Which of the following atoms is considered neutral? An atom with 7 protons, 7 neutrons & 8 electrons An atom with 3 protons, 3 neutrons & 7 electrons An atom with 3 protons, 4 neutrons & 3 electrons An atom with 3 protons, 3 neutrons & 4 electrons


Answer 1


The answer is the atom with 3 protons, 4 neutrons, and 3 electrons.


The reason why, is because protons are positive, neutrons are neutral, and electrons are negative. The protons cancel out the electrons, and the neutrons are just there.

Related Questions

Each gas sample has the same temperature and pressure. which sample occupies the greatest volume? each gas sample has the same temperature and pressure. which sample occupies the greatest volume? 40.0 gar 20.0 gne 20.0 gh2 4.0 ghe



20 gram of H as the greastest volume


Each gas sample has the same temperature and pressure. which sample occupies the greatest volume? each gas sample has the same temperature and pressure. which sample occupies the greatest volume? 40.0 gar 20.0 gne 20.0 gh2 4.0 ghe

Given that,

40.0 g of Ar

20.0 g of Ne

20.0 g of h

24.0 g of he

The ideal gas equation ; Pv = nRT

where P is the pressure, V is the volume, R is the gas constant, T is the temperature, n is the number of mole

which is equal to

n = m / M

where m is the given mass

M is the molar mass

The given gas sample are at the same temperature and pressure,

So, the temperature, pressure and gas constant are fixed.

Therefore the volume is proportional to the given mass and molar mass

V ∝ m/M

Substitute the given mass and molar mass of given masses for comparison

No of mole of Ar = mass / molar mass

= 40 / 40 = 1 mole

No of mole of Ne = mass / molar mass

= 20 / 20 = 1 mole

No of mole of h = mass / molar mass

= 20 / 1 = 20 mole

No of mole of he = mass / molar mass

= 24 / 4 = 6 mole

Hence, 20 gram of H as the greastest volume

Oliver builds a circuit connecting a light bulb to a battery with wires, leaving a gap in one of the wires. He places several objects across the gap to close the loop. He wants to see which objects allow electricity to flow and turn on the light bulb. Why do some materials allow electricity to flow through while others do not?

A. Electricity will flow if the atoms in the material are bound tightly to each other.

B. Electricity will flow if the atoms in the material are bound loosely to each other.

C. Electricity will flow if the electrons are bound tightly to their atoms in the material.

D. Electricity will flow if the electrons are bound loosely to their atoms in the material.



D. Electricity will flow if the electrons are bound loosely to their atoms in the material.


The continuous flow of charges is known as electricity (current). The flow of these charges are due to free or mobile electron within the atoms of the conductors. The materials which will allow current to pass through them, must have free or mobile electrons which are loosely bound to their atoms.

Thus, the correction for this question is "D"

D. Electricity will flow if the electrons are bound loosely to their atoms in the material.

A charged particle of 5.1 nC and another with 2.6 nC are separated by a distance of 5.5 m. What is the electric potential energy between the particles?



The electric potential energy between the particles is 2.167 x 10⁻J



a charged particle, q₁ = 5.1 nC

another charged particle, q₂ = 2.6 nC

distance between the charged particle, r = 5.5 m

The electric potential energy between the charged particles is calculated as;

[tex]U_E = \frac{kq_1q_2}{r}[/tex]


[tex]U_E[/tex] is the electric potential energy between the particles

k is coulomb's constant = 8.99 x 10⁹ Nm²/c²

Substitute the given values and solve for electric potential energy;

[tex]U_E = \frac{kq_1q_2}{r} = \frac{8.99*10^{9}*5.1*10^{-9}*2.6*10^{-9}}{5.5} \\\\U_E = 2.167 *10^{-8} \ J[/tex]

Therefore, the electric potential energy between the particles is 2.167 x 10⁻J

A boat at anchor is rocked by waves whose crests are 28 m apart and whose speed is 7 m/s. How often do these waves reach the boat? State your answer in terms of frequency (Hz) and period T (seconds).



0.25 Hz

4 s


Speed = wavelength × frequency

7 m/s = 28 m × f

f = 0.25 Hz

Frequency = 1 / period

0.25 Hz = 1 / T

T = 4 s

What is power?

A. a magnitude of a force needed to move an object
B. how much work can be done in a given time
C. the distance over time that an object moves
D, The energy needed to create work



The answer is B.


The formula of power is :

[tex]power = \frac{work \: done}{time} [/tex]

* Work done can be "Energy"

the answer is a. a magnitude of a force meeded to move an object

Determinați numărul protonilor și cel al neutronilor în nucleul atomului

de beriliu .

