Which characteristics of Nazi Germany’s government were those of a totalitarian state? Select four options.

They discouraged ideas that didn’t benefit the state.
They focused on and promoted a national identity.
They allowed only professed Nazis to run for office.
They persecuted those who spoke out against the state.
They enforced ideas about the inferiority of some races.


Answer 1


They discouraged ideas that didn't benefit the state.

They focused on and promoted a national identity.

They persecuted those who spoke out against the state.

They enforced ideas about the inferiority of some races.

Explanation: A,B,D,E

Took test

Answer 2

The characteristics of the Nazi government includes:

discouraged ideas that didn't benefit the statefocused on and promoted a national identitypersecuted those who spoke out against the stateenforced ideas about the inferiority of some races

The government of the Nazi Germany was a dictatorship government which was formed on 30 January 1933

The government of the Nazi Germany was also similar to a totalitarian government

The characteristics of the Nazi government includes:

discouraged ideas that didn't benefit the statefocused on and promoted a national identitypersecuted those who spoke out against the stateenforced ideas about the inferiority of some races

Therefore, the Option A, B, D and E is correct.

Read more about Nazi


Related Questions

A disturbance that transfers energy from place to place is called

a .frequency

b. waves

c. amplitude

d. wavelength


It’s B


A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another without transferring matter. Waves transfer energy away from the source, or starting place, of the energy.

Stanton is determined to learn the things boys do to gain her father's acceptance


The complete question is:

Read the excerpt from Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences, 1815-1897.

“My father,” I replied, “prefers boys; he wishes I was one, and I intend to be as near like one as possible. I am going to ride on horseback and study Greek. Will you give me a Greek lesson now, doctor? I want to begin at once.”

“Yes, child,” said he, throwing down his h.o.e, “come into my library and we will begin without delay.”

Which best retells the central idea in this excerpt?

A). Stanton is determined to get the pastor to help her with her study of Greek.

B). Stanton is determined to make her father accept her just the way she is.

C). Stanton is determined to rebel against her father and prove him wrong.

D). Stanton is determined to learn the things boys do to gain her father’s acceptance.


D). Stanton is determined to learn the things boys do to gain her father’s acceptance.


As per the question, the sentence 'Stanton is determined...father's acceptance' most adequately restates the key idea of this excerpt. The dialogues clearly reflect that Stanton yearns to seek acceptance from her father. Her father likes boys and therefore, she aspires that she could be a boy so that she could get more love and affection from her father. She wants to be as close to him as possible and this is why she is resolved to learn everything that boys usually learn like riding the horse or studying Greek. This shows her longingness to gain affection and approval from her father. Thus, option D is the correct answer.

anyone know this im stuck.


The answer should be D. If I’m not mistaken

Hitler's "last stand" or counterattack was at
1) Paris
2) D-Day
3) Battle of the Bulge
4) Stalingrad



I am sure, it's 3) Battle of the Bulgr


Hope it will help you


I believe it was the Battle of the Bulge where he sent a lot of tank divisions and infantry to stop the American advance.


As Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the people spread garments along His path.
☻ ︎True
☻︎ False





As Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the people spread garments along His path.


[tex]\bold{ \green{ \star{ \orange{Jesus\:loves\:you.}}}}⋆[/tex]

The Constitution establishes three branches of government that
share identical powers.
have different powers.
are led by the legislative branch.
are led by the judicial branch.
Answer is b: have different powers.



Have different powers for sure



The answer is B - Have different powers.


This happend because they said that they need different powers so that they can take control equally.

Essay about what role did south African women play against the violation of human rights from 1950s to 1960s? ​




History of Women’s struggle in South Africa


1910s - Anti-pass campaigns

The 1920s - Women, employment and the changing economic scene

The 1930s - Trade unionism blossoms and women become more assertive

Women in the schizophrenic 1940s - World War II and its aftermath

The turbulent 1950s - Women as defiant activists

Women's resistance in the 1960s - Sharpeville and its aftermath

Women in the 1970s - Soweto and mounting pressure on the apartheid state

Apartheid crumbles - Women in the turmoil of the 1980s

The pre-election period - Women in the early 1990s

Women in the new democracy

Women at the start of the 20th century

It is only over the last three or four decades that women's role in the history of South Africa has, belatedly, been given some recognition. Previously the history of women's political organization, their struggle for freedom from oppression, for community rights and, importantly, for gender equality, was largely ignored in history texts. Not only did most of these older books lean heavily towards white political development to the detriment of studies of the history and interaction of whites with other racial groups, but they also focused on the achievements of men (often on their military exploits or leadership ability) virtually leaving women out of South African history.

