where is the north european plains?


Answer 1


The North European Plain stretches from the south of England to Russia. Parts of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Poland, the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, as well as Belarus, are included.


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Non-formal institution


it is when we learn in home instead at school

vật chất tồn tại khách quan hay chủ quan? vì sao?



Chất của sự vật là khách quan, vì đó là chất của sự vật, không do ai gán cho sự vật. Nó do thuộc tính của sự vật quy định. Lượng là phạm trù triết học chỉ tính quy định khách quan vốn có của sự vật, hiện tượng về mặt quy mô, trình độ phát triển, biểu thị con số các thuộc tính, các yếu tố cấu thành sự vật.


Based on your understanding of the women's suffrage movement in the United States, why do you think it took so long to grant women suffrage?



Due to non-seriousness.


United states of America took so long time to grant women suffrage because the women were not serious of getting their rights. Men in the American society can't provide equality to the women because they considered female inferior and think themselves superior in the society. This concept of men in the society prevent giving equality and rights to the women so no realization is the main thing which is responsible for the long time to grant women suffrage.

How dominant discourse in ECE has shaped the notion of childhood




Why do you think the soil in the garden dies out more quickly on hot, windy days?



However, when there is a heat wave and soil temperatures increase, plant roots are less able to compensate for varying levels of soil moisture within the soil profile. When soil temperature rises above an optimum threshold, plant water and nutrient uptake can be impeded, causing damage to plant components

Soil garden dies quickly think windy days

Write in brief about the development of Nepalese painting art.



7th to 19th century paintings of Nepal

Mithila Painting is practiced in the Mithila region of Nepal and India. This tradition dates back to country the 7th century AD. Mithila painting is done with twigs, fingers, natural dyes and pigments. ... Beri was adopted as Tibet's universal painting style in the 14th century.


Please Mark me brainliest

Measure to modernize agriculture in nepal ​



Provision of loan.

Use of agriculture tools and technology.

Training and focus on agriculture education.

Facility of irrigation.

Joint farming system.

Research and Innovation.

Commercialization of agriculture.

Crops diversification.


Which of the following was NOT a hero meant to convey a moral or value lesson?
A. Tantalus
B. Theseus
C. Hercules
D. Achilles



so the greek god that wasnt meant to convey moral or value was Tantalus

Tantalus was not a hero that is meant to convey  any moral lesson.

The answer to this question is Tantalus. Tantalus was the son of the Greek god called Zeus. He was a close friends to the gods but he ran out of their favor for several reasons such as:

He revealed to humans the secrets that he learnt in heaven.He tried to test the gods. So he killed his son and served him to them. This offended the godsHe stole the food of the gods and gave them to humans.

The gods punished him by sending him to hades to remain always hungry and thirsty even though he was made to stand on water with a tree above his head.

Read more about him https://brainly.com/question/6910083?referrer=searchResults

Being an effective member of a team means each team member has the same personalities . b ) responsibilities. c) strengths. d) goals.



I htink d


it’s (goals)………………………..

Should social reform be provided by citizens or the government?
Is volunteering a responsibility of all citizens? Why or why not?
How can local government shape the lives of citizens?



Social reform should be provided by the government because they have the funds to provide the changes compared to the citizens.

Volunteering shouldn't be a responsibility for all citizens because some may not have the time to do volunteer work, or some may have special conditions which prevent them from doing volunteer work.

Local Governments could shape the lives of citizens by creating a bigger sense of community and also involving the young people in that area. Local Governments could also help provide the necessary things, funds, or reforms that the people need, which the main government isn't providing for them.

Social reforms should be provided by the government.

No, volunteering is not the responsibility of all citizens.

The local government can shape up the lives of citizens by involving young citizens and making community for better and innovative ideas.

The social reformed are the changes in the society for the developments. Therefore, the social reforms should be provided by the government as the government thinks for the entire society taking into consideration all the citizens.

The government has enough funds to provide the changes for the various social reforms and policies.

Volunteering is the self-desire of each citizen to provide their services for the society or not. Therefore, it is not a compulsory responsibility of all citizens because it depends upon the vacant time of the citizen to do the volunteer work for society.

If volunteering is made the responsibility of each citizen that it would become difficult for the government to monitor the task performed by each citizen.

The local government can shape the lives of the citizens by making such social reforms and policies that provide benefits to the general public. It can be fulfilled by employing young citizens for providing their idea towards development and introduce new ideas for the government, especially for the fund allocations.

