Which of the following describes an electric conductor


Answer 1

The following describes an electric conductor : A material that has low resistance and allows the charges to move freely. The correct option is D.

What is conductor?

A conductor is a material or metal which allows the electrons to flow through it. In other words, a conductor allows the current to pass through them.

A battery also called as the voltage source, provides sufficient voltage or energy to excite electrons in the conductor.

Opposition offered to the flow of current is called as the resistance. The electrical element used in the circuit is the resistor.

So, an electric conductor is a material that has low resistance and allows the charges to move freely.

Thus, the correct option is D.

Learn more about conductor.



Related Questions

A 69.0-kg astronaut is floating in space, luckily he has his trusty 28.0-kg physics book. He throws his physics book and accelerates at 0.0130 m/s2 in the opposite direction. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the physics book?



0.032 [tex]m/s^2[/tex]


Given :

Weight of the astronaut = 69 kg

Weight of the physics book = 28 kg

Acceleration of the astronaut = 0.0130 [tex]m/s^2[/tex]

The force that is applied on the astronaut :


   [tex]$=69 \times 0.013$[/tex]

   = 0.897 N

Therefore, by Newton's 3rd law, we know that the force applied on the physics book is also F = 0.897 N

Therefore, the acceleration of the physics book is given by :

[tex]$a = \frac{\text{Force on physics book}}{\text{mass of physics book}}$[/tex]

[tex]$a = \frac{0.897}{28}$[/tex]

a = 0.032 [tex]m/s^2[/tex]

Hence, the acceleration of the physics book is  0.032 [tex]m/s^2[/tex].


The acceleration of astronaut is 5.27 x 10^-3 m/s^2.


mass of astronaut, M = 69 kg

Mass of book, m = 28 kg

acceleration of book, a = 0.013 m/s^2

Let the acceleration of astronaut is A.

According to the Newton's third law, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

So, the force acting on the book is same as the force acting on the astronaut but the direction is opposite to each other.

M A = m a

69 x A = 28 x 0.013

A = 5.27 x 10^-3 m/s^2

potential diffetence​






V= 2* 3

V= 6 volts

A wire long and with mass is positioned horizontally near the earth's surface and perpendicular to a horizontal magnetic field of magnitude . What current I must flow through the wire in order that the wire accelerate neither upwards nor downwards


The question is incomplete. The complete question is :

A wire 0.6 m long and with mass m = 11 g is positioned horizontally near the earth's surface and perpendicular to a horizontal magnetic field of magnitude B = 0.4 T. What current I must flow through the wire in order that the wire accelerate neither upwards nor downwards? The magnetic field is directed into the page.

Solution :

Given :

Length of the wire, L = 0.6 m

Mass of the wire length, m = 11 g

                                             = [tex]11 \times 10^{-3}[/tex] kg

Magnetic field , B = 0.4 T

Know we know that :

ILB = mg

or [tex]$I=\frac{mg}{BL}$[/tex]

 [tex]$I= \frac{(11 \times 10^{-3})(9.81)}{(0.4)(0.6)}$[/tex]

 [tex]I=0.44963\ A[/tex]

 [tex]I = 449.63 \ mA[/tex]

Two different galvanometers G1 and G2, have internal resistances r1and r2. The galvanometers G1 and G2 require the same current IC1=IC2 for a full-scale deflection of their pointers. These galvanometers G1 and G2 are used to build lab-made ammeters A1 and A2 . Both ammeters A1 and A2 have the same maximum scale reading Imax1=Imax2=Imax. To build A1 ,shunt resistor of resistance Rsh1is used and to build A2 , shunt resistor of resistance Rsh2 is used. The value of these shunt resistor resistances are such that: Rsh1=3Rsh2. What is the ratio oftheir internal resistances: r1:r2?



there are 3 photos attached. so check


Cho hai mặt cầu đồng tâm O tích điện đều. Bán kính của hai mặt cầu lần lượt là R1 và R2 (R2>R1). Điện tích mặt trong là q và mặt ngoài là Q
Tính cường độ điện trường tại một điểm cách tâm O một đoạn r (biết R1 < r < R2)
Tính hiệu điện thế giữa hai mặt cầu



you will stc ohxoyxct txxtx xigigjjgjvvixiffjz,iffzikzfjvixii. hi h ohigiogooigoh


k jjvhvojvovvojivivivihvi hj

how much heat is produced in one hour by an electric iron which draws 2.5ampere when connected to a 100V supply​



