What are the problem that may appear due to the lack of transportation?


Answer 1


Problems of modern transportation include traffic safety, declining fuel reserves, environmental problems, and inadequate public transportation facilities. These problems are most severe in countries that depend heavily on automobile transportation.

Related Questions

what is the difference between intermarriage and interracial marriage​



Intermarriage is to marry somebody of a different race or from a different country or a different religious beliefs while interracial marriage is to marry marriage between the skin color

Intermarriage is marriage between people of different races, castes, or religions. It can also be marriage between close relations.

Interracial marriage is a form of marriage involving spouses who belong to different races or racialized ethnicities.

Milton is retiring on his 65th birthday. He is eligible for Medicare and already receives Social Security benefits. How does he enroll in Original Medicare?



Answer to the following question is as follows;


If seniors currently receive Social Security payments, you will be automatically registered in Medicare Parts A and B during the first week of the month following your 65th birthday. The three months leading up to your 65th birthday are the optimum time to enrol in Medicare.

2. I wrote the Novel "Anand Math".​


This question is incomplete, the complete answer is here.

I wrote the Novel "Anand Math"

The correct answer is Bankim Chandra Cha.tterjee

Bankim Chandra Cha.tterjee (1838 - 1894) was a Bengali writer who was noted for having written poetry, essays, and novels in the genre of fiction and religion. One of his main novels was Anandamath, considered one of the most important works of Bengali literature and was published in 1882. This work was inspired by the Sannyasi Rebellion of the late 18th century. It also served as a popular inspiration to achieve Indian independence from British colonial rule.

Bạn là một nhà tư vấn. Khách hàng của bạn là một doanh nghiệp. Khách hàng muốn phát triển một sản phẩm xanh trong khu nghỉ dưỡng của họ. Bạn có thể tư vấn gì cho khách hàng của mình?



heiidhdbdjrn dhdjkd r dkdnd djdn d dks ebdjd dhsj d hdhe bdjd bjsneje ejeksm ejdne jekebrjbe jshe djej e djd durjvr dhriehbeiend brjdhr hdjdbrhdid bdhdjd rhrj rbrurjbr tvrh rbr r yshdhydnr dhdhd jdjd r hebr djdbd dhdbr vrhdhr bdhdbr fdbd r dhe dbje djkdjdhdb dbrbrhrbjdjekr dbhebrhd rnhfhejiene hdjdnenjs jejjdjdne hejr ndj ehdkdnbdbje dhjenr djosnhsindnbujrbdjjrnfnnr bjejjekej ejjdhdjjr uishlnijne jdjje hjdnbi


jj e ndekjd rkrn fndirbbdjdirb rjdjdnrkkebrhr rhejrjjr r vaibe jejeyueke duekbebeuhe jdjejejj e hdhrbbdube bdjebbdjbe hdjhrhr hdjr djdb dkskb ejdbnsndhhdh hejebvdu

Which BEST explains why it can be harder to have an issue that impacts those in the lower realms of society defined as a social problem?
Social problems are usually present constantly, making it difficult to mark change.
An issue is only defined as a social problem if it impacts the middle class or higher.
Those in the lower classes have proved to be most resilient, becoming immune to issues.
Often, those in poverty are not considered in the models developed to study problems.



Social problems are usually present constantly, making it difficult to mark change.


Simply put, a social problem is any condition which affects a large number of people and is usually negative.

Therefore, the BEST Explanation as to why it can be harder to have an issue that impacts those in the lower realms of society defined as a social problem is that social problems are usually present constantly, making it difficult to mark change.

The assertion that non-formal institutions have no role to play at the PROCESSING STAGE of
the Systems Theory is an empty rhetoric.


Answer and Explanation:

The processing phase of system theory refers to the ability of a single system to create itself, forming boundaries and defining a complete objective before interacting with other systems. These limits and goals are largely influenced by non-formal institutions, as these two elements are formed thanks to the creation of rules, beliefs and concepts that non-formal institutions establish in a community. Thus, we can conclude that the main point of processing a system is influenced by concepts and ideas created by non-formal institutions. In this case, it is incorrect to state that non-formal institutions do not have a role to play in the processing phase of systems theory.

what are the source of public revenue



The source of public revenue comes in direct taxes, which includes income tax, wealth tax, and property tax, and in the form of indirect taxes, which includes goods and services tax and service tax.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!


taxes, prices, fees, fines and penalties, gifts , grants, special assessment

Explanation:The government derives revenue in different ways from the public. The common methods of raising the resources are taxes, prices, fees, fines and penalties, gifts , grants, special assessment. Generally, tax revenue and non-tax revenue are considered as the sources of government revenue.

