Which of the following explanations is true based upon the graph?

I. Lamb and mutton produce less protein per square meter than pig meat and poultry.
II. More land is needed for plants than combined beef to produce 100 grams of protein.
III . Meat production is less efficient than farming protein from fish and prawns.

A.) I only
B.) II only
C.) I and III only
D.) II and III only


Answer 1


B.) II only


More land is needed for plants than combined beef to produce 100 grams of protein because plants produces very low amount of protein as compared to beef that produces large amount of protein. Beef is made up of protein so when we eat it, it provides large amount of protein while on the other hand, plant body is made up of other molecules and very little amount of proteins.

Related Questions

How does Passive Transport and/or Active Transport help a cell maintain homeostasis?



Types of passive transport include simple diffusion, osmosis, and facilitated diffusion. Active transport requires energy from the cell. Cell transport helps cells maintain homeostasis by keeping conditions within normal ranges inside all of an organism's cells.


Why are dogs color blind?



It is caused by abnormalities in color-detecting molecules, known as cones, in the retina.

I hope this will help you

Select the best description of amino acid metabolism: Group of answer choices Amino acid metabolism does not occur. Aerobic metabolism of amino acid requires deamination. Metabolism of amino acids is the primary source of energy during long-duration exercise. Metabolism of amino acids is the primary source of energy during short bursts of activity. Can reduce urea production from ammonia in the liver.



Aerobic metabolism of amino acid requires deamination


Living system can be defined as the internal systems of organisms and how materials circulate within organisms.

Generally, these living systems are self-organized life forms and are known to be very much interactive with their surroundings or environment. Also, living systems are dependent on the flow of information, matter and energy at various levels.

Some examples of living systems in organisms are respiratory system, nervous system, digestive system, and circulatory system.

Additionally, living systems comprises of the following components; cells, organs, muscle, tissues, blood, etc., which are typically used for carrying out various bodily functions such as respiration, digestion, metabolism, etc.

Metabolism can be defined as a set of chemical processes carried out by a living organism such as humans, plants and animals, in order to sustain life.

Aerobic (oxygen-using) metabolism can be defined as a biological process that typically involves the extraction of energy from any carbohydrate source such as amino acids, fatty acids, etc.

Basically, an aerobic metabolism of amino acid is a process that requires deamination.

Generally, proteins comprises of amino acids and it is responsible for maintaining the proper functioning of the body system.

Transamination can be defined as a biochemical process which typically involves the removal of amino groups from amino acids and transferring them to a ketoacid (amino acid without an amine group), so as to form new amino acids.

Basically, transamination is a reversible oxidation-reduction reaction that is responsible for the deamination of amino acids.

Explain five subjects of applied science​



Areas of study include chemistry, biology, microbiology, food nutrition, and environmental sciences.

what are the cells that pass from parents to their children



Genes are the blueprint for our bodies. If a gene contains a change, it disrupts the gene message. Changes in genes can cause a wide range of conditions. Sometimes a changed gene is inherited, which means it is passed on from parent to child. Changes in genes can also occur spontaneously.

Cell specialization is important during the growth and development of
a multicellular organism. This process is most directly regulated by





A cell can be defined as the fundamental or basic functional, structural and smallest unit of life for all living organisms.

Cell specialization is also referred to as cell differentiation and it can be defined as a biological process through which generic cells transform into specific cell types, so as to enable them perform certain functions within the body of a living organism.

Simply stated, it's the special function or job in the body of a living organism that are associated with cells.

Generally, cell specialization plays a significant role in the development of embryos.

Some living organisms are unicellular while others are multicellular in nature.

A unicellular organism refers to a living organism that possess a single-cell while a multicellular organism has many (multiple) cells.

Cell specialization is fundamental and key for the growth and development of a multicellular organism.

Furthermore, cell specialization as a process is most directly regulated by protein; one super regulating protein encourages cell differentiation while the other tries to stop or prevent the process. These proteins are referred to as master regulating proteins or Helix-Loop-Helix proteins.