To know more about social reforms, refer to the link:


Types of marriage according to social activities?​



Monogamy: this is a form of marriage in which a man or woman remains in marriage with only one man or woman at a time. ...

Polygamy: Here, a man or woman is permitted to marry more than one woman or man and live with all partners at a same time. ...

Polyandry: Here, a woman is married to more than to one man.

which state is the most developed of Nepal and why​


the capital city of Nepal kathmandu is located in this province.it is a highly tourist destination .most populated province.

The amount of annual rainfall in Pakistan is:
a) More than 30%
b) Less than 25%
c) More than 25%
d) None of these



Pakistan ClimateLastPreviousHighestLowestUnitPrecipitation6.358.79170.660.15mm[+]Temperature10.8316.0931.235.95

prepare an editorial for a daily newspaper about the role of lichchhavi and malla kings in the development of sculptures.​



The image of Baman made of clay ( terracotta) in ancient times was installed by Lichchhavi King Mandeva and it is the oldest dated image available today. Mandeva was a king of artistic taste and did a lot of foster art and architecture. Development of Nepali sculpture reached its climax in the Malla period.

The development of Nepali sculpture reached at top in Malla period. In addition to the metals, wood and stones, people also started using paper at a large scale. If the Lichchhavi sculpture was simple, then the medieval one began to be more complex.

which two ocean border south america​


South America is bounded by the Caribbean Sea

hope this helps you

have a nice day

The Pacific Ocean in the west and Atlantic Ocean in the east,Now the Southern Ocean in the south

What would allow gays and lesbians to form legal unions with legal benefits?


Overall, marriage allows this but some jurisdictions also allow a lesser commitment type of union.

Can you do this questions pls?



A. Ability to work individually


B, C, and D were good things in supporting student council members.

How do you determine for yourself what’s worth fighting for?



Lesson 1: Don't Fight When You Don't Need to Win.

Lesson 2: Don't Fight When You Can't Win.

Lesson 3: Do Fight When Your Values Are At Stake.

“The only kinds of fights worth fighting are those you're going to lose, because somebody has to fight them and lose and lose and lose until someday, somebody who believes as you do wins.”

Một nhà tư bản sản xuất kinh doanh hàng điện tử có tư bản khả biến là 1275; giá trị tư bản bất biến chiếm tỷ lệ 4,8/6,5 tổng số tư bản đầu tư. Tỷ suất giá trị thặng dư là 120%. Giá trị thặng dư sử dụng cho tiêu dùng là 750, phần còn lại sẽ được dùng cho tích lũy. Yêu cầu:
a/ Xác định khối lượng tư bản bất biến và tư bản khả biến sau khi tích lũy tư bản nếu cấu tạo hữu cơ của tư bản sau tích lũy là không đổi.
b/ Khối lượng giá trị thặng dư thay đổi như thế nào so với trước khi tích lũy nếu tỷ suất giá trị thặng dư sau tích lũy tư bản là 115%.





what is the this tell me

A test tube can be used to hold
more concentrated solutions than a beaker holds.
larger amounts of chemicals than a beaker holds.
smaller amounts of chemicals than a beaker holds.
less dangerous substances than a beaker holds.


c because they aren’t as large in volume
The answer is c because when you test and substance, you have to use a small amount.

public participation increases the Sustainability of development?how?​


Answer: si ya que se socializa con otras personas y nos desarrollamos y aumento nuestro don de gente


As a part of the life cycle of plants, the plant must begin with an embryo. What statement best describes where the embryo can be found in flowering and non-flowering plants?

In a flowering plant, the embryo is in seeds found in the flower, and in non-flowering plants, the embryo is in seeds found in the cone.
In a non-flowering plant, the embryo is in spores found in the stem, and in a flowering plant, the embryo is in seeds found in the flower.
In a non-flowering plant, the embryo is in seeds in the leaves, and in a flowering plant, the embryo is in seeds found in the spores.
In a flowering plant, the embryo is in spores found in the flower, and in a non-flowering plant, the embryo is in seeds found in the spores.



In a flowering plant, the embryo is in seeds found in the flower, and in non-flowering plants, the embryo is in seeds found in the cone.


As we know, plants can be of the angiosperm type (they have flowers and fruits) and gymnosperms (they don't have flowers or fruits). These two groups are very different in anatomy and structure and have very different life cycles. In general, we can say that the embryo of these two types of plants are found inside the seeds, but the seeds are produced in different ways. In angiosperms, the seeds are found within the fruits that were produced by the flowers. In gymnosperms, on the other hand, the seeds are found in the cones, which are the reproductive organs of these plants.

