Which of the following crimes is a low-profile crime that typically involves stealing a large amount of money over a long period of time?


Answer 1


the answer is embezzlement

Answer 2


Related Questions

Standard of proof of evidences


A standard of proof refers to the duty of the person responsible for proving the case. There are different standards of proof in different circumstances. The three primary standards of proof are proof beyond a reasonable doubt, preponderance of the evidence and clear and convincing evidence.

What would be the best illustration of how federal labor regulations protect American citizens
which can impact trade?

a. Government issues a nation-wide consumer recall for one car company to replace two million faulty brake systems in its cars and trucks.

b. EPA charges fines a regional electricity company for exceeding its EPA pollution guidelines for the year.

c. Anti-discrimination laws make it illegal to discriminate against women who apply for jobs working on an
oceanic oil rig.

d. Federal Trade Commission forces the phone company to refund one million dollars to consumers who paid
an illegal internet user fee.


What would be the best illustration of how federal labor regulations protect American citizens

What would be the best illustration of how federal labor regulations protect American citizenswhich can impact trade?

a. Government issues a nation-wide consumer recall for one car company to replace two million faulty brake systems in its cars and trucks.

A police officer stopped a driver who had run a red light. Upon approaching the car, the officer noticed a strong odor of alcohol and immediately asked whether the driver had been drinking. The driver admitted having had several alcoholic drinks that evening. The driver, charged with driving while intoxicated, moved to suppress the officer's testimony regarding the driver's statement about his drinking. The driver argued that the officer had elicited the statement without providing the requisite Miranda warnings. The prosecutor has responded that the statement should be allowed in the prosecution's case-in-chief or, at a minimum, should be allowed as impeachment in the event the driver testifies and denies drinking. How should the court rule regarding the driver's statement admitting his drinking



Police Officer Stopping a Driver Who Had Run a Red Light

The driver's statement should be allowed, as pleaded by the prosecution, because  the driver was not in custody for Miranda  purposes when the free admission of drinking alcohol was made.


The driver freely disclosed his statement about having several alcoholic drinks that evening.  At the time he made the statement, the driver was not under custody, he was not under arrest, and he was not suspected of driving under intoxication.  The officer stopped him because he had run a red light (another traffic offense) and only noticed the strong odor of alcohol after the traffic offense was committed.  Possibly, the alcohol odor could have emanated from another source altogether.

Which of the following documents is required for any type of search according to the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
arrest order
arrest warrant
search warrant
seizure warrant


Search warrant, according to the fourth amendment if a police officer does not have a search warrant he/she cannot enter your house.

Mr. Farhan has sent goods to Mr. Basit, good are held by Mr. Kashif a Carrier now Mr. Farhan wants to stop the goods plz advice on which grounds he can stops the goods



go to mr.kashif to buy good

It is illegal for employers to retaliate against an employee who is providing information in an investigation of
workplace sexual harassment
Choose the one correct answer.





You can't be penalized for helping an investigation.

Upon a person's fourth DUI conviction,______ is mandatory


A $2,000 fine is mandatory, but the court can impose up to $5,000

Detective Sanders knows the hole in the windshield was caused by a bullet being shot from inside the car. How is he MOST likely to make this
The bullet hole is wider on the outside of the windshield.
The bullet hole is wider on the inside of the windshield.
The bullet hole made radial fractures and a few concentric fractures.
There is glass everywhere surrounding the car.



The rounded shape of the bullet because as it goes through the glass it stops spinning and this make the hole wider



The bullet is wider on the outside of the windshield.


Patty is the Plaintiff in a trial and Daryl is the Defendant. Patty and Daryl each call their witnesses, offer their evidence, and presents their side of the case. The parties rest and give their closing statements. The jury finds for Patty. Daryl disagrees with the verdict. Name one option that Daryl can do at this point of the post-trial process and what that option will do for him.



Take it to a higher jury


Vehicle registration laws do not apply to:

•A tractor

•A three-wheeled motorcycle used for agricultural purposes.

