Which of the following describes transmission of a disease by indirect contact?
Person A has acne -> Person A and Person B are physically intimate -> Person B does not develop acne
Person A has a cold -> Person A sneezes near uninfected Person B
deer has Lyme disease -> tick bites deer -> tick bites uninfected person
Person A has malaria -> mosquito bites Person A -> mosquito bites uninfected Person B


Answer 1


Person A has malaria -> mosquito bites Person A -> mosquito bites uninfected Person B


Related Questions

What is health to you?



it refers to the fitness our body shows while practically performing a job xD

hope that helps uh..



Health is a ecious thing. If you have a good health u are so lucky

Which of the following beliefs is the best example of an ethnic and racial bias, prejudice, or stereotype?

A. All followers of a specific religion or spiritual belief are violent or intolerant.
B. All immigrants from a specific country are lazy or less capable of academic achievement.
C. All people who are making minimum wage are lazy, unmotivated, and lacking in ambition.
D. All women tend to be more emotional, less logical, and mentally fragile during crises.​


B. All immigrants from a specific country are lazy and less capable for academic achievement.

This is the correct answer because immigrants refer to ethnicity.

All immigrants from a specific country are lazy or less capable of academic achievement is the best example of an ethnic and racial bias, prejudice, or stereotype. Thus, the correct option is B.

What is ethnicity?

The term "ethnicity" refers to a person's background heritage, culture, religion, ancestry, or occasionally, the nation of their birth.

Immigration boosts economic growth. Immigrants improve the economy's productivity and GDP when they join the work force. Their earnings increase, but so do natives'.

For more information regarding ethnicity, visit:



Which scenario provides the best example of someone whose healthy meal planning is impacted by time?

A. Hernando was diagnosed with celiac disease as a teenager, so he cannot eat anything with gluten. He has to seek out other options to meet his daily fiber intake.

B. Owen has been a very picky eater since he was a small child. Now a teenager, he helps his parents prepare dinners to make sure that the ingredients are ones he enjoys eating.

C. Meghan is saving for graduate school, so she has a limited budget to spend on her food. Since fresh fruits and vegetables are expensive, she sometimes has to opt for frozen or canned.

D. Shayna lives with her parents, and everyone in the family has a hectic school or work schedule. By the time they all get home, it's late and there's little time to prepare a healthy meal.​





He is meeting the daily mark of fiber, meanwhile

Owen is a picky eater and only EATS what he ENJOYS so that cant be the answer.

Meghan cant "Afford" Vegetables to she eats frozen or canned food which arent healthy for you So that cant be the answer either

Shayna has no time to make a healthy meal so that cant be it either

(Hope this helps!)


D. Shayna lives with her parents, and everyone in the family has a hectic school or work schedule. By the time they all get home, it's late and there's little time to prepare a healthy meal.​


It is impacted by time because once she gets home it is too late to prepare a healthy meal.

Hernando's diet is impacted by a medical condition.

Owen's diet is impacted by being a picky eater.

Meghan's diet is impacted by money since she has a budget.

So only Shayna's diet is impacted by time which means the answer is D

control and stress related to which aspect of health​



Indeed, stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. Being able to recognize common stress symptoms can help you manage them. Stress that's left unchecked can contribute to many health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.



Control and stress are related to spirituality. These are things that are directly related to your spirit, and the only way of controlling them is to control your inner self - which is spirituality.

Give reason why Environmental problems are just as real, just as controversial and just as in need of intelligent solutions which is possible through educated and dedicated environmentalists. ​




Environmentalism or environmental rights is a broad philosophy, ideology, and social movement regarding concerns for environmental protection and improvement of the health of the environment, particularly as the measure for this health seeks to incorporate the impact of changes to the environment on humans, animals, plants and non-living matter. While environmentalism focuses more on the environmental and nature-related aspects of green ideology and politics, ecology combines the ideology of social ecology and environmentalism.

Environmentalism advocates the preservation, restoration and improvement of the natural environment and critical earth system elements or processes such as the climate, and may be referred to as a movement to control pollution or protect plant and animal diversity.[1] For this reason, concepts such as a land ethic, environmental ethics, biodiversity, ecology, and the biophilia hypothesis figure predominantly.

