Which detail would be most important to include in a summary of this text Michael Jordan


Answer 1


Probably that he's won 6 rings and depending on who you ask may be the GOAT


Related Questions

Read the paragraph, which is a summary of a slave narrative by Olaudah Equiano.

[1] While he was working for Thomas Farmer, he began to buy fruits and other goods and sell them himself. [2] He faced insults and difficulties doing this; however, he was determined to continue making money, which he did. [3] He wanted to obtain enough savings to buy his freedom, which Robert King had promised him he could do for the same amount that King had paid for him. [4] When he had saved enough money, he bought his freedom from King and lived the rest of his life as a free man.

Which sentence in the paragraph is structured differently than the others?


Answer: [2] He faced insults and difficulties doing this; however, he was determined to continue making money, which he did.


Every sentence above comprises of two clauses with some being independent and others being dependent clauses. Sentence two is different from the rest in that it contains three clauses instead of two.

Two of those clauses are independent clauses and the third is a dependent clause. The two independent clauses are: " He faced insults and difficulties doing this" and "he was determined to continue making money". The dependent clause is, "which he did".


B: sentence 2

He faced insults and difficulties doing this; however, he was determined to continue making money, which he did.

What happens to the third fire
in "To Build a Fire" by Jack London



it gets blown out by wind

Which of the following best illustrates how public speaking skills can help improve y

a. You are given an assignment to present your science project to the entire class
teacher is so impressed with your presentation that you receive extra credit.

b. Rather than get into a heated argument with your parents, you are able to calm
rationally explain to them why you feel your curfew should be more flexible.

C. You present yourself very well during a job interview and the employer offers yo
level position with the company.

d. None of the above.


the answer is C because it best illustrates how public speaking skills can help improve one


B- Rather than get into a heated argument with your parents, you are able to calmly and rationally explain to them why you feel your curfew should be more flexible.


Some parts of the world allow people to get a driver’s license at age sixteen. Many feel this age is much too young for the responsibility that comes with driving a car and that teenagers should not be allowed to drive until the age of 18. In your opinion, at what age should people be allowed to drive, and why?​



I would say the at the age of 16


if a person can work at the age of 16 then they should be allow to drive to their work to support themselves.

Write a multi-paragraph informational essay about a current event in the news. You can develop your topic using definition, cause/effect, compare/contrast, classification, or a combination of those strategies to compose your essay. Make sure that you cite your textual evidence and that it is from a reliable news source (not social media). Remember you are not simply summarizing the story, but rather explaining the story and providing background information where it applies in order to inform the reader.
Your essay should be at least 300 words in length.



G7 summit


G7 summit attracted top world leaders.these include joe biden,borris Johnson,Macon, Israeli leader Benjamin netanyau.

Which of Juliet’s lines best shows her respect for her mother?



I’ll look to like, if looking liking move”.


this shows that she wants to please her mother even though she doesn't want to get married to Paris

In what ways does our environment (place, people, society, culture) affect who we are and who we become?


Culture is greatly affected by environment. ... Climate is a huge factor in different cultures. If a group of people live in a cold place, they will most likely wear thicker clothes, opposed to the thin clothes worn by people in warmer places.

please make me as a brainlist answer

The environment we grew up in have a huge influence in who we become. Children imitate and hence the people around them will affect how they behave. For example, children who grow up with people who are polite tend to be polite themselves, and children who grow up in gang-filled cities or neighbourhoods tend to end up joining a gang or adopting more aggressive behaviours.

Culture plays a huge role in our beliefs and values. For example, if we live in a society that values collectivism, we may strongly believe in using our lives for the good of others. In contrast, living in a society that values individualism may encourage us to have higher levels of confidence and self-esteem.

If you want to get into the theory and philosophy, Urie Bronfenbrenner is a psychologist who came up with the ecological systems theory. In it, it describes how our environment and the relationships between these environment (including people) will greatly influence our life.

