When a company receives payment from a customer whose account receivable was previously written off, the company a. reinstates the customer's account to the balance of both gross receivables and the allowance. b. records a decrease in bad debt expense. c. records an increase in net revenue. d. records a gain from unexpected collections.


Answer 1

Answer:  a. reinstates the customer's account to the balance of both gross receivables and the allowance.


When a company receives payment from a customer whose debt had been written off, the first step is to reinstate the account. This will be done by debiting the Accounts Receivable account and crediting the Allowance for doubtful debt accounts.

The accounts receivable account will then be credited to show that it is reducing. The cash account will be debited to show that cash was received from the customer.

Related Questions

2. If management adopts Bo's suggestion of reducing U-Scream Ice Cream's charitable donations until profits stabilize, the company will essentially reduce its ___________.



Corporate philanthropy



This is simply known as an organization that is owned by individuals, called shareholders, so it had an large amount of money available.

Corporate Philanthropy

This is simply known as corporation involvement in giving or making a direct contribution to a charity or cause The contributions may be in different forms such as:

a. Cash,

b. Grants

c. Donations

d. In-kind services etc.

Usually, corporations often chooses a cause that fits with the corporation

There are various options for giving to philanthropy. Reduction in U-Scream Ice Cream's charitable donations can lead to a corresponding decline in charitable philanthropies by organizations.

My husband and I have been married for four years. When we graduated from college we were able to find entry level positions in California, but things were difficult because it is very expensive to live in California. After two years of marriage we decided to move to Omaha, Nebraska, believing that we could earn California wages without paying California housing prices. We bought a 900 square-foot condo for $317,000. We love the place and it's in a great neighborhood, but we have to be honest with ourselves that we may have made a mistake. Buying the condo took our savings, and that meant we had to take out a student loan for my husband's graduate school. He works in education, and with a $42,000 salary, it infuriates us that his graduate schooling nearly costs us what he makes in a year. Although we carry no credit card debt and continue to drive our very old cars, it worries me that when it comes time to pay back student loans, we are going to still be very tight and only be paying near the minimum credit card payment. My husband's career goal is to work in school administration, which pays more that what a classroom teacher makes. But it could take several years for that to happen, and we will need to sit tight until then. I am grateful that we have, for the most part, lived within our means and have made an effort to save a small amount of money. But if either of us loses our job, we could be in the same boat a lot of people are in. I hope this economy turns around so I can stop losing sleep about it! Based on the above scenario, describe one problem the couple above is facing and one possible solution to the problem



I think there is no answer as pre my opinion and watch for other answer

Liquidity is _________. Question 10 options: equal to the market value of a firm's total assets minus its total liabilities generally most associated with intangible assets a measure of the use of debt in a firm's capital structure valuable to a firm even though liquid assets tend to be less profitable to own equal to current assets minus current liabilities



valuable to a firm even though liquid assets tend to be less profitable to own


JG Asset Services is recommending that you invest $1,500 in a 5-year certificate of deposit (CD) that pays 3.5% interest, compounded annually. How much will you have when the CD matures


Answer: $1781.54


Since the person invest $1,500 in a 5-year certificate of deposit (CD) that pays 3.5% interest, compounded annually, then the amount that the person will have when the CD matures will be:

= PV(1 + r)^n

= 1500 × (1+3.5%)^5

= 1500 × (1.035)^5

= 1500 × 1.18769

= 1781.54

Therefore, the person will have $1781.54 when the CD matures.

Wasson Widget Company is contemplating the production and sale of a new widget. Projected sales are $300,000 (or 75,000 units) and desired profit is $36,000. What is the target cost per unit? g





Calculation to determine the target cost per unit?

Using this formula

Target cost per unit=Projected sales -Desired profit /Projected units

Let plug in the formula

Target cost per unit=$300,000-$36,000/75,000 units

Target cost per unit=$264,000/75,000 units

Target cost per unit=3.52 per unit

Therefore the target cost per unit is 3.52

Inductive reasoning starts with a general truth and uses facts to draw specific conclusions.
True or false


The answer is false your welcome

[The following information applies to the questions displayed below.]

