Where is the blue dot on the number line?


Answer 1


The blue dot is located at -3

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For males in a certain town, the systolic blood pressure is normally distributed with a
mean of 110 and a standard deviation of 6. Using the empirical rule, what percentage
of males in the town have a systolic blood pressure
between 92 and 128?




Step-by-step explanation:

Note that 92 and 128 are 3 standard deviations from the mean

The emperical rule or the  68–95–99.7 rule states that 68% of outcomes are wihtin 1 standard deviation from the mean

95% of outcomes are within 2 standard deviations from the mean

99.7% of outcomes are within 3 standard devations from the mean

This is 3 standard deviations so the answer is 99.7

A group of 2 adults and 4 children spent $38 on tickets to a museum. A group of 3 adults and 3 children spent $40.50 on tickets to the museum. Based on this information, how much is an adult ticket, and how much is a child ticket?



adult $8.00

child $5.50

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the price of 1 adult ticket = x.

Let the price of 1 child ticket = y.

2x + 4y = 38

3x + 3y = 40.5

Multiply the first equation by 3. Multiply the second equation by -2. Then add them.

         6x + 12y = 114

(+)      -6x - 6y = -81


                  6y = 33

y = 33/6

y = 5.5

2x + 4y = 38

2x + 4(5.5) = 38

2x + 22 = 38

2x = 16

x = 8


adult $8.00

child $5.50


An adult ticket is $8.00 and a child's ticket is $5.50.

Step-by-step explanation:

We form a system of 2 equations and solve them.

Let a be the price of adult ticket and c the price of a child's.

2a + 4c = 38         (A)

3a + 3c = 40.5      (B)

Multiply equation A by 3 and equation B by -2:

6a + 12c = 114

-6a - 6c = -81        Adding these 2 equations:

0 + 6c = 33

c = 33/6 = 5.5.

Now we substitute for c in equation A:

2a + 4(5.5) = 38

2a = 38 - 22

2a = 16

a = 6.

Let's now check these results by substitution in equation B:

3a + 3c = 40.5

3(8) + 3(5.5) = 24.0 + 16.5 = 40.5

- so it checks out.

The fraction 9/7 is equivalent to?


9/7 is equivalent to 18/14 or 27/21 or 36/28 etc

Answered by Gauthmath must click thanks and mark brainliest

14. The length of a rectangle is 14 cm more than its breadth and its perimeter is 180 cm. Find area of the rectangle.
pls help me in solving this question
I have seen the results but I got one right but in that there were 2 b n the perimeter of rectangle is 2(l+b)​
day after tomorrow my papper is there pls help me



1976 cm 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the length of the rectangle be=l

So, breadth is b=l−14

Perimetre= 2(l+b)=2(l+l−14)=180 cm



And, b=52−14=38cm

Hence, Area=l×b=52×38=1976cm  


Line CD passes through points C(3, 5) and D(6, 0). What is the equation of the line CD in standard form?



the answer is 5x - 3y = 30!!

Derek had a bill of $29 last month on he Call-a-Lot Plan. How many minutes did he use?


it depends on how much it costed per minute if it was a dollar a minute then it would be 29 minutes

Matt is making cookies. He adds 3 over 4 cup of sugar to a bowl. He then removes two 1 over 8 cups of sugar. Which of the following best explains the amount of sugar left in the bowl?



3/4 is equal to 6/8 2 1/8s is equal to 2/8


Step-by-step explanation:

Hi Arianna!

3 over 4 cups of sugar = 3/4

Two one over eight cups of sugar = 2 1/8

Basically we’re trying to find out the amount of sugar left in the bowl.

Matt adds 3/4 cup of sugar

Then removes 2 1/8 cups of sugar

Work out the area of the shape:



24 cm

Step-by-step explanation:



24 cm

Find the value x ……….


Answer: 6 because it more than thd base and less than the other triangles leg

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]x^2 = y^2 + 25[/tex]

[tex]\frac{y}{11} = \frac{5}{y}[/tex]  

[tex]y^2 = 55[/tex]

[tex]x^2 = 80\\x = \sqrt{80} \\x= 4\sqrt{5}[/tex]

Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points) (01.01 MC) Which number line best show how to solve -4 - (-8)?​


The answer to your question is A



Step-by-step explanation:

-4 - (-8) Note: a negative negative equals a positive. There for it is just the same as saying -4 + 8

What is the value of x?



x is equal to give

Hope am correct


x = 5.

Step-by-step explanation:

x / (x + 5) = (x - 2)/(x+ 1)

x(x + 1) = (x - 2)(x + 5)

x^2 + x = x^2 + 3x - 10

x = 3x - 10

-2x = -10

x = 5.