Choose the word with different stress pattern. 1. A. unsurprising ​B. undecided​C. undeveloped​D. uninteresting 2. A. relative ​​B. informative ​C. inaccurate​​D. untold 3. A. unlimited​ B. illogical​ C. conversation D. priority 4. A. technique ​​B. treatment​C. guidance​ D. plastic 5. .A. linguistic​​B. classical​​C. phonetic​​D. romantic 6. A. fantastic​B. historic​​C. comic​​D. symbolic 7. A. additive​​B. genitive​​C. repetitive​​D. sensitive 8. A. transitive​​B. positive​​C. sensitive​​D. infinitive 9. A. aquatic​​B. electronic​​C. biologic​​D. scientific 10. A. incident​B. terrorist​​C. adventure​​D. cultural 11. A. disease​B. tablet​​C. buggy​​D. robot 12. A. unimportant ​B. impatient ​C. immature ​D. unforeseen



1. D. uninteresting

2. D. untold

3. C. conversation

4. A. technique

5. B. classical

6. C. comic

7. C. repetitive

8. D. infinitive

9. A. aquatic

10. C. adventure

11. A. disease

12. A. unimportant


The stressed syllable of a word is the one we pronounce more strongly, the one you would make longer if you were to scream that word. Take the word orange, for example. If you were to scream it, you would say "ooooooorange" instead of "oraaaaaange". That is because "or" is the stressed syllable, not "ange".

Now, let's use number 1 above as an example. Below, we will highlight the stressed syllable in each word:

A. unsurprising B. undecided C. undeveloped D. uninteresting

Words A, B, and C have the same pattern, the stressed syllable being the one before the last. Only letter D has a different pattern, which is why we can choose it as the right option.

i rang him___ he would know about the delay a.although b.inspite of c.so that d.in order to​


The answer is “C. So that”


C - So that


Lets just plug in each word option into the sentence, and see if it makes sense.

So first of we have "although":

i rang him although he would know about the delay

This makes a bit of sense, so lets leave it here.

Next we have "inspite of"

i rang him inspite of he would know about the delay

This doesnt make any sense. The "of" does not fit, and the word choice "inspite" does not fit into the sentence either.

So this isnt a option.

Next we have "so that"

i rang him so that he would know about the delay

This make sense, because it is grammatically correct, and the purpose of calling "him" seems accurate too.

So lets leave this one here as well.

Finally we have "in order to"

i rang him in order to he would know about the delay

Again, the grammar is awful, and none of the words are accurate in the sentence.

So this isnt a option either

We are now left with A and C.

i rang him although he would know about the delay

i rang him so that he would know about the delay

So I think its c.

C perfectly fits, and makes sense in this setence.

Its a bit more difficult to see, but although does not really fit.

This is because the sentence used the word "would".

This indicates in the future "him" would know.

Because of this, it would not make sense to say  "although", because he would not know yet.

So the correct answer is C.

Hope this helps!

Which existential idea does Whitman develop in this passage from "Song of Myself"?
an emphasis on critical thinking
the separation between nature and the divine
the unity between the individual and all living things
a distrust of intuition and instinct


Answer: the unity between the individual and all living things


The passage is from lines 1-3 of "Song of Myself." There, Whitman claims to be celebrating himself and that everyone should do the same, as his made of atoms just like any other living being on earth. This is a metaphor about the unity between the individual and all living things. there´s no reference to critical thinking or intuition, and the separation between nature and the divine doesn´t seem to be a topic in this text.

In Hard Times, what is Charles Dickens’s purpose in describing the scene’s setting as “a plain, bare, monotonous vault of a schoolroom”?



To convey that the students' education suppresses individual expression.


Charles Dickens’s novel "Hard Times" revolves around the people of England's Coketown where industrialization had taken over and people's lives were more monotonous than realistic. The satirical story deals with themes of society, industries, machines, facts, and fancy, etc.

In the description of the school's classroom scene from Chapter 1, the narrator reveals, "The scene was a plain, bare, monotonous vault of a schoolroom" which seems to suggest the idea that the student’s education does not encourage individual expression. The words "plain, bare, monotonous" presents a boring, dull image.

Select the correct answers.
Select all the adjectives (describing words) in these sentences.
The old man is very tired.
The blue car was rusty but still quite fast.​



Old and blue rusty


What kind of man old and what kind of car a bule car and. it was a rusty

The words old and very in the phrase "the old man is very tired" are adjectives. The words blue, rusty and fast are adjectives in the sentence "The blue car was rusty but still quite fast."

An adjective is a specific word type used to characterise or alter nouns or pronouns in English grammar. Adjectives add details, attributes, or characteristics to the nouns or pronouns that accompany by describing additional aspects of those things.

A noun's size, colour, shape, age, amount, or any other characteristic that aids in defining or differentiating it can all be described by an adjective. They are essential in increasing the descriptive and expressive power of language. In the sentence "the old man is very tired", the adjectives are old, very, tired. In the sentence "The blue car was rusty but still quite fast.", the adjectives are blue, rusty and fast.

