where is the short story and the explanation?>


Answer 1


A short story is a brief fictional prose narrative that is shorter than a novel and that usually deals with only a few characters. The short story is usually concerned with a single effect conveyed in only one or a few significant episodes or scenes

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how to write short intro about onlime classes and aditional classes??​



online classes suck and normal classes are cool


because you can see your friends

a letter about the good result of truthfulness​



Dear Alice,

Hope you are in good health. I am writing this letter, not to ask anything from you but to tell you something really important. You must be thinking what is so important thing that I really wanted to share from you. We are friends since last 10 years and there is nothing that has been successful in creating misunderstanding between us. We have always stood for each other in every problem that has come our way. You have always told me truth about every issue and we have dealt with it our way. It is really great courage to always speak truth even in difficult situations. But since you always speak truth, I can never doubt you and believe in whatever you say. This has made our relation really strong. I wish our relation continues forever and our love for each other stays same till our last breathe.



When looking at the home page, where do you think you will find information about different kinds of bridges?
a. Resources
c. Build a bridge
b. Teacher's guide
d. None of the above



c. Build a bridge

During which element of plot can the result of the conflict be predicted?


The answer should be climax.

Climax: Point of highest emotion; turning point; the point at which the outcome of the conflict can be predicted. 4. Resolution: (Denouement) Rounds out and concludes the action; struggles are over.

home alone story fof class 9​



if you want the story you can search it online


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.On edge

Read the paragraph Mark each statement True or False
Summertime is hot in Egypt. so pack light clothing. But he sure to bring warm-weather clothing that is also modest. If you visit a mosque shorts are definitely out of the question for both men and women. In mosques, women should wear longer skirts and a head covering, usually a scarf. And the upper part of their arms should be covered with sleeves. For touring other wonderful sights and historical places, casual comfortable clothing is fine for both men and women.
1) Light clothes are not good in the Egyptian summer
A True
B False
2) Warm-weather clothing is light
A True
B False
3) Sleeves are good for covering the head
A True
B. False
4) It's OK for men to wear shorts in a mosque, but not for women
A True
B False
5) In most of Egypt, outside of mosques, casual clothing is appropriate
A True
B False


1) A
2) A
3) B
4) B
5) A

is a dialogue in a text is a good example of what people might say in real life and why?​


I’m not sure cusmix. Ick

Read the passage from “Initiation.”

"Get up, gopher," Bev ordered.

There was something about her tone that annoyed Millicent. It was almost malicious. And there was an unpleasant anonymity about the label "gopher," even if that was what they always called the girls being initiated. It was degrading, like being given a number. It was a denial of individuality.

Rebellion flooded through her.

"I said get up. Are you deaf?"

Millicent got up, standing there.

"Into the house, gopher. There's a bed to be made and a room to be cleaned at the top of the stairs."

This is an example of external conflict because it features character vs.





This is an example of external conflict because it features character vs. character.

An internal conflict features character vs. self

Select the adjective phrase to complete the sentence.
Martin read a book and watched a movie
Martin read a book in the early evening
Martin read a book about Frederick Douglass
Martin read a book to his younger brother



Martin read a book in the early evening


The word early is an adjective while a movie, Fredrick Douglass, and his younger brother are nouns. A noun is a person, place, or thing.

Martin read a book in the early evening

1. Please get in touch ……….. our agent in Hamburg as soon as possible.
A. with
B. on
C. of
D. to



Please get in touch WITH our agent in Hamburg as soon as possible

Asnwer: A

The correct answer is A…. With

what is the subject of the bet between Adell and Lupov



The more free space it has, the more entropy the device has. Adell and Lupov made a bet about the entropy about the human race and if a hundred billion years was enough to lose the entropy of society: how long it would take the human race to overpopulate and then suddenly die off from lack of natural resources.

Who has been the most influential person in your life? Why?



Hello, I am telling you about the most influential person in my life from another person's view, means its not mine, its any imaginary person's.