Discuss the process of build a shared we perspective and how possible and how important is it for the group of people to come to shared opinion and live according to such shared options and wills?



The construction of a shared perspective is important for a social group as individuals seek a way to judge world and everyday situations in a system of identifying right and wrong. Since every human being has his system of values ​​and the set of values ​​form the moral, which is the shared opinion of society that helps and guides the behavior of a society in favor of the well-being and harmony of all people. Moral then is the set of values, norms and standards of a society, which governs the behavior of a group and directs them so that a society works effectively.

People shared their opinion and thoughts with each other when they have a strong facts and figures about the situation.

What is the term Construction about?

The construction of a shared perspective is important for a social group as individuals seek a way to judge world and everyday situations in a system of identifying right and wrong.

Since every human being has his system of values ​​and the set of values ​​form the moral, which is the shared opinion of society that helps and guides the behavior of a society in favor of the well-being and harmony of all people.

Moral then is the set of values, norms and standards of a society, which governs the behavior of a group and directs them so that a society works effectively.

Learn more about Construction, refer to the link:


why election campaign is required for democratic elections​



it may prove dangerous if political parties and candidates are given freedom to conduct their electiob campaign the way they want to..

So it is essential to regulate campaign to ensur that every political party and candidates gets a fair amd equal chance to compete.



Because voters are obligated to be informed. If they were not, then the best way to determine a government would be to set up a system using random numbers as its basis.

Take out the dice (8 of them). The person who roles the closest to 15 wins. Want to make it harder? The first person to roll an 8 wins. No cheating, now.

Does that sound ridiculous? It is. Better to have an informed electorate. If you are in the United States, would it surprise you to know that Canada has 5 elected parties, one of which is devoted to taking Quebec out of Canada. Try running a party like that in the US where (say) Texas California and New York wanted to suscede from the US.

Already happened (with different states)? Yes it did, but the difference is that Canada, if it breaks up (hardly likely) will do it peacefully.

Sydney finished all his work on time, but many of his teammates still struggled to complete their assignments. What should he do? a) Not to be distracted. They may lag further. q) listen to them complain about their workload c) help them complete their work d) share their thoughts on how to get their work done faster


The correct answer is C. Help them complete their work.


Collaborative work is a type of work that is based on the achievement of a common goal through group or individual work. In general, when common goals are set in a company, each of its employees must be part of a network of functions that must work harmoniously to achieve those objectives. According to the above, if Sydney has already completed his obligations and his colleagues have problems completing theirs, he must help them because collaboration is a way of contributing to achieving the objectives set and that the operation of the company is harmonious and efficient. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

Jose is tired after a long day of activity. Now, at the end of the day, he has to make a decision about what he would most like to eat for dinner. Research suggests that Jose will probably:


Answer: Eat whatever food is recommended to him first and seems “good enough.”


Most times when people are hungry after a long day, it is difficult to get them to engage in anything that would involve them using more energy, they're exhausted and would want to eat anything good to regain some energy before they can consider making various choices for their next meal. This is the case of Jose, he has lost so much energy, what would be on his mind after such is a good food, when he regains his energy he can have considerations.

True or False: Synchronized cardioversion is appropriate for treating an unknown wide complex tachycardi


The answer to this would be true, I believe.

How can volunteering strengthen your family?


One of the many benefits of volunteering is that it provides the opportunity to develop skills that volunteers can apply in all aspects of their lives. By participating in nonprofit activities as a family, they will increase community awareness, increase their family bond, and gain a whole new set of skills.

how can education help to prevent social problems and evils describe with example​



The major thing that education does for anyone is to banish ignorance and give knowledge, therefore, it can help solve societal problems by


Why does the fact that animals are sentient render their legal status as property problematic?



Because it is not possible for animals, as sentient beings, to express whether they are satisfied with their property status and if they are being well cared for.


Sentient beings are living beings that do not have the ability to feel or show any kind of emotion. Animals are considered sentient beings and this makes the legal property status of animals such a problematic and sensitive issue.

Animals as living beings must be treated with respect and have a full and satisfactory life, but it is impossible for the animal, in captivity, to express whether it is satisfied with this type of life. This animal also cannot show if it is well cared for and if it has a happy life, therefore, it is not possible to determine if this property status is being beneficial and positive for the animal's life.

khái quát nội dung cơ bản của "Quy luật từ những sự thay đổi về lượng thành những sự thay đổi về chất và ngược lại"


điều này đã giúp đỡ?

this type of government is also called the plan





A written plan for the government




trust me slime


A sailor runs out of drinking water in the middle of the sea.He cannot drink seawater directly to avoid drhydration.