Following are the transactions of a new company called Pose-for-Pics.

August 1 M. Harris, the owner, invested $9,000 cash and $38,700 of photography equipment in the company.
August 2 The company paid $2,300 cash for an insurance policy covering the next 24 months.
August 5 The company purchased supplies for $1,710 cash.
August 20 The company received $2,650 cash from taking photos for customers.
August 31 The company paid $870 cash for August utilities.
Analyze each transaction above by showing its effects on the accounting equation—specifically, identify the accounts and amounts (including + or −) for each transaction. Use the following partial chart of accounts: Cash; Supplies; Prepaid Insurance; Equipment; M. Harris, Capital; Services Revenue; and Utilities Expense.




Effects on the accounting equation:

            Assets                                                 = Liabilities + Equity

Aug 1   Cash +$9,000 Equipment +$38,700 =  M. Harris, Capital +$47,700

Aug 2  Cash  -$2,300 Prepaid Insurance +$2,300

Aug 5  Cash    -$1,710 Supplies +$1,710

Aug 20 Cash +$2,650                                        = Revenue +$2,650

Aug 31  Cash  -$870                                            = Utilities Expense -870

Total assets   $49,480                                        = Total equity $49,480                                                                                    


a) Data and Analysis based on the accounting equation:

August 1 Cash $9,000 Equipment $38,700 M. Harris, Capital $47,700

August 2 Prepaid Insurance $2,300 Cash ($2,300)

August 5 Supplies $1,710 Cash ($1,710)  

August 20 Cash $2,650 Service Revenue $2,650

August 31 Utilities ($870) Cash ($870)

Below are departmental income statements for a guitar manufacturer. The manufacturer is considering dropping its electric guitar department since it has a net loss. The company classifies advertising, rent, and utilities expenses as indirect.
Departmental Income Statements
For Year Ended December 31, 2013
Acoustic Electric
Sales $ 111,500 $ 105,500
Cost of goods sold 55,675 66,750
Gross profit 55,825 38,750
Operating expenses
Advertising expense 8,075 6,250
Depreciation expense-equipment 10,150 9,000
Salaries expense 17,300 13,500
Supplies expense 2,030 1,700
Rent expense 6,105 5,950
Utilities expense 3,045 2,550
Total operating expenses 46,705 38,950
Net income (loss) $ 9,120 $ (200 )
Prepare a departmental contribution report that shows each department’s contribution to overhead.



Wholesale Guitars


Departmental Contribution Income Statements

For Year Ended December 31, 2013

                                                       Acoustic       Electric

Sales                                              $ 111,500  $ 105,500

Cost of goods sold                          55,675       66,750

Variable operating expenses         29,480       24,200

Total variable costs                       $85,155     $90,950

Contribution margin                   $26,345      $14,550

Total fixed (indirect) costs            $17,225       $14,750

Net operating income (loss)          $9,120          $(200)


a) Data and Calculations:


Departmental Income Statements

For Year Ended December 31, 2013

                                                       Acoustic       Electric

Sales                                              $ 111,500  $ 105,500

Cost of goods sold                          55,675       66,750

Gross profit                                     55,825        38,750

Operating expenses

Advertising expense                        8,075         6,250

Depreciation expense-equipment 10,150         9,000

Salaries expense                            17,300        13,500

Supplies expense                           2,030           1,700

Rent expense                                  6,105          5,950

Utilities expense                             3,045         2,550

Total operating expenses            46,705       38,950

Net income (loss)                         $ 9,120        $ (200 )

Total operating expenses            46,705       38,950

Less fixed costs:

Advertising expense                      8,075         6,250  

Rent expense                                 6,105         5,950

Utilities expense                            3,045         2,550

Total fixed (indirect) costs         $17,225      $14,750

Variable operating expenses   $29,480    $24,200

Store A sells four times as many products as store B and one third as many as store C. If store C sells 105,960 products, how many products does store B sell.a. 8,830 b. 35,320 c. 79,470 d. 141,280 e. 423,840


The number of products that store B sells is 8,830. Option A is correct.

