which characteristic of nuclear fission makes it hazardous?


Answer 1

Answer:The radioactive waste

Explanation:Fission is the splitting of a heavy unstable nucleus into two Lighter nuclei

Related Questions

a person lifts 60kg on the surface of the earth, how much mass can he lift on the surface of the moon if he applies same magnitude of force​



Hey there!

According to the question;

A person can lift mass of 60 kg on earth.

mass(m1) = 60kg

acceleration due to gravity on earth (a) = 9.8m/s²


force (f) = m.a

= 60*9.8

= 588 N

Since, there is application of same magnitude of force on moon,

mass(m) =?

acceleration due to gravity on moon (a) = 1.67m/s²


force (f) = m.a

588 = m*1.67

m = 352.09 kg

Therefore, the person who can lift the mass of 60 kg on earth can lift mass of 352 kg on moon.

Hope it helps!

The potential difference between the plates of a capacitor is 234 V. Midway between the plates, a proton and an electron are released. The electron is released from rest. The proton is projected perpendicularly toward the negative plate with an initial speed. The proton strikes the negative plate at the same instant the electron strikes the positive plate. Ignore the attraction between the two particles, and find the initial speed of the proton.
I have tried looking at the cramster.com solution manual and do not like the way it is explained. Simply put, I cannot follow what is going on and I am looking for someone who can explain it in plain man's terms and help me understand and get the correct answer. I am willing to give MAX karma points to anyone who can help me through this. Thank you kindly.



The speed of proton is 2.1 x 10^5 m/s .


potential difference, V = 234 V

let the initial speed of the proton is v.

The kinetic energy of proton is

KE = q V

[tex]0.5 mv^2 = e V \\\\0.5\times 1.67\times 10^{-27} v^2 = 1.6\times 10^{-19} \times 234\\\\v=2.1\times 10^5 m/s[/tex]

Convert 385k to temperature of





(385K - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32 = 233.33°F

state the laws of reflection​




The law of reflection says that the reflected angle (measured from a vertical line to the surface  called the normal) is equal to the reflected angle measured from the same normal line.

All other properties of reflection flow from this one statement.

I need help with this please!!!!



1.84 hours

I hope it's helps you

How do you know that a liquid exerts pressure?​



The pressure of water progressively increases as the depth of the water increases. The pressure increases as the depth of a point in a liquid increases. The walls of the vessel in which liquids are held are likewise subjected to pressure. The sideways pressure exerted by liquids increases as the liquid depth increases.

 A car accelerates from 0 m/s to 25 m/s in 5 seconds. What is the average acceleration of the car.​



5 m/s I hope it will help you


mark me as a brainlist answer

trong cùng một nhiệt độ, lượng năng lượng trên mỗi mol của chất khí nào lớn nhất
a) Khí đơn nguyên tử
b) Khí có từ ba nguyên tử
c) Khí lưỡng nguyên tử


Ben works as a medical assistant. He needs to take a patient's vitals, but the patient is refusing to cooperate. He hasn't experienced this before, so he decides to ask a nurse for advice on how to handle it. This is making a decision by O a) delegation. O b) command. c) vote. O d) consult. Question

Vector a has a magnitude of 8 and makes an angle of 45 with positive x axis vector B has also the same magnitude of 8 units and direction along the



prove that Sin^6 ϴ-cos^6ϴ=(2Sin^2ϴ-1)(cos^2ϴ+sin^4ϴ)

please sove step by step with language it is opt maths question

The answer is:

A + B = 6,123 units at angle 112,5 degrees.
A - B = 14,782 units at angle 22,5 degrees.

A circular parallel-plate capacitor whose plates have a radius of 25 cm is being charged with a current of 1.3 A. What is the magnetic field 11 cm from the center of the plates


The magnetic field at 11 cm from the center of the plates is 2.364 x 10⁻⁷ T.


radius of the circular plate, d = 25 cm = 0.25 m

current in the plate, I = 1.3 A

distance from the center of the circular plate, r = 11 cm = 0.11 m

To find:

magnetic field (B)

The magnetic field from the given distance is calculated as from Biot Savart equation:

[tex]B = \frac{\mu_o I}{2\pi r} \\\\where;\\\\\mu_o \ is \ permeability \ of \ free \ space \ 4\pi \times 10^{-7} \ T.m/A\\\\B = \frac{(4\pi \times 10^{-7} ) \times (1.3)}{2\pi \times 0.11} \\\\B = 2.364 \ \times 10^{-6} \ T[/tex]

Therefore, the magnetic field 11 cm from the center of the plates is 2.364 x 10⁻⁷ T.

