When encountering a construction-area warning sign, a motorist should: A.) Adjust speed and position to maintain space around his/her vehicle. B.) Speed up so as not create a traffic jam. C.) Drive on the shoulder of the road to avoid construction materials. D.) Do nothing. A construction-area is not different than anywhere else.


Answer 1
The answer is A if I’m not mistaking
Answer 2

A warning sign exists as a kind of sign which suggests a potential hazard, block, or situation needing particular attention. Adjust speed and position to sustain space around his/her vehicle.

What is a warning sign?

A warning sign exists as a kind of sign which suggests a potential hazard, block, or situation needing particular attention. Some exist traffic signs that suggest hazards on roads that may not be readily obvious to a driver.

One of the most familiar reasons for accidents and road rage in construction zones exists that of road closures. When you notice a sign published for an approaching road closure, be sure to connect as shortly as safely feasible. Do not delay until the road exists reaching an end to force your way through into the following road over.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A.) Adjust speed and position to maintain space around his/her vehicle.

To learn more about road warning sign refer to:



Related Questions

define tourism profession​



Tourism is the business of providing services for people on holiday

example: hotels, restaurants, trips

minerals are important natural expect but there are also decreasing in quantity and deteriorating in quality due to Rapid population growth support this statement with suitable example​



Depletion of minerals occurs due to high population.


Minerals are important natural expect but there are also decreasing in quantity and deteriorating in quality due to Rapid population growth because high population uses minerals in large amount that leads to depletion of these minerals. These minerals are present in a limited amount which can be depleted very soon if the population further increases so increasing population is the main reason for decreasing in quantity and deteriorating in quality of minerals.

describe the concept of development in brief​



which development u want uh?


Development is a process which creates growth, progress or positive change. that concept is very broad concept.  it can apply into different fields.

as example:

development can be arise in a personal life, in an organization, in a country, in a society etc


hope this will helpful to you

In 25 words or fewer, define ethics.
Type answer here...
Word Count: 25



the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles

3.. Using intermediate directions, which region within the country is Georgia located in?​



Georgia is a state in the Southeastern region of the United States, bordered to the north by Tennessee and North Carolina; to the northeast by South Carolina; to the southeast by the Atlantic Ocean; to the south by Florida; and to the west by Alabama.


Hope it help you

A cross-country driver decides to eat at a local restaurant she has never heard of. She walks in and sees a counter that contains cash register machines; a menu hangs above the counter. Behind the counter, employees wearing headsets and paper hats hustle to and fro, pulling food from a service window and placing it onto trays. These images will most likely trigger a ________ that will lead the traveler to believe she should ________ .


schema; order at the counter and then seat herself

Difference between water mill and flour mil
Please tell me more than 2 points​



watermill is a mill (for whatever purpose) powered by water while flour is powder obtained by grinding or milling cereal grains, especially wheat, and used to bake bread, cakes, and pastry


How do I get my 360 waves


you have to brush your hair and rag it up daily

HELP MEEEE!!!!!Gertrude Belle Elion was born on Jan. 23, 1918, in New York City. She graduated from Hunter College in New York City with a degree in biochemistry in 1937. Unable to obtain a graduate research position because she was a woman, she took a series of jobs, including lab assistant, chemistry and physics teacher in New York City high schools, and research chemist. During this time she also took classes at New York University, where she earned a master's degree in 1941. Because she could not devote herself to full-time studies, Elion never received a doctorate.

How does the author organize information in this article to create a clear main idea?

Interviews and research
Cause and effect





Chronologically - putting events in order from when they occurred.

The author puts events in chronological order.

When an article is organized chronologically you can almost create a timeline with the events:

Gertrude Belle Elion  was born on Jan. 23. 1918.

She graduated with a degree in biochemistry in 1937

She earned a master's degree in 1941.

Reasons it can't be the other answer choices.

Interviews and research - if the author organized this article using interviews and research there would likely be sourcing of the research and interviews. There is no sourcing so the author could not have used interviews and research.

