Which form of communication is preferred if only an overview of a subject needs to be told?


Answer 1

If it is only necessary to present an overview of the subject, the best form of communication is through oral communication.

Oral communication is established through spoken words, within a dialogue between two or more people. In this type of communication, individuals express their views and thoughts without much preparation, being able to present these elements in a generalized way, with less detail.

In this way, we can conclude that oral communication is effective if only an overview of the subject is required, because this type of communication allows:

Allows the subject to be displayed spontaneously.No preparation required.It is performed faster.Can omit details.There is no need for thorough analysis.

You can find more information about oral communication at the link below:


Related Questions

Do you think Jim and Della are realistic characters? Are their actions more or less convincing than the actions of Federigo and Monna Giovanna in “Federigo’s Falcon”? Give reasons for your response.





it just doesn't make sense


Jim and Della are realistic characters. It seemed like they were truly in love and cared deeply for each other. The story is about how they both sell their most valuable possession (Jim his watch and Della her hair) to buy a Christmas present for the other. Compared to Jim and Della, the characters of Monna Giovanna and Federigo in “Federigo’s Falcon” seem less real because they’re not well developed. Federigo doesn’t hesitate to kill his pet falcon just to serve a good meal to Monna Giovanna. It’s equally strange that Monna doesn’t feel angry and frustrated when she learns that Federigo killed the falcon that could have saved her son’s life.


sample answer

Everyone who met Luisa was delighted by her enthusiasm.

What kind of characterization does this passage contain.
Both direct and indirect
Neither direct nor indirect.





The narrator is talking about what everyone else things about Luisa. Not directly says what Luisa is




I think this is correct im sorry if not

What are the nouns and verbs in the sentence.
"Members of the crow family, ravens are large and entirely black."



nouns: crow,ravens,family

verbs: black,large


Does Samuel Sewall appeal more to logic or to emotion in "The Selling of Joseph: A Memorial"? Back up your response with evidence from the text. Your response should be at least 150 words. (150-200 words)



It has logic and emotion, but mostly logic. His logic is very clear that if you follow the bible you shouldn't condemned slavery and killings of hundred of people. When practicing the bible and being christians one has to act like christ and follow the teachings of him and the bible. They cannot prove Joseph's enslavement as wrong, but still enslave people who were like Joseph. In it Sewall not only condemns the practice of human trafficking, but goes on to challenge many common slave owners held the practice of enslavement and yet still be followers of God. He uses Joseph as example to bring light to what they are doing wrong. Sewall also cites several Biblical passages which Sewall uses to make a of the practice of man stealing. Using logic is very clear in his writing about people just choosing to ignore themselves on being a hypocrite and make them question their own strong held belief.

Read more at Answer.Ya.Guru – https://answer.ya.guru/questions/467610-does-samuel-sewall-appeal-more-to-logic-or-to-emotion-in-the.html


In the historical document titled "The Selling of Joseph: A Memorial", written by Samuel Sewall, the author appeals both to logic and emotion; however, he appeals primarily to logical thinking and reasoning. He uses this logic to point out the absurdity and hypocrisy of Christians who thought it morally right to keep and own slaves. One example of this is how he acknowledges that selling Joseph as a slave was wrong; however, he compares this to how Christians have no problem with keeping slaves of their own simply because they aren't of Biblical importance to their religion. Sewall also condemns human trafficking and other issues of his time and issues that are still prominent even today. By bringing attention to the hypocritical thinking and immorality of Christians themselves, he brought forth the idea that not everything Christians widely practiced was right. This would, in turn, hopefully bring some Christians to question their beliefs and the beliefs of those around them.


Please put your answer in your own words :)

What the allusion of ring round the rosy??



The allusion around ring around the rosy is

the agony of illusions fooling around you so go and find a rose bush and form a ring it is the most important part of the story and the way you have to give it your all

Brainliest please

Correct me if I'm wrong

The allusion of ring around the rosy is, the Black death. (The virus looks like red circles) The Black Death originated in China and Central Asia and was transmitted to Europe in 1347 when a Eurasian army attacked a trading port in Crimea. The army catapulted plague-infested corpses into the town to spread the infection. From this trading port, ships carried the disease westward to Mediterranean ports, and from there the disease quickly spread inland.

The pandemic was called the Black Death because of the black spots that developed on the skin of many victims.

The Black Death was thought to be a combination of two plagues: bubonic and pneumonic. Bubonic plague does not spread directly from person to person but from rodent to person or person to person by infected fleas. Pneumonic plague is highly contagious and passes from person to person through droplets from coughs or sneezes.

