Which of the following are characteristics of the Baroque Period?
A emotion and religious fervor
B psychological exploration and virtuously
C movement spender and ornate styling
D all of the above


Answer 1
D all of the above I think

Related Questions

which outcome of India's independence movement did Mohandas Gandhinor



The establishment of Pakistan as an interdependent Muslim state.


Hope it helps


The establishment of Pakistan as an independent Muslim state

Please answer, I need it asap




(Note: You put this question in the "History" section so not a lot of people will answer since it doesn't seem to have anything to do with history. Next time put it in "Math" so people will be able to be more help. Its kind of confusing when there is a question in the wrong section.)


First, substitute the variables out using the given numbers...

x = 6, y=8, z=6 so..


Secondly, we have to solve this.

6+8 = 14

6(14) = 84

So your answer is


Hope this helps :)




z ( x + y ) = 6 * (6+8) = 6 * 14 = 84

In what way did the Greek civilization help to build our current cities?


The Greeks made important contributions to philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. Literature and theatre was an important aspect of Greek culture and influenced modern drama. The Greeks were known for their sophisticated sculpture and architecture.

Plsss helpp , marking brainliest as well


The order would be 7000 BC then 6000 BC, then AD 250 and finally AD 450.

I need help on the crossing movie

1. How many Hessians were taken prisoner and how many Americans were killed or wounded at the Battle of Trenton?

2. How many months after the American Declaration of Independence was the Battle of Trenton fought?

3. In the Battle of Trenton, the Continentals outnumbered the Hessians almost 2 to 1. The Hessians were surprised and were poorly led. Why was this victory considered so important?

4. Where did the Hessians come from and why were they fighting for the British?

5. What would probably have happened to the American Revolution had Washington not crossed the Delaware and engaged the Hessians at Trenton at the end of December, 1776?

6. One of the memorable incidents shown in the film is Washington making a joke at the expense of General Knox, his commander of artillery. The novelist and screenwriter, Howard Fast, found a reference to this in the memoirs of some of the soldiers who were present. What role did Washington's joke play in his leadership at the Battle of Trenton?

7. Describe three actions other than cracking the joke about General Knox that Washington took which showed leadership at Trenton.

8. Washington was described as one of those rare few who, under fire, appeared to be without fear. Why is this important in a military leader?

9. After the battle, the character of General Greene asks the character of General Washington to speak with Colonel Rall before Rall dies. Washington replies: "Do you want me to weep for those b******, men who kill for profit?" General Greene responds that: "Our own cause at its heart is a fight against taxation, is it not? In the end, we all kill for profit, the British and the Hessians and us." Do you agree with the character of General Greene that the American Revolution was fought for money?

10. (Be honest; Don't deceive, cheat or steal; Be reliable -- do what you say you'll do; Have the courage to do the right thing; Build a good reputation; Be loyal -- stand by your family, friends and country) The Battle of Trenton shows the Continental troops demonstrating this Pillar. What did they do?



did u actually type all this

dude u got time

just eat and sleep

Which statement best describes how globalization is affecting the world?
Globalization is growing less important as time passes,
The world is becoming more globalized and connected,
Globalization has resulted in fewer connections among countries,
O Countries are growing less likely to wade with one another



The world is becoming more globalized and connected.

porque medusa era diferente a otras mujeres en su entorno?


According to Hesiod’s Theogony, Medusa was one of the three Gorgon sisters born to Keto and Phorkys, two primordial sea gods; Medusa was mortal, while the others, Stheno and Euryale, were immortal.

China uses its lumber supply to make millions of __________ each year. A. shoes B. weapons C. chop sticks D. bamboo drums Please select the best answer from the choices provided


C. chop sticks, China uses its lumber to millions of chop sticks.


Your answer would be C hope that helps you out


Who was appointed to write the Declaration of Independence?
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
John Locke
Thomas Paine
Mark this and retum
Save and Exit



Thomas Jefferson


"A committee of five delegates was appointed by the Second Continental Congress to write the Declaration of Independence on 11th June 1776.

The committee of five decided that Thomas Jefferson would write the first draft of the document."- History of My America Article

Hope this helps!

Answer: The answer is:

B: Thomas Jefferson


Edge 2023

Hope this h :}

Which statement BEST describes life in the Soviet Union under totalitarian leader Joseph Stalin?



well I don't know what the statements you can choose are,but I'd say that life under joseph stalin was filled with fear and required you to be completely loyal and supportive of Stalin


Millions of people died under the reign of Stalin, since his main goal was keeping power.


What were the aims of the Civil Rights Movement?




The Civil Rights Movement was an era dedicated to activism for equal rights and treatment of African Americans in the United States. During this period, people rallied for social, legal, political and cultural changes to prohibit discrimination and end segregation.

