ‘marble cake’ federalism, respectively, due to the distinct layers of layer cake and the more muddled appearance of marble cake.

Federalism was the most influential political movement arising out of discontent with the Articles of Confederation, which focused on limiting the authority of the federal government. The movement was greatly strengthened by the reaction to Shays’ Rebellion of 1786-1787, which was an armed uprising of farmers in western Massachusetts. The rebellion was fueled by a poor economy that was created, in part, by the inability of the federal government to deal effectively with the debt from the American Revolution. Moreover, the federal government had proven incapable of raising an army to quell the rebellion, so Massachusetts was forced to raise its own.

The most forceful defense of the new Constitution was The Federalist Papers , a compilation of 85 anonymous essays published in New York City to convince the people of the state to vote for ratification. These articles, written by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, examined the benefits of the new Constitution and analyzed the political theory and function behind the various articles of the Constitution. Those opposed to the new Constitution became known as the Anti-Federalists. They were generally local, rather than cosmopolitan, in perspective, oriented toward plantations and farms rather than commerce or finance, and wanted strong state governments with a weaker national government. The Anti-Federalists believed that the legislative branch had too much unchecked power, that the executive branch had too much power, and that there was no check on the chief executive. They also believed that a Bill of Rights should be coupled with the Constitution to prevent a dictator from exploiting citizens. The Federalists argued that it was impossible to list all the rights and that those not listed could be easily overlooked because they were not in the official bill of rights.


En argentina existía una ley pequeña que señalaba uno de los requisitos para ser maestro de escuela era medir al menos 1.60 m fue hasta 1981 que una resolución del ministerio de educación exigió eliminarla lo cual ocurrió en 1984 que opinas de la situación anterior ?




i.d.k man. thats clas.ist

Whch region on the map is known as the birthplace of human beings?



Johennsburg in South Africa

According to existing archaeological and fossil evidence, however, the Cradle of Humankind (originally known as Cradle of Mankind) is the Afar Triangle in East Africa, which is often referred to as the Cradle of Humanity.

preguntas y respuestas de la dama tapada​





history lesson 1 james madison higschool



i don't know this question

¿Qué impacto político tuvieron las ideas liberales en Europa y América?​



Apoyar la democracia no solo promueve valores estadounidenses fundamentales como la libertad religiosa y los derechos de los trabajadores, sino que también ayuda a crear un escenario global más seguro, estable y próspero en el que Estados Unidos puede promover sus intereses nacionales.


How many men were involved in the break-in at the Watergate complex?

1. Why did they break into the Watergate building?
3, 4, or 5

2. What organization did the men belong to?
to steal money and other valuables, to both steal documents and install microphones, or to plant evidence against the president’s enemies.

3. What did the men receive for carrying out the break-in?
money, promotions, or protection.


5 men were involved in the break in at Watergate.

1. To bug the phones/offices and to steal vital documents and evidence of the DNC (Democratic National Committee)

2. This ones honestly tricky, but it’s either the Committee to re-elect the President, the White House Plumbers, or the Watergate Seven (very unlikely it is the last choice).

3. The men received “hush money”.

5 men were involved in the break-in at the Watergate complex.

What is the meaning of Watergate?

Between 1972 and 1974, President Richard Nixon's administration was embroiled in the massive political scandal "Of Watergate," which forced Nixon to resign.

By the end of 1973, the Nixon administration's role in Watergate had weakened his standing in Congress and throughout the nation. Nixon announced his resignation as president on August 9, 1974, knowing he would almost certainly be impeached and removed from office. After that, Gerald Ford, his successor, granted him a pardon.

Not much has changed at the location in the forty years since Watergate was first constructed. The complex still consists of the hotel/office building, two office buildings, and three luxury apartment complexes. On October 21, 2005, the entire development was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

Learn more about Watergate here:



El 4to y 5to gobierno de Balaguer



I don’t no sorry and u should be carful


Well if u multiply u subtract

Which class supported the Enlightenment in Germany?





At the end of the seventeenth century, the German Pietists had supported the development of a new spirit within Lutheranism. Leaders of this movement—men like Philipp Jakob Spener and August Hermann Francke—advocated a religion that spoke to the heart rather than the mind.

How did the leaders of early labor unions differ from industrialist
entrepreneurs in their views on the U.S. economy?
O A. Labor union leaders argued that the police and U.S. military should
intervene in strikes and other aspects of labor negotiations.
O B. Labor union leaders were more committed to promoting the ideals
of social Darwinism in American factories.
C. Labor union leaders were more interested in maintaining
traditional elements of American capitalism.
O D. Labor union leaders believed that even low-level employees should
have some influence over their wages and conditions.



D. Labor union leaders believed that even low-level employees should have some influence over their wages and conditions.


Remember, a union is an organized association of workers formed to protect their own interests. So the only answer that would make sense would be D. All the other answers would apply to the industrialist, since the goals of the industrialist would be to profit, wether it be at the expense of the workers well being or not.

I agree, the answer is D

For this question, you will assume the role of two acquaintances living in different countries at the end of the 19th century. First, write a letter from a British citizen to an acquaintance in Japan, China, or Russia describing the industrialization of Great Britain over the last 150 years. Then write a reply from the Japanese, Chinese, or Russian citizen explaining how industrialization in that country has been different. Be sure to acknowledge both positive and negative aspects of industrialization, and support all claims with historical evidence.