The most influential person in my life was my English Teacher. She is the main reason why I am a writer today. She used to teach us English very nicely and we always had an interest to listen to her in class. She always used to motivate us to become a writer, which I accumulated. When she knew that I wanted to become a writer, she asked me whether I wanted some extra classes during the weekends to know how to write properly. I agreed instantly and I learned a lot during the weekends and initially I became a very good author and knew how to write very well. I always thank my teacher in my mind everyday.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

What poetic device is used to indicate meaning in a character or event in addition to the literal meaning



I think it is metaphor


Which detail in Rodriguez’s letter supports the idea that there are disadvantages associated with controlled fires?


Hello. Unfortunately you did not show the letter written by Rodrigues, which makes it impossible for the supporting details about the disadvantages of controlled fires to be presented. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

First, you need to know that a supporting detail is one (or more than one) sentence that proves that an argument is correct. This proof can be done with sentences that present data, examples, or that show, in some way, that the argument presented by the author of the text, must be considered correct and must be taken seriously. In the case of Rodrigues' letter, you already know that the argument is about the disadvantages of controlled fires. To find the supporting details for this argument, you should read the text and identify the sentences Rodrigues uses to show that, in fact, there are disadvantages to using controlled fires. In this case, you need to identify sentences that show how these disadvantages are presented and what the author's data are to prove it.

Now let's know what a controlled fire is and what possible disadvantages you can find in Rodrigues' letter.

Controlled fire is a fire caused intentionally by forest guards, or professionals in this field. This fire is caused with beneficial purposes, as it can combat harmful forest fires, reduce the incidence of severe forest fires, reduce the accumulation of fuel in the forest and stimulate the germination of seeds in the forest soil and reveal soil layers with high concentration of minerals. In this way, we can see that controlled fire is a form of forest management and forest renewal, however, the disadvantages of this practice cannot be ignored.

The main disadvantage is the possibility of loss of control. This is because even though it is managed by professionals, the forest is a place that provides a quick spread of fire. This can cause professionals to lose control of the controlled fire and end up causing a high proportion fire. In this case, the effect of the controlled fire would be highly harmful, as it would cause the loss of biological diversity and the rampant killing of local fauna and flora. Furthermore, fire could cause respiratory problems in urban communities close to the forest and could even put people's safety at risk.

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What is textual evidence?

Question 7 options:

Proof directly from the text that supports an inference/statement made

A guess

A conclusion based on reasoning



You may incorporate textual evidence right into the sentence with the use of quotation marks, but your quote from the text must make sense in the context of the sentence. For example: April is so wildly confused that she actually “…hated Caroline because it was all her fault” Textual evidence deals with facts in writing and the strategies used to figure out whether or not the information is factual. Textual evidence comes into play when an author presents a position or thesis and uses evidence to support the claims. ... Think of textual evidence as the driving force behind debates.

I enjoys the music he (make) nowadays



I enjoys the music he (make) nowadays


i hope you all are satisfy with my answer

have a good day

the question is ;

write the right form of the verb “ to be “:

New York……. a city in the USA.





"Is" is a form of "be"

plus is sounds noice

Help me please……………………..



C. Visualizing.

Hope it helps!

1. Introduction: Consuming organic food.
A. It is better for your health to consume organic fruits and vegetables
instead of conventionally grown produce.

2. Organic fruits and vegetables are free of chemicals.
A. Farmers who raise organic produce do not use synthetic pesticides.
B. Some say the pesticide residue on conventional produce is minimal, but
even minimal amounts of pesticide can have a harmful effect over time.
C. Organic produce is safer due to the lack of chemicals.

3. Organic fruits and vegetables are more nutritious.
A. Organic produce is packed with vitamins and minerals.
B. Conventionally grown foods are not lacking in nutrition, but the
concentration of vitamins and minerals is higher in organic foods.
C. Organic produce is healthier due to the high concentration of vitamins
and minerals.

4. Organic fruits and vegetables are less likely to carry diseases.
A. Organic farming is cleaner than conventional farming.
B. Organic farming does not include chemicals that kill organisms, however
incidences of harmful bacteria are lower in organic produce.
C. Organic produce is safer due to the low incidence of harmful bacteria.