The accounting equation makes a part of balance sheet and further accounting procedures. It serves as the system's basis for double-entry bookkeeping.

The bookkeeping condition is the fundamental component of the monetary record and the essential guideline of bookkeeping.

It assists the organization with setting up a monetary record and check whether the whole endeavor's resource is equivalent to its liabilities and investor value. It is the foundation of the twofold passage bookkeeping framework.


Store A sells four times of products as store B

Store A sells one third of products as store C

Let the number of products sold by stores A be (a), B be (b), and C be (c) respectively.

The number of products store C (c) sells = 105,960

Calculate the number of products store B sell:

According to the question, store A (a) sells four times as many products as store B (b) which means:

Equation 1:

a = 4b

Even, store A sells one third as many as store C (c) which means:

Equation 2:

a = (1 / 3)* c

Substitute the value of c in this equation 2:

a = (1 / 3)* 105960

a = 105,960 / 3

a = 35320

The products store A (a) sells = 35320

Substitute value of a in equation 1:

a = 4b

35320 = 4b

b = 35320 / 4

b = 8830

Thus, option A is correct.

Learn more about Equations, here:



Financial statement audits performed under PCAOB requirements are designed to provide which type(s) of assurance with respect to the detection of material misstatements due to errors or fraud?



Reasonable - Yes Absolute - No


When conducting an audit, the auditor is responsible to perform the review and provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatement.

Due to the type of audit evidence obtained and the attribute of the fraud, the auditor cannot provide absolute assurance that the financial statements are free from any material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The assurance provided by the auditor is reasonable and not absolute.

TIPS Capital Return Consider a 4.00 percent TIPS with an issue CPI reference of 185.10. At the beginning of this year, the CPI was 192.20 and was at 202.60 at the end of the year. What was the capital gain of the TIPS in percentage terms?
a. 5.41%.
b. 7.10%.
c. 5.13%.
d. 10.40%.


Answer: a. 5.41%


The TIPS price at the beginning of the year was:

= Beginning of year CPI / Issue CPI * price

= 192.20 / 185.10 * 1,000

= $1,038.36

End of the year:

= 202.60 / 185.10 * 1,000

= $1,094.54

Capital gain = (Ending value - Beginning value) / Beginning value

= (1,094.54 - 1,038.36) / 1,038.36

= 5.41%

help with business pls






Stephanie wanted to save for her daughter's education. Tuition costs $10,000 per year in today's dollars. Her daughter was born today and will go to school starting at age 18. She will go to school for 4 years. Stephanie can earn 12% on her investments and tuition inflation is 6%. How much must Stephanie save at the beginning of each year if she wants to make her last savings payment at the beginning of her daughter's first year of college



The amount that Stephanie must save at the beginning of each year if she wants to make her last savings payment at the beginning of her daughter's first year of college is:

= $6,428.46.


a) Data and Calculations:

Tuition costs per year in today's dollars = $10,000

Total tuition costs for 4 years in today's dollars = $40,000

Number of periods to save = 18 years

Interest rate on investments = 12%

Tuition inflation rate = 6%

Stephanie needs to save $6,428.46 at the beginning of each year, calculated as follows from an online financial calculator:

N (# of periods)  18

I/Y (Interest per year)  18

PV (Present Value)  40000

FV (Future Value)  0


PMT = $6,428.46

Sum of all periodic payments = $115,712.21

Total Interest = $75,712.21

After learning about inflation and some of its history, what would be the inflation target that is most advisable for an economy?





In simple words, every nation in the world have some kind of central authority that works to control and keep the inflation as low as possible. However, too low inflation can also lead to recession which brings problems way worse than inflation.

Thus, keeping in mind about all the information we have studied, it is advisable to keep inflation at 1% or 2% band, so that economy can grow moderately along with no price pressure on consumers.