The reason for this ‘invisibility' of women, calls for some explanation. South African society (and this applies in varying degrees to all race groups) are conventionally patriarchal. In other words, it was the men who had authority in society; women were seen as subordinate to men. Women's role was primarily a domestic one; it included child rearing and seeing to the well-being, feeding and care of the family. They were not expected to concern themselves with matters outside the home – that was more properly the domain of men. Economic activity beyond the home (in order to help feed and clothe the family) was acceptable, but not considered ‘feminine'. However, with the rise of the industrial economy, the growth of towns and (certainly in the case of indigenous societies) the development of the migrant labour system, these prescriptions on the role of women, as we shall see, came to be overthrown.

This is a particularly appropriate time to be studying the role of women in the progress towards the new South African democracy. The year 2006 was a landmark year in which we celebrated the massive Women's March to the Union Buildings in Pretoria 50 years ago. Women throughout the country had put their names to petitions and thus indicated anger and frustration at having their freedom of movement restricted by the hated official passes. The bravery of these women (who risked official reprisals including arrest, detention and even bannings) is applauded here. So too are their organizational skills and their community-consciousness – they were tired of staying at home, powerless to make significant changes to a way of life that discriminated against them primarily because of their race, but also because of their class and their gender.

We invite you to read, in the pages that follow, on the important role played by women in twentieth-century South Africa. A list of works for further reading and some appropriate documents are also included in this archive. Women, half the population after all, have been silent for too long in our history books, and although this need is now to an extent being addressed, there is still a huge gap in our knowledge on the role of South African women. It is high time that our young South Africans should put the record straight.

Which of these was true about north american colonies held by britian and france before the french and indian war



British colonies had more people but French colonies held more land.


The French and the Indian War was a war between the Great Britain and France. The war started in the year 1754 and lasted for many year till it came to end in the year 1763 with the Treaty of Paris.

This war gave Great Britain large territorial gain in North America and it also increased the debt of the nation. The British colonies had more number of people and the French colonies have more of land.

Those who were loyal to the Roman Empire were the:




pharisees and sadducees


They were groups that were directly related to the Roman Empire, the Pharisees were Catholics and the Sadducees were the rich minority who were conservatives and religion and also in politics such as Herod.

Which of the following was a cause of the Great Migration?
expansion of cotton fields
World War I
civil rights movement
the 19th Amendment
Plessey v. Ferguson



B. World War I


Many white men went to fight in the war, leaving plenty of jobs open and available for southern immigrants.

who wrote the Nkosi Sikeleli version?​



Enoch Sontonga


Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika was composed in 1897 by Enoch Sontonga, a Methodist mission school teacher. The words of the first stanza were originally written in Xhosa as a hymn. Seven additional stanzas in Xhoza were later added by the poet, Samuel Mqhayi. A Sesotho version was published by Moses Mphahlele in 1942.


Which was not a reason Johnson used when vetoing the extension of the Freedmen's Bureau and the Civil Rights Bill of 1866?



The correct statement that was not used by Johnson while he decided to veto in 1866 the Freedmen's Bureau and the Civil Right bills was “Johnson said the rights and guarantees of the Emancipation Proclamation were sufficient to protect black's civil rights and a new bill was unnecessary.

Which generalization about religion in ancient civilizations is most accurate?



Egyptian Mythology, Greek Mythology, and Hinduism were polytheistic religions in ancient civilizations.  These faiths followed a number of deities who were adored by society's citizens.  Following this, monotheistic faiths began to emerge.  There was only one almighty and omniscient God in these religions.


Were there any options?

Why did many people in the colonies live in extended families?

A.)The Protestant religion taught that all relatives should live together or very near.

B.)Many hands were needed to make widely separated farms self-sufficient.

C.)Colonial tax laws required such high payments for land that families could not afford to separate.

D.)Lumber was scarce in most areas, making it difficult to build separate houses.


Answer: (B)

not sure just the only one that makes sense but I hope t his helps!



C) Colonial tax laws required such high payments for land that families could not afford to separate.


(question listed in photo)

maintain national sovereignty
maintain state sovereignty
abolish slavery

*these are for both drop downs*​



maitain state sovereignty


A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery. ... The South wished to take slavery into the western territories, while the North was committed to keeping them open to white labor alone.

this is primarily for edenuity 2020-21 :)



i agree yes


lol yea because of online school and everyone could just ask for the answers on here

why is it useful for historians to base certain studies on the analysis of gepgraphic regions


Because Societies located in the same region can affect each other's development.

Select the correct answer. What was a political cause of the French Revolution?​



i cant see the  choises so here are the causes


During the 18th Century, France became the center of autocratic monarchy, and rulers enjoy unlimited power.

