Which of the following conclusions about Spanish imperialism in the
Americas does the passage from History of the Conquest of Mexico support?
Hint: You'll need the quiz document page open to answer this question.
A. Spanish conquerors hoped to spread Christianity to new
B. Spanish conquerors offered roughly equal political rights to
European men and women.
O C. Spanish conquerors accommodated Aztec culture to pacify
conquered populations.
O D. Spanish conquerors had little interest in establishing permanent


Answer 1


A. Spanish Conquerors hope to spread christianity to new territrories


Answer 2

The passage from the History of the Conquest of Mexico supports the conclusion that Spanish conquerors hoped to spread Christianity to new territories in the Americas.

The option (A) is correct.

The passage discusses how the Spanish conquerors, led by Hernán Cortés, viewed the conversion of the indigenous population to Christianity as a fundamental part of their mission.

It highlights the efforts made by the Spanish to convert the Aztec people to Christianity and their belief that this would bring salvation and spiritual redemption. The passage does not provide evidence or support for the other options mentioned, such as offering equal political rights or accommodating Aztec culture.

Learn more about  Spanish conquerors:



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B All for one and one for all

C To insure domestic tranquility

D The citizens of each state must share in the benefits of justice, civil order, and equal opportunity





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How does an individual enter into the devil’s family?



by offering to thy devil will please thee xp

Sacrifice is usually the way to do it from what I’ve heard

14. What was a purpose of the devshirme system?
A. To convert Shi'a Muslims to Sunni
B. To provide soldiers and bureaucrats
C. To enable efficient tax collection
D. To establish fair land distribution



B. To provide soldiers and bureaucrats. Sorry if this is wrong!


Christian boys were drafted to be slaves for the sultan; they were trained and educated as soldiers and bureaucrats, happened under the Devshirme system. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

In September 1776, Washington had to abandon _____ after numerous American retreats in the area.


New York City

New Jersey



The answer is New York City

The primary election, in which voters choose the presidential nominees, was introduced during the Jacksonian era. is used in Europe as well as in the United States. became the primary model for selecting party presidential nominees in the later half of the 20thcentury. is designed to strengthen the political parties. was introduced during the Cleveland era.



The primary election, in which voters choose the presidential nominees became the primary model for selecting party presidential nominees in the later half of the 20th century.


The primary election, also generally known as the primaries, is a process in which voters choose or indicate who they prefer to be their candidate(s) in an election. This election is usually done to select the candidates for the major or main election(s).

This form of selection that helped voters determine their preferred candidates is done to choose the presidential nominees. This process later became the primary model for selecting the presidential nominee, especially in recent years.

Thus, the correct answer is the third option.

1. What were the goals of the civil rights movement? List at least three goals of the civil rights movement.


The main goals of the civil rights movements are to end the racial segregation, Social control against African Americans, and to secure legal recognition.

What is civil rights movement?

From year 1954 to year 1968, the American Civil Rights Movement was a political movement and campaign in the United States aimed at ending institutionalized racial segregation, discrimination, and disenfranchisement Civil Rights Movement.

The main goals of the civil rights movements are:

Social control against African Americans, Extremity of the racial segregation, andSecure legal recognition and federal protection of the citizenship rights.

Therefore, the civil rights movement is beneficial to the Americans.

Learn more about the civil rights movements, refer to:


how does the geographical location of a place influence its history​



Geography is primarily spatial and environmental and history is temporal. ... Geographical attributes such as river, mountains barriers, landforms, climate phenomena are natural foundations upon which the edifices of human history at any time or in any geographical regions are erected.


Explanation: Geography is primarily spatial and environmental and history is temporal. Geographical attributes such as river, mountains barriers, landforms, climate phenomena are natural foundations upon which the edifices of human history at any time or in any geographical regions are erected

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They each planned to adopt President Wilson’s Fourteen Points.
They believed that Germany needed to rebuild its economy.
They were opposed to taking part in secret agreements.
They wanted Germany to be punished for the destruction caused during the war.



They each planned to adopt President Wilson's Fourteen Points. They believed that Germany needed to rebuild its economy. They were opposed to taking part in secret agreements. They wanted Germany to be punished for the destruction caused during the war.



They each planned to adopt President Wilson's Fourteen Points. They believed that Germany needed to rebuild its economy. They were opposed to taking part in secret agreements. They wanted Germany to be punished for the destruction caused during the war.