Heidi Ganahl's personal example of triumph over tragedy most likely has a strong influence on Camp Bow Wow's: a.organizational culture. b.organizational diversity. c.organizational structure. d.organizational control.



organizational control.


Heidi Ganahl's  is an American businesswoman and entrepreneur She is the founder and CEO of Camp Bow Wow's pet franchise. She has won various awards such as the most powerful women in the chamber of commerce and the most amazing female entrepreneurs.

Jim buys a 5 percent bond in the amount of $100. If the market interest rate increases to 10 percent Jim can sell his bond for up to:





Jim buys a 5% bond

The amount is $100

The market interest rate increases to 10%

Therefore the price at which the bond cann be sold is calculated as follows

= 5×100

= 500×0.01

= 50

Hence it can be sold for $50

What's the meaning of the symbol S3?

A. One three-way switch
B. A single switch mounted at 3'0"
C. Three single-pole switches
D. a triple-pole switch


The answer is A

One three-way switch

what does it mean to be "in the red"



The expression "in the red" is used to describe a business that has negative earnings. This is in contrast to the phrase "in the black" which refers to businesses that are profitable and financially solvent. ... Before the use of computers, accountants recorded income in black ink and expenses in red ink.


I hope it helpedhey buddy can u do a favor to mehey buddy can u do a favor to meif u don't mind ......plz subscribe to my UTube channel - gtron9528

Franchises are attractive to business owners because

they have a proven business model.
they are typically inexpensive to buy.
they get to keep all profits.
they come with very little risk.


A. they have a proven business model.

Franchises are attractive to business owners because they have a proven business model. The correct option is A.

Why are franchises attractive?

Franchises give larger companies the ability to expand and spread out while also allowing entrepreneurs and small business owners the chance to manage their own operations with the assistance and support of a larger organization with a track record of success. Franchising is a seductive strategy for achieving commercial success.

In a franchise, the business owner (the franchisor) sells the right to use its brand, goods, and operational procedures to the franchisee (the person who wants to open a new location) in exchange for a fee.

The fact that the franchisor has previously created and put the business model through testing is one of the key advantages of owning a franchise. As opposed to starting a new company from scratch, the franchisee can take advantage of the franchisor's knowledge and expertise, which lowers the risk of failure.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about franchises here:



During January, its first month of operations, Dieker Company accumulated the following manufacturing costs:

Raw materials $4,500 on account, factory labor $8,100 of which $5,300 relates to factory wages payable and $2,800 relates to payroll taxes payable, and factory utilities payable $2,700.

Prepare journal entries for each type of manufacturing cost.



Date         Account titles and Explanations         Debit       Credit

31-Jan      Raw materials inventory                       $4,500

                       Accounts payable                                           $4,500

31-Jan      Work in process inventory                    $8,100

                       Factory wages payable                                   $5,300

                       Payroll taxes payable                                      $2,800

31-Jan      Manufacturing overhead                       $2,700

                      Factory utilities payable                                    $2,700

If the risk-free rate is 7.0%, the market risk premium is 9.0%, and the expected return on Security J is 23.8%, what is the beta for Security J



the beta for Security J is 1.87


The computation of the beta is given below

As we know that

Expected return = risk free rate of return + beta ×market risk premium

23.8% = 7.0% + beta × 9.0%

So, the beta is

= (23.8% - 7.0%) ÷ 9.0%

= 1.87

Hence, the beta for Security J is 1.87

In general, increasing price above the market equilibrium price will _______ consumer surplus and ________ producer surplus. Total surplus will _______. Reducing price below market equilibrium will ________ consumer surplus and _______ producer surplus. Total surplus will _______. Thus regulators _______ increase benefits to one group or the other, but the market ______ be efficient.
The tax incidence is the:_____
a. average tax burden borne by buyers and sellers.
b. actual tax burden borne by buyers and sellers.
c. absolute tax burden borne by buyers and sellers.
d. relative tax burden borne by buyers and sellers.