Living conditions in medieval towns and overcrowding in housing encouraged the spread of disease. Poor sanitation in cities created breeding grounds for rats that carried the disease. Death rates from the Black Death varied from place to place. The disease spread more quickly in populated towns than in the countryside.

Monasteries were devastated by the disease, which passed quickly through the community since monks lived in close contact with one another. They also had many visitors passing through, allowing for more chances of it entering the community.

Those with money and power and the means to leave the areas affected were not immune from the plague. For instance, King Alfonso XI of Castile and Joan, the daughter of English king Edward III, died from the disease.

Death rates from the Black Death varied from place to place. The disease spread more quickly in populated towns than in the countryside.

Monasteries were devastated by the disease, which passed quickly through the community since monks lived in close contact with one another. They also had many visitors passing through, allowing for more chances of it entering the community.

Those with money and power and the means to leave the areas affected were not immune from the plague. For instance, King Alfonso XI of Castile and Joan, the daughter of English king Edward III, died from the disease.

While mortality rates from plague during the Black Death varied in different regions, the total death count is estimated to be 25 million people throughout Europe. The population of western Europe did not return to its pre-1348 level until the beginning of the 16th century.

sent me the sample of persuasive essay​



..............sample of persuasive essay

email about a friend asking about 3 activities suggestions that can be carried out and explain the need to keep the environmentment clean about earth day​


You could say “our current affairs in The Environment are horrible, we have Forest burning with our future, animals dropping and dying like flies and global warming. We need CHANGE”

Kate's grandmother was born in Belgium and she says she is Flemish. Anne's grandmother was also born in Belgium and she says she is French. In some areas of Belgium, all signs are in French and are not possible to read unless you know the French language. The same is true for other areas with all signs in Flemish. What is creating the divide between these two cultures?


Answer: Language


The divide between the Flemish Belgians and the French Belgians seems to stem from language. The Flemish have their own side of Belgium where street signs are in Flemish and the French Belgians have the same in their side of Belgium.

This situation where both languages are spoken has led to both cultures experiencing a divide with one side espousing the need to speak one language and the other side doing the same. If they spoke the same language, there would be no divide - all else being equal - because they would integrate more.

what happens to the conflict in a story during rising action



It gets worse.



Rising action is generally considered to be directly preceded by exposition, which introduces the story setting, characters and (possibly) premise. During rising action, the conflict may be established and it intensifies until the climax is reached.


Exposition --> rising action --> climax --> falling action --> denouement

Hope this helps :)

1. I'm exhausted! I __________the house for hours. A. Have been cleaning B. Have cleaning C. Am cleaning D. Have been cleaned



I have been cleaning the house for hours


I have been cleaning the house for hours.


Let America be America again What is the theme of the poem?
A America was once great and can be great again. B America was once great but it will never be great again. C America was never great for those who built it, and it never will be, D America was never great for those who built it, but it can be in the future​

follow me

who follows first is markbrainlist

I will also

if you unfollow after sometime I will spam you answer



Answer: i choose A

America was once great and can be great again.


The theme of Langston Hughes' poem "Let America Be America Again" is expressed in the sentence "America was once great and can be great again." (option A)

What is theme?

When it comes to literature, theme can be defined as the basic message of the literary work, that is, the message the author wishes to convey to his audience. In the poem "Let America Be America Again," the theme is about how great America once was and how it can be it again.

According to the poem, America was founded to be the land of freedom, where everyone can accomplish their goals and dreams. Somewhere along the way, that ideal was lost. But the speaker believes American can be like that again.

Therefore, we can say the theme is that America was once great and can be great again. Option A is the best answer.

Learn more about theme here:


Which type of logical fallacy does the following sentence show?
Tenjoy watching soccer, so I should be a great athlete.
A. Circular reasoning
B. Ad hominem attack
C. Non sequitur
D. Bandwagon



A Circular Reasoning



non sequitur

hope its helpful please mark me as brainliest❤️

When a pronoun does not agree in number or person with an antecedent that appears earlier in the sentence, what kind of error occurs?

a pronoun case error
a pronoun shift error
a reciprocal pronoun error
a vague pronoun error



The kind of error that occurs is:

B. a pronoun shift error.


Take a look at the following sentence:

"One could have done better if we had studied harder."

See how the sentence begins by using "one" and then suddenly shifts to "we"? This is an example of a pronoun shift error. The pronoun "we" does not agree with "one".

Let's analyze another example:

"Someone is knocking; and they seem to be in a hurry."

Although that is a common structure in colloquial speech, it is incorrect. "Someone" is a third-person singular word, so the pronouns that refer to it should be "he" or "she". "They" is a third-person plural pronoun. Therefore, this example too shows a pronoun shift error.