Skin Contact: In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Get medical attention immediately.



yes sir or maam because all types of skin can have germs


Answer: yes

Explanation: because all types of skin can have germs

which provides long-term energy storage


I think it's a nuclear


nuclear energy has by far the highest capacity factor of any other energy source

A woman discovers that her family has a history of a rare, X-linked genetic disorder that causes symptoms late in life. Her mother and father didn’t have the disease, but all three of her brothers do. What is the probability that the woman will have the disease as well?
A. 100%
B. 75%
C. 50%
D. 25%
E. 0%



explanation: the mother has two x’s and the father has an xy so the sons got an affected x from the mother, and a y from the father. the woman could get either x from the mother (affected or not) and the x from the father (unaffected since the father didn’t have the disease)

“Red rust is one of the destructive diseases in tea plants which results adverse effect on tea yield. It is caused by a type of algae.” Which discipline of Biology is related to explain the above statement?
a) Mycology. b) Agronomy. c) Pathology. d) Phycology​



The correct answer is - c) Pathology.


Mycology is the branch of biology in which students study fungi and their characteristics including their biochemistry, taxonomy, and genetics.

Agronomy is the other branch of biology that deals with agriculture and its practices and work to improve the crops.

Phycology is the study of algae and their characteristics including their biochemistry, taxonomy, and genetics.

The disease and its causes are studied under the pathology branch o  biology therefore, red rust would be studying in this discipline.

Which compound is known as end product of purine nucleotide metabolism? * Uric acid Carbonic acid Uronic acid Citric acid


Uric acid is the answer mate

Which of the following molecules contains three phosphate groups?



D) ATP contains three phosphate groups.


what happens to the space inside the bell jar when the stretchy rubber is pulled downwards ?



anong brainly to walang pilipino?

A supermarket chain advertises that its plastic carrier-
bags are 'environmentally friendly'. These bags are
made from polythene and contain added starch. A
student decided to find out if the claim is true. In the
investigation the student buried a piece of plastic from
the bag in a pot of soil and left it for one month. When
the plastic was dug up there were many small holes in
The drawings show the plastic, as seen through a
before and after being buried.
Plastic buried for 1 month
Plastic before being
a) Explain, as fully as you can, the process that caused
the holes to appear in the plastic.​



The holes were formed from either.., bugs could have ate the starch and the polyethylene was not a deterrent?

It may be biodegradable because it is edible to bugs? I'm not  sure that makes it completely biodegradable though.


copy and paste this link. Explains alot?

Which organism obtains its energy exclusively from dead or decaying matter?



Bacteria obtains energy from dead bodies of animals and plants.

The decomposers are the organism, which feed on the dead and decaying matter.

cara meneutralkan cuka dengan menggunakan larutan natrium hidroksida​


Can yu use english , hindi , or punjabi language
Then i ll able to help yu !

on a planinetric map the blank is used to convert between the distance on the map the actual distance in real life


Answer: the map scale is used


Multiple species of lizard feed on insects in the Caribbean islands. One
species of lizard lives on the ground, while another lives on tree branches.
Which statement is true of these two lizard species?
A. They have adapted to different niches due to competition.
B. They have adapted to different niches due to predation.
C. They have a mutualistic relationship with the insect species.
O D. They have the same niche: the Caribbean islands.


DI hope this really helped you

The two species of lizards have adapted to different niches to avoid competition. Therefore, option"A" is correct.

What is an ecological niche?

An ecological niche is the particular habitat of a  particular species in an ecosystem. The term was coined by Joseph Grinnell in  1917. The selection of a niche depends on the environmental condition, to avoid competition and availability of the food. The different types of niches are spatial niches, tropical niches, and hypervolume niches.

Habitat is defined as the coexistence of abiotic and biotic things. Examples of habitats are the ocean and forests. A niche whereas is an inclusive space occupied by species in a habitat.

The ecological niche is occupied by a species of organism to avoid competition.

