Where was Confucius located in China?


Answer 1

Answer:A native of Zhouyi (陬义) in the present-day Lu County. Qufu(曲阜)in Shandong Province(山东)


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The example of German immigrant Marcus Spiegel demonstrated that: a. the views of average Americans evolved considerably during the course of the Civil War. b. the significant Jewish population in the United States was ambivalent about the issues that caused the Civil War. c. while Jews were few in number, their role at the Battle of Gettysburg made military heroes of many of them. d. freedom motivated the immigration of Irish immigrants, but German immigrants of the mid-nineteenth century came to the United States in pursuit of economic success. e. Democrats were unwilling to go to war with a Republican president in the White House.


Answer: how do i login to my sister’s account her friend gave to her?


Why has the Supreme Court upheld laws that require advantage notice and permits for protest in public places
(A) Because protest can threaten the place
(B) So official can charge fees for permits
(C) So officials can prevent antigovernment protests
(D) Because protests are not protected forms of assembly



I believe it to be D. Hope this helps!


which term was not an accurate new description for women in the 1920's?
a. wage-earner
b. flapper
c. politician
d. voter



C. Politician


By the 1920s, women had the rights to earn wages and vote, and the term "flapper" was being used for their boldness. Women generally were not politicians in that time period.

Who were the major leaders of the labor movement?



Samuels Gompers, Thomas Donadue, William Green.


Samuel Gompers

He was actually the leader couldn't find anything else hope this helps





3 investiga sobre la estructura política de los Estados


Estados Unidos constituye una república federal constitucional, con un régimen presidencialista como forma de gobierno basado en la separación de poderes en tres ramas: ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial.

Use the passage and knowledge to answer both questions below:

"If anyone steals an animal from a leader in the court, the thief shall pay back thirty times the animal's value. If it belongs to a free man of the king, the thief will repay ten times the value, If the thief cannot pay, he shall be put to death. If a man puts out the eye of a free man, he shall pay back in gold. If he puts out the eye of a slave, he shall pay one half the value. If a man strikes a man of higher rank, he shall receive sixty lashes with a whip in public."

a) Identify and explain one SIMILARITY between a concept found in these Mesopotamian laws and those found in another civilization before 1200 CE.

b) Identify and explain one DIFFERENCE between a concept found in these Mesopotamian laws and those found in another civilization before 1200 CE.



Both give punishment of repayment many times of its actual price.


There is one similarity exists between a concept found in these Mesopotamian laws and ancient Egyptian laws is the repayment of stolen goods. In Mesopotamian laws, if a person stole a valuable thing from a high rank person, the thief will repay the price 30 times whereas in ancient Egypt he will repay it 100 times more than the actual value.  One difference between a concept found in these Mesopotamian laws and ancient Egyptian laws is that the ancient Egyptian execute the thief to death if he stolen goods from the attribute of holiness because it is considered a religious crime whereas in the Mesopotamian laws, people were given the punishment of repayment.

In the 1920s, what did businesses and industries do that caused the economy to slow down?
M They hired more workers.
They speculated in the stock market.
They bought stocks on margin.
They overproduced good.

It D got it right for edg2021



They overproduced goods


In the 1920s, businesses and industries overproduced goods which caused the economy to slow down.

This was because they failed to make proper plans about the rate of consumption and demand and ended up mass producing goods which made the economy go slow


D. They overproduced goods.


Which region of the usa is most sparsely populated?


The least populated place in the United States is Alaska’s Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area.

Hope this helps !!!!!!!!!!!!!
The least-populated place in the United States is Alaska's Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area. At over 145,000 square miles, it's larger than New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia -- combined.Jan 20, 2016

When he inherited his fathers kingdom, Alexander the great



He gained the military power of his father and continued his campaign


He followed his fathers legacy. And succeeded.

The Virginia Declaration of Rights was written by __________.
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Benjamin Franklin
George Mason


I guess it’s d George mason

A country's economy has been struggling. Many companies have gone out of
business, and many of their former workers are unemployed. Banks have
been unwilling to offer loans to people and businesses that want them. Even
worse, the country's largest companies are preparing to shut down some
major projects. Economists project that the economy will continue to struggle
for a long time.
Which phase of the business cycle best describes the country in this


Answer: A I think


The International Gay Rodeo Association (IGRA) began in 1976. By the end of the 1980s, gay rodeos were being held in more than a dozen states, and today there are 24 chapters that have raised millions for charity. But even the IGRA is not exempt from concerns about discrimination. Straights are allowed to participate in all IGRA events in order to avoid claims of _____.



The International Gay Rodeo Association (IGRA) began in 1976. By the end of the 1980s, gay rodeos were being held in more than a dozen states, and today there are 24 chapters that have raised millions for charity. But even the IGRA is not exempt from concerns about discrimination. Straights are allowed to participate in all IGRA events in order to avoid claims of disparate treatment.

What is a threat posed by the military-industrial complex, according to President Einsenhower?​



the increasing power of the military




He was scared of increasing the power of the military he fear things that the military may abuse it's power and do things they aren't suppose to do


Recall what you have learned about the locations
of internment
What types of locations were chosen for
internment camps?
Why did the government choose these locations?
Give your answer in at least two complete



1)the government chose less populated areas to put internment camps because this would help with the initial problem.