When a pronoun does not agree in number or person with an antecedent that appears earlier in the sentence, what kind of error occurs?

a pronoun case error a pronoun shift error  <<<CORRECT a reciprocal pronoun error a vague pronoun error


Edge 2021

what is a conjunction? and eg. ​



A Conjunction is a word that joins parts of a sentence, phrases or other words together.


Conjunctions are used as single words or in pairs.

Example: and, but, or are used by themselves, whereas, neither/nor, either/or are conjunction pairs.

hope it helped

A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases, clauses or sentences. e.g., but, and, yet, or, because, nor, although, since, unless, while, where etc. Examples: She bought a shirt and a book. ... The conjunction can either be a single word or a group of words.

Where should there be a paragraph break in the following text?

Billy felt good about his speech. He thought he made the points he wanted to make clearly and that he had made a connection with the crowd. He sat in his seat feeling satisfied. (1.) Mandy would have to do something crazy to win this debate. (2.) Mandy approached the podium, feeling smug. She knew she had one last trick up her sleeve. (3.) She casually smoothed out her dress and shot Billy a devious smile. She cleared her throat and said, (4.) “I accept Billy’s offer to be his running mate,” and the crowd cheered.

A. 2.
B. 3.
C. 1.
D. 4.



C. 1 Mandy would have to do something crazy to win this debate

How does Jasmin's conversation with Delwyn about Italian culture, as they walk through Aviano, influence the text?

A. It increases her feeling that her family is pressuring her into doing something she doesn't want.

B. It opens Jasmin's mind to the idea that learning about a different culture can be a positive experience for growth.

C. It makes her think that Delwyn is the one person in the world whom she can trust, and with whom she can be herself.

D. It makes her realize, to her surprise, that Delwyn knows much more about Italian culture than she does.



now she can experience a different culture and it has a positive influence on her


she now realizes that delwyn knows a lot but the answer is about how it changes jasmines view of being in the italian culture

Most cultures use colors as symbols for moods or behavior.
What does the word symbols mean?

stands for something else
stands for a person
stands for a type of book
stands for a type of clothing




stands for something else


stands for something else.

You are interested in taking online classes from www.studyonline.com, a reputed provider of online classes in New Delhi. Having found the site’s information inadequate, write a letter to the Manager Incharge, Online Department enquiring about the various details regarding the functioning of the classes that you intend to avail from. You are Manoj, 6/7 Bliss Garden, New Delhi.
Pls answer fast.. don’t spam I’ll report you.. this is imp I’ll make you the brainliest answer.. if u give it correct



Yes because the online is not from side by side and the bliss garden are example of the exation

write about your birthday gift ( 60-100 words) ( laptop, watch, doll, teddy bear or bicycle)​


Bike is good u can get places with it
Laptop is useful because u can learn and get more entertainment laptop is also more better for school work

How does the old man explain the concept of Personal Legends to Santiago in the alchemist?



Melchizedek explains the concept of the Personal Legend to Santiago. A person's Personal Legend, he says, represents what that person most desires to accomplish in his or her life. ... Melchizedek asks Santiago why he lives as a shepherd. When Santiago says he likes to travel, Melchizedek points to a baker working nearby.

"English is still relevant lingua franca. Discuss and support your view with examples."

can give me some idea?
just give me the point??​



Learning Task 4 Imagine you are the principal in an institution. As the school head, how are you going to address the social issues that circulate in your school? In your pad paper, copy the table. Write in the second column your suggested solution to the social issue indicated in the first column.

Social Issues

1. Gender Bias /Discrimination

2 Overpopulation

3. Bullying

4. Fake News

5. Child Abuse

Proposed Solution

Which of the following is recommended when drafting a short story?

Look for ways to show events and interactions through dialogue.

Frequently alternate between exposition and resolution.

Add action and interest to the story by avoiding the use of dialogue

Look for ways to use rhythm to illustrate the theme.



Look for ways to show events and interactions through dailogue

Which two lines in blue suggest that inge was envious of the people on the other side of the wall?



"The wall was part of the view from the only windows they had, and Inge as drawn to the sounds she often heard from the other side- laughter, shouting, music, and the noise of busy traffic."

"It was a world of people who did not begin and end each day in shades of gray."


In the given passage from the excerpt of "Inge's Wall", the character Inge is shown 'peeking through the tiny hole she found on the wall. And through the wall, she could see that there are 'other worlds' beyond her neighborhood of poverty.

The two lines that suggest that Inge was envious of the people on the other side of the wall are-

"The wall was part of the view from the only windows they had, and Inge was drawn to the sounds she often heard from the other side- laughter, shouting, music, and the noise of busy traffic."