Which statement best describes the impact of total war during World War I?



the war affected not only the military but also all aspects of a country


Question 2
1 pts
Which side gained the greatest advantage from the Tet Offensive?
the U.S.
O neither side
North Vietnam
South Vietnam


south vietnam. hope i could help


North Vietnam


who is elon musk?


Elon Musk is an entrepreneur and business magnate. He is the founder, CEO, and Chief Engineer at SpaceX; early stage investor, CEO, and Product Architect of Tesla, Inc. and founder of The Boring Company also the co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI. A centibillionaire, Musk is one of the richest people in the world.
CEO of Tesla Motors.

The diagram is an example of



Dont know if you still need an answer 3 days later but there is no diagram. If you still need help with this just comment on my post and edit your question and I would be more than happy to help you out.


Read the scenario below and choose the best investment strategy for the
The President wants to rebuild the White House but doesn't have the funds to
achieve his goal. Which investment opportunity will benefit the President the
A. Savings account
B. Bond
D. Real estate


The investment opportunity that the President can use to his benefit the most are B. Bonds.

Why are bonds best for the president?

Bonds will allow the president to raise the money required to rebuild the White House at that moment.

The president can then repay the bonds overtime using taxes and other revenue sources for the government.

Find out more on the use of bonds at https://brainly.com/question/25965295.


Who was the first president?


George Washington was the first president of the United States of America
George Washington was the first US president

What led President John F. Kennedy to blame Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev for causing a threat to world peace?

the Soviet role in the overthrow of Fulgencio Batista

the building of Soviet nuclear missile sites in Cuba

the Soviet enforcement of a naval blockade of Cuba

the Soviet role in the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion



the building of Soviet nuclear mise sites in Cuba


B. the building of Soviet nuclear missile sites in Cuba


Did the Second World War end, or did it simply become the Cold War? Were the primary conflicts of the two wars similar?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

I consider that the Second World War really ended, and differences between allies grew to enter into another facet of an international conflict we know as the Cold War.

We can find some similitudes in the primary conflicts of the two wars, however, the political and economic interests of the United States and the Soviet Union clashed during this period of the Cold War.

After World War II, Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin was not satisfied with the agreements that resulted from the Yalta Conference. This initiated a series of conflicts and differences with the United States. Both powerful countries aspired to influence and control the world.

The Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, and the Watergate scandal were all key events that took place during the Cold War era.

The initial development of textile mills was made possible, in part, by the ability
to move coal and raw materials by
a) railroad
b) truck
c) horse and wagon
d) canals


I’m think the answer is A, railroad
I believe horse and wagon

What Supreme Court decision in 1824 reinforced the fact that the federal government controlled interstate commerce?



Ogden was a landmark decision in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that the power to regulate interstate commerce, granted to Congress by the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution, encompassed the power to regulate navigation


In 2011, WA ranked__in the nation for wind energy generation.

A. 10th
B. 6th
C. 3rd
D. 1st



I think the answer is A. 10th



The table shows that Washington produces around 5.3% of the United States wind energy in 2011, so it makes sense to be put in  10th

How did the 1842 expedition of John C. Frémont contribute to westward migration?

A.He drove Indians off their land.

B.He explored important trade routes.

C.He described the ease of travel to California.

D.He publicized the beauty of the West.


Answer: He publicized the beauty of the west.


The 1842 expedition of John C. Fremont contributed to westward migration because he publicized the beauty of the West.

Who was John C. Fremont?

John Charles Fremont (1813-1890) was an American explorer, politician, and soldier. Through his explorations in the West, he stimulated the American desire to own that region. He was the first presidential candidate of the Republican Party.

John Charles Fremont became a popular national figure after leading a series of expeditions intended to survey the Far West in the 1840s. The newly formed Republican Party chose Fremont, an outspoken critic of slavery, as their first presidential candidate in 1856.

Thus option D holds true, that he publicized the beauty of the West.

Learn more about John C. Fremont here,



The end of the Soviet Union
Place each event in the correct order
-Headliners tried to gain control in a coup d'etat
-Gorbachev became leader of the USSR
-The Soviet Union was dissolved
-Perestroika and Glasnost led the reform



1) Soviet Union start war with Afghanistan 1979 to 1989.

2) Reform such as glasnost and perestroika instituted in Soviet Union 1985

3) Mikhail Gorbachev becomes President of the Soviet Union in 1990.

4) Soviet government attempts to overthrow Gorbachev in 1991. Coup lasted for 3 days.