Cause and effect - Although there is one cause and effect situation present in this article, the author did not organize the whole article using cause and effect situations so the author likely did not organize information in this article using cause and effect.

Problem-solution - when an author uses problem - solution to organize their article the article usually ends in the a solution to the problem. Although there was some type of problem ( Gertrude not being able to obtain a graduate research position, nor her doctorates ), the article did not end in the problem being solved. So the author likely did not use problem - solution  

Chronologically or Chronological means that the text or article is described or shown in the order in which it happened. And here they are talking about someone's life which is in order. so this would mean the answer is:

A) Chronologically

Hope it helped

d e e n - u l - q a y y i m

what are the factor that determine social development? list them pointwise​



Socio-Economic Status of the Family. Love and Affection. Love and affection are the basic psychological needs of children. If the child is treated with love and affection, he feels secure, and thus, develops self- confidence. ...

when is there equal length of day and night all over the world​


23 of September 21 of March hope this helps

Smoking by students and parents refer to exercise 20. calculate three conditional distributions of students’ smoking behavior: one for each of the three parental smoking categories. describe the relationship between the smoking behaviors of students and their parents in a few sentences.


Three conditional distribution for smoking behavior of students and parents will be calculated after identifying the students who smoke and who does not smoke. The table below is,

                 Parents do not smoke     one parent smoke    Parents smoke

Students do not smoke 1168                       1823                       1380

Students smoke              188                           416                        400

Conditional distribution is,

1. Students smoke, both parents smoke:

400 / [400 + 1380] = 0.2247

2. Students do not smoke, parents smoke:

1380 / [400 + 1380] = 0.7753

3. Student smokes, one parent smokes:

416 / [416 + 1823] = 0.1858

4. Students do not smoke, one parent smokes:

1823 / [416 + 1823] = 0.8142

5. Students smoke, parents do not smokes:

188 / [188 + 1168] = 0.1386

6. Students do not smoke, parents do not smoke:

1168 / [188 + 1168] = 0.8614

The conclusion can be drawn here is usually students smokes when they belong to a family where one or both of their parents smoke.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24439009

who is the famous ruler of kushans​




Quentin's faith teaches that God commands everyone to give at least ten percent of their income to the poor. Quentin usually gives fifteen percent. According to divine command theory, Quentin's action is __________. obligatory supererogatory impermissible neutral


According to divine command theory, Quentin's action is supererogatory

Divine command theory refers to the meta-ethical theory which simply states that the status of an action is morally good if it's equivalent to God's commandment. It explains that fir a person to be seen to be moral, he or she should follow the command of God.

According to divine command theory, Quentin's action is supererogatory. This is because Quentin performed more than what was expected of him. He gave 15% and not the 10% that was commanded.

In conclusion, Quentin's action is supererogatory.

Read more on:


This is civics PLEASE HELP!
What are two ways elections are affected by public opinion polls?

undecided voters vote for the most popular candidates
candidates with high polling numbers get more media coverage

campaign donations go to candidates with the lowest poll numbers

polling more people results in a higher voter turnout



Polling more people results in a higher voter turnout.


what fears were raised during the early period of federal discussion in Nepal?​


Federal discussion in Nepal refers to the system government power divided by that central power and political units.


Nepal is a geographical diversity country , federal discussion government at central level and that state level.

The state government power to the made federal law and that a maintain a law in the order in state,Nepal government power of the territorial integrity to run a government project.

Federal discussion has transformed into a social and religious discrimination the country.

Federal discussion is a dual government nation system.

Nepal is the officially as the federal democratic republic of Nepal, as the future of the new Nepal.

Nepal is the declared in a Hindu nation, government under at the shah rules.  


2) Tiger is the consumer​



here u go


The Tigers are animals that feed on herbivores or primary consumers, so tigers are considered as secondary consumers and placed in the 3rd trophic level of the food chain pyramid. ... Level 3: The organisms which eat only herbivores for their energy, where this is called secondary consumers or carnivores.

hope this helps u

how to be a good hospitality


By giving help to old and needy people

through alms, food, offering a space for those who are homeless

Rearrange the question.
? is name dear what your​



What is your name dear?


