When organizing your finances online it is best to _____.


Answer 1


its probably best to secure basic needs


What i said is goes down here to

Related Questions

name any ten words whichi can be used as a noun and verb



access. ache. act. address. aim. alert, back. bail. balance. balloon Explanation:

Belinda appears to be a typical 14-year-old. She socializes with friends and spends her time listening to music and watching movies. Unknown to her parents and friends, Belinda sometimes binges on large amounts of food and then either vomits or uses laxatives to purge herself of the extra calories. Belinda MOST likely suffers from: ________
a) anorexia.
b) binge-eating disorder.
c) depression.
d) bulimia.


The answer is D, Belinda suffers from bulimia.

how much does the government take out of your paycheck



tbh it really depends how much you make or were you live bc its diff everywere


3. What group dominated colonial Mexican society?​



The most powerful group was the Spaniards, people born in Spain and sent across the Atlantic to rule the colony. Only Spaniards could hold high-level jobs in the colonial government. The second group, called creoles, were people of Spanish background but born in Mexico.

Have an amazing day! <3

Why does the type of climate you live on affect the way land can be used?


Desert, you can use the heat around you. Example Egypt, they used the desert around them as a natural defense! Winter or snow, the people can use snow as a natural defense for themselves, using it on people who are unprepared

What do you mean by Hafit Tombs?



its the  the remains of an ancient cemetery that dates back to between 3200 to 3000 BC


how many votes did the socialist party get ?



Debs twice won over 900,000 votes in presidential elections (1912 and 1920) while the party also elected two Representatives (Victor L. Berger and Meyer London), dozens of state legislators, more than a hundred mayors, and countless lesser officials.[

Regardless of what school you want to attend, which of the following must you provide to be considered for admission?
A. A letter of recommendation
B. A personal statement
C. An admission application
D. An interview


B personal statement??


the answer is C


When the football coach told the players that they had better start working harder during practice or they would be dropped from the team, he appeared to be using a(n) _____ coping strategy called _____.


When the football coach told the players that they had to work harder or be dropped, he was using a problem-focused coping strategy called confrontive coping.

Confrontive coping can be described as a type of coping strategy where a person would decide to take aggressive efforts to make changes to a given situation.

The coach has taken an aggressive approach by telling the players that they would be dropped for not doing well. Therefore the players owe it to themselves to get more serious.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/2196108?referrer=searchResults

what does the root tele mean in the word television





what do you mean by reciprocal communication? ​



It means communicating continuously

who sailed the golden hind seeking trade and settlement opportunities



Sir Francis Drake


Sir Francis Drake sailed the Golden Hind seeking trade and settlement opportunities.

Hope this helps!

mark scored very well on one portion of the iq test. evidence suggests that


According to research studies, evidence suggests that Mark will score similarly if he takes other portions of the test today, but his score will likely be very different if he takes the test in a few months.

This is because it has been found out that people can improve or reduce their IQ scores when the test is taken at an extensive different time.

This is based on the idea that Mark may have improved or decreased intellectual ability depending on his situation in the subsequent period of taking the test.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that IQ test results can be affected depending on the present situation of the individual taking the test.

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/4205256

Which statement best explains why citizens are required to pay taxes to the goverment ?


Paying taxes is one way to help the government improve society for its citizens. Federal taxes help pay for military defense, health care programs, and protecting national landmarks. State taxes help pay for education, highways, environmental protection programs.

What is the Anaconda Plan? Who did it hurt? Who did it help?


Answer: The Anaconda Plan was the Union's strategic plan to defeat the Confederacy at the start of the American Civil War. The goal was to defeat the rebellion by blockading southern ports and controlling the Mississippi river.In actual practice, Winfield Scott's Anaconda Plan did not bring an early end to the war as he had hoped. However, it did seriously weaken the ability of the states in rebellion to fight and, in combination with Lincoln's plan to pursue a land war, led to the defeat of the South The plan was called the Anaconda Plan because, like a snake, the Union meant to constrict the South. They would surround the southern borders, keeping out supplies. Then the army would split the South in two, taking control of the Mississippi River.


why is human resources called as an important aspect of development ?​


Human resources development is important because it is an investment in one's employees that will ultimately result in a stronger and more effective workforce. When an organization develops their employees, they are strengthening their assets and making these employees even more valuable.