2)They were slums luxury ranging from the cities to the country. They believed that internees should not help in the war effort because the internment of the Japanese was unjust.



Camps were far from the West Coast, or exclusion zone.

Camps were far from major cities and population centers.

Camps were in barren areas, which made it difficult for potential spies to escape.

Camps were often constructed on American Indian reservations.




the political cost of each size


I'm not sure if it's right though




When deciding whether to build a small or large courthouse, a government leader should identify the economic costs of each size.

You can completely rely in this answer it's

Select three different industries of your choice that experienced significant fluctuations in exports between 1920 and 1936. What factors might explain the fluctuations in each of the three industries?



Fish, automobiles and wheat flour


I took test and got it correct!

Why doesn’t the United States intend to ‘abandon’ Cuba?



Because Cuba is so close to the US is like the US backyard almost so during the cold war USSR wanted missiles in cuba or nukes this would make all the US vulnerable to a nuclear attack by the USSR but still currently cuba is a communist nation and is worried that enemy nations might try to build bases there or but missiles there this would be a huge threat to the US since these places are so close


what was the aim of the suffragist movement?


Answer:The suffragists split into two organizations. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton form the National Woman Suffrage Association. The primary goal of the organization is to achieve voting rights for women by means of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


The suffragists split into two organizations. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton form the National Woman Suffrage Association. The primary goal of the organization is to achieve voting rights for women by means of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Describe What You See in the Placard
Which cause/s of New Imperialism does the Placard represent?
Explain Why You Chose the Cause/s?



What I see in the Placard

These looks like ships that have come to trade goods in an underdeveloped area which most likely depicts Africa.

Cause ⇒ Need for New Markets

European countries were in a race to acquire more resources and become richer and so they needed new markets to sell their goods. Africa was a vast continent and Europeans saw this as an opportunity to sell their products and so shipped their goods to be sold in Africa.

ways of manifesting or expressing violence


It can be physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual, social and/or economic. The lists below describe some of the tactics of abuse batterers use as they attempt to gain or maintain power and control over their intimate partners.

Which civilization developed a form of picture writing?
A. The Egyptians
B. The Persians
C. The Aryans
D. The Phoenicians


Answer: A

Explanation: the Egyptians use hieroglyphs

Just to support, Yes A is correct

How did Japanese militarists take power in Japan and why did the Japanese fake the "Manchurian incident"to take over China ?


Answer and Explanation:

The Great Depression was enough motivation for the Japanese military to take power and authority from the civilian government. This was largely because the hardship at the time allowed them to gain support from the people because the civilian government increasingly got unpopular as they could not properly handle the crisis at the time.

The Manchurian incident or Mukden incident was staged by the Japanese Military in September 1931 to seize the Chinese Manchuria, establishing Manchuko under its control six months later. The incident was a pretext strategy to blame the Chinese and invade their territory for the purpose of its rich resources in coal and iron.

nesecito las respuestas



ue bienQ


which statement explain the basic tenets of christianty



God is good.


Hitler can be described as a fanatical despot because he


Took the life of many people

Slaves were helper in which of the original colonies ? No links aloud


the 3ed one.

"Southern colonies"


all 13 colonies


During the Great War for Empire: Group of answer choices American colonial troops strove to emulate the professionalism of the British regulars. British officers praised American colonial troops for their courage under fire. American colonial troops adapted well to the British system of military discipline. Deep-seated differences in military discipline emerged between the British officers and the American colonial troops.


Answer: Deep-seated differences in military discipline emerged between the British officers and the American colonial troops


The Great War for Empire was also called the French and Indian War in North America and refers to a conflict when France and her Indian allies attempted to defeat and take over the English colonies of North America.

The British sent their armies to North America to protect their colonies as they viewed them as very important. When they arrived however, they found American colonial troops and militias already engaged with the enemy with a certain George Washington amongst the ranks as well.

The British looked down on these American troops and didn't help them much such that a sort of rivalry and deep-seated difference in military discipline, emerged between them.

most rights of citizens were under the control of state governments rather than the federal government. states could not interfere with vigorous federal enforcement of a broad array of civil rights guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment. the federal government had sole authority under the Commerce Clause to regulate the meatpacking industry. voting rights of African-Americans under the Fifteenth Amendment could not be abridged or denied by any state. Reconstruction had progressed too far and was now officially ended.



most rights of citizens are under the control of state governments rather than the federal government.


The Slaughter-House Cases was a landmark decision of the United States' Supreme Court where the court ruled out that the 'privilege and the immunities' as given by the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution are for the federal US citizenship and not for the state citizenship.

It also said that the most of the rights of the people of America are under the control of the State government and not wit the federal government.

¿Por qué a la emancipación de las colonias centroamericanas de México se le llamó la segunda independencia?



La revolución Americana fue causada principalmente por la oposición colonial a los intentos británicos de imponer I’m mayor control sobre las colonias y hacer que paguen a la corona por is defensa durante la Guerra de Francia e India.


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