where does Gerald live after the fire?why? Forged by fire​

Where Does Gerald Live After The Fire?why? Forged By Fire


Answer 1

When Gerald is three, his mother, a drug addict, leaves him alone one time too often and he accidentally sets the apartment on fire. His mother is imprisoned for negligence, he goes to the hospital, and thereafter lives with "Aunt Queen," a great-aunt who exercises considerable authority from her wheelchair, and gives him all the love his mother hasn't.

Related Questions

What is a counterargument?

an argument that is in opposition to the writer’s thesis
a statement of the writer’s position
a summary of the writer’s main points
an assumption that connects the grounds to the claim





How can you and I set about preventing a murder? You're about a hundred and I'm a broken-up old crock.

What is the literary devices used in this sentence?


metaphor or possibly personification

Written like this “Someone’s mother has four sons North,West and South.What is the name of the fourth son. I see here it says the answer is Someone but “what is the name of the son.” Is a statement it has a period not a question mark and as far as the “someone’s mother has four sons” you could say Sherry is someone’s mother without the child’s name being someone so some people think the answer as the it is written would be That the forth son’s name is What . Which makes sense to me so does the answer change depending on if it ends with a period or a question mark ❓


Answer: The name of the fourth son is East


The answer truluy doesn't depend on punctuation. If I were to ask you "what's your name." The answer won't change if I used a question mark.

Read the following selection from Act III of Romeo and Juliet. What conflict does the line in bold (I PUT INSIDE OF ASTERICKS) most closely represent?

Romeo slew him, he slew Mercutio;
Who now the price of his dear blood doth owe?

Not Romeo, prince, he was Mercutio's friend;
His fault concludes but what the law should end,
The life of Tybalt.

**And for that offence
Immediately we do exile him hence:**
I have an interest in your hate's proceeding,
My blood for your rude brawls doth lie a-bleeding;
But I'll amerce you with so strong a fine
That you shall all repent the loss of mine:
I will be deaf to pleading and excuses;
Nor tears nor prayers shall purchase out abuses:
Therefore use none: let Romeo hence in haste,
Else, when he's found, that hour is his last.
Bear hence this body and attend our will:
Mercy but murders, pardoning those that kill.

Man vs. Man
Man vs. Self
Man vs. Nature
Man vs. Society



its man vs society because its him being exiled by the people

Change the following ACTIVE sentence into PASSIVE VOICE.

The lawyer is preparing some important documents for the trial.



No entiendo la pregunta

Some important documents are being prepared by the lawyer for the trail.

Part A
Choose one of the following topics or a different topic approved by your teacher that’s related to language usage and grammar:

double negatives
use of the word ain’t
incorrect or nonstandard verb forms
frequently confused words (such as fewer and less or infer and imply)
Which topic did you choose? Why did you select this topic?


she a love fricky hdhsuzixuzhzhhshs

Read the excerpt from The Odyssey.

At this he gave a mighty sob and rumbled:
'Now comes the weird upon me, spoken of old.
A wizard, grand and wondrous, lived here—Telemus,
a son of Euryinus; great length of days
he had in wizardry among the Cyclopes,
and these things he foretold for time to come:
my great eye lost, and at Odysseus' hands.
Always I had in mind some giant, armed
in giant force, would come against me here.
But this, but you—small, pitiful and twiggy—
you put me down with wine, you blinded me.
Come back, Odysseus, and I'll treat you well,
praying the god of earthquake to befriend you—
his son I am, for he by his avowal
fathered me, and if he will, he may
heal me of this black wound—he and no other
of all the happy gods or mortal men.’

Why does the Cyclops invite Odysseus back to the island?

He realizes that Odysseus was destined to take his eye.
He wants to obey the Greek custom of providing food and shelter to guests.
He fears far more harm will come to him if does not befriend Odysseus.
He wants to take revenge on Odysseus.



he realized that Odysseus was destined to take his eyes


he wanted to take revenge on him

The Cyclops invites Odysseus back to the island because he hopes that Odysseus can persuade the god of earthquake to heal him of the wound caused by being blinded.

What is The Odyssey about?

The Odyssey is an epic poem written by the ancient Greek poet Homer, which tells the story of the Greek hero Odysseus and his ten-year struggle to return home after the Trojan War.

The poem is divided into 24 books and begins with Odysseus stranded on the island of Ogygia, where he has been trapped by the nymph Calypso.

The Cyclops invites Odysseus back to the island because he hopes that Odysseus can persuade the god of earthquake to heal him of the wound caused by being blinded.