I say it have to be letter a
C I’m not sure if thts it but yea

Justin, an employee of Widget Corp., is hesitant to leave the company because he thinks that he will lose a great deal of his investments in time, effort, and benefits. In the context of organizational commitments, it is evident that Justin experiences _____. Group of answer choices normative commitment conjoint commitment affective commitment continuance commitment



Continuance commitment


Organizational Commitment

This is commonly defined as employee desire or will to remain a member of the organization. It is said to influences whether an employee stays a member of the organization (is retained) or leaves to pursue another job (turns over).

Continuance Commitment

This is a type of commitment that is said to occur only when there is a profit associated with staying and a cost associated with leaving. This usually create a more passive form of loyalty. continuance commitment increases in terms of the total amount of investment (in terms of time, effort, energy, etc.) an employee has made in mastering his work role or fulfilling his organizational duties or lack of employment alternatives etc.

Adjusting Entry for Supplies The balance in the supplies account, before adjustment at the end of the year, is $1,654. Journalize the adjusting entry required if the amount of supplies on hand at the end of the year is $777.



The adjustment is:

= Balance in supplies account - Supplies on hand

= 1,654 - 777

= $877

This amount will be sent to the Supplies expense account to show that it was incurred as an expense during the period but was not accounted for. Expenses are debited when they increase.

Date                      Account Title                                        Debit                Credit

XX-XX-XXXX       Supplies expense                               $877

                             Supplies                                                                         $877

g If the economy experiences economic contraction, the government can combat this with an Group of answer choices increase in government purchases increase in marginal tax rates increase in autonomous taxes increase in real interest rates



increase in government purchases


If there is a contraction in the economy, the government should conduct expansionary policies to increase money supply.

Discretionary fiscal policies are deliberate steps taken by the government to stimulate the economy in order to cause the economy to move to full employment and price stability more quickly than it might otherwise.

Discretionary fiscal policies can either be expansionary or contractionary

Expansionary fiscal policy is when the government increases the money supply in the economy either by increasing spending or cutting taxes.

Contractionary fiscal policies is when the government reduces the money supply in the economy either by reducing spending or increasing taxes

The part can be purchased from an outside supplier at $20 per unit. If the part is purchased from the outside supplier, two thirds of the total fixed costs incurred in producing the part can be eliminated. The annual increase or decrease on the company's operating incomes as a result of buying the part from the outside supplier would be:



$2,000 Decrease


Calculation to determine what The annual increase or decrease on the company's operating incomes as a result of buying the part from the outside supplier would be:

First step is to calculate C saving from not producing parts

C saving from not producing parts = $12 + (2/3 x $9)

C saving from not producing parts = $18

Now let determine The annual increase or decrease on the company's operating incomes

purchase price = $20

Annual increase or decrease =($20-$18) x 1,000

Annual increase or decrease =$2 more per unit x 1,000

Annual increase or decrease = $2,000 decrease

Therefore The annual increase or decrease on the company's operating incomes as a result of buying the part from the outside supplier would be:$2,000 Decrease

Adams Manufacturing allocates overhead to production on the basis of direct labor costs. At the beginning of the year, Adams estimated total overhead of $385,900; materials of $417,000 and direct labor of $227,000. During the year Adams incurred $408,900 in materials costs, $403,400 in overhead costs and $231,000 in direct labor costs. Compute the amount of under- or overapplied overhead for the year.





Computation for the amount of under- or overapplied overhead for the year.