Learn more about an ecological niche, here:



Biology B (CR) (ACC. Ed)(Dixon) / Principles of Evolution
3. How many total, non-unique alleles are there for each gene in a population of 250 humans?
A 125
B 1000
C 500
D 250



C. 500


Each human has 2 alleles, which you do 250*2, getting 500

Which chamber of the heart pumps blood to the rest of the body
A. Left ventricle
B. Right atrium
C. Left atrium
D. Right ventricle



A. Left Ventricle


The left ventricle pumps the oxygen-rich blood through the aortic valve out to the rest of the body.

What is the most likely effect of freshwater pollution?
O A. Polluted groundwater lowers the porosity of the zone of
O B. Invasive plants develop resistance to overused herbicides.
O C. Soil becomes contaminated, causing invasive plant species to
crowd out local species.
O D. Groundwater becomes overused, lowering the water table.




Maybe this...

I think

The most likely effect of freshwater pollution is Soil becomes contaminated, causing invasive plant species to crowd out local species. Option C is correct.

Polluted groundwater can seep into the soil, contaminating it with harmful chemicals. These chemicals can then make their way into the food chain, harming both plants and animals. Invasive plant species are those that are not native to an area and can outcompete native species for resources. When soil is contaminated, it can create an environment that is more favorable for invasive plant species, which can then crowd out local species.

Polluted groundwater lowering the porosity of the zone of saturation, is not a direct effect of pollution. Invasive plants developing resistance to overused herbicides, is more likely to be caused by overuse of herbicides, not pollution. Groundwater becoming overused, lowering the water table, is a possible effect of pollution, but it is less likely than soil contamination. Option C is correct.

To know more about the Pollution, here



Match the seven major evolutionary trends in animal body organization to its definition. Body Symmetry Cellular organization Body segmentation Cephalization Digestive Tract Appendages Body Support System A. animal body shape, whether radial or bilateral symmetry B. a collection of cells or whether it has tissues, organs, and organ systems C. specialization of distinct body regions; repetitive units D. a concentrated sensory structure at the anterior end of the animal E. a single opening or two openings to take in food and/or eject waste F. legs, tentacles, antennae, and fins G. skeletons or hydrostatic structures



The answer is below


Considering the seven major evolutionary trends in animal body organization against the available definition, here is the final answer to the question.

1. Body Symmetry - A. animal body shape, whether radial or bilateral symmetry

2. Cellular organization - B. a collection of cells or whether it has tissues, organs, and organ systems

3. Body segmentation - C. specialization of distinct body regions; repetitive units

4. Cephalization - D. a concentrated sensory structure at the anterior end of the animal

5. Digestive Tract - E. a single opening or two openings to take in food and/or eject waste

6. Appendages - F. legs, tentacles, antennae, and fins

7. Body Support System - G. skeletons or hydrostatic structures

A large protein that passes through the nuclear pore must have an appropriate A)sorting sequence, which typically contains the positively charged amino acids lysine and arginine. B)sorting sequence, which typically contains the hydrophobic amino acids leucine and isoleucine. C)sequence to interact with the nuclear fibrils. D)Ran-interacting protein domain. Multiple Choice



A)sorting sequence, which typically contains the positively charged amino acids lysine and arginine.


Protein sorting refers to the cellular process by which proteins are transported to their corresponding localizations both inside or outside the cell. A nuclear localization sequence (NLS) is a short amino acid signaling sequence that is able to mediate the transport of proteins into the nucleus. The proteins that are 'tagged' by an NLS sequence can pass through the nuclear envelope via nuclear pores. This sequence (NLS) is typically composed of protein motifs consisting of positively charged lysine (Lys) and arginine (Arg) amino acid residues, which are exposed on the protein surface. In consequence, the NLS sequence is recognized by the importin α/β heterodimer receptor, which transports the NLS-tagged protein into the nucleus. It has been shown that the deletion of the NLS sequence disrupts nuclear import, whereas the fusion of non-nuclear proteins with NLS sequences represents a useful strategy to introduce proteins into the nucleus.