Determinaţi structura nucleelor izotopilor de uraniu și de toriu Care forţe se numesc forţe nucleare. Enumeraţi particularităţile forţelor nucleare



- Beryllium has 4 protons and 5 neutrons in its nucleus.

- The nucleus of the periodic table isotope of Uranium has 92 protons and 146 neutrons.

The nucleus of the periodic table isotope of Thorium has 90 protons and 142 neutrons.

- Check Explanation

- Check Explanation

In Romanian/In limba romana

- Berilul are 4 protoni și 5 neutroni în nucleul său.

- Nucleul izotopului tabelului periodic al Uraniului are 92 de protoni și 146 de neutroni.

Nucleul izotopului tabelului periodic al Toriului are 90 de protoni și 142 de neutroni.

- Verificați Explicația

- Verificați Explicația


English Translation

- Determine the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom of beryllium.

- Determine the structure of the nuclei of the isotopes of uranium and thorium

- Which forces are called nuclear forces.

- List the peculiarities of nuclear forces.


Note that the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is the atomic number of that atom.

And the mass number of the atom is the sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom.

The nucleus of an atom is the most massive part of an atom containing almost exclusively the neutrons and the protons of the atom.

- Beryllium has an atomic number of 4 and a mass number of 9.

Hence, its number of protons = atomic number = 4

(Number of protons) + (Number of neutrons) = mass number

Number of neutrons

= (mass number) - (Number of protons)

= 9 - 4 = 5

- Uranium has atomic number of 92 and mass number of 238.

Number of protons = 92

Number of neutrons = 238 - 92 = 146

Thorium has atomic number of 90 and a mass number of 232.

Number of protons = 90

Number of neutrons = 232 - 90 = 142 neutrons.

- Nuclear forces are the forces that keep the neutrons and protons of an atom bonded to the nucleus of an atom. The constituents of the atom's nucleus are called nucleons. Nuclear forces are the forces between two or more nucleons.

- The nuclear forces are about 10 million times stronger than the forces that bind atoms together in molecules and compounds.

Hence, massive energies are required to break into the nucleus of atoms.

This is why nuclear reactors produce about a million times more energy per kilogram fuel compared to chemical fuel.

However, the range of the nuclear force is short, only about 10⁻¹⁵ m, beyond which it decreases rapidly.

This is why, in spite of its enormous strength, we do not feel anything of this force on the atomic scale or in everyday life.

In Romanian/In limba romana

Rețineți că numărul protonilor din nucleul unui atom este numărul atomic al acelui atom. Și numărul de masă al atomului este suma protonilor și neutronilor din nucleul atomului. Nucleul unui atom este partea cea mai masivă a unui atom care conține aproape exclusiv neutroni și protonii atomului.

- Beriliu are un număr atomic de 4 și un număr de masă de 9.

Prin urmare, numărul său de protoni = numărul atomic = 4

(Număr de protoni) + (Număr de neutroni) = număr de masă

Numărul de neutroni = (număr de masă) - (Număr de protoni) = 9 - 4 = 5

- Uraniul are numărul atomic de 92 și numărul de masă de 238.

Numărul de protoni = 92

Numărul de neutroni = 238 - 92 = 146

Toriul are un număr atomic de 90 și un număr de masă de 232.

Numărul de protoni = 90

Numărul de neutroni = 232 - 90 = 142 neutroni.

- Forțele nucleare sunt forțele care mențin neutronii și protonii unui atom legați de nucleul unui atom.

Constituenții nucleului atomului se numesc nucleoni. Forțele nucleare sunt forțele dintre doi sau mai mulți nucleoni.

- Forțele nucleare sunt de aproximativ 10 milioane de ori mai puternice decât forțele care leagă atomii împreună în molecule și compuși.

Prin urmare, energiile masive sunt necesare pentru a pătrunde în nucleul atomilor.

Acesta este motivul pentru care reactoarele nucleare produc aproximativ un milion de ori mai multă energie pe kilogram de combustibil în comparație cu combustibilul chimic.

Cu toate acestea, domeniul forței nucleare este scurt, doar aproximativ 10⁻¹⁵ m, dincolo de care scade rapid.

Acesta este motivul pentru care, în ciuda puterii sale enorme, nu simțim nimic din această forță pe scara atomică sau în viața de zi cu zi.

Hope this Helps!!!

Sper că acest lucru vă ajută!!!