Hi, I provided a guide on writing your letter.


Note, we are told you will assume the role of two acquaintances living in different countries who are involved in communication through letter writing.

Interestingly, an informal letter is the termed use to classify letters often written to acquaintances. They are called informal letters because in most cases the language structure is informal (casual) in nature, and the writers can express their personal emotions freely to each other.



Dear FRIEND, life here has been changing rapidly. Next thing you know we may be flying to the  moon-! I got on this boat that was powered by steam, and it was inane-! So many new changes  are happening around here. Not only are majority of our transports being powered by this steam  engine, other things around just our factories are too-! I got to try out the spinning Jenny, which  is making my job a lot easier. The problem is that now I barely have any co-workers. Though this  thing is helping me spin wool so much faster, it made many of my friends obsolete here in the  workforce. I've been starting to see a lot of children around too, though. They should be out in  the streets having fun but they’re stuck here working with me. Its not all bad, though. Now we  have telegraphs and locomotives-! We can travel across the country faster with those trains and  I can send messages in less time that it will take for this letter to get to you-! How are things  going on in Japan?


Dear FRIEND, thanks for getting in touch. Things over here are changing quite a bit too. But, it  was a bit slow at first. Everyone was resistant to such changes coming so quickly, you know?  But, now the government is leading the changes. It all started after Emperor Meiji came back  into power. We were closed off for a while, but had to open backup to America. That's really  when the ball got rolling. The children- I’ve been noticing that here too. They seem to come and  go, though. I suppose it's not all bad, though. Over Here we’ve been mostly focused on Iron and  Steel, as well as coming up with new designs for ships and ways to enforce them. Along with  coal mining, it's really been helping us. But, on the flip side- the air seems to be smoggier than  normal. Maybe that's just my eyesight going.


account inigo Ken Mejia​


Is this your account?


Which territories did Great Britain, France, and Italy acquire? Use the chart below to organize your information.
Great Britain



Italy: Trentino, part of Slovene-speaking Gorizia, Trieste, the German-speaking South Tirol, and partly Croatian-speaking Istria. France: lsace-Lorraine as well as various African colonies from the German Empire, and Middle East territories from the Ottoman Empire. Great Britian: Britain gained territory from Germany in Africa making British rule continuous from Cape Town to the Suez Canal


I'm assuming you meant from WWI because that would make the most sense

The ideas of rousseau, voltaire , and montesquieu most influenced
(1)the growing Power of priests in the Roman catholic church
(2) improvements in The working conditions of factory workers
(3) The rise of industrial capitalism
(4) moment for political reform



4) movement for political reform


The ideas of Rousseau, Voltaire , and Montesquieu were most influenced by the movement for political reform.

This is because, as deep thinkers, they held reason, science, religious tolerance and natural rights to very high esteem. As a result of this, they all developed theories of government that would govern the people.

What was the most significant result of the Spanish colonization of Central and South America?


Religion (Christianity) or the bringing of new items (new animals such as horses and improved weapons)

Each year a few hundred naturalized citizens lose their citizen- ship because they have committed federal crimes. Which congressional power is involved? А economic power B judicial power C С citizenship and domestic powers foreign relations and war powers​


It’s c no cap just really think about it

Every year a few hundred naturalized citizens lose their citizenship because they have committed federal crimes. The  citizenship and domestic powers are involved.

Who are naturalized citizens ?

A person who was born outside of the country and acquired citizenship in the country is known as a naturalized citizen. Only immigrants who have been legally residing in the country for three to five years are eligible, as are those who have served in the military.

If you were born outside of the United States, you must go through the naturalization procedure in order to become a citizen. You can become a citizen of the United States either at birth or later in life if you meet specific qualifications. 

No state has the independent authority to convert a foreign subject into a citizen of the United States; Congress has the sole authority to carry out naturalizations. Citizenship by naturalization is a right that Congress may grant or deny.

To learn more about Citizenship



Why we need Persuade ?

I neeeed helppppl



hey hi mate

There are a lot of reasons why being persuasive is an important professional development skill in business life, as well as personal. Most importantly, persuasion helps people take actions that will actually be in their benefit, despite the mental roadblocks they might have that prevent them from doing so.

hope it helps u

plz mark it as brainliest

sino dito ang pinoy?

english: who's pinoy?



a person of Filipino origin or descent


what is the vantage point in the painting ?


Point of view so the street is the vantage point

How would you describe President Carter’s personal style?


President Carter was very gracious and laid back.

Select the correct answer.
Which of the following would be violated if the United States were to annex Cuba following a conflict between the two countries?



the Teller Amendment


This amendment prevented the annexation of Cuba by United States forces, and placed a condition on the United States' military presence in Cuba. Therefore, the Teller Amendment would be violates if the US were to annex Cuba following a conflict.

What's a ruling family called?


Answer: A dynasty is the correct answer

hope its helps

have a great day.

keep smiling be happy stay safe.

What topic did the abolitionist
movement address during the
antebellum period?


The Abolitionist movement during the Antebellum period, was a critical time in American history. The goal of this movement was to emancipate all slaves immediately, and end discrimination, as well as segregation. The brave men and women involved in this movement were called abolitionists and antislavery advocates.

What is the importance of Philippine folkdance in your life as a Filipino


The Philippine culture and pass it on to the next generation and they are a uniting force to the philippine people
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