1) Se o 5o e o 9-o termos de uma PA são, respectivamente, 40 e 68, então a razão r da progressão é: a) r = 6 b) r = 7 c) r = 9 d) r = 11 e) r = 12 2) Inserindo-se 6 números entre 72 e 107, de modo que a sequência (72, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 ,107) seja uma progressão aritmética, tem-se a3 igual a: a) 78 b) 79 c) 80 d) 81 e) 82



1) b) r = 7

2) e) 82

Step-by-step explanation:

Progressão aritmética:

Em uma progressão aritmética, a diferença entre termos consecutivos é sempre a mesma, chamada de razão.

O n-ésimo termo de uma PA é dado por, tomando o primeiro termo como referência:

[tex]a_n = a_1 + (n-1)r[/tex]

Tomando o m-ésimo termo como referência, tem-se que:

[tex]a_n = a_m + (n-m)r[/tex]

1) Se o 5o e o 9-o termos de uma PA são, respectivamente, 40 e 68, então a razão r da progressão é:

[tex]a_5 = 40, a_9 = 68[/tex]. Então:

[tex]a_n = a_m + (n-m)r[/tex]

[tex]68 = 40 + 4r[/tex]

[tex]4r = 28[/tex]

[tex]r = \frac{28}{4} = 7[/tex]

Então a resposta correta é dada pela alternativa b.

2) Inserindo-se 6 números entre 72 e 107, de modo que a sequência (72, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 ,107) seja uma progressão aritmética, tem-se a3 igual a:

O primeiro termo é [tex]a_1 = 72[/tex] e o oitavo termo é [tex]a_8 = 107[/tex]. Com isso, é possível encontrar a razão.

[tex]a_n = a_1 + (n-1)r[/tex]

[tex]107 = 72 + 7r[/tex]

[tex]7r = 35[/tex]

[tex]r = \frac{35}{7} = 5[/tex]

Então, o terceiro termo é:

[tex]a_3 = a_1 + 2r = 72 + 2(5) = 82[/tex]

Logo, a resposta correta é dada pela alternativa e.

Please help
I am giving all my points for this (15 points)
Select all input values for which g(x)=8.
Choose all answers that apply:
(Choice A)
(Choice B)
(Choice C)
(Choice D)
None of the above



D. none of the above

Step-by-step explanation:

If g(x)=8 is the only equation, then none of the answers are correct. The correct answer would have been 8 because 8=8.

The coordinates of the image of P(3,-4) under a reflection in the x-axis are:

A. (3,4)
B. (4, -3)
C. (-4, 3)
D. (-3,-4)



D. (-3,-4)

Step-by-step explanation:


The new coordinate of the image after the reflection in the x-axis is [tex]P'(3, 4)[/tex].

What is reflection?

Reflection is a type of rigid geometrical transformation that maintains the object's size and shape, unlike other transformations such as dilation, which changes the size of the shape, reflection results in congruent images.

What is the rule for the reflection in the x-axis?

The rule for the reflection over the x axis is "if the point (x, y) reflected in axis the it becomes (x, -y).

According to the given question.

We have a coordinates of the image of P(3, -4).

So, when the coordinates of the image is reflected in the x-axis then the x coordinate remains same but the y coordinate changes its sign from negative to positive and we get the new coordinate of the image that is [tex]P'(3, 4).[/tex]

Hence, the new coordinate of the image after the reflection in the x-axis is [tex]P'(3, 4)[/tex].

Find out more information about reflection here:



A stationer buys a gel pen Rs 20 and sells it at 20% profit.For what price should he buy it so that he can make 25% profit by selling for the same selling price.



Current selling price = Rs 20 × 120 %

= Rs 24

Cost price should be [100 ÷ 125 ] × 24

= Rs 19.20

If a zero is
, then the graph of its function only touches the x–axis at that zero.



Step-by-step explanation:

Yes. The zeroes of a graph are the values of x where the graph touches (or crosses) the x-axis.

A student buys 5-cent, 10-cent, and 15-cent stamps, with a total value of $6.70. If the
number of 5-cent stamps is 2 more than the number of 10-cent stamps, while the
number of 15-cent stamps is 5 more than one half the number of 10-cent stamps, how
many 15-cent stamps did the student obtain?


The value of the 10 cent stamps is, as you said, , the value of the 5 cent stamps is and the value of the 15 cent stamps is 15(0.5n + 5). These three values add up to the total value of the stamps, namely $6.70.

10n + 5(n+2) + 15 (1/2n + 5) = 6.70

10n +5n + 10 + 15/2n + 75 =670

10n + 5n + 15/2n =585

20n + 10n + 15n = 1170

45n = 1170


Identify the values of the variables. Give your answers in the simplest radical form



Step-by-step explanation:

Can someone explain this to me thank you


Answer: x = 16.9


Here, we need to know the idea of basic trigonometry.