I=2.5 Ampere ; V=100V ;t = 1 hour=60secs

We know Heat = VIt


(c) It takes you hours to to bring the turkey from to . During that time, the electrical grid transfers a constant Watts of power into the the oven. Take the turkey and the air in the oven to be your system. What was the thermal transfer of energy between the system and the surroundings


Complete Question

(c) It takes you 5 hours to to bring the turkey from 10.0°C to 75.0 °C. During that time, the electrical grid transfers a constant 2500.0 Watts of power into the the oven. Take the turkey and the air in the oven to be your system. What was the thermal transfer of energy between the system and the surroundings?


[tex]Q=4.50 *10^7J[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Time [tex]t=5hours[/tex]

Temperature rise [tex]dT= 65\textdegree[/tex]

Power [tex]P=2500.0 Watts[/tex]

Generally, the equation for Power is mathematically given by




[tex]Q=4.50 *10^7J[/tex]

Choose one. 5 points
Use the equation from week 3:
frequency =
and the wavelength you found in #3 to calculate the frequency of this photon (remember the speed of
light is 3E8 m/s);
7.6E14 Hz
6.0E14 Hz
4,6E14 Hz


Is 4,6E14 Hz
Good luck

The frequency is 4,6E14 Hz.

What is the frequency?

Frequency is the fee at which modern changes direction in step with 2nd. it's far measured in hertz (Hz), a worldwide unit of degree wherein 1 hertz is identical to 1 cycle in line with 2d. Hertz (Hz) = One hertz is the same as 1 cycle in step with the second. Cycle = One entire wave of alternating present-day voltage.

Frequency describes the number of waves that pass a hard and fast place in a given quantity of time. So if the time it takes for a wave to skip is half of 2d, the frequency is 2 per 2nd. If it takes 1/one hundred of an hour, the frequency is a hundred in step with hour.

Learn more about frequency here:-https://brainly.com/question/254161


Two loudspeakers are placed 1.8 m apart. They play tones of equal frequency. If you stand 3.0 m in front of the speakers, and exactly between them, you hear a minimum of intensity. As you walk parallel to the plane of the speakers, staying 3.0 m away, the sound intensity increases until reaching a maximum when you are directly in front of one of the speakers. The speed of sound


The question is incomplete. The complete question is :

Two loudspeakers are placed 1.8 m apart. They play tones of equal frequency. If you stand 3.0 m in front of the speakers, and exactly between them, you hear a minimum of intensity. As you walk parallel to the plane of the speakers, staying 3.0 m away, the sound intensity increases until reaching a maximum when you are directly in front of one of the speakers. The speed of sound in the room is 340 m/s.

What is the frequency of the sound?

Solution :

Given :

The distance between the two loud speakers, [tex]d = 1.8 \ m[/tex]

The speaker are in phase and so the path difference is zero constructive interference occurs.

At the point [tex]D[/tex], the speakers are out of phase and so the path difference is [tex]$=\frac{\lambda}{2}$[/tex]


[tex]$AD-BD = \frac{\lambda}{2}[/tex]

[tex]$\sqrt{(1.8)^2+(3)^2-3} =\frac{\lambda}{2}$[/tex]

[tex]$\lambda = 2 \times 0.4985$[/tex]

[tex]$\lambda = 0.99714 \ m$[/tex]

Thus the frequency is :



[tex]f=340.9744[/tex] Hz

State TRUE or FALSE.
1. We use muscular force to lift a bucket of water.
2. A bow uses mechanical force of the bow string to shoot an arrow.
3. The force of friction enables us to walk on earth.
4. Plants use solar energy to make their food.
5. The energy stored inside the earth is called atomic energy​



1. True

2. False

3. True

4. True

5. True


that is pure falsereeeeeeeee


II) One 3.2-kg paint bucket is hanging by a massless cord from another 3.2-kg paint bucket, also hanging by a massless cord, as shown in Fig. 4-49. ( ) If the buckets are at rest, what is the tension in each cord? ( ) If the two buckets are pulled upward with an acceleration of 1.25 m/s by the upper cord, calculate the tension in each cord