First step is to calculate the

Predetermined Overhead using this formula

Predetermined Overhead rate = Estimated overhead/direct labor estimated

Let plug in the formula

Predetermined Overhead rate= 358,900/227,000

Predetermined Overhead rate= 158% of direct labor cost

Now let determine the Overhead applied

Overhead applied = $231,000*158%

Overhead applied= $364,980

Therefore the amount of under- or overapplied overhead for the year is $364,980

A used machine with a purchase price of $77,000, requiring an overhaul costing $8,000, installation costs of $5,000, and special acquisition fees of $3,000, would have a cost basis of



the cost basis of the machine is $93,000


The cost basis of the machine is given below:;

= Purchase price + overhaul costing + installation cost + special acquistion fees

= $77,000 + $8,000 + $5,000 + $3,000

= $93,000

Hence, the cost basis of the machine is $93,000

The same should be considered

If Sweet Catering had recorded transactions using the Accrual method, how much net income (loss) would they have recorded for the month of May? If there is a loss, enter it with parentheses or a negative sign.May 1: Prepaid rent for three months, $2,100May 5: Received and paid electricity bill, $70May 9: Received cash for meals served to customers, $1,530May 14: Paid cash for kitchen equipment, $3,780May 23: Served a banquet on account, $1,780May 31: Made the adjusting entry for rent (from May 1).May 31: Accrued salary expense, $3,260May 31: Recorded depreciation for May on kitchen equipment, $670



Net loss -$1,390


The computation of the net income is given below:

Service revenue    

On cash $1,530

ON credit $1,780

Service revenue $3,310

Less: Expense    

Utilities expense  -$70

Rent expense  -$700

Salaries expenses  -$3,260  

Depreciation expense -$670

Total expenses -$4,700

Net loss -$1,390

An analyst forecasts dividends over the next three years for ABC Company of $1.25, $2.00, and $2.50 respectively. He also expects that the dividend will grow at a constant rate of 3% forever after the third year. If the required rate of return is 12%, ABC stock price is closest to:





The stock price of the abc is given below:

Value of Stock after Year 3 = (Forecasted Dividend for Year 3 × Growth Rate) ÷ (Required Rate of Return - Growth Rate of Dividend)

 = (2.5 × 1.03) ÷ (0.12-0.03)

= 28.61


Current Stock Price = PV of all Future Dividends and Present Value of Stock after Year 3

 =(1.25 ÷ 1.12) + (2 ÷ 1.12^2) + (2.5 ÷ 1.12^3) + (28.61 ÷ 1.12^3)