How can you help the sailor to obtain pure water from seawater by using a container, a plastic bag, a stone and a glass?​



evaporate the water


using a container and a plastic bag collect the water and put it in the container.

The ____ claims that social and economic inequality reflects differences in intelligence.



Conflict theory


In simple words, The rivalry among factions within civilization for scarce funds is the subject of conflict theory. According to conflict theory, social and economic structures are tools in the fight among categories or segments, and they are employed to preserve inequalities as well as the dominant class's power.

In its essence, the conflict theory states that successful people gets more fo the resource because they work hard and more intelligent  than the poor class.

Which of the following events best illustrates how the rule of law can protect the common good?
A. An official sells his car and gives the profits to charity.
B. An official buys her own fuel for her government vehicle.
C. Officials approve a construction project that will create more homes.
D. Officials pass a law that new construction must not pollute nearby water.



C. Officials approve a construction project that will create more homes.

Officials approve a construction project that will create more homes. Thus, option C is correct.

What is meant by the common good?

The term "common good" refers, in typical political language, to any institutions, whether material, cultural, or organizational, that the constituents of the community offer to all constituents in order to meet the relational commitment they collectively possess to protect particular desires that they share.

The complexity of the project will determine how much planning is necessary. Occasions demonstrate most clearly how the principles of law can defend the common good since they maximise efficiency and give an organized path. This is for finishing the task on schedule and under budget will be a representation of the common good.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about common good, here:



What is the most expensive mandatory spending program for the federal government? A. Medicare B. education C. Social Security D. public transportation





The Anwser would be (A)

Tonya is always on time for work. She does not leave until she has finished her work, and always strives to make sure customers are satisfied with their service. She is someone her clients and colleagues can count on. Tonya is oh a) flexible. SB) tolerant. positive. d) reliable. Question 7 (5





someone whose always on time for work,makes sure the work is complete and helps her colleagues is definitely reliable, because being reliable means people can count on you,and trust you to do something.

I hope this helps

Analyze the following : "Water is the basis of beings" (Philosophy question please help!)


Respuesta: el agua es importante no solo para los seres humanos sino para cada ser vivo en el planeta, sin agua podríamos morir mas rápido que sin comida.


El agua es un elemento de la naturaleza, integrante de los ecosistemas naturales, fundamental para el sostenimiento y la reproducción de la vida en el planeta ya que constituye un factor indispensable para el desarrollo de los procesos biológicos que la hacen posible.

How did Ramses II’s leadership affect Egypt’s economy?


The economy slowed down because of the pharaoh's heavy taxes. The economy expanded through trade and the conquest of territory. The economy boomed as Ramses II discovered new trade routes for Egypt.


The economy expanded through trade and the conquest of territory.


got it right the person above me is wrong

1. Cuándo se habla de clima con que lo relacionas.
2. Describe cada uno de los fenómenos atmosféricos que se encuentran en la ilustración.
3. ¿Cómo son las condiciones de temperatura y de vientos que se presentan en el lugar en que te encuentras en este momento?
¿Crees que estas condiciones pueden cambiar más tarde? ¿Por qué?
4. Explica cómo es el clima de tu región. ¿Cómo influye en la forma de vida de los habitantes de tu región?
5. Explica con un ejemplo la diferencia entre estado de tiempo atmosférico y clima.
6. Elabora un mapa conceptual, en el que resaltes las principales características de los elementos del clima.
7. Explica cómo la hora del día y la presencia o ausencia de vegetación influye sobre la temperatura.
8. Según lo anterior, dónde se siente más calor, ¿en el campo o en la ciudad? Explica tu respuesta.
9. Según el gráfico (zonas de latitudes), ¿por qué en la zona ecuatorial se presentan altas temperaturas durante todo el año?
10. ¿En qué zona de latitud se encuentra nuestro país? De acuerdo a esta ubicación, describe las características climáticas generales.
11. ¿Qué tipos de clima predominan en nuestro país? ¿Cómo influyen estos climas en la vida de los colombianos?
12. ¿Cuál es el tipo de clima de tu departamento?
13. Cómo se relaciona el tipo de clima de tu departamento con las actividades que se desarrollan en él?


Can you please translate it in English

“Why are most native born Americans unwilling to pick oranges, and what challenges do illegal immigrants who do that work face?”