"It was a world of people who did not begin and end each day in shades of gray."

In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is a protagonist because he is a



A protagonist is basically the main character of a story who faces major conflict and who the reader/audience feels empathy for and wants to succeed. An antagonist is another major character who creates conflicts for the protagonist. Traditionally, in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, most readers would say that Romeo is the play's protagonist because he is the one we want to succeed. We know that his intentions are pure and we feel sorry that he meets his tragic end and does not get what he was fighting for in the first place, which is to be with Juliet. In that same vein, most would label Tybalt the play's clear antagonist, as he is the one who wants to fight Romeo, and the reader is given no reason to ever really feel sorry for, or care about, Tybalt's character. All we ever see from him is his lust for a good fight and his detest for peace.



Which statement best explains the metaphor in this excerpt?



Odysseus men are compare to caught fish, showing their helplessness

"I'll tell you," said the general. "You will be amused, I know. I think I may say, in all modesty, that I have done a rare thing. I have invented a new sensation."

—"The Most Dangerous Game,"
Richard Connell

What does General Zaroff say that shows he thinks Rainsford is similar to him?

“I’ll tell you”
“You will be amused”
“I have done a rare thing”
“in all modesty”



its B





[The exhilaration] was usually followed by more of the same hot walking, with the mud sucking at our boots and the sun thudding against our helmets while an invisible enemy shot at us from distant tree lines. . . . Weeks of bottled-up tensions would be released in a few minutes of . . . violence, men screaming and shouting obscenities above the explosions of grenades and the rapid, rippling bursts of automatic rifles.

—A Rumor of War, Philip Caputo
What contrast does Caputo create with the imagery in this excerpt?

a slow, repetitive pattern and sudden chaos

muted, dull colors and bright, cheerful colors

sweet, tender kindness and vicious, evil cruelty

unbearable tension and soothing relaxation



its a


just took the test

Write a story which begins with the words "It was only when I arrived at the house I realized I had forgotten........" (narrative, 500 words)



It was only when I arrived at the house I realized I had forgotten her wish "Do not go, it will just disappoint you again. Maria please." I stared at my hand on the doorknob as i replied the look of fear on my mother's face. My father was never around. The first time he left he told me he was going to get me candy, the second it was books, on and on he lied to me. I haven't seen my father since that day. That day when he kissed me on the head. locked my door, and took the dog. My mind raced and my hands shook, sweaty I wiped them on my legs. "Papa will remember you, he will know you." I whispered under my breath. The door handle turned before i could touch it, "I told you not to come." The soft familiar voice rung in my ears as i turned up to her. She stared down at me with those eyes that hold you at gunpoint. "I told you he never existed Maria," I shook my head as tears formed making my vision blurry, I knew he never existed. I knew I made it all up, but why was it so real? "Mom, why was he real?" I stared at her as the tear lining of my eyes broke, sending salt down my cheeks. "Maria, you need to wake up. we did not exist."  I feel as if i'm falling and jolt up. My father stares down at me from the door frame into my bedroom, "Mar, you've been speaking in your sleep again." I dart my eyes around as i start to collect myself and understand my surroundings, a dream. A dream again. "I really need to lay off chamomile before bed." I whisper, my dad chuckles and closes the door. I stretch out my hands to see them shaking. i pull back the covers and stand up as i get a glance of my mothers photo, her eyes stare straight into mine. I will never forget those eyes. Just as my mind starts to wonder I hear my brother yell down the hall I snap my eyes up from the frame and hear Josh's voice boom down the hallway and into my room, "Bacon's ready!" I grin as the scent lingers into my room. I smile but feel drawn to the photo of my mother again, my mom died years ago, I can't stand the sight of her anymore. Shivers run down my spine as i still recall the seriousness of her gaze. The fear of that dream still fights its way into my head, why do i keep seeing her every night. Why is she is always angry in these dreams, i have so many questions that i know can never be solved. My memories of her were mostly happy, "I don't understand anything anymore." I say dropping my head in my hands. "Well i understand you," Josh's voice interrupts "and I understand we have thin walls, so I know your hungry. C'mon Mar!"


I hope this works! i'm so sorry if this is too intense or if the grammars bad :) 512 words!

A persuasive strategy of appealing to emotions is called pathos.






Pathos is a Greek word meaning 'suffering' or 'experience', and it is used in persuasive speech as an appeal to the emotions of the audience. Pathos is the way of creating a persuasive argument by evoking an emotional response in the audience/reader.

would you live in a mobile home? why?​



is this any story's sentence???




Because it would be cheaper than li b ing in an actual house

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