He also wants to treat Odysseus well and pray to the god of earthquake to befriend him in order to avoid further harm.

Therefore, the correct answer is: He wants to treat Odysseus well, praying the god of earthquake to befriend him, and hopes to be healed of his wound.

For more details regarding The Odyssey, visit:



She forced him ________ the work.
(A) does (B) do (C) did (D) to do


The answer is D. To do


D. She forced him to do the work.


Does, do, and did does not work is a sentence like that and does not make sense at the very most correct English would be "She forced him to do the work".

READING COMPREHENSION PASSAGES From Outer Space FoxNews.com reports that Dr. Richard B. Hoover, an astrobiologist at NASA, believes that he has found the fossils of bacteria in meteorites. In other words, he claims to have found traces of life from outer space. Not surprisingly, his claim is controversial; many scientists do not accept that Dr. Hoover has come to the correct conclusion from what he has observed. Therefore, he has invited over 5,000 scientists to review his work and to publish their comments. 1. Bacteria are a _______. a. group of scientists b. place where meteors come from c. kind of restaurant d. form of life 2. When something is controversial, people _______. a. get sick from it b. believe it is ancient and extremely rare c. have strong disagreements about it d. brush their teeth with it 3. Dr. Hoover seems confident that his research will be proven correct because _______. a. he is named after a vacuum cleaner b. he has invited many scientists to look closely at his work c. he works for NASA d. he gets a rash when he touches meteorites 4. Based on the reading selection, which statement is true? a. No one believes that Dr. Hoover has made an important discovery. b. Astrobiologists are smarter than other scientists. c. Dr. Hoover believes he has found fossils of bacteria. d. Dr. Hoover did his work without using a microscope.



1. d. form of life

Bacteria are a form of life and if it is found that they are fossilized on meteors then it could mean that there is life in outer space because that would be where the bacteria came from.

2. c. have strong disagreements about it.

A controversial topic is one that not everybody believes and so have disagreements about with some believing it and others disagreeing with it.

3. b. he has invited many scientists to look closely at his work.

If the scientists that Dr. Hoover invites, reviews his work and finds it to be accurate then his research would be proven correct because scientists are experts giving their expert opinions would serve as enough proof of truth.

4. c. Dr. Hoover believes he has found fossils of bacteria.

The reading shows that Dr. Hoover believes that he has indeed found fossils of bacteria and that these fossils come from outer space.

Read the sentence from "The Crab That Played with the Sea.
Now, while the two were talking together, Pau Amma the Crab, who was next in the game, scuttled off sideways and
stepped into the sea, saying to himself, 'I will play my play alone in the deep waters, and I will never be obedient to this
son of Adam.'
The underlined words are an example of
O tone.





Imagery is the use of figurative language that helps readers imagine the scene or characters in a story. In other words, imagery is the sensory details that help readers understand and imagine the scene or the picture of what the author is talking about in a particular scene of a story.

In the given passage from "The Crab that Played With the Sea", supposing the underlined words are "talking together", "scuttled off sideways and stepped into the sea", these words are an example of imagery. It depicts the actions that happened in the story and helps the readers visualize the particular scene.

Thus, the correct answer is imagery.




trust <3

“As global citizens, we need to care about global isues”. Do you ogree? Why?







Growing up in a sheltered community, I was never truly exposed to global issues as a child. Topics such as politics and international relations were not often touched at my dinner table, either.

But I began to navigate my public school career, I realized that I was not alone in my situation. There were so many kids who were just like me who were not exposed to global events. Maybe less than five percent of the entire class could name the United States ambassador to the United Nations, and even less would be aware of the extreme gender discrimination that attack girls in Guatemala.

Although I grew up in this “bubble” of indifference towards the global community, I am slowly becoming a more and more global student. For me, here are the top reasons why I (and youth everyone) should care about global issues:

Globalization is on the rise. In this day and age, one country can not survive without another, and this simple principle affects everyone on the globe. It is likely that one day, you will become friends with someone who speaks an entirely different language or grew up in an entirely different culture. These people may even be your future co-workers. If you want to be able to foster deeper connections and broaden your network, understanding global issues and other cultures is key.

Global issues are your issues, too. Let’s talk about the situation of adolescent girls in Guatemala again. Did you know that more than 2 million girls in Guatemala do not attend school due to social boundaries? If you believe in gender equality, you can understand why the fight of rights of women in other countries is part of your fight for gender equality, too. Dare to expand your horizons by learning about the issues you believe in fighting for- in an entirely different country.