 = 1.1161 + 1.5944 + 1.7795 + 20.3640

= $24.85

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The potential difference between the plates of a capacitor is 234 V. Midway between the plates, a proton and an electron are released. The electron is released from rest. The proton is projected perpendicularly toward the negative plate with an initial speed. The proton strikes the negative plate at the same instant the electron strikes the positive plate. Ignore the attraction between the two particles, and find the initial speed of the proton.I have tried looking at the cramster.com solution manual and do not like the way it is explained. Simply put, I cannot follow what is going on and I am looking for someone who can explain it in plain man's terms and help me understand and get the correct answer. I am willing to give MAX karma points to anyone who can help me through this. Thank you kindly. There are two machines available for cutting corks intended for use in wine bottles. The first produces corks with diameters that are normally distributed with mean 3 cm and standard deviation 0.10 cm. The second machine produces corks with diameters that have a normal distribution with mean 3.04 cm and standard deviation 0.04 cm. Acceptable corks have diameters between 2.9 cm and 3.1 cm. What is the probability that the first machine produces an acceptable cork -5 + 3 and also what is 1/4 of 24What is the answer i am struggling planning practices are different from organization to organization. discuss 1. How much heat energy ( Q ) is required to heat 2.0 kg of copper from 30.0 oC to 80.0 oC? Simplify (Asap )please answer this if you know(full steps required )(please no spam answers) e. Heat is transferred in liquids by________________________plz i dont wanna get grounded PLEASEE HELP ME ASAPPP (geometry) 3 write the factor of the following (1) 48 (2) 36 (3) 28 (4) 100 (5) 125 A client has a third-degree burn on the leg. The wound is being treated by the open method. After about 4 days, a hard crust has formed around the leg and is impairing the circulation to the leg. What procedure would be done to relieve pressure on the affected area?A. escharotomyB. debridementC. allograftD. silvadene application Choose the best answer1. They spent a lot of money on food and clothes.A. A lot of money on food were spentB. A lot of money was spent on food and clothesC. A lot of money were spent on food and clothesD. Money was spent a lot on food and clothes2. The restaurant serves seafood every Monday.A.Seafood is served every Monday.B.Seafood was served every Monday.C.Seafood are served every Monday. D.Seafood were served every Monday.3. Mary informed the police of the newsA.The police was informed of the news by Mary.B.The news was informed of the police.C.The police were informed of the news.D.The police of the news was informed by Mary.4. The ambulance is taking the boy to hospital.A. To the hospital is the boy being taken.B. The boy is being taking to hospital.C. The boy is being taken to hospital.D. The boy is taken to hospital.5.The engineers will construct a bridge over this house.A. This house will be constructed over a bridge.B. A bridge will be constructed over this house.C. This house will be being constructed over a bridge.D. A bridge will be being constructed over this house.6. Someone has stolen his gun.A. His gun has been stolen.B. His gun has stolen.C. He has been stolen the gun.D. The gun has been stolen him.7. We have to tell Mary about our change in plans.A. Mary has to be told about our change in plans.B. Our change in plans should be told for Mary.C. Mary is told about our change in plans.D. Our change in plans is told to Mary.8. We thought you were serious when you said you were leaving . You were thought _________when you said you were leaving.A. to have been seriousB. to being seriousC. to be seriousD. to have been seriously9. The directors have fired those lazy clerksA Those lazy clerks have been fired. B Those lazy clerks has been fired.C Those lazy clerks had been fired. D Those lazy clerks were fired .10. They didnt explain anything about that .A.Nothing was explained about that .B.That wasnt explained anything by them .C.Anything wasnt explained about that .D.Something wasnt explained about that .11.They showed his photograph on television.A. On television they have his photograph shown.B. His photograph was shown on television.C. His photograph is being shown on television.D. The television was shown his photograph.12. We must find this killer.A. This killer we must find.B. This killer is found.C. This killer be found.D. This killer must be found.13. They signed the contract at lunchtime.A.They were signed the contract at lunchtime.B.At lunchtime the contract were signed C.The contract at lunchtime was signed .D.The contract was signed at lunchtime.14. Someone ought to do something about it.A. Something about it ought to be done.B. Someone ought to be done about it.C. Something ought to be done about it.D. It ought to be done something by someone.15. People should send their complaints to the head office.A. Their complaints were sent to the head office.B. The head office was sent their complaints.C. Their complaints should be sent to the head office.D. The head office should be sent complaints.16. People dont use this road very often.A.This road dont be used very often.B. This road is not used very often.C. This road is used not very often.D. This road is not often used.17. Miller has taken a lot of photographs.A. Photographs have been taken by Miller.B. Photographs have been taken a lot of by Miller.C. A lot of photographs were taken by Miller.D. A lot of photographs have been taken by Miller.18. The teacher gave us two very difficult exercises.A. We were given two very difficult exercises.B. Two very difficult exercises were given to the teacher.C. Two very difficult exercises were given to us.D. Both (A and (C are correct.19. They said that he was all right .A.He said he was all right .B.They were said him was all right .C.He was said he was all right .D.He was said to be all right .20. The lawyer is interviewing the witness.A. The witness is interviewedB. The witness is being interviewedC. The lawyer is interviewedD. The lawyer is being interviewed21. They are taking photographs of the event.A. The event was taken photographs.B.The event is taken photographs.C. Photographs are taken of the event.D. Photographs of the event are being taken.22. How do people learn languages?A.How are languages learned? B.How are languages learned by people?C. How languages are learned?D.Languages are learned how? 23. Nobody told me that George was ill.A. I was told that George wasn't ill. B. I wasn't told that George was ill.C. Geoge wasn't told to be ill.D. George was told not to be ill.24. His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.A. He was given a present when he retired.B. A present was given by his colleagues when he retired.C. He was given a present by his colleagues when he retired.D. A present was given him when he retired.