5. Organic fruits and vegetables are better for your health for three reasons.
A. Organic fruits and vegetables are grown without the use of synthetic
chemicals, are more nutritious, and are less likely to spread diseases.
B. The lack of chemicals, the high concentration of vitamins and minerals,
and the lower incidence of disease are all better for your health.

The underlined sentence in the outline is
the thesis statement.
supporting evidence.
a counterclaim.
the conclusion.



C. a counterclaim


I took the test, it's correct:)

The underlined sentence in the outline regarding organic fruits is C. Counterclaim.

What is a claim?

It should be noted that a claim simply means the position of an author regarding an argument.

In this case, the underlined sentence in the outline regarding organic fruits is a counterclaim. This negates the claim.

Learn more about claim on:



Why is it /blu:/ and not /blju:/ ?


No clue....... what is that even, latex?



what is this

____ church on the corner is progressive.



the blank is The


if stundets have given sufficient time and attention to their work,they should have increased considerably their command of English.​





You are correct gsggdgvzvsggzgfsggsggxggsggdyyvhhdggc

I was......tired last night A. Too B. Ver​





Why I Like Chocolate
(1) There are many reasons why I like chocolate. (2) The first reason is that it tastes amazing. (3) Many people all over the world love chocolate and say that it is delicious. (4) Another reason why I like chocolate is that I can make other treats with it. (5) Chocolate pie, truffles, chocolate covered strawberries, and toffee are just a few of the treats that can be made with chocolate. (6) Finally, I like chocolate because it is good for your body. (7) I read many articles that say that dark chocolate is good for your heart. (8) The above reasons are just a few of the many reasons why I like chocolate.

Identify the third main point.



chocolaty smells and the happy memories of youth that those smells provoke, are just part of chocolate's attraction. Chocolate contains a number of interesting psychoactive chemicals.


Supporting the third main point:  Dopamine, phenylethylamine, caffeine, and anandamide are found in cocoa "Thierry says. "The bliss molecule is anandamide, a happy neurotransmitter in the brain. So anandamide makes you feel blessed, happy, and good. The glossy sheen, satisfying snap, and silky smooth texture of chocolate are all the result of brilliant chemistry.


Also, the glossy sheen, satisfying snap, and silky smooth texture of chocolate are all the result of brilliant chemistry. Liquid cocoa butter mixtures are chilled until polymorphs, or crystal formations, form.

I Need help!!vvvvbbbbvvvvvvvbbvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbbvvvvvvvvvbcvvbvvvvvvvvvvvv



the third option is the answer


in a federal system there is centralized authority while in a confederal system power is distributed among the states

The fall caused his nose to have a distinctive and pronounced appearance that he never changed.

Which words in the sentence above help the reader visualize Ansel’s nose?
fall, changed
distinctive, pronounced
appearance, never
none of the above





Distinctive and pronounced are both adjectives describing the shape of Ansel's nose. By reading this, we can tell that his nose is large or noticeable.

Choose the pair of words/phrases among the choices that exhibits the same logical relationship as the words/phrases in the following pair. conductor : orchestra



director : cast


The most appropriate option which exhibits the same logical relationship as conductor : orchestra is director : cast.

The conductors is a person who takes charge of the performance and display of singers or orchestras as they sing using gestures to give rules and guidelines to follow in terms of notes and tempos to performing artists. Similarly, the relationship is synonymous between directoe and casts, as the director gives guidelines to artists and assign roles during the making of a film.

Though other options shows relationships between one another, however, the relationship between these selected option is based specifically on one party conducting the actions and performance of the other.

If Leon wants to add the phrase "of the land" to describe the survey, where should he place it in the sentence? The National Park Service will complete its survey before the deadline. A. before National B. between Service and will C. after deadline D. between survey and before



The correct answer is:


The of the land National Park Service will complete its survey before the deadline.

This is the answer that I have made for the question, and I hope that you find it correct and helpful.

With humble Regards,


Which of these sentences is written using active voice?

