Which expression is equivalent to….


Answer 1


the answer is {2^5}

hope it helps :)

Answer 2







Answered by Gauthmath must click thanks and mark brainliest

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Harry reads that a particular element has an atom with a mass of 0.000000000012 grams. What is the weight of the atom expressed in scientific notation?
1.2 × 10-9 grams
1.2 × 10-11 grams
1.2 × 1011 grams
1.2 × 1012 grams



Since this number is small we know that the exponent will be negative.

In scientific notation the decimal must be between the first two NON zero numbers. So move the decimal and count how many positions it was moved.

1.2 x 10 ^-11

Step-by-step explanation:

Is (5, 0) a solution to the equation y = x + 5?

Guys I need help




Step-by-step explanation:

substitute the x- coordinate 5 into the equation and if the result is equal to the y- coordinate 0 then it is a solution

y = 5 + 5 = 10 ≠ 0

Then (5, 0 ) is not a solution to the equation

Find the decay factor from the model y =4520(0.6)square 6



Step-by-step explanation:

What does x stand for in the equation 1+x=2



x = 1

Step-by-step explanation:

1 + x = 2
x = 1

Pleaseeee helppppppp



d = 8t

Step-by-step explanation:

What are the fractions simplest form



the first one 2/-1, hope it helps...

Write the equation of the line that passes through the points (8, –1) and (2, –5) in standard form, given that the point-slope form is y + 1 = (x – 8).



A linear equation in the standard form is written as:

y = a*x +b

where a is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

If we know that the line passes through the points (a, b) and (c, d), then the slope can be written as:

a = (d - b)/(c - a)

So we know that our line passes through the points (8, -1) and (2, -5)

then the slope will be:

a = (-5 - (-1) )/(2 - 8) = (-4/-6)  = 2/3

Then our line is something like:

y = (2/3)*x + b

to find the value of b, we can use the fact that we know that our line passes through the point (2, -5)

this means that when x = 2, we must have y = -5

replacing these values in the equation we get:

-5 = (2/3)*2 + b

-5 = 4/3 + b

-5 - 4/3 = b

-15/3 - 4/3 = b

-19/3 = b

then the equation is:

y = (2/3)*x - 19/3

(in the question you wrote the point-slope form, but you can see that it does not work for the second point, so there may be a mistake there, as the slope is missing)

The actual equation in the point-slope form is:

y + 1 = (2/3)*(x - 8)


The answer is 2x + -3y = 19

Step-by-step explanation:

I Got It Right Instruction on edge

How many real solutions exist for this system of equations?
y= 4x
ОА. .




Step-by-step explanation:

Set each equations equal to each other

[tex] {x}^{2} + 4 = 4x[/tex]

[tex] {x}^{2} - 4x + 4[/tex]

Find the discrimant.

[tex]{ - 4 {}^{2} - 4(1)(4) } = 0[/tex]

This means there is one real solution. Since the discramnt equal 0.

find the LCM and hcf of 72 and 162 , leaving the LCM in prime factors


Answers:  LCM = 2^3*3^4HCF = 18



Find the prime factorization of 72 and 162

72 = 8*9 = 2^3*3^2162 = 2*81 = 2*9^2 = 2*(3^2)^2 = 2*3^4

Here's a simplified version of each

72 = 2^3*3^2162 = 2*3^4

We have these unique primes: 2, 3

Circle the terms that have the largest exponents for each of those unique primes. So you'll circle 2^3 and 3^4. Those items circled will multiply together to get the LCM.

This means 2^3*3^4 is the LCM (lowest common multiple).

2^3*3^4 turns into 648, but your teacher wants you to keep the LCM in prime factor form.


Now onto the HCF (highest common factor; aka GCF).

Looking at

72 = 2^3*3^2162 = 2*3^4

We again see '2's and '3's as the unique primes. Both have at 1 copy of '2' between them. They also both have 3^2 between them. It might help to think of 3^4 as 3^2*3^2.

Those common factors you circled are then multiplied.

Overall, the HCF is 2*3^2 = 2*9 = 18


Side note: The HCF is useful to help reduce fractions, while the LCM is useful to help find the LCD (lowest common denominator) when adding or subtracting fractions of different denominators. There are other applications of each of these.


LCM= 648

HCF= 18

Step-by-step explanation:

Please helppppp!!!!!!!!



128 cm^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a trapezoid is given by

A = 1/2 (b1+b2) h

where b1 and b2 are the lengths of the bases and h is the height

A =1/2( 10+22) * 8

A = 1/2 (32)8

  = 128


A=128 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

We are given a trapezoid and we want to find the area of it

The area of a trapezoid is given as [tex]\frac{a+b}{2}h[/tex], where a and b are the bases and h is the height

The bases are the parallel sides

They are the sides marked as 10 cm and 22 cm in this case

The height is the distance between the bases

In this case, it is the side marked as 8 cm

We know everything needed for the area, let's just label everything to avoid any confusion




Now substitute into the formula



add the numbers on the numerator together


Divide 32 by 2



A=128 cm²

Hope this helps!