Here , mass of bucket ,m = 3.2 Kg

Now , let the tension in upper rope is T1

the tension in the middle rope is T2


For lower bucket, balancing forces in vertical direction

T2 - mg = 0

T2 = mg

T2 = 3.2 *9.8

T2 = 31.36 N

tension in the middle rope is 31.36 N

For the upper bucket , balancing forces in vertical direction

T1 - T2 - mg = 0

T1 = T2 + 3.2 *9.8

T1 = 62.72 N

the tension in the upper rope is 62.72 N


for a = 1.25 m/s^2

Using second law of motion ,for both the buckets

Fnet = ma

T1 - 2mg = 2m*a

T1 = 2*3.2*(9.8 +1.25)

T1 = 70.72 N

the tension in the upper rope is 70.7 N

Now , the lower bucket

Using second law of motion,

T2 - mg = ma

T2 = 3.2 * (9.8 + 1.25)

T2 = 35.36 N

the tension in the lower rope is 35.36 N

Air enters a nozzle steadily at 2.21 kg/m3 and 20 m/s and leaves at 0.762 kg/m3 and 150 m/s. If the inlet area of the nozzle is 60 cm2, determine (a) the mass flow rate through the nozzle, and (b) the exit area of the nozzle


a) The mass flow rate through the nozzle is 0.27 kg/s.

b) The exit area of the nozzle is 23.6 cm².

a) The mass flow rate through the nozzle can be calculated with the following equation:

[tex] \dot{m_{i}} = \rho_{i} v_{i}A_{i} [/tex]


[tex]v_{i}[/tex]: is the initial velocity = 20 m/s

[tex]A_{i}[/tex]: is the inlet area of the nozzle = 60 cm²  

[tex]\rho_{i}[/tex]: is the density of entrance = 2.21 kg/m³

[tex] \dot{m} = \rho_{i} v_{i}A_{i} = 2.21 \frac{kg}{m^{3}}*20 \frac{m}{s}*60 cm^{2}*\frac{1 m^{2}}{(100 cm)^{2}} = 0.27 kg/s [/tex]  

Hence, the mass flow rate through the nozzle is 0.27 kg/s.

b) The exit area of the nozzle can be found with the Continuity equation:

[tex] \rho_{i} v_{i}A_{i} = \rho_{f} v_{f}A_{f} [/tex]

[tex] 0.27 kg/s = 0.762 kg/m^{3}*150 m/s*A_{f} [/tex]

[tex] A_{f} = \frac{0.27 kg/s}{0.762 kg/m^{3}*150 m/s} = 0.00236 m^{2}*\frac{(100 cm)^{2}}{1 m^{2}} = 23.6 cm^{2} [/tex]

Therefore, the exit area of the nozzle is 23.6 cm².

You can find another example of mass flow rate here: https://brainly.com/question/13346498?referrer=searchResults

I hope it helps you!                                                                   

a) Mass flow rate through the nozzle: 0.265 kilograms per second, b) Exit area of the nozzle: 23.202 square centimeters.

We determine the Mass Flow Rate through the nozzle and the Exit Area of the nozzle by means of the Principle of Mass Conservation. A nozzle is a device that works at Steady State, so that Mass Balance can be reduced into this form:

[tex]\dot m_{in} = \dot m_{out}[/tex] (1)


[tex]\dot m_{in}[/tex] - Inlet mass flow, in kilograms per second.

[tex]\dot m_{out}[/tex] - Outlet mass flow, in kilograms per second.

Given that air flows at constant rate, we expand (1) by dimensional analysis:

[tex]\rho_{in} \cdot A_{in}\cdot v_{in} = \rho_{out}\cdot A_{out}\cdot v_{out}[/tex] (2)


[tex]\rho_{in}, \rho_{out}[/tex] - Air density at inlet and outlet, in kilograms per cubic meter.

[tex]A_{in}, A_{out}[/tex] - Inlet and outlet area, in square meters.