The table is being set by the girls.

Dad is stirring the soup.

The lettuce is being cut by Mom.

The napkins were folded by the boys.



Dad is stirring the soup.


All the other three sentences uses the passive form.

The table is being set by the girls.

The lettuce is being cut by Mom.

The napkins were folded by the boys.

Up there I've underlined the passive tenses and bolded the main verbs. If that still doesn't help, the italic by should show that the one doing the actions are mentioned at the last by choice only, and not necessity. Which means those are passive forms because the actors are not important.

Other Questions
A consumer advocate agency is concerned about reported failures of two brands of MP3 players, which we will label Brand A and Brand B. In a random sample of 197 Brand A players, 33 units failed within 1 year of purchase. Of the 290 Brand B players, 25 units were reported to have failed within the first year following purchase. The agency is interested in the difference between the population proportions, , for the two brands. Using the data from the two brands, what would be the standard error of the estimated difference, Dp = A B, if it were believed that the two population proportions were, in fact, equal (i.e., )? Show why (237)^4 = 2^4 3^4 7^4 show work State newton's universal law of gravitation Nights and DragonsFrom the memoir of author Abigail Prynne1I sit at my desk listening to thunder growl outside my window. Flashes of light burst through the darkness, and wind races past my window. The thrilling combination of sight and sound conjures up visions of dragons roaring proudly, breathing fire, and soaring across the midnight sky. Dragons first fascinated me when I was a little girl. They have followed me ever since. The magnificent creatures appeared in storybooks I read in the library, paintings I saw in museums, movies I watched in the theater, and the dreams I had in my sleep. By the time I was thirteen, one question consumed me. I wanted to know if dragons ever existed, so I set out on a quest for facts.2As I started my research, I discovered many skeptics. Scientists presented evidence to show why dragons could notand did notexist. They explained that it would be impossible for dragons to fly because they would be too big. They laughed at the idea of dragons breathing fire. They pointed out that no other animal has ever done this. They said that if dragons had lived, someone would have found remains somewhere in the world. No bones about it, there were plenty of logical explanations. It would have been easy for me to accept that the only place dragons ever existed was in the imaginations of those who believed.3I could have given up, but I thought about my grandmother. She always told me that "people who believe that science is the answer to everything are missing out on everything else." With her words in mind, I searched some more. There were many facts that hinted that dragons may not be fictional. I noticed that cultures across the world all described dragons in similar ways. This was odd because they had no way to communicate with each other. I found dragons mentioned in more than just stories. They appeared in old legal papers, in the travel logs of Marco Polo, and in the Bible. I saw that the Chinese calendar uses a different animal each year. Dragons are included along with eleven real animals. I began to believe it was a real possibility that all of these people were talking about a creature that actually existed.4With renewed hope that there was some truth to the legends, I looked for new research. I found that some experts disagreed with popular arguments against dragons. They suggested that a dragon could have four stomachs like a cow. If it created stomach gases like birds, it might create enough to lift itself off the ground. This would give it the ability to fly. If it forced out air when diving toward the earth, it might release gases which could ignite into flame. When the animal died, the stomachs would release strong acids that would dissolve its dead body over time. Biologists backed up these ideas with sketches and models based on known animals. Not everyone agreed with these ideas, but many of the things we accept about dinosaurs and other extinct species started the same way.5I doubt we will ever truly know whether dragons existed. There may always be two sides to the fiery debate. Some will say the stories come from active imaginations. Some will believe with all their hearts that the legendary creatures roamed our ancient world. I don't know for certain which side to believe, but the sound and fury of a night like this makes me smile. It rekindles my childhood dreams and keeps the exciting possibility alive.In paragraph 5, the author discusses two sides to the dragon debate. Which statement best summarizes the ideas in the paragraph? The author implicitly states that she believes that dragons once existed. The author explicitly states that she believes that dragons once existed. The author implicitly states that she believes that dragons did not exist. The author explicitly states that she believes that dragons did not exist. I cant figure out which formula goes with which sequence. Help. Please???1st sequence:1,3,9,27,. 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