Which is more complex and less complex organism biosphere cell ecosystem


Answer 1


The highest level of organization for living things is the biosphere; it encompasses all other levels. The biological levels of organization of living things arranged from the simplest to most complex are: organelle, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystem, and biosphere.

Hope you give 5 stars

Related Questions

which of the following best describes the anthers of a flower?



The anthers of a flower are the Male reproductive organ on the top of the stamen, which produce pollen.

Before you make a hypothesis—your best guess at a solution—what must you do?
Group of answer choices

Run an experiment

Make observations

Form a theory

Draw conclusions



make observations .


Collect as many observations about a topic or problem as you can.

Evaluate these observations and look for possible causes of the problem.

Create a list of possible explanations that you might want to explore.

In the 1950s the structure of DNA was discovered by using models and x-ray chromatography currently science has used advanced technology to completely map out the genes in a human's body. What would be the best advantage of using this information?



Gene therapy to correct defective genes that cause diseases.


Gene therapy refers to the procedure that involves the introduction of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) into the cells of an organism for the purpose of correcting abnormalities, such as a mutations or in other words to treat a genetic disease.Gene therapy entails bringing a normal and functional gene known as a trans-gene into a cell with altered gene. Another method can bring RNA capable of partially regulating or blocking the expression of an altered gene.The nucleic acids are introduced into the patient's cells by means of a viral vector or injected directly into the cells in the form of naked DNA.

pls mark brainliest

Which of the following could your family do to lower its carbon footprint?



That's correct


Insulating homes lower footprint

Set the thermostat 2 degree warmer in winters could lower your family carbon footprint.

What is carbon foot print ?

A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions.

What does reducing carbon foot print mean?

Reducing your carbon footprint at home typically means consuming less energy.

To learn more about carbon footprint , here



Both anaerobic and aerobic respiration use what to produce ATP and NADH?





Which of the following represents a mutualistic relationship?
1 point
Both organisms benefit
Both organisms do not benefit
One benefits and the other is unchanged
One benefits and the other is harmed


Answer: both organisms benefit

Explanation: mutualistic means that it is beneficial to both organisms involved

Hope that helped :)
Answer: Both organanisums benefit each other.
Explanation: Think of it as a business deal.If both the organisms give each other vital needs to survive,then we call that a mutual relationship. Example: rhizobium gives plant converted nitrogen and the plant give the bacteria the food water etc.

Lizard is a poikilothermic animal give reason please​



Both reptiles and amphibians are poikilothermic, which means that they cannot regulate their own body temperatures internally 

Mark Brainliest please

Poikilothermic animals include types of vertebrate animals, specifically some fish, amphibians, and reptiles, as well as many invertebrate animals.

Reptiles are cold-blooded, or ectothermic, animals. This means that they cannot produce heat in their own bodies, and have to rely on their surroundings to keep warm. This is why most reptiles are found in hot or warm climates. Reptiles often bask in the sun to get warm.

Both reptiles and amphibians are poikilothermic, which means that they cannot regulate their own body temperatures internally as birds and mammals do.

1. Most students in Britain take the GCSE when ____________.

A. They are 11 years old

B. They are 16 years old

C. They finish grade 10

D. They begin grade 11

2. What is the first thing you’ll notice when you visit almost any school in Britain?

A. The school logo

B. The school gate

C. The school playground

D. The school uniform

3. What do most teenagers in Britain prefer to wear?

A. Trendy labels

B. Expensive uniforms

C. Fashionable hats

D. Economical trainers

4. The word ‘highlight’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __________ .

A. Confuse

B. Remark

C. Emphasise

D. Decrease

5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Students in Britain can take 8 subjects at the GCSE.

B. Most British teenagers spend 2-3 hours watching TV after school.

C. Most 16-year-old students in Britain don’t like school uniforms.

D. Many British teenagers judge their friends by their shirts or trainers.





3 .d



this is all I got

When cells are damaged, they release proteins called ____ ?


inflammatory chemical signals that evoke local vasodilation

is a hair tie a good example for the cytoplasm since a hair tie holds your hair together as the cytoplasm does to the rest of the organelles?



I don't see why not, I mean, based on what I remember about my biology, I think that's a great example. :)

I love the model, but I guess if we go into further details cytoplasm holds a variety of organelles!

Why are fungi more like animals than plants?




Hey mate.....


This is ur answer.....