While one country can not survive without another, one person can not survive without another either. Giving back or volunteering in your community can give you invaluable experiences. But if you extend your service to the entire world, there is no telling what amazing differences you will be able to make. Understanding global issues and further using your talents to help solve these issues will not only make you a more sensible and well-rounded person; it will help the world take one step closer towards a brighter future.


Write a letter about a new job or a new course of studies​




I hope everything is going well for you and your family. I'm writing to update you on the latest developments in my professional life.

I've finally found a new job that pays significantly more than my previous one. We did spoke briefly about how disappointed I was with my prior employment when we last met. The pay was minimal, and the work environment was hostile. Most of the time, I ended up feeling anxious. This fresh opportunity came at the perfect time. They required a voice and accent coach for their customer service workforce. It was perfect for me, and the greatest thing is that it's available five days a week. The new job is considerably more stimulating; I enjoy my work and the atmosphere.


it was raining so Diana brought a large _________


It was raining so Diana brought a large [tex]\sf\purple{umbrella}[/tex].


[tex]\large\mathfrak{{\pmb{\underline{\orange{Mystique35 }}{\orange{♡}}}}}[/tex]

Answer: its obvious you dont even need to ask its umbrella


Tell which vos el sonido wacho word has
short e sound or long e sound
1. ready
2. neat
3. mean
4. heavy
5. please


1. Short sound
2. Long sound
3. Long sound
4 short sound
5. Long sound

What is the term for words from different languages that look similar and mean the same thing





Linguistics can be defined as the scientific study of various human languages.

In Linguistics, cognates is the term for words from different languages that look similar and mean the same thing because they are related in terms of historical or etymological origin.

Simply stated, cognates are words that are related in origin and have similarities in terms of pronunciation, meaning and spelling.

For example, the German word "bruder" and the English word "brother" are cognates. Also, the Spanish word "historia" and the English word "history" are cognates; same as the Spanish word "gratitud" and the English word "gratitude."

Generally, cognates make it easier to learn a new language because they are quite easy to remember and have the same pronunciation, meaning and spelling as a word you already know.

Which examples apply the basic rules for writing numbers correctly? (Multiple
Select one or more:

a. The gap must not exceed 2 mm.

B. She resolved 80 percent of the problems.

C. Many 1,000,000s of cars were produced.

D. It took them two days to resolve all 27 complaints.

E. If you add 5 to 38, you get 43.

F. There were viruses on three computers.

G. The total estimate was out by 3,875 meters.

H. 10 people have joined the team since then.



A. The gap must not exceed 2 mm.

B. She resolved 80 percent of the problems.

E. If you add 5 to 38, you get 43.

F. There were viruses on three computers.

G. The total estimate was out by 3,875 meters.


From the question options given, the examples that apply the basic rules for writing numbers correctly will be:

A. The gap must not exceed 2 mm.

B. She resolved 80 percent of the problems.

E. If you add 5 to 38, you get 43.

F. There were viruses on three computers.

G. The total estimate was out by 3,875 meters.

koii jivit praani present here ???
don't answer if you're unaware ! lol -,-​



Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that, through cellular respiration, can later be released to fuel the organism's metabolic activities. Wikipedia


don't report m answer please

West means right or left​





West doesn't mean left or right unless it's completley coinsidental. West doesn't change depending on where you're facing, unlike your left and your right. If you want to tell where West is, look for where the sun sets wherever you are. That's the directoin west is, it's a neat way of telling it without a compass. Or if you're curious there are also compass apps on phones that can prove quite useful.

I hope this information was of any use to you! (:

some people never remeber________attending the meeting conjunction ​





How does culture shape moral behavior? 150 words


if you're part of a culture and you see it everyday you will most likely do it yourself. for example, i had an ex once and his family's culture was very rude towards women and they though women had no say and he ended up being the same way towards me and he was very toxic. however, he seen it everyday and was raised in an environment with that culture so therefore he grew up being the same way. Yes, it's a choice to change and not be that way but if you are raised in a certain cultural environment, you're more likely to be like the people around you.

(you can use my situation if you want/need)
hope this helps! have a great day!

1. Define and describe poor service delivery​




Define:  Poor service delivery means not availing the required services for the amount paid.

Describe: The major causes of poor service delivery are councilor interference and political manipulation, corruption and lack of accountability and transparency, inadequate citizen participation, poor human resource policy, failure to manage change, lack of employee capacity, poor planning.


