When Adenosine Triphosphate is used, it breaks down into:
A. Glucose
B. It doesn't break down
C. Thymine Triphosphate
D. Adenosine Diphosphate


Answer 1




ATP is hydrolysed to ADP in the reaction ATP+H20->ADP +Pi + energy

Answer 2

When Adenosine Triphosphate is used, it breaks down into Adenosine Diphosphate.

Adenosine diphosphate (ADP)

Adenosine diphosphate (ADP), also known as adenosine pyrophosphate (APP), is an important organic compound in metabolism and is essential to the flow of energy in living cells. ADP consists of three important structural components: a sugar backbone attached to adenine and two phosphate groups bonded to the 5 carbon atoms of ribose. The diphosphate group of ADP is attached to the 5’ carbon of the sugar backbone, while the adenine attaches to the 1’ carbon.

ADP can be interconverted to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine monophosphate (AMP). ATP contains one more phosphate group than does ADP. AMP contains one fewer phosphate group. Energy transfer used by all living things is a result of the dephosphorylation of ATP by enzymes known as ATPases. The cleavage of a phosphate group from ATP results in the coupling of energy to metabolic reactions and is a by-product of ADP.ATP is continually reformed from lower-energy species ADP and AMP. The biosynthesis of ATP is achieved throughout processes such as substrate-level phosphorylation, oxidative phosphorylation, and photophosphorylation, all of which facilitate the addition of a phosphate group to ADP.

Learn more about Adenosine diphosphate



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What is the main source of nutrients for autotrophs?



Most autotrophs use a process called photosynthesis to make their food. In photosynthesis, autotrophs use energy from the sun to convert water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air into a nutrient called glucose.

Which animal population do scientists frequently study in order to identify specific ways to evaluate the impacts of contaminants on biological communities?

a. bottlenose dolphins

b. giant tortoises

c. mallard ducks

d. swan geese



mallard ducks I think so




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what happens at the end of translation?



Translation ends in a process called termination.

Which diagram correctly shows how heterozygous alleles are found on homologous chromosomes?

A chromosome is labeled Upper A a.

A chromosome is labeled a a.

2 chromosomes are labeled Upper A and a.

2 chromosomes are labeled a and a.



the chromosome are found in the nucleus of a body cell in pair

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food with carbohydrates


they comprises of two or more mono saccharides

In the image below, what molecule is being released by cellular respiration
and used in photosynthesis?
A. 02
B. CO2
C. H20
D. C6H1206


I believe the answer is b.

the growth of a fungal hyphae tip is?


Fungal hyphae extend continuously at their extreme tips, where enzymes are released into the environment and where new wall materials are synthesised. ... So, in effect, a fungal hypha is a continuously moving mass of protoplasm in a continuously extending tube.

The use of another orga....​



C biological control.


Biological control because a natural organism is controling pest. Unlike using pesticides. That would be chemical control. lol


C. Biological Control


The use of biological beings such as organisms to control pest andm uch more is considered to be Biological Control

How would the introduction of a predator species affect the stability of an
A. The stability would not change because the new predator would
simply replace the native predator.
B. The stability of the ecosystem would increase as a result of the
introduction of a new predator species.
C. The new predator would be unable to hunt effectively for native
prey, so the stability would not change.
D. The native prey might not be able to protect itself against the new
predator, so the prey population would probably decline rapidly.



b. is the answer in your question.

Which base does Adenine pair with in RNA?
A. Uracil
B. Guanine
C. Thymine
D. Cytosine



A. Uracil would be the answer.

In 1980, scientists suggested that the great mass extinction of 65 million years ago (which ended the reign of dinosaurs) may have been caused by a large impact from space. What discovery gives a big boost to this idea


Answer: the discovery of a buried crater (about 200 km across) near Chicxulub, Mexico

The discovery of a buried crater (about 200 km across) near Chicxulub, Mexico.

What is extinction?

Extinction is defined as the disappearance of an organism or a group of organisms as a result of environmental factors or changes in the members' evolutionary processes.

It can also be defined as an evolutionary process that causes a species or population to go extinct.

When there are no longer any living members of a certain animal or plant species anywhere in the globe, the species has become extinct.

Generally speaking, species disappear for the following reasons:

Genetic and demographic phenomena.Habitat destruction in the wild.Species introduction that are invasive.Global warmingHunting and illicit trade.

Thus the discovery of a buried crater (about 200 km across) near Chicxulub, Mexico.

To learn more about extinction, refer to the link below:



What are the masses of gray matter that lie deep within the cerebral hemispheres and that are responsible for regulating intensity and precision of voluntary movement



Cerebral cortex.


The masses of gray matter that lie deep within the cerebral hemispheres is called cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex is responsible for many brain functions such as sensation, perception, memory, association, thought, and voluntary physical action. Damage occur to cerebral cortex can leads to many cognitive, sensory, and emotional difficulties in the body. It is also responsible for regulating intensity and precision of voluntary movement.