At its crux, environmentalism is an attempt to balance relations between humans and the various natural systems on which they depend in such a way that all the components are accorded a proper degree of sustainability. The exact measures and outcomes of this balance is controversial and there are many different ways for environmental concerns to be expressed in practice. Environmentalism and environmental concerns are often represented by the colour green,[2] but this association has been appropriated by the marketing industries for the tactic known as greenwashing.

Environmentalism is opposed by anti-environmentalism, which says that the Earth is less fragile than some environmentalists maintain, and portrays environmentalism as overreacting to the human contribution to climate change or opposing human advancement.

Thank you dear for marking me as brainlist.

Environmental problems are indeed just as real, controversial, and in need of intelligent solutions as any other societal issue. Here are several reasons why:

Global Impact: Environmental problems have far-reaching consequences that transcend borders and affect the entire planet. Interconnectedness: The environment is interconnected with various aspects of human life, including social, economic, and cultural factors. Controversy and Conflicting Interests: Environmental problems often involve conflicting interests, such as economic development versus conservation, corporate interests versus public health, or short-term gains versus long-term sustainability.

Learn more about Environmental problems, here:



What part of the brain is /are being tested when a police officer asks a DWI suspect to walk a straight line and touch his finger to his nose and to follow his finger as it draws a line around the face from side to side



the answer is the corpus collusum

satisfaction and happiness is quality of life. justify....
please give a bit long answer​



yes they are quality of life.Without satisfaction and happyiness people cant progree if.person is not happy they are not being satisfaction.

what is meant by psychological aspect of health,population and environment



Explanation of the question is as follows;


Relationship between psychological factors and health, demographic, and environment: The psychological component is concerned with human thought, attitude, and conduct. The availability of infrastructure and amenities creates a good attitude and behaviour with the social and economic environment, whereas scarcity creates a negative attitude and conduct.

A conversation begins by listening to each other's concerns and desires before coming to a compromise everyone is comfortable with. This best describes the positive communication method of

A. focusing on an exchange of ideas
B. negotiating and exercising flexibility
C. seeking to understand and support
D. using productive "I" messages​



B. negotiating and exercising flexibility


I'm not 100% sure about this one but I think that is the answer.

Negotiating and exercising flexibility is what this best describe.

Good negotiators often come with one or more backup plans. Consider all solutions to the problem before entering a negotiation.

What best describe the positive communication?It can be defined as an interaction based on positive emotions, aimed at mutual understanding and satisfying for all the parties involved. Positive communication is constructive, effective, supportive and colored with good emotions. These characteristics can be regarded as its constituent features.Positive communication can help prevent miscommunication and confusion and can reduce errors while increasing productivity and understanding.It helps eliminate misunderstandings and can encourage a healthy and peaceful work environment and culture.

To know more about good communication here



how are physical and chimestry with health education​


Because you need to make sure you know the inside and out how how the body anatomy works

An individual receives frequent injections of drugs, which are administered in a small examination room at a clinic. The drug itself causes increased heart rate but after several trips to the clinic, simply being in a small room causes an increased heart rate.

Identify the following.

a. Unconditioned stimulus _____.

b. Unconditioned response _____.

c. Conditioned response _____.

d. Conditioned stimulus _____.


Answer C A conditioned response is a behavior that does not come naturally, but must be learned by the individual by pairing a neutral stimulus with a potent stimulus. The potent stimulus is one that does not require any learning or conditioning to respond to appropriately.

Which of the following statements best describes how family genetics can influence your health?

A. Established male and female roles in your house can determine who is responsible for childcare or income.

B. The makeup of family members in the household, such as living with multiple generations, can define your family structure.

C. Some diseases are hereditary, so while you can take steps to minimize the risk, you may have a tendency to develop them.

D. Whether or not your family has easy access to affordable and reliable healthcare can influence your overall health.​





It flows through Their DNA, they can pass it on to the next generation because of it

Generics is the study that involves the inheritance and flow of traits. It influences health as some diseases are hereditary and can be developed even if steps are taken to minimize them. Thus, option C is correct.