Which of the following is one of the positive impacts that Colbert’s plan would have on France?
A. Creating more French jobs
B. Removing freedom of choice for French buyers
C. Isolating France from technological advances
D. Limiting France’s growth by preventing international trade


Answer: A. Creating more French jobs


Jean Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683), was the Minister of Finance to Louis XIV in France beginning in 1665. Based on the theories of Mercantilism he developed an economical plan aimed at raising the french economy to be able to compete in the European market. His plan was focused on increasing the national exports and reducing its imports by raising tariffs and encouraging public work projects to create more French jobs.


Created more french jobs


Which of the following is one of the positive impacts that Colbert’s plan would have on France?

A. Isolating France from technological advances

B. Creating more French jobs

C. Removing freedom of choice for French buyers

D. Limiting France’s growth by preventing international trade

What is the enlightenment?
Think of the Enlightenment in the broad sense of the word as the intellectual trend that includes all of the authors we have covered in the class. Focus on features that all or most of them share as the defining characteristics of the movement.

The authors are:
Nicholas Copernicus
Immanuel Kant
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Rene Descartes
John Locke
Fransic Bacon
Giordano Bruno
Alexander Pope
Thomas Hobbes
Johann Gottfried von Herder
Marquis de Condorcet



Thomas hobbes it is a good answer

what is the meaning of regionalization?​




: Regionalization can be defined as politico- administrative process by which regions emerge as relevant units of analysis for economic and political activity and welfare and service provision.: Regionalization can be defined as politico- administrative process by which regions emerge as relevant units of analysis for economic and political activity and welfare and service provision.

Who issued indulgences?
A. Merchants
B. German monks
C. Tax collectors
D. The Catholic Church


The Catholic Church" issued indulgences

Indulgence was created by the Catholic Church and it was simply a way to reduce the punishment that'll be given to someone for the sins that has been committed. It was seen as a remission before God.

It was formalized by the Catholic Church. If a person performed good deeds that earned him or her earn an indulgence from the Pope, then the sins of such person will be erased.

In conclusion, the "Catholic Church" issued indulgences. The correct option is D.

Read related link on:


What are the relations
between power and knowledge



Knowledge is not independent of the individuals who hold it ; it is a product of power relationships. According to Lubit (2001), knowledge is the base of power and respect ; what often lead people to hesitate to share knowledge because they fear a decrease of their power.


Imagine the U.S. government and society in the year 2025. What structural and policy changes would you like to see? For example, would you expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court? Would you eliminate the filibuster, gerrymandering, or the Electoral College? Would you change the way campaigns are financed? What are the political obstacles to getting the changes you would like to see? What can we do, individually and collectively, to overcome these obstacles?


From now until 2025, the structure and policy of the United States government should remain largely the same. For instance, the number of justices on the Supreme Court should remain the same from now to 2025, as it has since 1869. Nine justices work because there are enough to keep each other in check but not too many that the justices are inefficient. (Or at least as inefficient as they would be if more were added.) Filibustering should continue to be allowed. While it is arguably a waste of time, filibustering helps the parties keep each other in check. Gerrymandering should be adjusted if not removed because it takes away the importance of voters in certain districts because they are either so much a majority that they will win either way or so much of a minority that they will lose either way. If gerrymandering was taken away, then the people would have a greater voice in who represents them. Campaign financing is tricky, but I think it may be best if the restrictions were loosened as to who can donate how much but if more transparency was required. There may be political opposition to removing gerrymandering because it allows many politicians to stay in power for a long time without many significant challengers. What we can do, as young citizens, is vote for people who believe in making these changes and petition/lobby for these changes to be made.

कस्ता लाग्या कथाका आधारमा विश्लेषण ख) नेपालको पर्यावरणले पर्यटनलाई कसरी सहयोग पुयाएको छ ? चर्चा गर्नुहोस् । को निबन्ध लेख्नुहोस् । ८ 5​




कस्ता लाग्या कथाका आधारमा विश्लेषण ख) नेपालको पर्यावरणले पर्यटनलाई कसरी सहयोग पुयाएको छ ? चर्चा गर्नुहोस् । को निबन्ध लेख्नुहोस् । ८ 5​

opinión sobre el cyber bullyng



El ciberacoso es uno de los problemas de la sociedad que existe desde hace un tiempo y proviene de personas celosas o absurdas.


espero que esto ayude

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