The water cycle is a closed system, meaning no water enters from beyond the system nor leaves the
system. What does that say about the importance of keeping water on Earth free from pollution?



there are no possible changes adaptations


what i mean by that is if a substantial amount of pollution enters the water cycle its going to be nearly impossible for it to get out

If water present on earth is polluted anywhere in the cycle, it starts affecting the system of water and percolation as well as plants become limited that what they will do in order to clean the water. It is possible that if ground is polluted than water will also get polluted. It means that the water present on earth is same the water present from the beginning and will continue to be the same water that is available.

What is groundwater?

Groundwater has been defined as water present in the underground water below the soil as well as in the cracks of the earth. The percentage of freshwater in the world would be 30%. There are mainly three types of groundwater and these are hand-dug wells, as well assprings, and drilled boreholes.

The water stored under the ground has obtained from the rain and stored in the ground so that it can be used later. Ground water has very clean and fit for drinking and the reason could be the soil present on top and work as filter and the groundwater is free from all microorganisms.

Therefore, If water present on earth is polluted anywhere in the cycle, it starts affecting the system of water and percolation as well as plants become limited that what they will do in order to clean the water. It is possible that if ground is polluted than water will also get polluted. It means that the water present on earth is same the water present from the beginning and will continue to be the same water that is available.

Learn more about groundwater here:



How many genes make up the human genome?
four: adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine
23 pairs of genes
20,000–25,000 genes
3 billion genes


About 20,00025,000 genes make up the human genome.


Genome of an organism refers to the total genetic makeup of that organism. It includes all the genes present in the organism.

Genes are the basic unit of inheritance found on (deoxyribonucleic acid DNA).

A project called Human Genome Project worked to determine the sequence of the human genome and its constituent genes and it was estimated that humans have between 20,000 and 25,000 genes.

Learn more about genome at: https://brainly.com/question/20215717

C: 20,000–25,000 genes

Mengapakah penggunaan mikroskop
elektron penting dalam mengkaji sel?​



Mikroskop elektron mampu membesarkan saiz sel dengan kuasa gandaan yang tinggi

Insects: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. typically have a younger flying life stage and an older aquatic life stage after metamorphosis. generally give birth to live young. typically mate and produce young during their larval stage. have a respiratory system with spiracles connecting to tracheae.



The correct option is ( have a respiratory system with spiracles connecting to tracheae).


The class INSECTA are under the phylum arthropoda which is the largest phylum in the animal kingdom. The insects are mainly land animals, they are widespread and adapted to all types of environment. They are also the only invertebrates that can fly. Examples of insects include: ants, butterflies, beetles, aphids and grasshoppers.

An insect has a well-defined head, thorax and an abdomen. The head had six segments and bears a pair of jointed antennae, compound eyes, simple eyes and mouthparts. The thorax had three segments, each bearing a pair of jointed walking legs. The abdomen has eleven segments and may have sensory and reproductive structures.

An insect carries out gaseous exchange by means of a network of open air tubes or TRACHEAE inside it's body. These tubes have openings called SPIRACLES to the exterior. Therefore the insects have an respiratory system with spiracles connecting to tracheae.

In 40 words or fewer, why do you think a 0.1% difference in DNA can
be useful to society?

(The answer is this ⬇️)

The 0.1% difference in DNA
can be used to identify
someone who has
committed a crime or free
someone who hasn't, to determine someone's family
heritage, and to help give a
person more precise
medical treatments.

To anyone who needs it



The 0.1% difference in DNA

can be used to identify

someone who has

committed a crime or free

someone who hasn't, to determine someone's family

heritage, and to help give a

person more precise

medical treatments.


Easy points thxx


Write a supported hypothesis of how the body would react if the peripheral nervous system was shut down while the central nervous system continues to function.



The real magnitude of this challenge can perhaps be best judged by considering the structural and functional complexity of the human brain and the bewildering complexity of human behavior. The human brain is thought to be composed of about a hundred billion (1011) nerve cells and about 10 to 50 times that number of supporting elements or glial cells. Some nerve cells have relatively few connections with other neurons or with such effector organs as muscles or glands, but the great majority receive connections from thousands of other cells and may themselves connect with several hundred other neurons. This means that at a fairly conservative estimate the total number of functional connections (known as synapses) within the human brain is on the order of a hundred trillion (1014). But what is most important is that these connections are not random or indiscriminate:

They constitute the essential "wiring" of the nervous system on which the extraordinarily precise functioning of the brain depends. We owe to the great neuroanatomists of the last century, and especially to Ramón y Cajal, the brilliant insight that cells with basically similar properties are able to produce very different actions because they are connected to each other and to the sensory receptors and effector organs of the body in different ways. One major objective of modern neuroscience is therefore to unravel the patterns of connections within the nervous system—in a word, to map the brain.