Define:  Poor service delivery means not availing the required services for the amount paid.

Describe: The major causes of poor service delivery are councilor interference and political manipulation, corruption and lack of accountability and transparency, inadequate citizen participation, poor human resource policy, failure to manage change, lack of employee capacity, poor planning.

Change the following into indirect/reported speech. [2]
He said, “It’s been raining since this afternoon and we cannot find a shelter anywhere.”


“I don't speak Italian, even though I lived in Italy for more than 25 years," she said.




He told me it had been raining since this afternoon.


Jack seems to struggle with how he feels about August. What are the positive and negative reasons he gives about being ex-friends with him?


What positive and negative reasons does Jack list for being "ex-friends" with August? Jack now has the opportunity to hang out with more kids that he didn't get to be around when he was friends with August. On the other hand, he actually liked hanging out with August, and the popular kids are supposedly boring

This excerpt is taken from Patrick Henry's famous "Give me liberty or give me death" speech at the Second Virginia Convention in 1775. Which sentence points to the efforts made by the American colonists to avoid war?

Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free—if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending—if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained—we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!



Points lang 99900999887890097656

How does the underlined sentence contribute to the theme that culture can limit our thinking? It indicates that the aunt’s portrayal of right and wrong is inauthentic and unconvincing. It shows that children and adults have opposing perspectives on what goodness is. It characterizes the children as eager to accept any viewpoint that disagrees with their aunt’s. It satirizes the bachelor’s conception of goodness by comparing it to the one in the aunt’s story.


Answer: It indicates that the aunt's portrayal of right and wrong is inauthentic and unconvincing


The underlined sentence contribute to the theme that culture can limit our thinking as it indicates that the aunt's portrayal of right and wrong is inauthentic and unconvincing.

From the excerpt, despite the aunt saying good things about the girl such as she being truthful, polite and clean, she still said that the girl wasn't as pretty as the other girls. This showed that the aunt's portrayal of right and wrong is inauthentic and unconvincing.




What is the central idea of "The Big Bad Wolf"



Don't get too greedy


what does the word weathered mean in the passage

it careened off the side of the weathered barn


It can mean eroded, worn out, or crumbling.

(Basically it's saying that the barn is falling apart because it's so old and destroyed from weather.)

Cotton grows in Nepal is transitive or intransitive verb​



Cotton grows in Nepal of following district :-







hope it is helpful to you


Cotton grows in Nepal of following district :-

Banke, Bardiya, Kailali, Kanchnpur, Dang Dote

hope it is helpful to you

4. How does this site come up with the result?​


People on the app answer it like this app basically has people who just swipe up and answer the question

Brainly is a community-driven platform where users can ask questions and get answers from other users. When you ask a question on Brainly, it is posted on the platform for other users to see and respond to. The responses come from other members of the Brainly community who are knowledgeable about the topic or have relevant information to share.

How users can contribute their answers?

Users can contribute their answers based on their own knowledge, research, or personal experiences. Brainly encourages users to provide explanations and sources to support their answers, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

The platform also incorporates a peer moderation system where users can rate and review the quality and helpfulness of answers provided by others. This helps to ensure that the responses are accurate and reliable.

It's important to note that Brainly operates as a platform for user-generated content, and the accuracy and quality of the answers can vary. While the community aims to provide helpful and reliable information, it's always a good idea to verify answers from trusted sources and exercise critical thinking when using any online platform for information.

Learn more about Brainly at:



14. Curves which can be adjusted to complex curves that may be aicult to draw with other irregular cur
b. flexible curves
c T-square
c. triangles
d. compass
15. A drawing instrument used when making horizontallones.
d. Divider
e. Compass
C. T-square
d. triangles
6 16. It is a three sided ruter, which typically has two equal sides meeting at a 90 degree angle and to
30 induding 60 degree angles.
g. Triangles
C. rectangle
d. oblong
17. This drawing instrument is used when drawing arcs and circles.
C. T-square
d. triangles
18. It is used when transferring measurements, dividing lines and arcs into the desired numb
j. Divider
k. Compass
c. T-square
d. triangles
19. The anchor and two arms hold a movable protractor head with two scales.
1. Arm or elbow drafting machine c. head and foot drafting machine
m. Hand and toe drafting machine d. head and shoulders machine
20. Commonly used triangles are:
30 degrees x 60 degrees
45 degrees x 45 degrees.
C. A and B
D. none of these








30 degree and 60 degree triangles

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