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/17035710

Rays of light coming from the sun (a very distant object) are near and parallel to the principal axis of a concave mirror. After reflecting from the mirror, where will the rays cross each other at a single point?
The rays __________
a. will not cross each other after reflecting from a concave mirror.
b. will cross at the center of curvature.
c. will cross at the point where the principal axis intersects the mirror.
d. will cross at the focal point. will cross at a point beyond the center of curvature.


A concave mirror is an example of curved mirrors. So that the appropriate answer to the given question is option D. The rays will cross at the focal point.

A concave mirror is a type of mirror in which its inner part is the reflecting surface, while its outer part is the back of the mirror.  This mirror reflects all parallel rays close to the principal axis to a point of convergence. It can also be referred to as the converging mirror.

In this type of mirror, all rays of light parallel to the principal axis of the mirror after reflection will cross at the focal point.

Therefore, the required answer to the given question is option D. i.e The rays will cross at the focal point.

For reference: https://brainly.com/question/20380620

In the diagram, the crest of the wave is show by:





The crest of a wave refers to the highest point of a wave. This is illustrated by D.

Choose one. 5 points
Use the equation from week 3:
frequency =
and the wavelength you found in #3 to calculate the frequency of this photon (remember the speed of
light is 3E8 m/s);
7.6E14 Hz
6.0E14 Hz
4,6E14 Hz


Is 4,6E14 Hz
Good luck

The frequency is 4,6E14 Hz.

What is the frequency?

Frequency is the fee at which modern changes direction in step with 2nd. it's far measured in hertz (Hz), a worldwide unit of degree wherein 1 hertz is identical to 1 cycle in line with 2d. Hertz (Hz) = One hertz is the same as 1 cycle in step with the second. Cycle = One entire wave of alternating present-day voltage.

Frequency describes the number of waves that pass a hard and fast place in a given quantity of time. So if the time it takes for a wave to skip is half of 2d, the frequency is 2 per 2nd. If it takes 1/one hundred of an hour, the frequency is a hundred in step with hour.

Learn more about frequency here:-https://brainly.com/question/254161


Cuando el pistón tiene un volumen de 2x10^-4 m^3, el gas en el pistón está a una presión de 150 kPa. El área del pistón es 0.00133 m^2. Calcular la fuerza que el gas ejerce sobre el embolo del pistón.



F = 1.128 10⁸ Pa


Pressure is defined by

         P = F / A

If the gas is ideal for equal force eds on all the walls, so on the piston area we have

        F = P A

We reduce the pressure to the SI system

       P = 150 kpa (1000 Pa / 1kPa = 150 103 Pa

we calculate

       F = 150 10³ / 0.00133

       F = 1.128 10⁸ Pa

A space ship has four thrusters positioned on the top and bottom, and left and right as shown below. The thrusters can be operated independently or together to help the ship navigate in all directions.
Initially, the Space Probe is floating towards the East, as shown below, with a velocity, v. The pilot then turns on thruster #2.

Select one:

Space ship will have a velocity to the West and will be speeding up.

Space ship will have a velocity to the East and will be speeding up.

Space ship will have a velocity to the East and will be slowing down.

Space ship will have a velocity to the West and will be slowing down.

Ship experiences no change in motion.



The correct answer is - c.  Spaceship will have a velocity to the East and will be slowing down.


In this case, if turned on thruster #2 then it will exert force on the west side as thruster 2 is on the east side and it can be understood by Newton's third law that says each action has the same but opposite reaction.

As the spaceship engine applies force on the east side then according to the law the exhauster gas applies on towards west direction. It will try to decrease the velocity of the spaceship however, the direction of floating still be east side initally.

A 1.5kg block slides along a frictionless surface at 1.3m/s . A second block, sliding at a faster 4.3m/s , collides with the first from behind and sticks to it. The final velocity of the combined blocks is 2.0m/s . What was the mass of the second block?



