Whats the propositional phrase in The editor of the newspaper wanted to publish it.’


Answer 1


Of The Newspaper.


a Prepositional Phrase starts with a Preposition (Of), and ends with a noun or pronoun( Newspaper).

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What are 6 regions in the Middle East


northern tier. WHERE: turkey and iran. PLATEAUS: turkey-anatolian plateau. ...

fertile crescent. WHERE: iraq. RIVERS: tigris and euphrates. ...
arabian peninsula. WHERE: saudia arabia, yemen, oman, UAE. SURROUNDED BY: ...
nile valley. WHERE: egypt and sudan.
maghreb. VOCABULARY: maghreb- western isle. THE "WESTERN SIDE"
there’s only 5


Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain


Hope it helps

Which is a recommended strategy for exam preparation


I would recommend to study the key things required for the exam.

Try to not stress out while studying because that can effect how well you focus.

During the exam if you get stuck on a question, skip it and come back to it at the end.

Study the central idea or the key factor.
Don’t rush in answering questions

How does the story of Herz-Sommer’s son contribute to the central idea of the text?



Herz-Sommer’s son was also a Holocaust survivor who died suddenly in 2001.

Herz-Sommer’s son was also a Holocaust survivor who died of a sudden in 2001, to suggest the central idea of the text.

What is the story of Herz-Sommer?

In 1903, Herz-Sommer was born in Prague. When the Soviet Red Army liberated their camp in 1945, she and her son Raphael were released from Nazi captivity and moved to Israel before settling in Britain. A talented cellist and conductor, Raphael passed away in 2001.

Before Yisrael Kristal was recognized as the oldest Holocaust survivor, she spent 40 years of her life in Israel before moving to London in 1986, where she remained until she passed away. At 110 years old, she was the oldest known Holocaust survivor in the world.

Therefore, Herz-Sommer’s son was also a Holocaust survivor who died of a sudden in 2001, propose the central idea of the text.

Learn more about Herz-Sommer, here:



How does this quote show imagery?

Member how he lifted his feet when he trotted



It shows imagery by describing the scene of events in what is happening in the current time frame of the plot of the story.


Identify the literary device in the passage below.

It was quiet and hot, hot, hot. All you could hear was a crow calling somewhere up river and the distant sound of cars along the highway. The scorching air pressed against my face, and my hair was like a hot, heavy blanket draped on my neck and back. It was so hot you could smell the heat baking the stones and dirt along the bank.

Question 4 options:

imagery (sensory details)








When a writer attempts to describe something so that it appeals to our sense of smell, sight, taste, touch, or hearing; he/she has used imagery

Does anyone know this?


Parallel means using the same pattern of words so basically words repeated. I have never done this before but seems like option 2 is best

Help me its due 10:30 an i cant do it again do it help me plz



can u take a picture?


What is the implied main idea of the passage?
a) Farming is more difficult than building skyscrapers.
b) Heritage can provide a source of inspiration.
Oc) Immigrants to America rarely found the work they sought.
d) Families should always save old letters.


Answer: B


After reading the passage given above, it can be stated that the statement, ''Heritage can provide a source of inspiration.'', is the one that accurately gives a description about the main idea of the passage. Therefore, the option B holds true.

What is the significance of a main idea?

A main idea, or the central idea, of a passage can be referred to or considered as the idea that is at the primary intent of an author while creation or construction of a literary composition in textual form. It depicts a message that the author wants the readers to interpret.

In the passage given above, it can be stated that the details about the historical heritage is being described. Here, the author wants the readers to interpret the importance of the inspiration that heritage has to offer.

Therefore, the option B holds true and states regarding the significance of the main idea.

Learn more about the main idea here:



How does the author of Castle Diary use illustrations to establish setting?



his uncle's castle in thirteenth-century England.


Help help help help help English English



I dont know the poem but it must be whet, he uses that word a lot. Btws i love Robert Frost





In an effort to reduce the turnover nurses your hospital


In an effort to reduce the turnover of Nurses, your hospital started
a program to conduct exit interviews with all Nurses who voluntarily left the hospital. The primary purpose of the exit interviews was to determine specific reasons for leaving.

वायुमण्डल परिवर्तनले परेको असर​


Answer: Impact of Climate Change

Directions: Decide if the underlined verb(s) in each sentence is active or passive voice. Then, use the coloring key to complete the coloring
sheet. Please note that sentences 1-10 have a coloring key, and sentences 11-20 have a different coloring key.
1. That sick baby lost weight.
11 Someone cleaned my car!
2. The pencils were sharpened Passive
12. The folders were sorted
3. All of the spoons were polished Passive
13. Every book was ruined by mold.
4. The project screen dropped from the ceiling.
14. Roberta knew the problem
5. Everyone was directed away from the sidewalk.
15. The pictures were posted by Lucy.
6. The ceiling needs paint.
16. Melissa handed everyone some paper.
7. The floor was mopped clean.
17. An announcement was made by Mandy.
8. Since breaking her foot, Ginny walks with crutches,
18. Carlos hung the poster.
9. The cake was frosted by Brice.
19. The blankets were turned into a fort.
10. Sandra ate some pizza
20. Have you ever been serenaded by carolers?