[tex]v_{in}, v_{out}[/tex] - Inlet and outlet velocity, in meters per second.

a) If we know that [tex]\rho_{in} = 2.21\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}}[/tex], [tex]A_{in} = 60\times 10^{-4}\,m^{2}[/tex] and [tex]v_{in} = 20\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], then the mass flow rate through the nozzle is:

[tex]\dot m = \rho_{in}\cdot A_{in}\cdot v_{in}[/tex]

[tex]\dot m = \left(2.21\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}} \right)\cdot (60\times 10^{-4}\,m^{2})\cdot \left(20\,\frac{m}{s} \right)[/tex]

[tex]\dot m = 0.265\,\frac{kg}{s}[/tex]

The mass flow rate through the nozzle is 0.265 kilograms per second.

b) If we know that [tex]\rho_{in} = 2.21\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}}[/tex], [tex]A_{in} = 60\times 10^{-4}\,m^{2}[/tex], [tex]v_{in} = 20\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], [tex]\rho_{out} = 0.762\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}}[/tex] and [tex]v_{out} = 150\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], then the exit area of the nozzle is:

[tex]\rho_{in} \cdot A_{in}\cdot v_{in} = \rho_{out}\cdot A_{out}\cdot v_{out}[/tex]

[tex]A_{out} = \frac{\rho_{in}\cdot A_{in}\cdot v_{in}}{\rho_{out}\cdot v_{out}}[/tex]

[tex]A_{out} = \frac{\left(2.21\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}} \right)\cdot (60\times 10^{-4}\,m^{2})\cdot \left(20\,\frac{m}{s} \right)}{\left(0.762\,\frac{kg}{m^{3}} \right)\cdot \left(150\,\frac{m}{s} \right)}[/tex]

[tex]A_{out} = 2.320\times 10^{-3}\,m^{2}[/tex]

[tex]A_{out} = 23.202\,cm^{2}[/tex]

The exit area of the nozzle is 23.202 square centimeters.

Electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 525 nm appears as green light to the human eye. Calculate the frequency of this light. Be sure to include units in your answer.



5.71×10¹⁴ Hz



v = λf................. Equation 1

Where v = speed of the electromagnetic radiation, λ = wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation, f = frequency

make f the subject of the equation

f = v/λ............. Equation 2

From the question,

Given: λ = 525 nm = 5.25×10⁻⁷ m,

Constant: Speed of electromagnetic wave (v) = 3.0×10⁸ m/s

Substitute these values into equation 2

f = (3.0×10⁸)/(5.25×10⁻⁷)

f = 5.71×10¹⁴ Hz

Hence the frequency of light is 5.71×10¹⁴ Hz

In a photoelectric effect experiment, it is observed that violet light does not eject electrons from a particular metal. Next, red light with the same intensity is incident on the same metal. Which result is possible



No ejection of photo electron takes place.


When a photon of suitable energy falls on cathode, then the photoelectrons is emitted from the cathode. This phenomenon is called photo electric effect.

The minimum energy required to just  eject an electron is called work function.

The photo electric equation is

E = W + KE

where, E is the incident energy, W is the work function and KE is the kinetic energy.

W = h f

where. h is the Plank's constant and f is the threshold frequency.

Now, when the violet light is falling, no electrons is ejected. When the red light is falling, whose frequency is less than the violet light, then again no photo electron is ejected from the metal surface.

During World War II, mass spectrometers were used to separate the radioactive uranium isotope U-235 from its far more common isotope, U-238. Estimate the radius of the circle traced out by a singly ionized lead atom moving at the same speed.



21.55 m


If the mass of an object is 10 kg and the
velocity is -4 m/s, what is the momentum?
A. 4 kgm/s
B. -40 kgm/s
C.-4 kgm/s
D. 40 kgm/s



B. -40 kgm/s is the answer

An object moving with initial velocity 10 m/s is subjected to a uniform acceleration of 8 m/s ^² . The displacement in the next 2 s is: (a) 0m (b) 36 m (c) 16 m (d) 4 m​


365 Everyday Value, Organic Creamy Peanut Butter. Net Carbs: 4 grams per serving. ...
Classic Peanut Butter by Justin's. Net Carbs: 5 grams. ...

12. A concave lens has a focal length of 10 cm. An object 2.5 cm high is placed 30 cm from the lens. Determine the position and size of the image. (3)​



I think 9.5



Joule is a SI unit of power
Measuring cylinder is used to measure the volume of a liquid



The SI unit of power is watt

if C is the vector sum of A and B C=A+B what must be true about directions and magnitude of A and B if C=A+B? what must be true about the directions and magnitude of A and B if C=0​


The vector sum is the algebraic sum if the two vectors have the same direction.