To know more about adjectives, here:



Write a report of 6 sentences about how can humans protect the environment from pollution



Humans have a lot of choices to do to reduce pollution such as reducing the number of trips you do in car that helps the nature and humans a lot too. You can avoid burning leaves, trash and other materials. You can recycle and reuse stuff. Do not even use a lot of plastic bags it is bad for nature. If you refuse to do these you can just simply plant more trees, more TREES more OXYGEN, helps to decrease the amount of pollution and save animals/species (it is very important to plant trees)

Title: Study the title. What do you think the poem might be about just by looking at the title?
Paraphrase: Paraphrase the entire poem line by line. This will help you to determine its literal meaning.

Connotation: What is the poem’s figurative meaning? What is implied by the author in his or her writing? How do you know this?

Attitude: What is the tone or mood of the poem? What words in the poem highlight this mood? Provide examples.
Shifts: Are there any changes in the attitude, speaker, focus, rhyme scheme, or perspective of the poem? Provide an example or explanation of where this can be found.
Title: Revisit the title. Now that you have completed an analysis of the poem, what do you think the title means?
Theme: What phrase describes the message or lesson the author wants the reader to take away from the poem?
ou can pick any of these poems and make sure to answer all questions above
“ I Wish I Could Remember,” by Christina Rossetti
“ Rain,” by Claribel Alegria
“ Briefly It Enters, and Briefly Speaks,” by Jane Kenyon
“ Possum Crossing,” by Nikki Giovanni
“ A Boy Juggling a Soccer Ball,” by Christopher Merrill
“ Still I Rise,” by Maya Angelou

For 100 points and brainliest


T-title: The meaning of the title without reference to the poem. Ponder the title before reading the poem. Make up questions about the title. There are two kinds of titles: interactive titles and naming titles. Interactive titles are
have some sort of interplay with poem itself and can affect its meaning. Naming titles may give less crucial information. If a poem lacks a title, you can do this step with the first line of the poem or skip it.
P-paraphrase: Put the poem, line by line, in your own words. DO NOT READ INTO
THE POEM. Only read on surface level. Translate the poem into your own words. And I mean translate!
Word for word! Find synonyms for every possible word. Summarizing is NOT paraphrasing!
C-connotation: Look for deeper meaning. Contemplate the poem for meaning beyond the literal. Identify and figure out the figurative language.
 Diction (word choice) and symbolism
 Imagery
 Metaphors and similes
 Rhyme scheme
 End rhymes and internal rhymes
 End stop
 Alliteration
 Assonance
 Consonance
 Mood
 Allusions
 Punctuation
 Personification  Onomatopoeia  Apostrophe
 Etc., etc., etc.
A-attitude: Look for the author’s tone. How is the writer speaking? After identifying a subject/topic of the
poem, figure out how the speaker (and/or the poet) feels about it.
S-shifts: Look for shifts in tone, action, and rhythm. Don’t just write the line number. Discuss how the shift(s) affects the poem. Note transitions in the poem. Shifts in subject,
attitude, mood, or motif.
T-title: Reevaluate the title as it pertains to the poem. Examine the title again, this time on an interpretive level. Answer your questions. Figure out how the title illuminates the poem. Remember a "naming title" may not mean much. Remember you can do this with the first line of a poem if it lacks a title or you can skip this step altogether.
T-theme: What does the poem mean? What is it saying? How does it relate to life? After identifying a subject/topic of the poem, determine what the poet thinks about the subject. What is hi

Question 8 of 10
What is one way to appeal to ethos?
A. By relying on your instincts and your own brain power
B. By ignoring counterarguments and focusing on your point
C. By incorporating as many quotations as you can find
D. By using sources that are proven authorities on the topic


The one way to appeal to ethos is A. By relying on your instincts and your own brain power.

What is ethos in speech?

Ethos is a way of speech, when saying to someone by which they always influenced by what you say and that provide the personal experience.

Thus, the correct option is A. By relying on your instincts and your own brain power.

Learn more about ethos in speech



Which sentence best describes the central idea of this passage?



where are the answer choices/?



on of dem



How does the quote “She slept in her leather pilot’s jacket for three nights so that it would look more worn in, and she would look less like an amateur” (Paragraph 5) contribute to readers’ understanding of Amelia Earhart, by Barrett Smith?



