When a substance melts it is said to go through all of the following except:

A. phase change
B. physical change
C. chemical change
D. temperature change


Answer 1
The answer is C, chemical change
Answer 2

Melting is not a chemical change. It is a physical change involving the transition from solid to liquid without altering the chemical composition of the substance. The correct option is C.

Melting is indeed a phase change, as the substance transitions from a solid phase to a liquid phase.

Melting is a physical change because the substance's molecular arrangement changes from the ordered structure of a solid to the less ordered structure of a liquid, but the chemical composition remains the same.

Melting is not a chemical change. In a chemical change, the substance undergoes a transformation at the molecular or atomic level, resulting in the formation of new substances with different chemical properties. Melting involves a change in physical state.

Melting involves a temperature change. The temperature remains constant during the melting process, as the heat energy is used to break the intermolecular forces holding the solid together rather than increasing the temperature of the substance.

Therefore, melting is a physical change involving the transition from solid to liquid without altering the chemical composition of the substance. The correct option is C.

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it indicates a steady rain therefore true

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