The sum vector is zero if the two vectors have the same magnitude and opposite direction

Vector addition is a process that can be performed graphically using the parallelogram method, see  attached, where the second vector is placed at the tip of the first and the vector sum goes from the origin of the first vector to the tip of the second.

There are two special cases where the vector sum can be reduced to the algebraic sum if the vectors are parallel

case 1. if the two vectors are parallel, the sum vector has the magnitude of the sum of the magnitudes of each vector

case 2. If the two vectors are antiparallel and the magnitude of the two vectors is the same, the sum gives zero.

In summary in the sum of vectors If the vectors are parallel it is reduced to the algebraic sum, also in the case of equal magnitude and opposite direction the sum is the null vector

a) Magnitudes: [tex]\| \vec A\| \ge 0[/tex], [tex]\|\vec B\| \ge 0[/tex], [tex]\|\vec C\| \ge 0[/tex]; Directions: [tex]\theta_{A} \in (-\infty, +\infty)[/tex] for [tex]\|\vec A\|\ne 0[/tex]. Undefined for [tex]\|\vec A\| = 0[/tex], [tex]\theta_{B} \in (-\infty, +\infty)[/tex] for [tex]\|\vec B\|\ne 0[/tex]. Undefined for [tex]\|\vec B\| = 0[/tex], [tex]\theta_{C} \in (-\infty, +\infty)[/tex] for [tex]\|\vec C\|\ne 0[/tex]. Undefined for [tex]\|\vec C\| = 0[/tex].

b) Magnitudes: [tex]\|\vec A\| \ge 0[/tex], [tex]\|\vec B\| \ge 0[/tex], [tex]\|\vec C\| = 0[/tex]; Directions: [tex]|\theta_{A}-\theta_{B}| = 180^{\circ}[/tex], [tex]\theta_{C}[/tex] is undefined.

a) Let suppose that [tex]\vec A \ne \vec O[/tex], [tex]\vec B \ne \vec O[/tex] and [tex]\vec C \ne \vec O[/tex], where [tex]\vec O[/tex] is known as Vector Zero. By definitions of Dot Product and Inverse Trigonometric Functions we derive expression for the magnitude and directions of [tex]\vec A[/tex], [tex]\vec B[/tex] and [tex]\vec C[/tex]:

Magnitude ([tex]\vec A[/tex])

[tex]\|\vec A\| = \sqrt{\vec A\,\bullet\,\vec A}[/tex]

[tex]\| \vec A\| \ge 0[/tex]

Magnitude ([tex]\vec B[/tex])

[tex]\|\vec B\| = \sqrt{\vec B\,\bullet\,\vec B}[/tex]

[tex]\|\vec B\| \ge 0[/tex]

Magnitude ([tex]\vec C[/tex])

[tex]\|\vec C\| = \sqrt{\vec C\,\bullet \,\vec C}[/tex]

[tex]\|\vec C\| \ge 0[/tex]

Direction ([tex]\vec A[/tex])

[tex]\vec A \,\bullet \,\vec u = \|\vec A\|\cdot \|u\|\cdot \cos \theta_{A}[/tex]

[tex]\theta_{A} = \cos^{-1} \frac{\vec A\,\bullet\,\vec u}{\|\vec A\|\cdot \|u\|}[/tex]

[tex]\theta_{A} = \cos^{-1} \frac{\vec A\,\bullet\,\vec u}{\|\vec A\|}[/tex]

[tex]\theta_{A} \in (-\infty, +\infty)[/tex] for [tex]\|\vec A\|\ne 0[/tex]. Undefined for [tex]\|\vec A\| = 0[/tex].

Direction ([tex]\vec B[/tex])

[tex]\vec B\,\bullet \, \vec u = \|\vec B\|\cdot \|\vec u\| \cdot \cos \theta_{B}[/tex]

[tex]\theta_{B} = \cos^{-1} \frac{\vec B\,\bullet\,\vec u}{\|\vec B\|\cdot \|\vec u\|}[/tex]

[tex]\theta_{B} = \cos^{-1} \frac{\vec B\,\bullet\,\vec u}{\|\vec B\|}[/tex]

[tex]\theta_{B} \in (-\infty, +\infty)[/tex] for [tex]\|\vec B\|\ne 0[/tex]. Undefined for [tex]\|\vec B\| = 0[/tex].