This quote demonstrates her desire to not be underestimated by the men. The reader derives that Amelia Earhart is concerened about her limited experience as an aviator and has to go to extra measures to gain respect.

help me plsss plsssss​





question 3

40.15°C - 2.25 °C


question 4

boiling point of watera

at sea level = 100°C

= 100°C - 6.5°C

= 93.5°C at the top of the mountain

13) What is the MOST LIKELY reason that it takes the family an hour to walk down the trail?A) They don’t want Randy to trip on another root. B) They don’t know which direction they are headed. C) It started raining as they walked down the trail. D) It started to get dark as they walked down the trail.



Explanation: This is the most likely reason the family took so long because the others don’t make sense or aren’t talked about.

1.16 Literary Analysis Essay Outline Choose ONE story below. Analyze how a theme of the story is developed. Discuss how the actions and interactions of characters and events develop the theme. Make sure to use textual evidence as support. Introduction/Hook: • Include the title and author of the story you are writing about • Include a hook that draws the reader in (a quote from the text, a question, a personal story that relates to the theme) • Include the theme of the story Body Paragraph: • Give 2-3 examples of the theme of the story and explain how that part of the story is an example of the theme Conclusion: • Restate the theme • Summarize your main points Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Help will mark brainliest 50 points



that draws the reader in (a quote from the text, a question, a personal story that relates to the theme) • Include the theme of the story Body Paragraph: • Give 2-3 examples of the theme of the story and explain how that part of the story is an example of the theme Conclusion: • Restate the theme • Summarize your main points

argument essay on why college athletes are not getting paid and should.



Porque trabajan duro para jugar y no obtienen crédito


For the costume party the good-looking teen ironically chose a(n)______mask. *


Which one is correct?



The correct answer would be Grotesque...


For true irony too be in play with this sentence the correct way, someone good looking would wear something uglier....

Which words should be changed to make the sentence more appropriate for a general audience?

called and city
utopian and monopoly
citizens and knowledge
ancient and forever



Citizens and knowledge




4. [03.02]
Which sense does the imagery in this line appeal to? (10 points) And sparkling eyes and teeth like pearls,



Touch, the wounding cords that bind and strain represents touch.

“Sparkling eyes and teeth like pearls” you are immersing in a world of sight. The author wants you to see what this girl or boy looks like and so describes that the eyes are sparkling and that the teeth are as white as pearls.

make adverbs from adjectives.
The baby is sleeping.............(sound).​


Quietly is an adverb




Themes and plot of arm twist by Orlando Dokunbo



The story of a young man, Jemina, disillusioned and lost after the death of his family members. He goes through a journey of solitude and self-discovery. Despite all odds, he makes a conscientious effort at being diligent, painstakingly awaiting a change in fate that would bring him closer to his goal. But he knows little of what magic has in store for him in the wild forest of the Niger Delta. This novel...explores the place of the supernatural in African literature. It also reveals the biodiversity of the African flora and fauna.


Proof read the text below and correct any mistakes related to the end of sentence punctuation or capital letters
There are 5 in total
You can learn to swim at any age some adults that never learnt to swim as children can be self-conscious at the
thought of leaming later in life, however, many swimming pool centres offer adult-only lessons for all levels They
can be an excellent way to learn without embarrassment


Answer: You can learn to swim at any age. Some adults that never learnt to swim as children can be self-conscious at the  thought of leaming later in life, however, many swimming pool centres offer adult-only lessons for all levels. They  can be an excellent way to learn without embarrassment.


Do you think teachers should be evaluated by how well their students do on standardized tests? Why or why not?





Because some teachers do put in their bests to teach the students but some students, no matter how much you teach them, they won't learn and that's not the teacher's fault. Though, the teachers should find a way to make the student learn, if the student still refuses to learn the teacher cannot be blamed.

Which topic would be too BROAD for an essay



A) Technology in the classroom


Letter A would be the correct choice for your answer!!

past tense she is a teacher in our school​





She was a teacher in our school. "Was" is the proper past tense verb.