The French Monarchs were involved in rich and lavishness at the Versailles.

During the reign of Louis XV, the economy crumbles because of involving in the Seven Years War.

France became bankrupt due to over expense in wars and luxury.

When Louis XVI came into the throne, the emperor coffer was empty, and the economic condition worsens increasingly.

The autocratic monarchy, poor administration, expensive expenditure created the political cause of the French Revolution.

The map shows Washington in the United States.

Where is Washington located?

east of Canada
south of California
north of Oregon
east of Idaho


Answer: North of Oregon

Explanation: Yes


north of oregon


What was the significance of cherokee nation v. Georgia? I will give you 20 points



Cherokee Nation v. Georgia is an important case in Native American law because of its implications for tribal sovereignty and how to legally define the relationship between federally recognized Native Amer- ican tribes and the U.S. government.


Where was the capital moved to after Egypt became united under the Old Kingdom?

Sinai Peninsula


I think Memphis, I may be wrong.
memphis!! explanation: just is

What illustration does Paul use to describe the kind of material that we should build our life with?


Paul says that we should build our lives with gold, silver, and precious stone because the s e cannot be destroyed.

Its means that preciouse stones like gold and silver is VERY hard to break just like our relationship with him.

Paul gives an illustration that one's life must be built as hard as the precious stones made out of gold and silver.

What is an illustration?

A process which involves an act of something, which is being illustrated, is known as illustration. In the above example, Paul has illustrated that the relationships of an individual's life must be built strong and hard, like that of precious stones like gold and silver and platinum.

Hence, the illustration made by Paul is aforementioned.

Learn more about illustration here:



Which term is applied to personal characteristics that influence how our political attitudes develop?

A. political factors

B. social factors

C. political polls

D. demographic factors


Hey! Your answer is D ( demographic factors?

In the Louisiana Purchase expedition, Lewis and Clark explored the territory from St. Louis, Missouri to the Pacific Ocean.

True Or False


Answer: True

Explanation: Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark on an federally funded expedition after the Louisiana purchase to chart the land.

What was the cause of the population shift between 1870 and 1910?
A. People began moving to urban areas because industrialization created more job
B. More and more people moved to rural areas in order to become farmers.
C. City life was healthier than life in rural areas.
D. The population shift was caused by all of the above.


A. people began moving to urban areas because industrialization created more job opportunities

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall
not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by
the people.
-Amendment IX, Bill of Rights, 1789



hope it will help you


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


A well–regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.


No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.

Discuss why you think black and Hispanic Texans are so persistently below "whites" in terms of income? Your answer must be at least 5 sentences long.


Redlining,where the banks are willing to lend to. Lack of resources and exposure to different opportunities due to the school to prison pipeline. Poor education in black and Hispanic areas. The communities they are in. Gatekeeping opportunities for black and Hispanic students.

Which term describes the pre-Civil War, loose-knit organization that helped runaway slaves escape to Canada?





The preCivil War took place arround

year 1820 to arround year 1860 it was regarded as "antebellum years” which was among most chaotic events that took place in in American history, it's regarded as a time that symbolize significant changes which took place during the time United States came of age. There is transformation of the nation from an underdeveloped nation of farmers into an urbanized economic powerhouse. The Underground Railroad was the loose-knit organization that render some service in order to help the slaves so they can escape to the Canada, this organization make use of

Underground Railroad.

It should be noted that the term describes the pre-Civil War, loose-knit organization that helped runaway slaves escape to Canada is Underground Railroad

These are the options for the question

a. Freedmen's Bureau

b. Underground Railroad

c. Ku Klux Klan

d. Know-Nothing Party

During the early 1900s, many American women became actively involved in all of the
following reform movements EXCEPT:
1) Temperance

2) Government Reform
3) Suffrage
4) Settlement Houses



2. Government reform


I don't know if it's completely correct, but the government reform was about raising and lowering taxes and other things about income and all that, I'm not sure if American Woman were keen to be actively involved in that, when Temperance, Suffrage, and Settlement Houses seems like the main priority for them to be involved in

How did Japan’s 1889 constitution make the country similar to Western nations?
It gave the people a greater voice in their government.
It continued the country’s earlier isolationist principles.
It replaced the emperor with an elected president.
It modernized the Japanese economy.



It gave the people a greater voice in their government.


Hello there,  

The correct answer is A. It gave the people a greater voice in their government.


Option B. is wrong because there were significant changes.

Option C. is wrong because the Emperor was still in the constitution as sacred, inviolable and the unique sovereign ruler.

Option D. is wrong because the Emperor would still decide how most of the funds should be applied.

Hope this help. If correct please mark me Brainliest

thank you

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