•A trailers with no springs or pulled by a tongue.

•All of the above



All of the above


Vehicle registration laws do not apply to:

•A tractor

•A three-wheeled motorcycle used for agricultural purposes.

•A trailers with no springs or pulled by a tongue.

Therefore, the correct answer is "all of the above."

This is because, they are used for transporting cargo or container as trailers hauling agricultural products that weigh less than 3,500 pounds are not registered.

Stealing goods from a retail store is called


It’s called shoplifting.

Why do plaintiffs sometimes reach settlements before a civil trial begins?
A. To prevent a prosecutor from showing evidence against them
B. To give the judge a chance to reach a verdict in their favor
C. To avoid being found guilty of a crime by the jury
D. To make sure they get at least part of what they want


Answer: Choice D)  To make sure they get at least part of what they want



Let's go through the answer choices to see which are true and which are false.

A) False. The plaintiff is the one doing the prosecution or bringing the case against the defendant. The plaintiff is not on trial.B) False. For many cases, a judge isn't involve in the settlement process. In those cases, the two parties directly negotiate together to settle the dispute. In cases where a judge is involved with a settlement, their powers aren't as strong as compared to a courtroom setting. C) False. Again, the plaintiff isn't the one being accused of the crime. That would be the defendant.D) True. Court cases take a very long time to reach their conclusion. Not only that, they're very costly as well (in terms of money, time and resources). Not to mention the stress they bring about also. All of these factors sometimes lead people to go for a settlement even if they know they have a 100% airtight case against their opponent. Settlements are often the easier route and they allow people to get something rather than nothing. Keep in mind that even if there is an airtight case, there might be some technicality that allows to defendant to be found not guilty.

what do you tink about NEW YORK TIMES



Its good


lot of benefits

it’s good and one of the most respected newspaper companies, keeps millions up to date with some of the things happening around them


What would best illustrate how the national government uses taxation to regulate international

a. Truckers are required to stop a weigh stations to pay state fines on overweight goods they are transporting
on state highways.

b. Import taxes may not be charged for goods exchanged in any trade that occurs between states.

c. City governments pass laws that makes it illegal to sell certain goods at certain times of the day or week.

d. Tariffs are used to protect American businesses from unfair foreign competition.



d is the correct answer or appropriate one

The theft of currency over a long period of time that tends to be commissioned for a modest amount of money but may not be considered to be financially damaging is called
ATM burglaries.
credit card fraud.


Stop da cap cud you already know who it is!
The answer is - Embezzlement

Which section of the outline is the introduction?
Section I
Section II
Section III
Section IV



Section I


Section I is the introduction


Section I


Just took the test on edge

An acceleration clause is sometimes added to reverse mortgages. This means that the loan could become due and payable under certain circumstances, which may include all but which of the following?
A. A new owner is added to the title
B. The borrower adds MIP to the loan
C. New debt against the home is taken out
D. All or part of the home is rented out



the borrower adds MIP to the loan

Items in the category of __________ goods are difficult to trace even when their identification numbers are present.





if you are charged with zero tolerance offense this mean that your driving privilege will be suspended for 1 year for aa second or subsequent Offense true or false


The Answer: is True

giá trị thặng dư xã hội là gì



when they do


they dooo

assume that some huys are knis, all jiks are suds, and some aws are huys therefore it makes sense that (a) some knis may also be aws. (b) all huys are knis (c) all jiks are aws (d) some suds are knis. (e) all jiks are huys.



Therefore, it makes sense that:

(a) some knis may also be aws.


a) The argument is:

some huys are knis

all jiks are suds

some aws are huys

b) There is a logical connection between aws and knis because some huys are aws and some huys are knis.  This verbal reasoning or logic can be inferred by reference to huys.  With huys, some are aws and some are knis.  Therefore, the logical conclusion is that "some knis may also be aws."