What is genetics?

Genetics is the inheritance of the traits and characteristics that gives the genotype and the phenotype to an organism through reproduction. Along with phenotypic traits, the disease is also heritable and can pass from one generation to another.

The disease can be prevented through various methods but, there is still a possibility that a person or an organism can develop the disease if it is present in its family tree.

Therefore, genetics influences health as diseases can get inherited.

Learn more about genetics here:



what could be some neurodegenerative disorder​


Examples of neurodegenerative diseases are:

Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other dementias Parkinson's disease (PD) and PD-related disorders Prion disease Motor neurone diseases (MND) Huntington's disease (HD) Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).

Hope it helps!

Benjamin Franklin said, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." This can be applied to your physical health, mental health, and fitness. What do you think this means?



This means that prevention is worth a proud of cure that can be applied in pT, Mental H and etc

The term which derives from the Greek meaning sac, bladder is



The term which derives from the Greek meaning sac , bladder is cyst


may this answer is helpful for you

Which action is most likely to help you avoid violent situations?
O A. Find supportive friends.
B. Avoid supportive friends.
O c. Argue with violent people.
O D. Interact with abusive people.



A.Find supportive friends

components of plasma



plasma include antibodies, clotting factors, and the proteins albumin and fibrinogen.


Plasma contains about 90 percent water, with 10 percent being made up of ions, proteins, dissolved gases, nutrient molecules, and wastes. The proteins in plasma include the antibody proteins, coagulation factors, and the proteins albumin and fibrinogen which maintain serum osmotic pressure.

Plasma constitutes 55% of total blood volume. Composed of 90% water, salts, lipids and hormones, it is especially rich in proteins (including its main protein albumin), immunoglobulins, clotting factors and fibrinogen.

Muscles are arranged in "opposing teams," which means that _____. one slides beneath the other as one team pushes, the other team pulls as one team pulls, the other relaxes both teams are involved in a "tug-of-war" type of movement





answer is here in full length

Which of the following is a way to demonstrate active listening?

A. Do not look the speaker in the eyes
B. Interrupt the speaker with questions
C. Plan your response while the speaker is talking
D. Watch the speaker's body language​





Not A, B, or C, because when someone is talking to you, you should pay attention to what they are saying and doing. You should look them in the eye and wait for them to finish before you begin talking.

I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and mark brainliest pls!

Active listening is the part of communication that includes an attentive listener. To demonstrate active listening, the listener should watch the speaker's body language. Thus, option D is correct.

What is active listening?

Active listening is the communication component that includes the observation and listening of verbal and non-verbal gestures of the speaker. this allows the active engagement of both the speaker and the audience. Body language is a non-verbal action that should be noticed by the audience.

The active listener must respond to the speaker, listen attentively, understand and retain the ideas of the speaker, and should provide feedback for the message presented. The audience must maintain eye balance and should observe the body language of the speaker.

Therefore, option D. the body language of the speaker is part of active listening.

Learn more about active listening here:



Which statement summarizes this passage about evaluating health information?

Scientific studies have limits.
Internet sites interpret scientific data.
Secondary sources lack medical expertise.
Newspaper articles are reliable medical sources.


Answer: Secondary sources lack medical expertise.


You didn't give the passage to the question but I got the passage online which I read and answered the question accordingly.

The passage provided recommendations on determining the reliability of a source or not such as when dealing with the sources that are related to health.

Based on the information given in the passage, the author explains that the evaluation of the data of sources is necessary in order to determine if an information is backed by evidence. The author also explains that secondary sources relies on the interpretation of another person and may therefore lack expertise which implies that secondary sources lack credibility and medical expertise.


secondary sources lack medical experience


Cardio kickboxing is a form of ________ exercise.



Cardio kickboxing is a group fitness class that combines martial arts techniques with fast-paced cardio. This high-energy workout challenges the beginner and elite athlete alike. Build stamina, improve coordination and flexibility, and burn calories as you build lean muscle with this fun and challenging workout.