Which of the following statements about developing a personal fitness program is NOT true?
A When developing a personal fitness program, it is important to implement strategies that will help
maintain the program as well as give it a successful start
B. Personal factors such as age, health concerns, and likes are important to consider when developing
a personal fitness program
C. The starting skill level of the physical activities included in a personal fitness program should be
determined from other individuals' fitness programs
D. The FITT principle should be used when developing a personal fitness program,
Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Save and Exit





The starting skill level of the physical activities included in a personal fitness program should be determined from other individuals' fitness programs is a statement which is not true. Everyone starts their personal fitness journey at a different level which should be regarded . A fitness test should be taken to determine where an individual should start their new lifestyle.


C. I got it right :)


Which nanotechnology product would most likely help the
electronics company?
carbon wires
quantum dots


Answer: OLEDs


The nanotechnology uses the surface of the carbon materials to generate the electricity. The evaporation of water on the surface of carbon materials helps in generation of electrical energy due to generation of thermal energy.

OLEDs can be defined as solid-state devices that comprises of organic molecules like carbon that will create electricity by exposing a surface for generation of thermal energy.

explain how muscles and bones work together to help bend the arm.



Bones make sure the arms structure is stable while the muscle is the one actively moving it and carrying out actions.

Diffraction of white light with a single slit produces bright lines of different colors.What is the color of the central image?





This experiment causes lines of different colors because the constructive interference depends on the wavelength, so for different wavelength, the position of the maximum will be different.

Now, in diffraction fo a single slit we always have a central maximum (for all the colors)

This means that after the diffraction, we will have that all the colors have a maximum in the center, which will produce white light again, then the color of the central image is white

why are fuels from crude oil so widely used for transportation


because it was a better oil

Meeta used an elastic tape to measure the length of her window to stitch a curtain. Do you think she will be able to stitch a curtain of correct measurement? Yes/No . Give scientific reason in detail, also explain the correct method to measure the length of her window.





She will not be able to measure the length of her window accurately due to instrumental error from her choice of instrument. The elastic nature of her tape would alter the measurement because it will stretch as she is taking her readings, thus reducing the true measurement of the length of her window.

To measure the length of her window, she could use an inelastic tape rule or a metre rule. These instruments would eliminate instrumental error.

How did Confucius believe that kings should behave? (Site 1) HURRY!!!!!​



Confucius believe that kings should behave RIGHTLY


CONFUCIUS  believe that kings are supposed to behave rightly and rule justly ( according to the codes of ethics )  of the land and also live a right and just life.

Confucianism is an ancient philosophy established as far back as the fifth century by Confucius it's main aim was to guide the ancient and modern systems of government in the whole of Asia. it is called a religion by some while some call it a code of ethics and way of leadership


CONFUCIUS  believe that kings are supposed to behave rightly and rule justly ( according to the codes of ethics )  of the land and also live a right and just life.

Confucianism is an ancient philosophy established as far back as the fifth century by Confucius it's main aim was to guide the ancient and modern systems of government in the whole of Asia. it is called a religion by some while some call it a code of ethics and way of leadership


How old does an individual need to be in the United states to purchase any tobacco products


Answer: 18 years of age


A 6.0 cm candle is 30.0 cm from a concave mirror that has a focal length
of 11 cm. What is the distance of the image from the mirror?
7 points
.09 cm
17 cm
.06 cm
20 cm



23 cm from the mirror


A chocolate wrapper is 6.7 cm long and 5.4 cm wide. Calculate its area up to
reasonable number of significant figures.


A= LxW
= 6.7x5.4
= 36.18 cm2

if the 50 kg objects slows down to a velocity of 1 m/s how much kinetic energy does it have?


Answer: 25


The kinetic energy of the object moving at the given mass and velocity is 25 J.

The given parameters;

mass of the object, m = 50 kgvelocity of the object, v = 1 m/s

The kinetic energy of the object moving at the given mass and velocity is calculated as follows;

K.E = ¹/₂mv²

K.E = ¹/₂ x 50 x 1²

K.E = 25 J

Thus, the kinetic energy of the object moving at the given mass and velocity is 25 J.

Learn more here:https://brainly.com/question/23503524

what type of stars can collapse in a supernova explosion and become neutron stars



red supergiants can

Um joalheiro recebe uma encomenda onde ele deve fazer alguns anéis de prata. Ele dispõe de um pedaço de 100 g de prata mas precisa derrete-lo para colocar a prata em moldes específicos e construir esses anéis. O principal problema desse procedimento é que a temperatura de fusão da prata é muito alta e requer condições especiais. A prata possui temperatura de fusão de 961 ºC, calor latente de fusão de 21 cal/g e calor específico no estado sólido igual a 0,056 cal/gºC. Determine a quantidade de calor aproximada para fundir as 100 g de prata sabendo que sua temperatura inicial é de 20°C. A 2,1 kcal B 0,5 kcal C 7,4 kcal D 5,3 kcal E 6,3 kcal



