Which of the following characteristics are shared by all living organisms


Answer 1




They have cells

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where in an embryo are the instructions located for how to build organs


Answer:In the nucleus


The information for all bodily functions resides in DNA in every cell.

Which of the following shows the correct energy flow during aerobic respiration?
A. Lipids, Glucose, ATP, cells
B. ATP, Glucose, cells
C. Carbohydrates, Glucose, ATP, cells
D. Carbohydrates, Glucose, Lactic acid, ATP


The correct energy flow during aerobic respiration is ATP, Glucose, and cells. Thus, the correct option is B.

What is Aerobic respiration?

Aerobic respiration may be defined as the process of conversion of glucose into carbon dioxide, water, and energy via the intermediate product of pyruvate in presence of air.

The release of energy in aerobic respiration is found to be greater as compared to anaerobic respiration.

This released energy is immediately used to synthesize a molecule called ATP via glucose that fuels the cells for metabolic activities.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is B.

To learn more about Aerobic respiration, refer to the link:



Question 5
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Complete the following sentence: "The interior of living cells is more
than the exterior because more
ions are expelled than ions are taken in by the sodium-potassium pump."
Select one:
O a. electropositive. Nak
O b. electronegative, Na.
O C. electronegative, Na, K
O d. electropositive, Na+, K+
Question 6
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The high concentration of protons in the inner mitochondrial space relative to the mitochondrial matrix represent
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10-25 PM



i really really need the brainly points


sry for this answer, i need the answers for myself

The mass of the Sun is 1.99 × 1030 kg. Jupiter is 7.79 × 108 km away from the Sun and has a mass of 1.90 × 1027 kg. The gravitational force between the Sun and Jupiter to three significant figures is × 1023 N.









Gymnosperm is an advanced group than pteridophytes. Justify this statement with any five points. ​


Five major reasons why gymnosperms are more advanced than pteridophytes are highlighted below:


Gymnosperms are a group of higher plants that produce naked seeds i.e. seeds not cased by a fruit. Pteridophytes are a group of lower plants that have vascular bundles.


Gymnosperms bear seeds while pteridophytes bear spores (seedless)Gymnosperms do not require water for fertilization to occur while pteridophytes require water for their fertilizationGymnosperms have a well developed root system while pteridophytes do not have a well developed root system (they use rhizoids)Gymnosperms exhibit secondary growth while pteridophytes do notGymnosperms undergo pollination while pteridophytes do not.

Learn more at: https://brainly.com/question/10517712

Occurs in mitochondria.
Select one:
a. Both Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
b. Neither Photosynthesis nor Cellular Respiration
c. Photosynthesis
d. Cellular Respiration



d. cellular respiration


mitochondria is where cellular respiration occurs, and photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast, so d would be the most reasonable answer.

An oil truck accidentally crashes on its way to a gas company. All of the oil spills out and infiltrates the nearby water system. What type of pollution is this an example of?


hii there,


it is an the example of water pollution


Hope it helps you

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have a nice day

What is one of the disadvantages of the genetic analysis described above?



Only mutations that effect a physical trait can be analyzed.


A bird species is known for its unusual mating behavior. Not much is known about the cause of this behavior. What could you study to better understand the proximate basis of this behavior



check all that apply brain structure mating behavior in related species hormones

Those species that can fly is known as a bird. The bird has these special features:-

Pneumatic boneskneeled sternum

The mating of the two different species of bird is called mating. Many birds have different and unusual behavior of the species. They do these behaviors in order to survive in nature.

For example- kokoo bird lays its egg in a crow nest for a hatching period.

These behavior are not inherited or genetic. we could study why the bird is doing this strange behavior. what is the natural condition in which they are doing it.

For more information, refer to the link:-


what is the definition of wildlife?



wild animals collectively; the native fauna (and sometimes flora) of a region.


I hope this helped :)

Animals living in their natural habitat and not within the possession or control of humans.

what are the advantage of the presence of hydrogen in large scale in the sun ?​


hydrogen is essential to nuclear fusion. hydrogen is the fuel the sun burns. we don't have to burn solar energy, so there's no smoke and pollution


Hydrogen fusion reaction is the one which provides so much light and heat (in short, energy) which escapes into space and spread. If Hydrogen on sun ends, It will lose its warmth (and may be soon become a planet, but will surely be a dead star).


Answer from Gauth math

¿Qué afirmación(es) es(son) correcta(s)?:
a) El dióxido de azufre de la quema de carbón en centrales
eléctricas protege contra la lluvia ácida.
b) Los óxidos de nitrógeno de las emisiones de combustión
provocan el aumento del pH en el agua de lluvia.
c) Una solución ácida de dióxido de carbono en agua de lluvia se
llama lluvia ácida.
d) El dióxido de azufre junto con los óxidos de nitrógeno son las
principales causas de la lluvia ácida.



jwjejeueuru4ibwsbbefbrvbrbebdbfhhdhdhdbdbdfbd3 eebdddd

Why should body temperature not be allowed to fluctuate too much? ​



Because that can destroy the helpful enzymes in the body, and therefore cause a lot of problems or maybe cause death

In New York, the worst-hit state, a total of 350,121 cases have been confirmed and 28,232 deaths have been reported. There are now 29 states with tens of thousands of cases, and more than 50,000 in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois, California, Pennsylvania and Michigan



Thats true


List 3 variable that Anurag should keep the same



seawater ,upside-down funnel and seaweed


What component of Earth's atmosphere exists entirely as a result of photosynthesis?
oxygen pas
n mas
O water vapor
O nitrogen gas
O carbon dioxide gas




Carbon dioxide

The last one is correct
Hope its help for your questions

For every 100ml of deoxygenated blood delivers approximately _____ml of CO2 to the alveoli.​



For every 100ml of deoxygenated blood delivers approximately __4___ml of CO2 to the alveoli.




