Which brought an end to the great West African empires?

A)an increase in countries producing their own goods and not needing to trade
B)the arrival of Christianity and the decline of Islam
C)enemy nations using sophisticated warfare to overpower the outdated tactics of the empire
D)emperors being unable to further the development of technology and learning


Answer 1

Answer: C)

Explanation: enemy nations using sophisticated warfare to overpower the outdated tactics of the empire

Answer 2


C: enemy nations using sophisticated warfare to overpower the outdated tactics of the empire


i just took da test

its da right question

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In which of the following US cities were major immigration stations located?
O San Francisco and New York
O Philadelphia and Chicago
O New York and Chicago
O San Francisco and Philadelphia
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San Francisco and New York

“If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.” -Abraham Lincoln
What was Lincoln's goal at the beginning of the war?

Unite the North and the South
Unite the North and the South

End slavery throughout the country
End slavery throughout the country

Issue an Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in the South
Issue an Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in the South

Prevent slavery from spreading West
no links help asap


I think it’s Issue a Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in the south

¿que aporto Peark Harbor al inicio de la primera guerra mundial?​



Pearl Harbor es del segundo guerra mundial

Research 3 different types of clouds and write 5 facts about each one of them



Cumulus clouds

They sometimes look like pieces of floating cotton.The base of each cloud is flat and is about 1000 meters above the ground.The top of the cloud resembles the head of a cauliflower. Cumulus clouds come in a small range of colors that range from completely white to light gray.Cumulus clouds are the most common clouds on earth.

Stratus clouds

You can see stratus clouds as thick cloud blankets near the sea.When rain falls from stratus clouds they are mostly called nimbostratus.Stratus clouds do not occur above 6,000 feetStratocumulus are one of the most common clouds in temperate regions of the world.Stratus clouds are often visible after ground-level fog lifts.

Cirrus clouds

Cirrus clouds are up so high they are actually made of ice particles.Cirrus clouds are found at heights above 5,000 m.The most common form of high-level clouds are cirrus clouds.Cirrus can form from almost any cloud that has undergone glaciation.Fall streaks form when snowflakes and ice crystals fall from cirrus clouds.


Have a nice day :)

Which statement best describes Frederick W. de Klerk

A.) He was sent to prison on various charges for protesting South Africa’s policies of apartheid.

B.) He was the president of South Africa in 1990 and pushed reforms that ended apartheid.

C.) He was the first black Anglican archbishop of Cape Town and a Nobel Peace Prize honoree.

D.) He was a leader in the African National Congress and became the first black president of South Africa.



B seems like the most logical answer


I hope this helps! God bless! Thanks!

What two reforms did Nicholas II introduce after the Revolution of 1905?



1) The Tsar allowed the creation of an elected consultative Parliament or Duma.

2) Most of the trade unions and committees were declared illegal.

3) Severe restrictions were imposed on various political activities.

D I hope it helps I hope you understand I’m new at this



La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para contestar, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

En la zona del campo del norte y luego pasó al centro donde se popularizó a través de los medios y las redes sociales.

Este género se cree tuvo su origen en la isla de Cuba y después pasó por México antes de llegar al Cono Sur. Hoy en día es un género muy famoso en la provincia y el campo de Chile. Los historiadores dicen que llegó en la década de los 40 y se masifica en Chile por ahí de la década de los 70.

En la actualidad, la guaracha se ha modernizado con a inclusión de modernos ritmos electrónicos.

In four to five sentences, explain the outcomes of the Crusades. Provide examples.



The Crusades were military expeditions organized between 1095 and 1291 by the European Christian powers, with the stated aim of combating Islamic rule in the so-called Holy Land, regaining Jerusalem, and other places where Jesus would have lived.

The Crusades were originally intended to recapture Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim rule and were initially launched in response to a call from the Byzantine Empire for help against the expansion of the Seljuk Turks in Anatolia.