Correct option: C -> 7.4 kcal


First we need to find the energy necessary to heat the silver from 20°C to 961°. The change in temperature is 961 - 20 = 941, so the energy necessary is:

941 * 0.056 * 100 = 5269.6 cal

Then, for the melting process, we will need:

21 * 100 = 2100 cal

So the total energy needed is:

5269.6 + 2100 = 7369.6 cal = 7.4 kcal

Correct option: C

Match each word with its definition. Match the items in the left column to the items in the right column. 1. Nucleus of a helium atom 2. Electron ejected by a nucleus 3. Electromagnetic radiation from a nucleus 4. all emissions from a nucleus 5. Nuclear particle that has no charge 6. Nuclear particle that has a positive charge 7. One of several different nuclei of an element 8. Equivalent to the mass discrepancy in a nucleus 9. Measure of a radioactive materials lifetime 10. Unit of nuclear mass

beta particle
binding energy
gamma ray
alpha particle



Please see the answers in the picture attached below.


Hope this answer can help you. Have a nice day!

IS IT right to the left a b c d



c ok      

Explanation: right?




Ski lift carry people along 150 m cable up the side of a mountain. Riders are lifted a total of 75 m in elevation. What is the ideal mechanical advantage of the ski lift?


Ideal Mechanical Advantage (IMA) can be found by using the formula:


ID = Input Distance

OD = Output Distance

In the question, we are given:

ID = 150

OD = 75

Now, solve the expression with what we have.

IMA = 150/75

IMA = 2

Therefore, the IMA is 2.

Best of Luck!

A sphere of radius 10.0cm is moulded into a uniform cylindrical wire of same radius r calculate length in millimeters​



133.33 mm


First we need to find the volume of the sphere. The volume of a sphere is given by:

V = (4/3) * pi * r^3

With a radius of 10 cm, we have:

V = (4/3) * pi * r^3 = 4188.79 cm3

The sphere will be moulded into a cylinder, so the volume will be the same. The volume of a cylinder is:

V = pi * r^2 * h

Where h is the height of the cylinder, and for this case, it will be the length.

The radius is the same old radius, so we have:

4188.79 = pi * 10^2 * h

h = 4188.79 / 100pi = 13.3333 cm

In millimeters, we have h = 133.33 mm

What is the critical angle for glass when the refractive index is 1.45




Refractive index=n=1.45

Critical angle=c



Cross multiply


Divide both sides by 1.45





Critical angle is 43.6°

A force of 1000 Newtons is used to push a box on a flat floor. It accelerated at a rate of 5 m/s2. What is the mass of the wagon?





Fapp+mg = ma

Fapp= applied force

mg = reactional force

g = acceleration due to gravity

Where g = 9.8m/s^2 a= 5 m/s2, Fapp= 1000N.

1000N = ma + mg

1000N = m( a+g )

1000N = m ( 5+9.8)

1000N = m×14.8

m = 1000÷14.8

m = 67.56kg.

Hence the mass of the wagon will be 67.56kg

How is a problem and solution text
structure different from a cause and
effect text structure?​


Text Structure: The author's method of organizing a text. Cause/Effect: Causes stem from actions and events, and effects are what happen as a result of the action or event. Compare/Contrast: Placing together characters, situations, or ideas to show common or differing features in literary selections.

The acceleration of gravity means that for each second that passes, falling
objects move 9.8 meters.
A. True
B. False





There are many factors that go into the speed that an object drops. For example, aerodynamics, weight, and other things.

terms used to measure motion



velocity term


Answer:velocity term


Which of the following is a conversion from light energy to chemical energy?
a. turning on a stove to heat dinner
b. growing an apple tree
c. turning on a lamp
d. Turning on a blender





turning on a stove to heat dinner because it undergoes a chemical reaction to transform into other substance

Growing up a tree is a conversion from light energy to chemical energy.

What is law of energy conservation?

Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed , it gets only transferred from one form to another.

What is photosynthesis?The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water.In simple words by the process of photosynthesis a tree makes food for itself.

What happens when a tree grows?Tree makes food by absorbing the sunlight.The energy of the sunlight is used in making of ATPs in trees.ATP ( Adenosine triphosphate ) is used in various operations in trees.So, the sunlight is light energy which get converted into ATPs , which is chemical energy.

Thus, Growing up a tree is a conversion from light energy to chemical energy.

Learn more about Photosynthesis here -



10 pts!!!!!! please answer ASAP picture and inscription included

The wavelength of a wave is equal to the distance from one disturbance to
the next and is measured in meters. If the distance between two wave
crests is 2 m, what is the wavelength?




Explanation: a crest is a disturbance


I think its 4m, but don't quote me. hope I helped

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