For every 100ml of deoxygenated blood delivers approximately 4 ml of CO2 to the alveoli.

Hope it is helpful....

identify the following organism and state to which phylum it belongs​



it belongs to Coelenterata phylum.

Phân tích các quy luật hoạt động thần kinh cấp cao ở trẻ và vận dụng trong thiết lập thói quen học tập và kỉ luật ở học sinh tiểu học.



very different than ducks do u want it is not the

What variable should Anurag change in his experiment



For geological carbon sequestration, the reaction of aqueous CO2 with silicate rock permits carbonate formation, achieving permanent carbon sequestration.A


The meaning of ALARA in radiation?



The guiding principle of radiation safety is “ALARA”. ALARA stands for “as low as reasonably achievable”.

A large section of tropical rainforest is cleared to build roads for mining. Select the least likely outcome of this habitat fragmentation from the options below. a.) Species that require open grazing areas may not survive. b.) Species will quickly adapt and re-populate the area. c.) The environment on the habitat edges will support different plants and animals. d.) Subpopulations of species may emerge.





B - Species, especially ones with small niches, that looses their niches will likely die out or move to another location. Roads Will, in general, also disrupt the ecosystem (or the remains of it) and its inhabitants, which might lead to migration once again. That would be my reasoning at least. (:

which life cycle stage is found in plants but not animals ​



Multicellular haploid


Plants have multicellular haploid and multicellular diploid stages in their life cycle.

Gametes develop in the multicellular haploid gametophyte . Fertilization gives rise to a multicellular diploid sporophyte, which produces haploid spores via meiosis.What is multicellular haploid  stage?The haploid multicellular stage produces specialized haploid cells by mitosis that fuse to form a diploid zygote.The zygote undergoes meiosis to produce haploid spores. Each spore gives rise to a multicellular haploid organism by mitosis.

To know more about diploid stage here



What is the function of the mitochondria?
A. Stores the cell's DNA
B. Builds proteins
C. Produces energy for the cell by respiration
OD. Stores the cell's glucose
Reset Selection


C. Mitochondria is like the power plant of the cell and produces its energy.


Produces energy for the cell by respiration


The glucose obtained from food is broken down to pyruvic acid in the cytoplasm. This pyruvic acid is broken down into oxygen, water and energy rich ATP molecules in the Mitochondria.

Fertilization, Fruit and Seed Formation x3 3. a. name the two processes that lead to seed formation in flowering



Pollination, the transfer of pollen from flower-to-flower in angiosperms or cone ... In angiosperms, the process of seed development begins with double ...

Missing: x3 ‎| Must include: x3

Ecosystems rely on interdependence between species to keep balance. Which of the following is a threat to a stable
A. Loss of biodiversity
B. High biodiversity
C. Low biodiversity
D. Increase in biodiversity



loss of biodiversity


Biodiversity- refers to the variety of life on Earth at all its levels, from genes to ecosystems, and can encompass the evolutionary, ecological, and cultural processes that sustain life.

loss in biodiversity affect food chains greatly


hope it helps

During the performance of the simple staining procedure, you failed to heat fix your E-coli smear preparation. Upon microscopic examination , how would you expect this slide to differ from the correctly prepared slides ?


OMG I'm a business study Student so I really don't know about this stuff

A small group of mice are released on an island without mice but with abundant food for mice and no predators. After the population size stabilizes for several years, a hurricane drastically reduces it. We can now say that:________.
A) the biotic potential of the population has been reduced.
B) its new population size is a result of density-dependent regulation.
C) its new population size is a result of density-independent regulation.
D) it can now act as a sink metapopulation.


The correct answer is option C) The new mice population size is a result of density-independent regulation.

The carrying capacity might be affected by different factors, known as limiting factors, which might be a result of the population density (for example, competition) or might be density-independent. This last case refers to dense-independent factors, and among these, we can mention human impact or natural disasters (fires, volcanic eruption, flooding). Natural disaster causes damages in an ecosystem, reducing the available resources such as food or shelter, and consequently decreases the number of individuals. Natural disasters reduce the carrying capacity of the environment

In the exposed example, mice got to stabilize on the island. The population had enough food and no predators. But the occurrense of the huricane reduced drastically the population size. This is an example of a natural dissaster acting as a limiting dense-independent factor affecting the population size.

Related link: https://brainly.com/question/12995731?referrer=searchResults

A man bought a goldfish in a pet shop. Upon returning home, he put the goldfish in a bowl of recently boiled water that had been cooled quickly. A few minutes later the fish was found dead. Explain what happened to the fish



lack of oxygen in the water


The fish most likely died from lack of oxygen in the water. This is because fishes actually use their gills to extract and breathe in the oxygen from the water while also expelling carbon dioxide from their lungs. Similar to how humans breathe. When the water was boiled it caused the dissolved gases to be expelled, which includes oxygen. Therefore, without the necessary oxygen in the water, the fish ultimately suffocated.

Boiling the water reduce its amount of dissolved oxygen which is needed by the fish to breathe, that's why the fish died after few minutes.

What is dissolved oxygen?

Dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen present in the water.

The organisms live to consume dissolved oxygen to breathe.

The amount of dissolved oxygen is high in the current water like rivers than in the still water like pond.

If the amount of DO is high in the water, it causes bubble gas disease in the aquatic organisms.

If the amount of DO is low in the water than, fishes and other aquatic organism cant survive due to low oxygen level.

Thus, boiling the water reduce its amount of dissolved oxygen which is needed by the fish to breathe, that's why the fish died after few minutes.

Learn more about goldfish


i need help in biology questions please G10?



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