There are many other issues involving social consequences of U.S. immigration that do not receive detailed discussion in this chapter. Two examples are studies of the effects of immigrants on schools and the role of immigrant entrepreneurs in creating new businesses

How do the Kriants worship their god?



Kirats practice shamanism and their rituals are mostly related to the worship of Mother Nature, ancestors, sun, moon, wind, fire and main pillar of house. Almost all sacred rituals, in Rai, are performed by nakchong, the Rai tribal priest

______________ is a gendered political psychology that authorizes violence by entitling boys and men to exact revenge on others when they perceive their masculinity to have been threatened or otherwise inaccessible.



Aggrieved entitlement is a gendered political psychology that authorizes violence by entitling boys and men to exact revenge on others when they perceive their masculinity to have been threatened or otherwise inaccessible.


The term "aggrieved entitlement" is used to refer to the male gender who have the psychological mind that they are entitled to feelings of exacting revenge on others if their masculinity is threatened or questioned. This means that such perpetrators feel entitled to cause violence and justified the 'punishment' they gave others.

This term was used by Michael Kimmel to refer to the dominant white men who have the mentality that their rightful place as men is being questioned. This mentality is when they feel that their 'masculinity' is being deconstructed, or challenged.  

Cómo podemos los ciudadanos ayudar a las pequeñas empresas o emprendedoras a subsistir


respetar y tolerancia y

What needs to be done for the states to sustain their cost of operation
of administration?




Don't Purchase – Rent. The decision whether to own or rent property is generally based upon your scale of operations. ...

Limit Travel and Entertainment Expenses. ...

Telecommute. ...

Sublease Office and Yard. ...

Refinance Debt. ...

Eliminate Subscriptions and Memberships. ...

Cut Travel Costs. ...

Eliminate Paper.

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Dan is 5 years old, and progressing through Freud's phallic stage of development. When he uses proper manners, such as saying please and thank you, he notices that his parents are happy, so he uses proper manners more often. When he leaves his toys out after playing with them, he notices that his parents are not happy, so he avoids doing this in order to avoid loss of love. What did Freud call this process The bond contract rate determines the annual interest paid by multiplying the bond ______ value by the contract rate. how will CAPS document can help teacher Feelings can be hurt by mutually respecting coworkers. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F a plane can fly 450 miles in the same time it takes a car to go 150 miles. if the car travels 100 mph slower than the plane, find the speed (in mph) of the plane What does the term "basic unit of matter" refer to?O A.Atoms.ElementsO c. Molecules Sales of battery-powered cars are increasing. People concerned with the environment are the primary buyers of battery-powered cars. Surveys show that people buy battery-powered cars are very concerned about pollution and its long-term impact on the environment. Other research also shows that people with battery-powered cars, compared to others, are more likely to use energy-saving appliances at home.Which of the following statements best expresses the main conclusion of the above argument?1. People concerned with the environment are likely to use energy-saving appliances.2. Primary buyers of battery-powered cars are those concerned with the environment.3. More people are concerned about the environment today than in the past. identify five business functions that are applicable to the scenario above.Motivate your answer by quoting from the scenario What does the word gay mean in the context of the passage?A. BisexualB. ColorfulC. UnhappyD. ContentE. Attracted Why did the North and South go to war?The South fought to , while the North fought to . Identify at least 2 circumstances in which you believe it would be better to request a meeting to discuss an issue rather than an email Which of the following lines is parallel to the liney = 1/2x -6Select one:a) y=-1/2x-6b) y=2x+1c) y=-1/2x+5d) y=1/2x-3 Do you agree or disagree that the trouble with welfare is that people get too comfortable and don't want to go back to work defects rewritten approrpiate scale of measurement? If f(x) = x23x+1x1find f(-1) and f(-3) Economists can use new technology to Two boys together have $12. One of them has $10 more than the other. How much money does each of them have It has been three weeks since Mr. Garrisons wife died. He blames himself for her death. If only he had insisted that she see the doctor when she started feeling weak and tired! Which term BEST describes what Mr. Garrison is experiencing? a. abnormal grievingb. healthy grievingc. acute mourningd. bereavement a. What is 46.7% of 4/5? Pierre has had a difficult childhood. He fled a civil war in his home country before settling in France, and has a unique perspective about the importance of his extended family. A psychologist working with Pierre should be aware of his situation and background in order to provide the best possible treatment. This awareness is known as The graph f(x) shown below has the same shape as the graph of g(x)=x^2 which of the following is the equation of f(x)