Why do AED pads need to be placed one inch away from jewelry or pacemakers? The metals will melt and spread in the body if the AED is placed closer. The metals will heat up and cause skin burns if the AED is placed closer. Electricity cannot travel through metals if the AED is placed closer. Electricity will make the heart beat faster if the AED is placed closer.



because the metals will heat up and cause burns


AED Pad act as a defibrillator and is used to treat patients with life-threatening cardiac dysrhythmias.

AED pads need to be placed one inch away from jewelry or pacemakers  because the metals will heat up and cause burns. As AED pads uses electrical impulses for defibrillation and can affect the pacemaker as it is also conductive in nature and get heated up if attached together.



Question 3:
Which of these is NOT a way you can be exposed to chemicals?
Click on the correct answer below, then click the Submit button.
A) Splashing in your eyes
B) Holding chemicals while wearing vinyl gloves
C) Breathing in dust or vapor
D) Absorption through your skin
E) Swallowing them


B holding it with gloves

Okay this is not a question abt my assignment but- my ex told me he still loves me, what do i say?


just say " I don't have feelings for you now"

You are assigned to Mrs Goretz. She finds it difficult to get around, and spends MOST of her time in the living room looking out a small window at the bird's that happen by. she gets great enjoyment from this, in fact it's her only activity.Recent rain has left this window dirty and hard to see through. your agency policy says that homemakers don't get clean windows, but your supervisor says the decision is up to you.


Sometimes it is important to indulge ethical and moral consideration while providing care for patients. As a homemaker, it is important to perform the all task that has been assigned. In this case, where the person is unable to move around and find joy in a particular thing such as looking out a small window at the birds. It is a moral act to clean the window to do good for her. Because this is only the source of joy for her. Hence cleaning window so that she can see through it and become happy is a good deed.

How does the act of migration bring adverse effect on environment and health of people



Changes in climate, in conjunction with other drivers of mobility, shape human migration. While there is an increasing focus on the adaptive potential of migration, the health impacts of climate-related migration, including planned relocation and forced displacement, have not been thoroughly examined. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated that migration is currently, and will increasingly be, influenced by environmental degradation and climate change, and that it needs to be addressed in a focused and coordinated manner.


This paper examines the links between climate change, migration, and health, considering diverse migration responses, including immobility, forced displacement and planned migration, as well as the associated health risks and opportunities in different contexts. Using case studies, the paper illustrates strategies to reduce the health risks associated with climate change-related migration.


While there is an increasing body of research examining the climate change–migration nexus, a dual approach is now required. This approach must include debate and further research regarding the health consequences and responses associated with climate migration as well as immediate strengthening of health systems to make them both climate resilient and migrant inclusive.

Keywords: Climate change, Migration, Displacement, Relocation, Public health, Governance, Adaptation, Human mobility, Environmental change

The nexus between climate change, migration, and health

Human migration in response to ecological change has been occurring since the origin of our species [1], yet the push that anthropogenic climate change is currently exerting on human migration is relatively new and gradually intensifying [2].

BRAINLIEST!! pls help

Does the color blue make people feel calmer?

explain in two to three sentences what your hypothesis will be for your research question





The color blue is often associated with depression/sadness, therefore not exactly calming. A calming color would be a lighter, not brash, color, which soothes.


Yes blue color makes us feel good and soothing.

It's one of the ideal color to use in a bedroom since it can actually help you sleep. One intresting thing about blue light.is.... when in (scotland), blue lights were set up in glasgow of street light, there were dramatic decrease in crime.

why humans are more intelligent then other animals?​



Humans have evolved to their surroundings faster than other animals. But as other animals have done so too, animals can't communicate with each other as us humans do. Each animal is intelligent in its own way because of the characteristics they have. For example, birds have wings and can sense when an earthquake is coming. Humans have more brain than other animals making us a bit more smart.

Hope this helped.

evolution my man, we are no longer monkeys

do you think all illegal drugs should be legalized. why or why not


It all depends on the drug, most illegal drugs deserve to be illegal due to health issues, meanwhile most dont

Question 10
1 pts
What care is given by specialists to help restore or improve function after an illness or injury?
O Rehabilitation
O Subacute care
O Adult day services
O Acute care


It’s rehabilitation

this person is right. the answer is rehabilitation

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