Direction ([tex]\vec C[/tex])

[tex]\vec C \,\bullet\,\vec u = \|\vec C\|\cdot\|\vec u\|\cdot \cos \theta_{C}[/tex]

[tex]\theta_{C} = \cos^{-1}\frac{\vec C\,\bullet\,\vec u}{\|\vec C\|\cdot\|\vec u\|}[/tex]

[tex]\theta_{C} = \cos^{-1} \frac{\vec C\,\bullet\,\vec u}{\|\vec C\|}[/tex]

[tex]\theta_{C} \in (-\infty, +\infty)[/tex] for [tex]\|\vec C\|\ne 0[/tex]. Undefined for [tex]\|\vec C\| = 0[/tex].

Please notice that [tex]\vec u[/tex] is the Vector Unit.

b) Let suppose that [tex]\vec A \ne \vec O[/tex] and [tex]\vec B \ne \vec O[/tex] and [tex]\vec C = \vec O[/tex]. Hence, [tex]\vec A = -\vec B[/tex]. In other words, we find that both vectors are antiparallel to each other, that is, that angle between [tex]\vec A[/tex] and [tex]\vec B[/tex] is 180°. From a) we understand that [tex]\|\vec A\| \ge 0[/tex], [tex]\|\vec B\| \ge 0[/tex], but [tex]\|\vec C\| = 0[/tex].

Then, we have the following conclusions:

Magnitude ([tex]\vec A[/tex])

[tex]\|\vec A\| \ge 0[/tex]

Magnitude ([tex]\vec B[/tex])

[tex]\|\vec B\| \ge 0[/tex]

Magnitude ([tex]\vec C[/tex])

[tex]\|\vec C\| = 0[/tex]

Directions ([tex]\vec A[/tex], [tex]\vec B[/tex]):

[tex]|\theta_{A}-\theta_{B}| = 180^{\circ}[/tex]

Direction ([tex]\vec C[/tex]):


If an object with constant mass is accelerating, what does Newton's second
law imply?
A. It will continue to accelerate until it meets an opposing force.
B. The object is exerting an opposite but equal force.
C. A force must be acting on the object.
D. The object will be difficult to decelerate.



C. A force must be acting on the object.


This is due to the action of its momentum direction.


When you are standing on Earth, orbiting the Sun, and looking at a broken cell phone on the ground, there are gravitational pulls on the cell phone from you, the Earth, and the Sun. Rank the gravitational forces on the phone from largest to smallest. Assume the Sun is roughly 109 times further away from the phone than you are, and 1028 times more massive than you. Rank the following choices in order from largest gravitational pull on the phone to smallest. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them.

a. Pull phone from you
b. Pull on phone from earth
c. Pull on phone from sun



The answer is "Option b, c, and a".


Here that the earth pulls on the phone, as it will accelerate towards Earth when we drop it.

We now understand the effects of gravity:

[tex]F \propto M\\\\F\propto \frac{1}{r^2}\\\\or\\\\F \propto \frac{M}{r^2}\\\\Sun (\frac{M}{r^2}) = \frac{10^{28}}{(10^9)^2} = 10^{10}[/tex]

The force of the sun is, therefore, [tex]10^{10}[/tex] times greater and the proper sequence, therefore, option steps are:

b. Pull-on phone from earth

c. Pull-on phone from sun

a. Pull phone from you

Define wave length as applied to wave motion​


Answer: Wavelength can be defined as the distance between two successive crests or troughs of a wave. It is measured in the direction of the wave.


Wavelength refers to the length or distance between two identical points of neighboring cycles of a wave signal traveling in space or in any physical medium. ... The wavelength of a signal is inversely proportional to its frequency, that is, the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength.

Choose the appropriate explanation how such a low value is possible given Saturn's large mass - 100 times that of Earth.

a. This low value is possible because the magnetic field of Saturn is so strong.
b. This low value is possible because the magnetic field of Saturn is so weak.
c. This low value is possible because the density of Saturn is so high.
d. This low value is possible because the density of Saturn is so low.




That is an amazing fact.

The minus sign is what you have to pay attention to. The earth has a mass of 100 times that of Saturn. As someone on here once noted, Saturn has such a low density that it would float in water.