May it helps you

write any one basis of establishing interrelationships between health , population and environment education​


I’m not sure I understand this fully but hopefully this will help.

Let’s say the majority of the population smokes. This will not only hurt the smokers but the rest of the population as well do to second hand smoking. This then hurts the environment with butts of cigarettes being tossed everywhere, over production of tobacco and more money being spent on unhealthy habits.

how does the natural resources affect the development process​



Natural resources, economic growth, and sustainable development. ... Natural resources have a double-edge effect on economic growth, in that the intensity of its use raises output, but increases its depletion rate.


Sixty-year-old Kwan has led a life filled with ups (a prosperous career) and downs (a battle with breast cancer) and continues to maintain the capacity to change in response to such experiences. A lifespan developmental psychologist would likely say that Kwan has a



A lifespan developmental psychologist would most likely say that Kwan has a great plasticity


What is the objective of rural water supply and sanitation project in western Nepal?




                the objective of rural water supply and sanitation project in western Nepal, is to fulfill the basic needs and ensure rights of access of the poorest and excluded households to safe domestic water, good health and hygiene through decentralized governance .



The objective of rural water supply and sanitation project in western Nepal is to provide clean water to ensure good health of people.

what is Mortality rate????​



mortality rate is a measure of the frequency of occurrence of death in a defined population during a specified interval. Morbidity and mortality measures are often the same mathematically; it's just a matter of what you choose to measure, illness or death.


I hope it will help you


Mortality rate, or death rate, is a measure of the number of deaths in a particular population, scaled to the size of that population, per unit of time.

what are the problems of various employment sectors?​



The problem is not that the economy is not generating enough jobs; it is. The problem is that the vast majority of the jobs that are being created are of extremely low quality. The employment problem in India is not about the quantity of jobs but rather about the quality of jobs.

differentiate between stone age and Barbarian Age in six points .class 7​




Why Was the constitution of the kingdom of Nepal 2015 replaced so soon?​



The election for the formation for the constitution was never held. The major ruling party Nepali congress faced to make coordination within the party. The then Prime Minister Matrika Prashad Koirala left the Party. The government were formulated and dissolved many times. So, such types of difference miss understanding and lack of coordination ultimately led the nation towards the degradation.

Therefore, on March 16,1958 King Mahendra formed a commission under the chairmanship of Bhagawati Prashad Singh with the other member of committee were Surya Prashad Upadhya, Ranadhir Subba, Hari Prashad Joshi. As the advisor of the commission Sir Ivor Jennings, expert of the constitution of Cambridge University of U.K was invited to draft the constitution. It was said that the draft, which was prepared by Jennings, was rejected by the commission in the advice of the king because in those drafts, the executive and legislative rights were provided to the council of minister more than the king. His fourth draft was accepted including the amendment in some points. After constitution ws drafted, he made an experession is a press conference that the democracy between Britain and Nepal seems very difference because in Britain, the Monarchy is only the nominal head of the state but in Nepal, the king should not be a nominal head. It was a symbol that the king was going to be active in nation’s politics in future.

Hope this helps you ❤️

MaRk mE aS braiNliest ❤️

what is different forms of human suffering​



physical (pain, somatic diseases) psychical (hardships, mental disorders and illnesses) spiritual (lack of a meaningful life, moral dilemmas).

Have a good day !!

what was the meaning of native americans totem pole

1 provide shelter for travelers
2help hunters and gathers find food
3tell story of a family or legend
4welcome guests to village



Totem poles are monuments created by First Nations of the Pacific Northwest to represent and commemorate ancestry, histories, people, or events. ... Most totem poles display beings, or crest animals, marking a family's lineage and validating the powerful rights and privileges that the family held.

List out the 6 good work essential to be done in your community ​



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vhhhuff and a half hour ago by the

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