A molecule of water is comprised of:
A. One atom of negatively charged hydrogen and one atom of positively charged oxygen.
B. One atom of negatively charged oxygen and one atom of positively charged hydrogen.
C. Two atoms of positively charged hydrogen and one atom of negatively charged oxygen.
D. Two atoms of negatively charged hydrogen and one atom of positively charged oxygen.


It’s option c.
But actually water has both covalent and ionic characteristics. It is 33% ionic and 67% covalent, so it’s not right to say that it’s made up of two positive H and an oxygen atom with negative charge.
With regards to four options given third is most relevant one.

why some fruits have 1 seed and some gruits have many seeds​



Number of seeds in a fruit depends on the number of ovules in an ovary before fertilizations. The fruits which have more seeds in them have more number ovules in the ovary of flowers such as watermelon and those with single seed have only single ovule in the ovary of flowers like mango


Number of seeds in a fruit depends on the number of ovules in an ovary before fertilisation. The fruits which have more seeds in them have more number ovules in the ovary of flowers such as watermelon and those with single seed have only single ovule in the ovary of flowers like mango.

520 644 3017
password 12345
iam a teacher
time 2 15​



What is this?????????????????????????

arrange these structures in order of size, beginning with the smallest
starch grain
tracheal cell



1.starch grain (smallest)



4.tracheal cell

5.stomach (largest)

biology b unit 10 workbook



i also needed help w this


how are proteins and nucleic acids related


Answer: Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) encodes the information the cell needs to make proteins. A related type of nucleic acid, called ribonucleic acid (RNA), comes in different molecular forms that participate in protein synthesis


What are the methods of waste disposal ? Write in briefly.​



Methods of waste disposal are :-

Biogas plant: - Biodegradable material is used to produce biogas and manure.

Sewage treatment plant: The drain water is treated at plants before adding it to river.

Land filings: - The waste are buried in low-lying areas and compacted with bulldozers.

Composting: - Organic waste are filled in compost pit to make compost for plants.

Recycle: - This means that you collect plastic, paper, glass and metal items and recycle these materials to make required things instead of synthesizing or extracting fresh plastic, paper, glass or metal. In order to recycle, we first need to segregate our wastes so that the material that can be recycled is not dumped along with other wastes.

Reuse: - This is actually even better than recycling because the process of recycling uses some energy. In the ‘reuse’ strategy, you simply use things again and again. Instead of throwing away used envelopes, you can reverse it and use it again. The plastic bottles in which you buy various food-items like jam or pickle can be used for storing things in the kitchen.

Refuse: -This means to say No to things people offer you that you do not need. Refuse to buy products that can harm you and the environment, say No to single-use plastic carry bags.

Repurpose - This means when a product can no more be used for the original purpose, think carefully and use it for some other useful purpose. For example, cracked crockery, or cups with broken handles can be used to grow small plants and as feeding vessels for birds.

which type of hormone diffuses across the plasma membrane and binds to receptors in the cytoplasm module 16.4c



Steroid hormones.


Steroid hormones is a type of hormones that diffuses across the plasma membrane and binds to the receptors present in the cytoplasm. The hormones are released from the carrier protein and diffuse inside the cell across the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane of the cells. The steroid hormones pass through the plasma membrane of a target cell and attached to the intracellular receptors located in the cytoplasm or in the nucleus.

Bjr pouvez vous m'aider



no entiendo este idioma soy nuevo y hablo español

Does anybody know a nice place to watch the fireworks tomorrow around the San Francisco area??


yes,kumain kanaba ÚwÙ


In the open


Or next to an attraction nearby

If an area has very little permeability, such as a city where the ground is mostly concrete, what will happen to most of the rainwater?
A. It will become groundwater.
OB. It will be pumped into underground reservoirs by large machines.
C. It will become runoff.
D. The type of surface it falls on does not affect rainwater.





The water won't be able to penetrate the ground so can't become ground water and reservoirs are usually above ground not underground so it will become run off.

Permeability is the ability of the substances to get diffused easily across the surface. The concrete ground results in the rainwater becoming runoff. Thus, option C is correct.

What is permeability?

Permeability is the capacity of the water or any fluid to pass and diffuse across the substances or any membrane to get from the higher to lower concentration.

The concrete ground and roads are not permeable and do not allow water to pass through the material and effects the collection of the rainwater through infiltration.

The rainwater is unable to filter into the groundwater and becomes runoff. This runoff gets accumulated on the roads and can even lead to floods and drain blockages.

Therefore, option C. the less permeable roads cause rainwater to become runoff.

Learn more about permeability here:



where can we find most of the gases ? to the left or right section ? explain .​


Nitrogen and oxygen account for 99 percent of the gases in dry air, with argon, carbon dioxide, helium, neon, and other gases making up minute portions.

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