14). Clonal selection and differentiation of B cells activated by antigen exposure leads to the production of ________. A) large quantities of the antigen initially recognized B) vast numbers of B cells with random antigen-recognition receptors C) long-lived erythrocytes that can later secrete antibodies for the antigen D) short-lived plasma cells that secrete antibodies for the antigen



The correct answer is D) short-lived plasma cells that secrete antibodies for the antigen


Each B lymphocyte has an antigen receptor (BCR: B cell receptor), a surface immunoglobulin (IgM or IgD), that binds to specific domains of the antigen called antigenic determinants or epitopes. Only B lymphocytes with a high antibody affinity for the antigen, and which are capable of processing and presenting it, will be positively selected. In this contact between the two cells, an exchange of chemical signals takes place that leads to the activation, clonal proliferation and differentiation of B cells into two sister subclones: one of antibody-secreting plasma cells, and the other of memory primed B cells. Therefore, only these last positively selected B lymphocytes will survive, proliferate and differentiate into plasma cells, synthesizing and secreting antibodies of a single isotypic class, with a unique specificity and high affinity, improving the ability to adhere to the antigen and, thus , neutralize and destroy pathogens.

The Krebs cycle is a series of chemical reactions that: Group of answer choices Metabolize acetyl-CoA and produce ATP, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen ions Metabolize lactate and produces pyruvate, ATP, and hydrogen ions Metabolizes water and produces ATP and hydrogen ions Metabolizes alcohol and produces ATP and water in the mitochondria Breaks fatty acids into two-carbon molecules



Metabolize acetyl-CoA and produce ATP, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen ions.


Cellular respiration can be defined as a series of metabolic reactions that typically occur in the cells of living organisms, so as to produce energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

During cellular respiration, high energy intermediates are created which are then oxidized to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Also, the high energy intermediary products are produced at the glycolysis and citric acid cycle stage.

Glycolysis can be defined as a biological process that uses the energy released and stored during the Krebs cycle to form adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Thus, glycolysis is a series of chemical reactions that is typically used to break glucose into pyruvic acid.

Krebs cycle is also referred to as the citric acid cycle (TCA cycle) and it can be defined as a series of enzyme-catalyzed reactions used to release stored energy in most living organisms by metabolizing (oxidation) acetyl-CoA which are typically derived from proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

This ultimately implies that, the Krebs cycle is a series of chemical reactions that metabolize acetyl-CoA and produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), carbon dioxide, and hydrogen ions.


Phosphorus is mainly found in the environment stored in
A. the atmosphere
OB. legumes
C. mineral deposits
D. denitrifying bacteria


Answers: I think it’s a or c


what is/are the function(s) of the cell cycle?



Yea it's DNA replication


From g00gle:

" The most basic function of the cell cycle is to duplicate accurately the vast amount of DNA in the chromosomes and then segregate the copies precisely into two genetically identical daughter cells. These processes define the two major phases of the cell cycle. "

In terms of base nucleotides, explain the only difference between the DNA message for normal hemoglobin and the DNA message for sickle-cell hemoglobin.



In the 1950s, Vernon Ingram demonstrated that the only structural difference between normal adult hemoglobin and sickle-cell hemoglobin is the replacement of glutamic acid with valine in the β-globin amino acid chain (Ingram, 1957; 1959).

its may help you


1. Identify Study the picture of the cockroach to the
right and identify some characteristics that
you could use to describe a cockroach



you should use the head and the body to describe a cockroach


what happens to the space inside the bell jar when the stretchy rubber is pulled down?



The cavity inside the bell jar is airtight. As the diaphragm is pulled down, the volume of the cavity increases


The cavity inside the bell jar is airtight. As the diaphragm is pulled down, the volume of the cavity increases.

This causes an increase in pressure within the bell jar, the air rushes out of the balloons causing them to deflate.