The mass of the second block=0.457 kg


We are given that

m1=1.5 kg


v2=4.3 m/s

V=2.0 m/s

We have to find the mass of the second block.


Let m2=m

Substitute the values






[tex]m=0.457 kg[/tex]

Hence,  the mass of the second block=0.457 kg

. A ball of mass 0.50 kg is rolling across a table top with a speed of 5.0 m/s. When the ball reaches the edge of the table, it rolls down an incline onto the floor 1.0 meter below (without bouncing). What is the speed of the ball when it reaches the floor?





the plane of a 5.0 cm by 8.0 cm rectangular loop wire is parallel to a 0.19 t magnetic field. if the loop carries a current of 6.2 amps, what is the magnitude of the torque on the loop


here is the state ment :0.2 loop

i don't understand this, can someone help please?? ​



N2 + H2 --> NH3

balance them:

N2 + 3 H2 --> 2 NH3

so if 6 moles of N2 react, 12 moles of NH3 will form.

(you have to look at the big number in front, in this case its N2 and 2 NH3, therefore the amount of N2 will produce double the amount of NH3 )

A 20 N south magnetic force pushes a charged particle traveling with a velocity of 4 m/s west through a 5 T magnetic field pointing downwards . What is the charge of the particle ?



Charge of the particle is 1 coulomb.


Force, F:

[tex]{ \bf{F=BeV}}[/tex]

F is magnetic force.

B is the magnetic flux density.

e is the charge of the particle.

V is the velocity

[tex]{ \sf{20 = (5 \times e \times 4)}} \\ { \sf{20e = 20}} \\ { \sf{e = 1 \: coulomb}}[/tex]

The paper dielectric in a paper-and-foil capacitor is 0.0785 mm thick. Its dielectric constant is 2.35, and its dielectric strength is 49.5 MV/m. Assume that the geometry is that of a parallel-plate capacitor, with the metal foil serving as the plates.

a. What area of each plate is required for for a 0.300 uF capacitor?
b. If the electric field in the paper is not to exceed one-half the dielectric strength, what is the maximum potential difference that can be applied across the compactor?



a) required area is 1.1318 m²

b) the maximum potential difference that can be applied across the compactor is 1931.1 V


Given the data in the question;

dielectric constant εr = 2.35

distance between plates ( thickness ) d = 0.0785 mm = 7.85 × 10⁻⁵ m

dielectric strength = 49.5 MV/m


given that capacity capacitor C = 0.3 uF = 0.3 × 10⁻⁶ F

To find the Area, we use the following the expression.

C = ε₀εrA / d

we know that The permittivity of free space, ε₀ = 8.854 x 10⁻¹²  (F/m)

we substitute

0.3 × 10⁻⁶ = [ (8.854 x 10⁻¹²) × 2.35 × A  ] /  7.85 × 10⁻⁵

A = [ (0.3 × 10⁻⁶) × (7.85 × 10⁻⁵) ] / [ 2.35 × (8.854 x 10⁻¹²) ]

A = 2.355 × 10⁻¹¹ / 2.08069 × 10⁻¹¹

A = 1.1318 m²

Therefore, required area is 1.1318 m²


the maximum potential difference that can be applied across the compactor.

We use the following expression;

⇒ 1/2 × dielectric strength × thickness d

we substitute

⇒ 1/2 × ( 49.5 × 10⁶ V/m ) × ( 7.85 × 10⁻⁵ m )

1931.1 V

Therefore, the maximum potential difference that can be applied across the compactor is 1931.1 V

Two identical cars, each traveling at 16 m>s, slam into a concrete wall and come to rest. In car A the air bag does not deploy and the driver hits the steering wheel; in car B the driver contacts the deployed air bag. (a) Is the impulse delivered by the steering wheel to driver A greater than, less than, or equal to the impulse delivered by the air bag to driver B



 I = - m 16  the two impulses are the same,


The impulse is given by the relationship

         I = Δp

         I = p_f - p₀

in this case the final velocity is zero therefore p_f = 0

        I = -p₀

For driver A the steering wheel impulse is

        I = - m v₀

        I = - m 16

For driver B, the airbag gives an impulse

        I = - m 16

We can see that the two impulses are the same, the difference is that in the air bag more time is used to give this impulse therefore the force on the driver is less

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enchantment table language


enchantment Language table
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