Sine = Opposite / Hypotenues = O / H

Cosine = Adjacent / Hypotenues = A / H

Tangent = Opposite / Adjacent = O / A


Angle θ = 50°

Opposite = x

Hypotenues = 22

Given formula

Sine = Opposite / Hypotenues

Substitute the value into the formula

sin (50) = x / 22

Multiply 22 on both sides

sin (50) × 22 = x/22 × 22

x = 22 sin (50)

x = 16.9

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions



Step-by-step explanation:


sin 50 = about 0.766

times by 22 then u get


Hope this helps

What is the rate of change of the function shown on the graph? Round to the nearest tenth.


The answer is (B) which is 2.5

A 1-pound bag of sunflower seeds provides 96 grams of protein, There
are 58.5 grams of protein in a 6.5-ounce bag of pumpkin seeds. Which
type of seed has more grams of protein per ounce? How many more
grams of protein are there in 24 ounces of the higher-protein seeds?



Pumpkin seed has more grams of protein per ounce

216 grams of protein

Step-by-step explanation:

1 pound = 16 ounce

16 ounce of sunflower seeds = 96 grams of protein

6.5 ounce of pumpkin seeds = 58.5 grams of protein

Which type of seed has more grams of protein per ounce?

Sunflower seeds:

Protein per ounce = 96 grams / 16 ounce

= 6 grams of protein per ounce

Pumpkin seeds:

Protein per ounce = 58.5 grams / 6.5 ounce

= 9 grams of protein per ounce


Pumpkin seed has more grams of protein per ounce

How many more grams of protein are there in 24 ounces of the higher-protein seeds?

Quantity of protein = 24 ounces ×

9 grams of protein per ounce

= 216 grams of protein

¿Qué se requiere para sumar o restar dos matrices?


Para poder sumar o restar matrices, éstas deben tener el mismo número de filas y de columnas. Es decir, si una matriz es de orden 3×2 y otra de 3×3, no se pueden sumar ni restar.

3(5-4)+2(5)-5 squared


the answer should be -12 if I did the math right.

Step-by-step explanation:

3*1+10-5^2(we subtract 5 from 4 first because it was inside bracket)

3+10-25(Square of 5 is 25)

-12(subtracting the above equation 12 comes)

Can someone help me with this math homework please!




Step-by-step explanation:


x1 = 0

x2 = 1

y1 = 50

y2 = 44

Formula : -

Slope = ( y2 - y1 ) / ( x2 - x1 )


= ( 44 - 50 ) / ( 1 - 0 )

= - 6 / 1

= - 6

- 6 is a negative number.

So, the slope is negative.

Help pls appreciate it pls


Answer: D.

Step-by-step explanation:

If we know that 1 side equal along with 1 angle is equal to the other triangles angle and side. Than only one answer really stands out (at least to me) if that makes any sense

Hope this helps


ASAP please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee







Find the measure of one exterior angle for the following regular polygon


72, all exterior angles of a regular polygon add up to 360, there are five exterior angles so you would do 360÷5 which is 72

Can you answer this math homework? Please!




Step-by-step explanation:


They are both correct

Step-by-step explanation:

They started isolating different variables but essentially they have found the same answers just with different isolated variables, thus their answers look different, but in reality, are the exact same.

We can test by plugging 5 in for x, and 15 in for y.





Equations are equal.

What are the steps to this problem (and the answer?)



[tex](25 {x}^{2} + 20xy + 16 {x}^{2} )(5x - 4y) = \\ 125 {x}^{3} + 100 {x}^{2} y + 80x {y}^{2} - 100 {x}^{2} y \\ - 80x {y}^{2} - 64 {y}^{3} = \\ 125 {x}^{3} - 64 {y}^{3} \\ please \: give \: brainliest[/tex]

Factor the following polynomial 9x2 + 21x – 18



factors are

21 and x

Step-by-step explanation:

equation 9 × 2 + 21x - 18

terms 9 , 2, 21x, -18

factors 21x = 21 and x


3(x + 3)(3x - 2)

Step-by-step explanation:


9x² + 21x - 18 ← factor out 3 from each term

= 3(3x² + 7x - 6) ← factor the quadratic

Consider the factors of the product of the x² term and the constant term which sum to give the coefficient of the x- term

product = 3 × - 6 = - 18 and sum = + 7

The factors are + 9 and - 2

Use these factors to split the x- term

3x² + 9x - 2x - 6 ( factor first/second and third/fourth terms )

3x(x + 3) - 2(x + 3) ← factor out (x + 3) from each term

(x + 3)(3x - 2)


9x² + 21x - 18 = 3(x + 3)(3x - 2) ← in factored form

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