1. active

11. active

2. passive

12. passive

3. passive

13. passive

4. active

14. active

5. passive

15. passive

6. active

16. active

7. passive

17. passive

8. active

18. active

9. passive

19. passive

10. active

20. passive

Connecting a set of specific facts to arrive at a more general conclusion is
a. inductive reasoning.
b. analogical reasoning.
c. deductive reasoning.
d. cause-effect reasoning.


A. Inductive Reasoning

Paragraph about tradition


A tradition is a belief or behavior (folk custom) passed down within a group or society with symptomatic meaning or special significance with origins in the past. Traditions are a subject of study in several academic fileds, especially in social sciences such as folkore studies, anthropology, archaeology, and biology.

why does the police officer arrest Justyce​


be sure justyce did something bad

I need help with this



we were taught that a gibe can cause someone to be deeply hurt

Pls Help me!!
i'm doing an assignment on edge here is the question :

Match each sentence with the correct purpose



1. Informative

2. Informative with bias

3. Investigative

4. Investigative with bias


Hope this helps.

tie(an animal) with a rope or chain so as to restrict its movement



no animal abuser


Which element of a story is most clearly shown in this
Not a day went by that Mia didn't manage to offend
somebody with her loud opinions and blunt way of
talking. But the worst part of all? She was usually right.
A. Climax
B. Setting
C. Dialogue
O D. Characters





hopes this helps

Ella is readirig aloud a chapter from a story, and she
reads these words:
Brendan could not see the board from the back row of
the classroom, so he went to the eve doctor to get
where had she changed a word in the sentence?








edg 2021

Which of the following passages from "A Great Mistake" helps to advance the theme that the desire to possess is greater than the power of fear? A. An Italian kept a fruit-stand on a corner where he had good aim at the people ... B. He sat most of the day in a backless chair that was placed strategically. C. For a time he was a simple worshipper Then tumultuous desires began to shake him.​




Because it goes better with the question

In the middle of the girl’s shirt *


















He has been teaching English for 10 years​


Where is the question have a good day

Drag the tiles to the boxes to form correct pairs.
Using the SOAPS method, match the elements of this passage with the appropriate answers.

Gettysburg Address
by Abraham Lincoln

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

The speech addressed all the citizens of the United States.
The speech was delivered by Abraham Lincoln.
The speech was delivered on November 19, 1863, after the Battle of Gettysburg.
The bravery of Union soldiers who died at the Battle of Gettysburg was the speech’s topic.
The speech was part of a ceremony to honor soldiers who died at the Battle of Gettysburg.







Occasion: Divisive times during the American Civil War over the issue of slavery
Audience: The American public/population
Subject: The issue of slavery
Speaker: Abraham Lincoln
Purpose: To unite the American population

Tell us a short story (use "when" and "while")

I ve a speaking exam pls help asap T,T



when I was passing I saw john shouting while answering phone call


One Sunday morning, when I was going to the cinema with my best friends, I witnessed a murder.

I occurred in the cinema we were in. That day, I became popular in the cinema. The owner even knows me.

While we were watching a horror movie, there was a gang of men dressed in black. Ignoring them was not easy since they were behind us.

I could here everything they were saying. They were plotting on kill a girl that refused to have sex with their leader.

When they when to the control room of the cinema, I couldn't resist following them. It turns out the girl worked in the cinema.

My stomach flipped when I saw what was happening.

After insulting her they chopped off her ears and poked her eyes with the knife.

I couldn't resist screaming. I bet they herd me in Africa. Luckily my friends arrived to my rescue and saved me from the horrible dream. All the attention was turned to me. I had to narrate my dream to everybody in the cinema that was full. They even posed the movie for me, but to be honest, I spiced up the whole dream.


An allusion in uner the mesquite



Are you trying to find the symbolization from " Under The Mesquite " ??


is so its "the strength and fortitude of the mesquite tree is a key symbol in Under the Mesquite"

Hope you have a great day , and take care !! :)

I need to know a lot about global warming.



ok so heres bulletpoints

global warming has polluted our seas with over 8.5 metric tons

greenhouse gases are caused by cow waste

the ocean has risen about 8–9 inches (21–24 centimeters) since 1880

Glaciers have shrunk

ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier

plant and animal ranges have shifted

Most of the increase in global temperatures since 1950 has been caused by human activity


hope this helps but if it doesnt you should go on national geographics website!

Sun gives us some radioactive energy waves.By increase in pollution of gases like carbon dioxide the light gets absorbed by the earth's atmosphere so the temperature is increasing day by day.It harms the health by air pollutants.The glaciers are now melting which is increasing sea water level.If we don't stop it may we get extincted


Which element of a story is most clearly a motif?
A. A bag of jewels that the characters try to steal
B. A detailed description of a wheat field in fall
C. A storm's arrival whenever there is conflict
D. A detail that foreshadows what happens later



A storm's whenever there is conflict


Joe mama

The  element of a story is most clearly a motif A storm's arrival whenever there is conflict

It should be noted that a motif in literature simply means a word or image that looks like something else.

Based on the question asked, the element of a story is most clearly a motif is a melody that plays during conflict moments.

Conflict is a perception, which means that only when it is acknowledged by the persons involved does it actually exist. There is no conflict if Teresa and Heitor argue passionately about the strategy the business should employ to attract more clients.

To learn more about Conflict, refer to the link:



separating coarse particles in the ingredients by passing though a sieve​



all find out the particles and the ingredients different


we could do some multiple to see how we can see the difference between them

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