Write a three-paragraph essay in answer to this question: QUESTION: How did different groups of Americans win greater civil rights during the period between 1920 and the 1960s?
Bro, I'll do anything and mark brainliest I'm tired of essays



The Civil Rights movement happened around the 1960s. ... This movement had effect and created change all across the country. Men, women, and children everywhere started to really see how segregation and discrimination shaped their world. One big thing that created a start to the movement were Jim Crow laws.

As another member previously mentioned, the Civil Rights Movement was prominent in the 1960s. Elaborate on figures such as Rosa Parks or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Explain the societal effect of the Jim Crow laws, and how the Harlem Renaissance blossomed during the intense prejudice of African-Americans; art, music, jazz, and more was shaped to what it is today. Explain the power of protest and unity — Selma, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, March on Washington, etc. Finally, compare and contrast change-making of that era to modern times. Perhaps include something on George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, or Breonna Taylor. Link back to the common theme of justice. I know this isn’t an essay per se, but I believe in you; you’ve got this.

Hidden Message

Find a short hidden message in the list of words below.

carrot fiasco nephew spring rabbit
sonata tailor bureau legacy corona
travel bikini object happen soften
picnic option waited effigy adverb
report accuse animal shriek esteem

HINT:First and last.



the message is congratulations code breaker

How does government policy try to combat cybersecurity threats?



It is undoubtedly challenging to craft and execute a national cybersecurity strategy. Our research reveals common elements of successful strategies.

However burdensome their lives from sunup to sundown, after work slaves established a sense of self-worth and community. Discuss the factors that made this possible.
Answer in 3-5 paragraphs if possible thank you!



Similar problems, race and goals.


Similar problems, race and goal are the factors that formed a sense of self-worth and community possible because all the slaves experience same attitude and difficulties. They formed a community in order to be united and get rid of slavery and difficult life.

The life of slaves are very hard, painful and full of difficulties so that's why they established a sense of self -worth and community to solve their problems.


the guy above is 100% right i was going ot right somthing similar to that


Why was a weak national government created under the Articles of Confederation?


The very reason the Articles of Confederation were made with a weak federal government was because the framers of it feared a strong central government. This enabled to states to have so much authority that the safety of the country was put at risk.

Hope this answer helps you ^_^

Part of the president job involves foreign affaires which include working with ambassadors to foreign countries how do these ambassadors get their jobs


Answer: a


Which statement accurately contrasts the Ottoman and Safavid empire in the 16 century


Answer: Ottoman rulers believed that Muhammad's successor was his close friend Abu Bakr, whereas Safavid rulers believed believed that Muhammad's successor was his son-in-law, Ali.

Explanation: Ap3x

The British plans for the Middle East after World War One?



maintaining stability in Iran and the Persians gulf, and guaranteeing the integrity of the ottoman empire.

Which of the following presidents invoked the Monroe Doctrine to justify intervention in South America?

Theodore Roosevelt

All these answers

John F. Kennedy

Ronald Reagan



All of these.


Many presidents, including these three, have used the Monroe Doctrine to justify intervention.

Hope this helped.

personajes principales del mensajero de agarta


Construcción de los personajes :
Felipe Isaza.
La abuela.
El señor zombie.
Edward James.

Nomads were people who _______. Question 1 options: settled in one spot and cultivated crops, such as wheat developed a system of writing built five-storied structures made of mud-brick with thatch roofs followed herds of animals for food and clothing



none of the options are correct. nomads moved frequently and didnt build lasting structures

What two dynasties were able to unite india


Maurya and Gupta dynasties were able to unite India.



Maurya and Gupta dynasties were able to unite India.


why did exodusters migrate west?​



Because of a belief that they would be easy to attract with offers of free or low-cost land.


which constitutional amendment directly resulted fr the civil war
A 1st
B 10th
C 13
D 17
E 21​





The answer is the13th amendment


13th amendment constitutional amendment resulted in the civil war,

Which language did Aryans speak when they migrated to India?
A. Indian
B. Egyptian
C. Indo-European
D. Chinese


The holy language of the Aryans who invaded the Indian subcontinent was Sanskrit. Many of the modern languages of northern India, such as Hindi
The most prominent of these groups spoke Indo-European!

When was Jhon f Kennedy born


he was born may 29, 1917.


He was born on May 29, 1917 :)


What do you think has been the most important invention in history and why



printing prees


to allow literacy to greatly expand

What are some hooks for a persuasive essay on Outsourcing?
How do i make a hook?!? PLEASE ITS DUE IN 10 MIN!! I NEED HELP!!!



I hope it helps you in your class because i am a kid

Which countries formed an alliance that would lead to World War I?
O Austria-Hungary and France
O Britain and Germany
0 Russia and France
O Russia and Austria-Hungary



Russia And France


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