5) Soviet Union dissolves & Gorbachev resigned in Dec of 1991

6) Boris Yeltsin becomes President and establishment the Russian Federation.

1) Soviet Union start a war with Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989.

2) Reforms such as glasnost and perestroika were instituted in the Soviet Union in 1985.

Who is Mikhail Gorbachev?

Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev is a politician from the Soviet Union and Russia, who held the eighth and last leadership position.

3) Mikhail Gorbachev becomes President of the Soviet Union in 1990.

4) Soviet government attempts to overthrow Gorbachev in 1991.

5)The coup lasted for 3 days.

6) the Soviet Union dissolves & Gorbachev resigned in Dec of 1991.

7) Boris Yeltsin becomes President and established the Russian Federation.

The process of internal disintegration within the Soviet Union (USSR) that led to the end of the nation's and its federal government's existence as a sovereign state, resulting in its constituent republics achieving full independence on December 26, 1991, is known as the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Therefore, The correct order is above.

Learn more about Mikhail Gorbachev, here;



Who helped the Mughal Empire
become one of the most powerful
• empires of its time by increasing
religious tolerance, allowing open
trade, and abolishing slavery?



Akbar (reigned 1556–1605) was born Jalal-ud-din Muhammad in the Rajput Umarkot Fort, to Humayun and his wife Hamida Banu Begum, a Persian princess. Akbar succeeded to the throne under a regent, Bairam Khan, who helped consolidate the Mughal Empire in India.

HELP PLEASE. ‼️‼️‼️‼️30 points

Cave paintings were first discovered in Altamira, Spain in 1879. Archaeologists have
also found cave paintings throughout France.
What conclusions can you make when you review the chart and compare the two maps? Can you place the site on the
timeline? Write a short summary of your conclusions. Then, write a second paragraph in which you compare site 1 and
site 2. When you compare the two sites, consider how the climate plays a role in the differences between the two sites.



The cave, discovered by a hunter in 1868, was visited in 1876 by Marcelino Sanz de Setula, a local nobleman. He returned in 1879 to excavate the floor of the cave’s entrance chamber, unearthing animal bones and stone tools. On one visit in the late summer, he was accompanied by his eight-year-old daughter, Maria, who first noticed the paintings of bison on the ceiling of a side chamber. Convinced of the antiquity of the paintings and the objects, Sanz de Setula published descriptions of his finds in 1880. Most prehistorians of the time, however, dismissed the paintings as modern forgeries, and it was not until the end of the 19th century that they were accepted as genuine.

The Altamira cave is 971 feet (296 meters) long. In the vestibule numerous archaeological remains from two main Paleolithic occupations—the Solutrean (about 21,000 to 17,000 years ago) and the Magdalenian (about 17,000 to 11,000 years ago)—were found. Included among these remains were some engraved animal shoulder blades, one of which has been directly dated by radiocarbon to 14,480 years ago. The lateral chamber, which contains most of the paintings, measures about 60 by 30 feet (18 by 9 meters), the height of the vault varying from 3.8 to 8.7 feet (1.2 to 2.7 meters); the artists working there were thus usually crouched and working above their heads, never seeing the whole ceiling at once. The roof of the chamber is covered with paintings and engravings, often in combination—for example, the bison figures that dominate were first engraved and then painted. These images were executed in a vivid bichrome of red and black, and some also have violet tones. Other featured animals include horses and a doe (8.2 feet [2.5 metros] long, the biggest figure on the ceiling), as well as other creatures rendered in a simpler style. Numerous additional engravings in this chamber include eight anthropomorphic figures, some handprints, and hand stencils. The other galleries of the cave contain a variety of black-painted and engraved figures. In many cases the creator of the images exploited the natural contours of the rock surface to add a three-dimensional quality to the work.

The black paint used in the drawings was determined to be composed largely of charcoal, which can be radiocarbon dated. By the turn of the 21st century, this method had been applied to several images on the Altamira ceiling. Scientists now believe the ceiling paintings date from c. 14,820 to 13,130 years ago. In July 2001 an exact facsimile of the cave’s decorated chamber, entrance chamber, and long-collapsed mouth was opened to the public at the site.

only the PCI can reflect the true state of economic development justify the statement​



The per capita income can not reflect the true state of economic development because if the income of a particular group have increased or have become rich and the income of other groups remain the same, it will reflect an increase in the per capita income.

Which scientist is often called the "father of the atomic bomb" because of his work as the head of the Manhattan


Physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer
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