However, unlike plants, fungi do not contain the green pigment chlorophyll and therefore are incapable of photosynthesis. That is, they cannot generate their own food carbohydrates by using energy from light. This makes them more like animals in terms of their food habits.

Hope it helps!

Brainliest pls!

Follow me! ;)

Help needed in biology…!



viii) ATP

ix) To extract its chlorophyll

x) Amino Acids

xi) Aquatic submerged plants

xii) Rapid blood flow at high pressure

Hope this helps!

[I learned this in Bio this year so I know the answers]

6.Explain how animals in Vertebrata are classified into further subgroups.​



Vertebrates are further classified according to several criteria like exoskeleton, respiratory organs, method of giving birth, number of chambers in heart, mode of living etc. They are further classified into classes Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammals

why us a spirogyra called a thallus ? which types of nutrition does it show ?why?​



a plant body that is not differentiated into stem and leaves and lacks true roots and a vascular system. hence spirogyra called a thallus.

Spirogyra is an example of Green algae , thus it prepare its own food by process of photosynthesis in presence of sunlight and chlorophyll.So, its nutrition type is Autorophic.

) An allosteric interaction between a ligand and a protein is one in which: (3 pts) A) binding of a molecule to a binding site affects binding of additional molecules to the same site. B) binding of a molecule to a binding site affects binding properties of another site on the protein. C) binding of the ligand to the protein is covalent. D) multiple molecules of the same ligand can bind to the same binding site. E) two different ligands can bind to the same binding site.



B) binding of a molecule to a binding site affects the binding properties of another site on the protein.


In an allosteric interaction between a protein and a ligand, the ligand binds to a site in the protein. As a result, there is a change in the properties of other active sites on the protein. These active-site changes may or may not allow the protein to bind to other molecules. There is a change in the protein that affects the affinity of the active site for other molecules. The affinity on the active site increases if the protein binds to an activator and decreases if the protein binds to an inhibitor molecule.

Question 6 of 25
Which is an example of a vestigial structure?
A. Raccoon tail
B. Fish gills
C. Whale pelvis bone
D. Human arm


the answer for your question is D

What type of mutation is caused when a codon that corresponds to one of the twenty
amino acids specified by the genetic code is changed to a chain-terminating codon?

A nonsense mutation
B silent mutation
C chromosomal mutation
D missense mutation


D missence mutation
Is correct answer
D is the right answer. Missense mutation

Whats a hypothesis for “Which bait works better for a homemade fly trap?”



If I use the correct bait, then I will have a successful homemade fly trap.


A hypothesis is always an "if, then" statement

what does Cystic fibrosis do?
(please write in your own words)


Mark Brainliest please


CF causes thick mucus that clogs certain organs, such as the lungs, pancreas, and intestines. This may cause malnutrition, poor growth, frequent respiratory infections, breathing problems, and chronic lung disease.

The Symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis:

Chronic coughing (dry or coughing up mucus)
Recurring chest colds.
Wheezing or shortness of breath.
Frequent sinus infections.
Very salty-tasting skin.

Is there any plastid in mango seed?


there are no plastid in a mango seed because

The Channel Islands are a series of small islands off the California coast. Each island has a genetically distinct population of foxes. Compare the population of foxes on one of these islands to the population of foxes in the forests of mainland California. Which is more likely to be impacted by genetic drift? Which is more likely to be at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?



The fox population on the Islands experiences genetic drift  whereas foxes in the forests has Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.


The fox population on the Islands experiences genetic drift because there is no chance of introduction of different type of foxes in these Islands which experiences less variation in the population of already existing foxes. Genetic drift is the change that occur in the frequency of an existing gene allele in a population due to random sampling of organisms. Genetic drift may cause gene variants to disappear completely with the passage of time which leads to reduce genetic variation. The foxes that is located in the mainland forest experiences Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

what's the cell wall of a onion made up of?



Unlike animal cells (such as cheek cells) the cell wall of an onion and other plants are made up of cellulose, which protects the cell and maintains its shape.


cell membrane,cytoplasm,nucleus and a large Vacuole.


An onion is a multicellular(consisting of many cells)plant organism.As in all plant cells,the cell of an onion peel consists of a cell wall.

Use the drop-down menus to complete the hypothesis of the first group of researchers. During a drought, the decrease in rainfall will reduce the amount of vegetation that can grow and increase the occurrence of natural fires, so an elevation in Select… and a reduction in Select… should be found in the cores.