2z^8- 32z^8
Help plz




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]2 {z}^{8} - 32 {z }^{8} \\ = - 30 {z}^{8} [/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

2z^8- 32z^8


Can some one help me solve these 3 questions?


7. A
8. Is the 1st picture
9.is the second picture

A matatu and Nissan left town A for town B 240km away at 8.00 a.m travelling at 90km/hr
and 120km/hr respectively. After 20 minutes the Nissan had a puncture which took 30
minutes to mend.
a) How far from town A did the Nissan catch up with the matatu?


9514 1404 393


  180 km

Step-by-step explanation:

The Nissan had traveled (120 km/h)(1/3 h) = 40 km when it had the puncture. It started from that location when the puncture was repaired at t = (1/3+1/2) = 5/6, where t is in hours. Then the two vehicles met (again) when ...

  Matatu distance = Nissan distance

  90t = 40+120(t -5/6)

  0 = 40 +30t -100 . . . . . . subtract 90t, eliminate parentheses

  60 = 30t . . . . . . . . . . . add 60

  2 = t . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 hours after leaving, the cars meet again

That distance from town A is ...

  y = 90t = 90(2) = 180 . . . . km

Instructions: Find the measure of the indicated angle to the nearest
? =




Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle we can use trig functions

cos theta = adj side / hyp

cos ? = 26/32

Taking the inverse cos of each side

cos^-1(cos ?) = cos^-1( 26/32)

? = 35.65908

To the nearest degree

? = 36

look at photo! please help needed! 1.




Step-by-step explanation:

it says in the question that 1/4 +1/3 is used so in order to make it simple we have to find the common denominator that is 12. so converting 1/4 is 3/12 and 1/3 is 4/12.so u add the numerator and u get 7 over 12 .so now the whole container of peanuts is 12/12 but 7/12 is used so 12-7= 5. so ur ans is 5/12

plzzz helpppp dont ignoreeee



X= 40

Step-by-step explanation:

2(110 + 4x) = 220 + 8x = 540

8X = 320

X= 40


x = 17.5

Step-by-step explanation:

Since there’s a dashed line between the shape, the new total = 180* (degrees)

110* + 3x + x = 180*

Subtract 110 from 180

3x + x = 70

x = 17.5

3 of 9
Express the ratio below in its simplest form.



1 : 2 : 1

Step-by-step explanation:


Divide each  term by 2


1 : 2 : 1

Strat with k add 2 multiply by 6 then subtract 8



6(k+2) -8

Step-by-step explanation:

Start with k


Add 2


Multiply by 6


Then subtract 8

6(k+2) -8

6(k+2)-8 is a required answer.


Solution given:

Start with k.


add 2


multiply by six


subtract by 8


Suppose that a1, a2, a3, . . . is an arithmetic sequence, in which a3 = 19 and a14 = 96. Find a1.


Uhhh I think you have to add 19 and 14 which shall give you the answer to a1 so it should be 33 but then I think you divide 33 and 96 or you will multiply 33 and 96

Find the measure of arc BC?




Step-by-step explanation:



AD = 3x + 24

BC = 4x - 11

3x + 24 = 4x - 11

4x - 11 = 3x + 24

4x - 3x = 24 + 11

x = 35

BC = 4x - 11

= 4 ( 35 ) - 11

= 140 - 11

BC = 129






[tex]BC=4\times 35-1[/tex]




Hope it helps..

Have a great day!!

Help fast please in a test and don’t know the answer I have tried Googling and everything please help



Surface Area = 3,543.7 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Surface area of the cylinder = 2πr(h + r)


radius (r) = 12 cm

height (h) = 35 cm

Plug in the values into the surface area formula

S.A = 2*π*12(35 + 12)

S.A = 24π(47)

S.A = 3,543.71651 cm²

≈ 3,543.7 cm² (approximated to the nearest tenth)

Jernel has to figure out the area of her square garage. She knows that one side of the garage is equal to the length of her rabbit pen. The dimensions of the rectangular rabbit pen are 13 by 10.



Step-by-step explanation:13 x 13 = 169

You would take the larger side of the pen (13) or else it wouldn’t fit if you chose 10.

help asap no wrong answers----------------------




Step-by-step explanation:

1. Approach

Given information:

The graph intersects the midline at (0, -7)The graph has a minimum point at ([tex]\frac{\pi}{4}[/tex], 9).