Discuss the differences between foriegn policy and domestic policy


Domestic policies are those that affect or apply to people or institutions within a particular country and tend to be internal.

Foreign policy has todo with policies between two or more nations and is external. it focuses on building networks with other countries

Which statement expresses a shortcoming of conventionalism?

There can be no intercultural evaluation of what is good.

It is easy to determine what is right and wrong for everyone.

Most cultures do not differ on questions of morality.

Conventionalism delivers only intuitive results.



Most cultures do not differ on questions of morality.


Answer: there can be no intercultural evaluation of what is good.


An office block of 14,000m2 gross area with 80% lettable area in Muscat, let
recently at OMR 350,000 p.a on internal repairing terms (The landlord is
responsible for 5% external repairs, 5% insurance and 3% management fees).
The block has been sold for OMR 2,800,000 with 5% cost for sale. A
development company wishes to purchase a nearby site to build an office block
with a gross floor area of 10,000 m2 (70% lettable area) that is to be let on fully
repairing and insuring terms (FRI). The development company need to avail a
loan from bank. Short-term finance of 50% of the total estimated building cost


Gm and the loan from bank been sold that much money needs to be put in prison is the correct answer.

Civilians and military personnel enjoy the same constitutional guarantees when charged with a serious felony.


The answer is false
Completely FALSE if you refer to the (UCMJ) the uniform code of military justice soldier generally have less rights then the average citizen

Có một "tàu lạ" của nước ngoài hoạt động khảo sát dầu khí trên biển, cách bờ biển Vũng Tàu của nước ta 160 hải lý. Vận dụng những kiến thức đã học về chủ quyền lãnh thổ, biên giới quốc gia; Anh, chị cho biết “tàu lạ” này có vi phạm chủ quyền lãnh thổ của Việt nam hay không?; nếu có, theo anh chị Đảng, Nhà nước ta nên giải quyết vấn đề này như thế nào?



Which of the following is an argument?

It's going to rain today because the meteorologist says it will.

If it rains, then I won't go outside.

Everyone should experience standing out in the rain.

Rainy days are the best. I like to put on a sweater and read a good book.


It’s going to rain today because meteorologists says it will. that is your answer. Hope this helps

A meteorologist is termed as a scientist who employs scientific concepts to understand, comprehend, analyze, and estimate the country's environmental occurrences, as well as how the weather influences the planet and life on earth.  A meteorologist is another term for someone who works in this field.

The correct answer in regard to the context is   It's going to rain today because the meteorologist says it will.

This is the correct answer because it states the best example of the argument denying the fact or the universal realities or facts. An argument is termed as the collection of words called premises or propositions that are used to establish the degree of truth of another statement, the conclusion, in logic and philosophy.

The formal shape of argumentation in basic language can be reflected in a symbol's precise manner, and clearly specified "assertions" in mathematics and computer engineering can be produced irrespective of basic language.

To know more about the happenings of the argument, refer to the link below:


Categories under ECOA on which creditors may not base credit decisions



The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation's consumer protection agency, enforces the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), which prohibits credit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or because you get public assistance

A protester entered an IRS office during business hours. He denounced the income tax and set fire to pages from his copy of the Internal Revenue Code. The fire was extinguished before it caused any other damage. The protester was arrested and charged with violating a state law that prohibited igniting a fire in a public building. He claimed that his prosecution was unconstitutional under the First Amendment. May the protester constitutionally be convicted?



The protester can constitutionally be convicted for frustrated arson since he only lit and burnt the tool.


Arson can be destructive. As a crime, arson is grievous and hateful. There is inherent and manifest wickedness in committing arson, which is a federal crime.  Destructive arson carries a life sentence. The protest looks like a desperate demonstration of unsound mental health.  However, the protester will be convicted for frustrated arson, which carries a reduced sentence.

15. The House of Representatives has the special power to


They have power to impeach federal officials and elect the President in the case of an Electoral College tie!! One of those would definitely be your answer
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