Microscopic charcoal, Vegetation.


As the researchers conducting research in the Nile region identified that an increase in temperatures leads to an increase in droughts and reduction of natural vegetation and thereby the chances of the occurrence of natural fires.

What is the end product of glycolysis ?​






The final product of glycolysis is pyruvate in aerobic settings and lactate in anaerobic conditions. Pyruvate enters the Krebs cycle for further energy production.

define and describe osmosis​



Movement of a solvent (such as water) into a solution with a higher solvent concentration by means of a semi-permeable membrane (as from a live cell), which tends to equal solute concentrations in the membrane on both sides.


Osmosis, the spontaneous transition, distribution, or diffusion of water and other solvents over a semipermeable membrane. In 1877, a German physiologist, Wilhelm Pfeffer, researched the process, which is important in biology.

Osmosis is the passage of water down its concentration gradient, across a semi-permeable membrane. An everyday example is a plastic wrap in your kitchen: it allows air and water vapor to move across it, but no water or food. The membranes of cells are semi-permeable, too.

PLSSS HELLLPP- Which of the following measurements uses a derived unit? O volume O mass O length O time​





volume=length ×length ×length

The metric system is the system used for the measurement. It measures the mass, length, weight, time, etc. The unit of volume is a derived unit. Thus, option A is correct.

What is a derived unit?

A derived unit is a unit used to measure and estimate the substance by using the basic or the fundamental metric unit system. It is based on units of the fundamental system.

The fundamental units include mass, temperature, time, luminous intensity, length,  electric current, and amount of substance. On the other hand, derived units result from a combination of base units.

A volume is a derived unit as it came from the fundamental unit of length as,

Volume = length × length × length

= cm × cm × cm

= cm³

Therefore, option A. volume is a derived unit.

Learn more about derived unit here:



In 1970, Frye and Edidin published research describing the mobility of plasma membrane proteins. They fused mouse and human cells together, creating a hybrid cell, and then examined the localization of mouse and human proteins over time. Initially mouse and human proteins were each restricted to one-half of the heterokaryon, but over time the mouse and human proteins mixed, with each being present over the entire cell surface. What technique did Frye and Edidin likely use to examine the mouse and human proteins



The answer is "fluorescent microscopy".


A microscope featuring fluorescence is just the same as a conventional light microscope with additional features. Conventional microscopy employs visible light (400-700 nanometers) to illuminate and generate an enlarged image data. Scientists use this highly sensitive, precise, dependable, extensively to see the location of chemicals in tissues and macrophages in organs.

Find some applications of
nanotechnology in medical care and disease prevention.



Preventing illnesses, more quickly diagnose, control diseases, treat diseases with fewer side effects, and create better medical aids such as more compatible prosthetics.

A mutation occurred in the following DNA sequence AGCCTAGCC and the mutated form is now AGCCTTAGCC. Which of the following correctly describes the result of this mutation?

1.A deletion occurred so all of the amino acids added after the mutation may be wrong.

2.An insertion occurred so all of the amino acids added after the mutation may be wrong.

3.A substitution occurred so all of the amino acids added after the mutation will definitely be wrong.

4.An insertion occurred so all of the amino acids added after the mutation definitely will be different.




1.A deletion mutation occurs when a wrinkle forms on the DNA template strand and subsequently causes a nucleotide to be omitted from the replicated strand.

2.This type of variant results in a shortened protein that may function improperly, be nonfunctional, or get broken down. An insertion changes the DNA sequence by adding one or more nucleotides to the gene.

3. A substitution mutation can cause the following: Change in the coding of amino acids codon to a particular stop codon resulting in an incomplete protein, which is usually non-functional. Can cause Silent mutations where a codon change can encode the same amino acid resulting in no changes in the protein synthesized.

4. when a premature nonsense or stop codon is introduced in the DNA sequence. When the mutated sequence is translated into a protein, the resulting protein is incomplete and shorter than normal. Consequently, most nonsense mutations result in nonfunctional proteins.

Name the following.

(a) Tissue that forms the inner lining of our mouth.

(b) Tissue that connects muscle to bone in humans.

(c) Tissue that transports food in plants.

(d) Tissue that stores fat in our body.

(e) Connective tissue with a fluid matrix.

(f) Tissue present in the brain​


a) epithelial tissue
b) tendon
c) phloem
d) adipose tissue
e) blood
f) gray matter and white matter.
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