Describe two positives/ or good things about Spartan government:


, the Spartans didn't study philosophy, art they studied war.
The Spartans were considered to have the strongest army and best soldiers of Ancient Greece. All Spartan men trained to become warriors from the day they were born.

5. What were the two sides of the English Civil War?

6. Which Enlightenment philosopher influenced the American Revolution?



Answer:Introduction. Between 1642 and 1646 England was torn apart by a bloody civil war. On the one hand stood the supporters of King Charles I: the Royalists. On the other stood the supporters of the rights and privileges of Parliament: the Parliamentarians.

Answer:John Locke (29 August 1632 - 28 October 1704) was an English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers, especially concerning the development of political philosophy. His writings influenced Voltaire and Rousseau, but most importantly, the American revolutionaries.

In the 1800s, the first state government reform legislation regrading railroads practices addressed


How did the case United States v. ... The Supreme Court ruled that the American Sugar Company was a legal monopoly since it existed only in one state. In the late 1800s, the first state government reform legislation regarding railroad practices addressed. rates for shipping and storing grain.

How did nationalism—which drove Hungary to demand its own parliamentary self-rule from the Austrian Empire—finally lead to the failure of Hungary to adequately govern itself?


Because the Hungarian nation had too much nationalism. Nationalism drove Hungary to liberate from Austria's empire. Then, ethnic groups divided Hungary and wanted parts of it to liberate and form ethnic nations.

Considering the high levels of nationalism in Hungary. Liberation from the Austrian Empire in Hungary was a triumph of nationalism. Hungarians at the time were split along ethnic lines, with each faction desiring independence for its own ethnic-nationalist strongholds. This is further explained below.

What is nationalism?

Generally, Nationalism is the feeling of belonging to and supporting one's own country's interests above and beyond those of any other country.

In conclusion, Because Hungarians as a whole were much too patriotic. Hungary's independence from Austria was a triumph of nationalism. Back then, Hungary was split up by many factions who each wanted their own slice of the country to break away and become independent.

Read more about nationalism



In the United States, the Second Industrial Revolution lasted from the end of the American Revolution to 1800. the end of the American Revolution to 1850. the end of the Civil War to 1900, o the end of the Civil War to 1950.​





9.One reason for the outbreak of World War II was the *
(1) ineffectiveness of the League of Nations
(2) growing tension between the United States and the Soviet Union
O (3) conflict between the Hapsburg and the Romanov families
0 (4) refusal of the German government to sign the Treaty of Versaille



(1) ineffectiveness of the League of Nations


The League of Nations did many things to aggravate Germany leading up to World War II, and did little to keep the country from collapse after World War I.

Evaluate the role of peasant in the outbreak of French​



The main role of peasants was that as the peasantd have to pay the tax even if they not had the amount of money with themselves.The rural peasantry made up the largest portion of the Third Estate. Most peasants worked the land as feudal tenants or sharecroppers and were required to pay a range of taxes, tithes and feudal dues. 3. A much smaller section of the Third Estate were skilled and unskilled urban workers, living in cities like Paris.

The main role of peasants was that as the peasantd have to pay the tax even if they not had the amount of money with themselves. The tolerance power of peasants finish and this lead to French Revolution. Only the peasants was suffering badly from the taxation policy of Louis 16 if they did not fight for their rights at that time the condition of France remains same and the foolish leaders like Louis 16 came again and again. Overall the pesants led to the long development of France.
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Markus C. Dehning, love the language, been there few times
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can someone find the answer to this?





Washington stayed neutral between Britain and France so there is no way he could have supported the French




i looked it up

1 point
As Chief Diplomat the President can sign a treaty but needs what?
The Vice President's signature
Senate approval
House of Representatives approval
The Supreme Court approval


The senate is what approves

What does Shirley Chisholm suggest in this speech to indicate the need for the Equal Rights Amendment?