What conclusions can be made about this function:

The graph is a sine function, as its y-intercept intersects the midlineThis graph has a negative coefficient, this is because after intersecting the midlines at the y-intercept, the function has a minimum.This graph does not appear to have undergone any horizontal shift, as it intercepts the midlines with its y-intercept

Therefore, one has the following information figured out:


Now one has to find the following information:


2. Midline

The midlines can simply be defined as a line that goes through a sinusoidal function, cutting the function in half. This is represented by the constant (b). One is given that point (0, -7) is where the graph intersects the midline. The (y-coordinate) of this point is the midline. Therefore, the midline is the following:

y = -7

2. Amplitude

The amplitude is represented by the coefficient (n). It can simply be defined by the distance from the midline to point of maximum (the highest part of a sinusoidal function) or point of minimum (lowest point on the function). Since the function reaches a point of minimum after intercepting the (y-axis) at its midlines, the amplitude is a negative coefficient. One can find the absolute value of the amplitude by finding the difference of the (y-coordinate) of the point of minimum (or maximum) and the absolute value of the midline.

point of minimum: [tex](\frac{\pi}{4},9)[/tex]

midline: [tex]y=-7[/tex]

Amplitude: 9 - |-7| = 9 - 7 = 2

3. Period

The period of a sinusoidal function is the amount of time it takes to reach the same point on the wave. In essence, if one were to select any point on the sinusoidal function, and draw a line going to the right, how long would it take for that line to reach a point on the function that is identical to the point at which it started. This can be found by taking the difference of the (x- coordinate) of the intersection point of the midline, and the (x-coordinate) of the point of minimum, and multiplying it by (4).

point of minimum: [tex](\frac{\pi}{4},9)[/tex]

midline intersection: [tex](0, -7)[/tex]

Period: [tex]4(\frac{\pi}{4}-0)=4(\frac{\pi}{4})=\pi[/tex]

However, in order to input this into the function in place of the variable (a), one has to divide this number by ([tex]2\pi[/tex]).


4. Assemble the function

One now has the following solutions to the variables:

[tex]n =-16\\a=2\\b=-7\\[/tex]

Substitute these values into the function:


If the outliers are not included what is the mean of the data set 76,79,80,82,50,78,79,81,82



The answer is 80

Step-by-step explanation:

we know that

the outlier is 50, as it is not around the other numbers in the data set.


mean=[76+ 79 + 80 + 82+ 78 + 83 + 79 + 81 + 82]/9





Step-by-step explanation:

mean=[76+ 79 + 80 + 82+ 78 + 83 + 79 + 81 + 82]/9



Find the percentage of the following:



20/60 = 33%

18/60 = 30%

21/60 = 35%

31/60 = 52%

Step-by-step explanation:

Just divide em'

Simple as that.


20/60 = 33%18/60 = 30%21/60 = 35%31/60 = 51.67%

I hope th is helps you I just divided the fractions by the way :)

write and expression for the perimeter of a rectangle with length L and width 6



P = 2(L + 6)

Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter (P) of a rectangle is = 2(Length + Width)

Length = L

Width = 6

.: P = 2(L + 6)

2L + 2(6)=P
The L gets multiplied by 2 because there are two L in a rectangle and 2 times 6 because there are two widths

True or false..?

In a parallelogram, consecutive angles are supplementary.




Step-by-step explanation:

Both pairs of opposite angles are congruent. parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square. Both pairs of opposite sides are congruent. parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square. All consecutive angles are supplementary. parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square. diagonals bisect each other. parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square.



Step-by-step explanation:

any 2 consecutive angles are supplamentary

I have 15.00 and I want to go to the movies tickets cost 12.35 how much will I get back plz help




Step-by-step explanation:

15.00 - 12.35 = 2.65

...I don't really know how do explain it but yeah thats the answer.

Hope it helps c:

Help Please
Find The Surface Area Of The Prism



360 cm^2

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the area of each face of the triangular prism.

Imagine the triangular prism as its net, it is composed with 2 triangular faces (these are tye bases of the prism) and 3 rectangular faces.

Areas of the 2 triangular bases (they are similar triangles):

1/2 x 8 cm x 6 cm = 24 cm^2

24 x 2 = 48 cm^2

Area of the rectangular face:

8 x 13 = 104 cm^2

Area of another rectangular face:

6 cm x 13 cm = 78 cm^2

Area of another rectangular face:

13 cm x 10 cm = 130 cm^2

Add up all the areas of all faces:

48 + 104 + 78 + 130 = 360

So the SA is 360 cm^2

what is constant in graphing ?



the constant is the number without an x attaches to it.


y = 2x + 9

9 is a constant because it is not attached to any x

y = x^3 + 2x^2 + 10x + 19

19 is a constant because it is not attached to any x

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