The answer is D

What is the magnitude of the force between a 25μC charge exerts on a -10μC charge 8.5cm away?




[tex]F = \frac{kQ_{1} Q_{2} }{ {r}^{2} } \\ F = \frac{(9 \times {10}^{9}) \times (25 \times {10}^{ - 6}) \times (10 \times {10}^{ - 6} ) }{ {(0.85)}^{2} } \\ \\ F = 3.114 \: newtons[/tex]

The magnitude of the force between a 25μC charge exerts on a -10μC charge 8.5cm away would be 311.4 N.

What is Coulomb's Law?

Coulomb's law can be stated as the product of the charges and the square of the distance between them determine the force of attraction or repulsion acting in a straight line between two electric charges.

The math mathematical expression for the coulomb's law given as

F= k Q₁Q₂/r²

where F is the force between two charges

k is the electrostatic constant which is also known as the coulomb constant,it has a value of 9×10⁹

Q₁ and Q₂ are the electric charges

r is the distance between the charges

As given in the problem two charges a 25μC charge exerts on a -10μC charge 8.5cm away

By substituting the respective values in the above formula of Coulomb law

F =9×10⁹×(25×10⁻⁶)×(-10×10⁻⁶)/(8.5×10⁻²)²

F= -311.4 N

A negative sign represents that the force is attractive in nature

Thus, the magnitude of the force is 311.4 N.

Learn more about Coulomb's law from here



Kelsey the triathelete swims 1.5 km east, then bikes 40 km north, and then runs 10 km west. Which choice gives the
correct solution for the resultant?
R2 = 402 – 8,52
R2 = 402 - 102 - 2(40)(1.5) cos 10
R2 = 102 - 40
R2 = 10- - 402 – 2(1.5)(10) cos 40



Hey,. its a simple question. hope you learn from the solution. check attached picture


answer bhejo please please please​



Various uses of water :

1. Water is used for daily purpose like cooking , bathing , cleaning and drinking.

2. Water used as a universal solvent.

3. water maintains the temperature of our body.

4. Water helps in digestion in our body.

5 .water is used in factories and industries.

6. Water is used to grow plants , vegetables and crops.

Polarized sunglasses:

a. block most sunlight because sunlight is polarized
b. are better but work the same way as non-polarized sunglasses
c. are polarized to filter out certain wavelengths of light
d. block reflected light because reflected light is partially polarized.


Polarized sunglasses creates filter of vertical openings for light. The light rays will reach the eyes of human vertically only.

The sun rays will not reach human eye directly which will create a shield for sun light burden on human eye.

Polarized sunglasses are best used for blocking and eliminating certain wavelengths of light.

Therefore the correct answer is option C. Polarizes Sunglasses are polarized and it filter out certain wavelengths of light.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24372632

A cylindrical swimming pool has a radius 2m and depth 1.3m .it is completely filled with salt water of specific gravity 1.03.The atmospheric preassure is 1.013 x 10^5 Pa.

a.calculate the density of salt water.



the density of the salt water is 1030 kg/m³



radius of the cylindrical pool, r = 2 m

depth of the pool, h = 1.3 m

specific gravity of the salt water, γ = 1.03

The atmospheric pressure, P₀ = 1.013 x 10⁵ Pa

Density of fresh water, [tex]\rho _w[/tex] = 1000 kg/m³

The density of the salt water is calculated as;

[tex]Specific \ gravity \ of \ salt\ water \ (\gamma _s_w) = \frac{density \ of \ salt \ water \ (\rho_{sw})}{density \ of \ fresh \ water \ (\rho_{w})} \\\\1.03 = \frac{\rho_{sw}}{1000 \ kg/m^3}\\\\\rho_{sw} = 1.03 \times 1000 \ kg/m^3\\\\\rho_{sw} = 1030 \ kg/m^3[/tex]

Therefore, the density of the salt water is 1030 kg/m³

Which was a major effect of Pope Leo III crowning Charlemagne emperor of the Romans ?



The crowning of Charlemagne by Pope Leo III was significant in a number of ways. For Charlemagne, it was necessary because it encouraged to give him higher reliability. It gave him the rank of a dictator, giving him the only ruler in Europe west of the Byzantine emperor in Constantinople.

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