Early in the speech to Congress, Chisholm agrees with opponents that “Of course laws will not eliminate prejudice from the hearts of human beings.” However later in the speech she seems to suggest that changing the law will have important social and psychological effects.

Why were Chinese students occupying Tiananmen Square in 1989?
O A. They were celebrating the 50th anniversary of China's independence from Japan.
O B. They mounted a protest for democracy in China.
O C. They were demonstrating for better working conditions in urban factories.
D. They were protesting the treatment of farmers in rural China.


The answer is B. They mounted a protest for democracy in China.
It was called The Democracy Movement.

President Roosevelt declared American neutrality in the European conflict.
O True
O False




Which of the following most likely had the highest unemployment in Oklahoma during the 1980s?

oil field workers
retail businesses
government employees



oil field workers.


I hope it helps.

¿Qué elementos de la Ilustración tomaron los patriotas de EEUU para organizar su revolución de independencia?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Los elementos de la Ilustración que tomaron los patriotas de EEUU para organizar su revolución de independencia fueron los siguientes.

Los colonos que habitaban las 13 colonias en Norteamérica, tomaron como referencia las innovadoras ideas de los pensadores de la Ilustración Europeo como John Locke, Voltaire, Montesquieu, y Thomas Hobbes.

Las ideas principales en las que basaron su movimiento de independencia fueron la de libertad, igualdad, y derecho a establecer su propio tipo de gobierno y el derecho a la propiedad privada.

Esas ideas inspiraron a prominentes colonos como George Washington, quien fue el líder del ejército Continental que derrotó a las tropas inglesas.

La teoría Liberar de John Locke influyó directamente en la redacción del documento llamado "Proclamación de la Independencia." Este documento fue redactado por Thomas Jefferson, Benjamín Franklin, Robert Livingston, Roger Sherman y John Adams.

A group of students are constructing a water clock as part of a class project. Which instrument will they need if they want to calibrate the water clock by the original method used? A. octant B. sextant C. sundial D. dioptra





In what way did ancient Egypt associate its pharaohs with the gods


The Egyptians believed their pharaoh to be the mediator between the gods and the world of men.  As a divine ruler, the pharaoh was the preserver of the god-given order, called maat.

Sherry is the fundraising manager for a city food bank. What talent would be beneficial to Sherry in her job?

Sherry is skilled at computer programming.

Sherry is reserved and likes to work alone.

Sherry is outgoing and great at organizing.

Sherry likes to build things with her hands.





it is best to be organized while at a food bank when storing food into the right catergories.




im on this test

which of the following roles did american women not take during world war ll to assist the allies in winning the war?
A. driving ambulances to save soldiers
B. soldiers on the front lines
C. decoding messages
D. producing ammunition





Women back during World War 2 were not allowed to be soldiers

B. Soldiers on the front lines

Drag each tile to the correct location.
Match each viewpoint to the correct leader.
opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act
wanted to allow slavery to continue
introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act
believed slavery was a moral issue
Abarham Lincoln's or Stephen Douglass


Abraham Lincoln ↓

Opposed Kansas-Nebraska Act, and beleived slavery was a moral issue

Stephen Douglass ↓

Introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act, wanted to allow slavery to continue



He Opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and he believed slavery was a moral issue


He Introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and wanted to allow slavery to continue.


Patriot colonists supported the ideas in Common Sense because Thomas Paine declared that?


Published in January 1776 in Philadelphia, nearly 120,000 copies were in circulation by April. Paine's brilliant arguments were straightforward. He argued for two main points: (1) independence from England and (2) the creation of a democratic republic. Paine avoided flowery prose.

What did the Washington Post’s investigation into the Afghanistan Papers reveal?



The documents reveal that high-ranking officials were generally of the opinion that the war was unwinnable, but kept this hidden from the public. Due to the difficulty of creating metrics to objectively demonstrate success, they had been manipulated for the duration of the conflict


I hope I'm correct

The plantation system in the southern colonies led to?


Increase of slavery
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