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What is the amount of the average rate of change? how have residential schools impacted today's society? someone help with my spanish exam asap. i have a low grade tryna raise it up. porfis aydenme por favor Name FIVE factors that must be considered when choosing a form of ownership. Pollution in the _______ will have the greatest effect on human health.a.troposphereb.stratospherec.mesosphered.thermosphere What are the zeros and x-intercepts of this quadratic function?ySelect two answers: one for the zeros and one for the x-intercepts.A. x-Intercepts: (-3,0) and (2.0)B. X-Intercepts: (0, -3) and (0,2)C. Zeros: -3 and 2 Please help me with this Please help me with this problem Question: 5d - 6 + 8 -3d = 12 Recently, the value of a house increased by 20.5%.What is the current value of the house if its original valuewas $550,000? Harding Enterprises has developed a new product called the Gillooly Shillelagh. The market demand for this product is given as follows:Q= 240 - 4Pa. At what price is the price elasticity of demand equal to zero? b. At what price is demand infinitely elastic? c. At what price is the price elasticity of demand equal to one? d. If the shillelagh is priced at $40, what is the point price elasticity of demand? Calvert Corporation expects an EBIT of $23,300 every year forever. The company currently has no debt, and its cost of equity is 14.3 percent. The company can borrow at 9.1 percent and the corporate tax rate is 25 percent. a. What is the current value of the company What were Justinian's achievements?Choose all correct answers.He doubled the size of the empire and ruled much of the Mediterranean world.He moved the imperial capital from Rome to Byzantium, so it would attract people from all over the world.He created a code of law that helped unite the Byzantine Empire and later served as a model for the codes of law in many modern nations.He built a huge domed cathedral called the Hagia Sophia, an enormous underground aqueduct, and a fabulous palace complex. HELP ASAP PLEASE (1) In 1751, the Philadelphia Provincial Assembly had a bell made. (2) It was for the new State House. (3) The bell weighed more than 2,000 pounds. (4) The bell was 12 feet in circumference around the bottom. (5) It came to be known as the Liberty Bell because it was inscribed with a motto about liberty. (6) Unfortunately, the Liberty Bell cracked in 1752 during a test ring. (7) To fix the bell, the Philadelphia Assembly had it recast. (8) Some people say the bell cracked again in 1835. (9) It was tolling for John Marshalls funeral. (10) However, that is probably just a legend. (11) It is a fact that on February 22, 1846, the bell cracked again. (12) That crack could not be fixed. (13) The Liberty Bell has had a crack in it ever since.~ Which is the most effective way to combine sentences 3 and 4?1. More than 2,000 pounds and 12 feet in circumference around the bottom, the bell.2. The bell weighed more than 2,000 pounds and was 12 feet in circumference around the bottom.3. Weighing more than 2,000 pounds and 12 feet in circumference around the bottom was the Liberty Bell.4. The bell weighed more than 2,000 pounds, the bell was 12 feet in circumference around the bottom. La formula quimica de la molecula de agua H20 , si H = 1 gramos y O = 16 gramos . Cual es su composicion porcentual ? 88,88 % de O y 11,11 % de H 88,88 % de H Y 11,11% de O 80 % de O Y 20 % de H 90% de O Y 10 % de H A gas at constant volume has a pressure of 2.80 atm at 400. K. What will be the pressure of the gas at 360. K? (4 points)2.52 atm2.94 atm3.11 atm3.78 atm maya raised 286.00lian raised 192.84 less than mayarei earned 113.25 more than lianwhat is the total amount of money raised by all three? Read the passage and determine how its information is organized. Our earth is very hot inside. Deep under the ground, melted rock, calledmagma, contains large amounts of hot gas and steam. The magma can build upgreat pressure and start pushing upward. When magma is thicker, gases gettrapped inside and may burst forth with a tremendous force. The fierce pressurepushes the magma through a weak place in the earth's outer crust. When themagma breaks through the earth's surface; it is called lava. As the lava erupts highinto the air, it may push up the ground, forming a mountain. If it breaks throughthe top of the ground or the mountain it has created, a volcano is formed. Asudden, forceful eruption can destroy anything in its path.A Compare and ContrastB) Problem and SolutionC Cause and EffectD Chronological Order Which role does a manager plays in handling problems and situations which will lead to organizational happiness and prosperity Seventy-six percent of the light aircraft that disappear while in flight in a certain country are subsequently discovered. Of the aircraft that are discovered, 67% have an emergency locator, whereas 88% of the aircraft not discovered do not have such a locator. Suppose a light aircraft has disappeared. (Round your answers to three decimal places.)Required:a. If it has an emergency locator, what is the probability that it will not be discovered? b. If it does not have an emergency locator, what is the probability that it will be discovered?