Please mark brainliest

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Can someone help me with this pls?? The purpose of an introduction in a piece of writing includes all the following goals, exceptto engage the readers attentionto announce the purpose of the piece of writingto clarify the relevance of the topic to the readerto provide evidence support of the thesis please help! i can never understand these problems please help me with this on the image The volume of a ball, V cm", is directly proportional to the cube of its radius, r. When r = 7.5. V = 562.54 cm (a) Find the equation connecting V and r. Give the value of k, the constant, in terms of . (b) Calculate the value of V when r = 9, giving your answer in terms of . . known as an industrial center, Hartford was the home of manufacturers of firearms, typewriters, bicycles, and even cars.A. AlthoughB. BecauseC. OnceD. Owing to Choose the Right Part of SpeechDirections: Choose the best answer.1. The BOY is eating. (What part of speech is the word "BOY" in this sentence?)a. verb b. adjective c. noun d. adverb2. The girl ate some delicious FRUIT.a. adjective b. noun c. verb d. adverb3. Mary WILL TAKE a course in quantam physics this fall.a. adjective b. noun c. pronoun d. verb4. The students ARE WRITING a long essay for class.a. noun b. adverb c. verb d. adjective5. Everyone THINKS the cafeteria food is terrible.a. verb b. noun c. pronoun d. adjective6. The child kicked the BLUE ball yesterday.a. noun b. adjective c. adverb d. verb7. I am SAD.a. pronoun b. verb c. adjective d. noun8. These birds all FLY together.a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. adjective9. The black FLY is swimming in my soup.a. noun b. verb c. adjective d. pronoun10. It is dark in here. We need to turn on the LIGHT.a. verb b. pronoun c. adjective d. noun11. It is dark in here. We should LIGHT a candle.a. verb b. pronoun c. adverb d. noun12. A truck is very heavy. A feather, on the other hand, is very LIGHT.a. verb b. adjective c. adverb d. noun13. The ice is very thin. Be careful! You must walk LIGHTLY on the ice!a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. adjective what is ecosystem and why do we need it synonyms1. SwellA. pulseB. exterminateC. knowD. exceedE. enlarge2. NameA. announceB. numberC. stretchD. curiosityE. attach character sketch of child's father in "The Lost Child" A shirt purchased at full price for $20, or a $30 shirt purchased for 50% (half ) off? On Jan. 1, 2018, your cousin, Laura, purchased one $1,000, 5-year semiannual bond with a coupon rate of 8%. The yield of the bond was 8% at the time. How much did Laura pay for the bond? Money markets trade securities that: _______________I. mature in one year or less. II. have little chance of loss of principal. III. must be guaranteed by the federal government. a. I and III only b. I only c. I and II only d. I, II, and III - calculate relative formula mass[N=14, O=16, Mg=24, Al=27]1) Mg(NO3)2- calculate relative molecular mass[H=1, C=12, O=16]1) C4H102) CH3COOH Hi- how do we calculate the distance from C to D? Thanks so much! Han Products manufactures 29,000 units of part S-6 each year for use on its production line. At this level of activity, the cost per unit for part S-6 is:Direct materials $3.70Direct labor 12.00Variable manufacturing overhead 2.30Fixed manufacturing overhead 9.00Total cost per part $27.00An outside supplier has offered to sell 29,000 units of part S-6 each year to Han Products for $23 per part. If Han Products accepts this offer, the facilities now being used to manufacture part S-6 could be rented to another company at an annual rental of $79,000. However, Han Products has determined that two-thirds of the fixed manufacturing overhead being applied to part S-6 would continue even if part S-6 were purchased from the outside supplier.Required:What is the financial advantage (disadvantage) of accepting the outside suppliers offer? that describes all forms of human communication that are not verbal If price is less than the average variable cost of a representative firm in a competitive industry in short-run:_________A. there will be exit from the industry immediately.B. the firms in the industry should shut down and produce no outputC. the firms in the industry are just earning a normal rate of return.D. the firms should produce a level of output in which marginal cost is equal to price.E. the industry is in long-run equilibrium. How do I learn an accent quickly? Which is the best one to pick? I'm confused help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!