How long can you refrigerate a fresh turkey before cooking it?


1 to 2 days and 3 max if not it doesn't taste the same

which statement best characterizes the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt required to convict a defendant in a criminal case?


The options that are required to answer this question were not indicated here. But to help you choose the right answer you need to understand that in a case between a defendant and the prosecution, the burden of proof lies on the prosecution.

By the above, we mean that the prosecution has to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that the defendant is truly guilty of the case for which it was charged.

If for instance, the prosecution accuses the defendant of theft, it must provide evidence that clearly proves the defendant to be guilty.

With this knowledge, you can answer the question.

Learn more here:


Hydroelectricity is the most important source of energy in Nepal ?



Hydropower is the main source of energy in Nepal, nearly 90% installed capacity and 90% generation of electricity.


thanks for the points bye

What is this paragraph trying to say? (in your own words write out an explanation)

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.



The paragraph is saying that, the colonies need to separate themselves from Britain for the greater good, of the colonial people. So, that the colonist may enjoy basic human rights, of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. By not giving these rights to the people, the colonist now have the right to get rid of the connection of which that binds them to their oppressor's (Britain).


This is a fairly loose interpretation of the paragraph and may not be entirely accurate.

What is a referendum and why is it an important tool in or democratic system?


Answer: Political science here!


The REFERENDUM allows citizens, through the petition process, to refer acts of the Legislature to the ballot before they become law. ... The primary purpose of both is to give voters an opportunity to approve or reject laws either proposed or enacted by the Legislature.

A referendum (plural: referendums or less commonly referenda) is a direct vote by the electorate on a particular proposal or issue. This is in contrast to an issue being voted on by a representative. It can have nationwide or local forms. This may result in the adoption of a new policy or specific law.

which colony was known for being tolerant of both native americans and different religions?





The risk of coronary heart disease is increased by



high blood pressure and low cholesterol


What conclusion can be drawn from this information?





5. Jane's family did not have much money but lived happily.
Is this sentence a compound or simple





It contains multiple predicates

which statement would you find in the analysis of poverty by neckerman and torche?


Answer: Once poverty has entered an geographic location it is very hard to get rid of it.


If a family's income isn't enough to meet the average standard of living, they are considered to be in relative poverty. ... Overcrowding, violence, noise, and poor community programs make it difficult for people suffering from this type of poverty to get out of it.

The diathesis-stress model suggests that schizophrenia develops from __________. genetic influences entirely environmental influences entirely exposure to stress a combination of a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia and exposure to significant stressors in their life


The diathesis-stress model suggests that schizophrenia develops from a combination of genetic predisposition to schizophrenia and exposure to significant stressors in their life.

This model teaches that mental and physical disorders are as a result of genetics or biological factors that the patients may carry as well as stressful situations that may help to trigger it.

The model tells us that if this genetic predisposition to the ailment and the stressful factors goes past a maximum threshold, the person is going to start developing a disorder.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/25558229?referrer=searchResults

If a person believes in the ""natural rights philosophy"" what do they expect the government to do ?



The purpose of government, Locke wrote, is to secure and protect the God-given inalienable natural rights of the people.


For their part, the people must obey the laws of their rulers. Thus, a sort of contract exists between the rulers and the ruled.

Those natural rights of life, liberty, and property protected implicitly in the original Constitution are explicitly protected in the Bill of Rights. That right of liberty is the right to do all those things which do not harm another's life, property, or equal liberty.

‘Buying and selling can happen without going to the market’. Explain the statement with the help of examples.


Answer: thanks 4 the points lol

Explanation: none

public speaking true false most negative experiences in groups result from a lack of a celar goal





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