Which of the following is not a difference between photosynthesis and
cellular respiration?
A. Where they occur in cells
B. Being part of the carbon cycle
C. The products of the processes
D. The materials needed for the processes


Answer 1


[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf B. \ Being \ part \ of \ the \ carbon \ cycle}}[/tex]


Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are both important processes to utilize energy and maintain life in an organism. There are many differences between the two, but we are asked to identify the answer that is not a difference.

A. Where they occur in cells

Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts in plants, algae, and some bacteria. Cellular respiration occurs in mitochondria in all organisms. This is a difference.

B. Part of the carbon cycle

The carbon cycle describes the exchange and movement of carbon throughout the Earth, atmosphere, and biosphere. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and cellular respiration produces it, so they are both part of the carbon cycle. This is not a difference. This seems to be correct, but let's check the other choices.

C. The products of the processes

Photosynthesis produces oxygen and glucose, while cellular respiration makes carbon dioxide, water, and energy or ATP.

D. The materials needed for the processes

Photosynthesis needs carbon dioxide, water, and energy from the sun, while cellular respiration needs oxygen and glucose.

Both photosynthesis and cellular respiration are part of the carbon cycle, so the choice that is not a difference is Choice B.

Related Questions

Match the organelle (1-4) with the correct description (5-8). 1) mitochondrion 5) synthesizing molecules 2) centriole 6) liquid in cell 3) endoplasmic reticulum 7) provides cell with energy 4) cytosol 8) aids the formation of the spindle apparatusA) 1 and 5, 2 and 6, 3 and 7, 4 and 8 B) 1 and 7, 2 and 6, 3 and 8, 4 and 5 C) 1 and 7, 2 and 8, 3 and 5, 4 and 6 D) 1 and 8,2 and 5, 3 and 6, 4 and7 E) 1 and 6, 2 and 8, 3 and 5, 4 and7



C) 1 and 7, 2 and 8, 3 and 5, 4 and 6  


1 and 7: 1) mitochondrion; 7) provides the cell with energy

The mitochondrion is the organelle that produces the energy that the cell needs for its functions. It synthesizes adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which storages large quantities of energy in its bonds.

2 and 8: 2) centriole; 8) aids the formation of the spindle apparatus

The centrioles have a crucial role during mitosis. They form the spindle apparatus that attaches to the chromosomes, moving them to the opposite poles of the cell.

3 and 5: 3) endoplasmic reticulum; 5) synthesizing molecules

The endoplasmatic reticulum is a continuous membrane connected to the nuclear membrane. There are two types, the Rough Endoplasmatic Reticulum (RER) and the Smooth Endoplasmatic Reticulum (SER). The first one synthesizes proteins, while the second one synthesizes lipids.

4 and 6: 4) cytosol; 6) liquid in the cell

The cytosol is the liquid that is inside the cell. It is mostly water, but it also has ions and molecules. It is important for the transport of substances.

The correct match between organelles and their description is - Option C.  1 and 7, 2 and 8, 3 and 5, 4 and 6.

In the cell, there are many organelles that perform different and specific functions essential for the cell to survive. These organelles help in synthesizing molecules, energy production, cell division, and many others.

Mitochondrion: it is a cell organelle that is the site of cellular respiration, which is a process that breaks the sugar molecule and releases a high amount of energy in the form of ATP. Therefore, it is known as the powerhouse of the cell. Thus, correctly matches with 7) provides the cell with energyCentriole: It is organelles that help to form the spindle during the cell division in the cell that makes the region at the poles where spindle fibers form. Thus, it correctly matches with 8) aids the formation of the spindle apparatus.Endoplasmic reticulum: It is organelles that synthesize various molecules such as hormones and other protein molecules, Rough ER has ribosomes attached to it that synthesize proteins. Thus, correctly matches with 5) synthesizing moleculesCytosol: It is a semi-fluid-like substance made up of a lot of water, dissolved ions, smaller minute molecules, and proteins. It has filled in the interior cellular space. Thus, the correctly matches with 6) liquid in the cell.

Thus, the correct answer is - Option C.

Learn more about cell organelles:


g Cerebrospinal fluid formed in the lateral ventricles travels through the ________ to reach the third ventricle.


Answer: Interventricular foramen


The cerebrospinal fluid is a fluid that covers the brain and spinal cord. It circulates through the subarachnoid space, the cerebral ventricles and the ependymal canal. Several diseases alter its composition and its study usually detects meningeal infections, carcinomatosis and hemorrhages. Some of its functions are:

Hydropneumatic support against local pressure for the encephalon.Eliminates metabolites from the central nervous system.Protects the central nervous system from trauma.

This fluid also fills the ventricles, which are large open structures deep within the brain and help keep the brain buoyant and cushioned. The lateral ventricles are the largest ventricles and connect to the third ventricle through the intraventricular foramen. This third ventricle is a narrow, medial cavity located between the diencephalic masses. Then, the interventricular foramina are channels that connect with the ventricles of the lateral walls and with the third ventricle, at the level of the midline of the brain. Like these channels, they allow cerebrospinal fluid to circulate through the rest of the ventricular system of the brain. The walls of the foramina also contain choroid plexuses, responsible for the production of cerebrospinal fluid, which continue in both the lateral ventricles and the third ventricle. After reaching the third ventricle, the cerebrospinal fluid travels through the median aperture into the subarachnoid space at the base of the brain.

Dalits are followed enters in temples true or false



False A notice by the priest told dalits they can’t enter the temple because they are “not pure”

Which of the following is not a characteristic of pioneer species ?
They facilitate environmental change, making an environment more habitable for other species
They remain in an environment,even as more competitive species arrive
They tolerate a wide range of conditions
They are capable of colonizing a barren environment



They remain in an environment,even as more competitive species arrive


Pioneer species, in ecological succession, are the first set of organisms to colonize a bare area of land or a disturbed area of land. Pioneer species include lichens, grasses, fungi etc.

Pioneer species have unique characteristics that distinguishes them from every other species of organism. These include:

- They facilitate environmental change, making an environment more habitable for other species.

- They tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions.

- They are capable of colonizing a barren environment, as in primary succession.

However, pioneer species do not remain in an environment, even as more competitive species arrive. They rather give way for new species to emerge and dominate.

A dihybrid cross is performed between a corn plant with the genotype YYSS and a corn plant with the genotype yyss. What percentage of offspring will be yyss





All corn plants will have the genotype YySs

The percentage of offspring that will be yyss is 0%.

In a dihybrid cross, the alleles for two different traits are considered. In this case, the traits are color (purple or yellow) and texture (smooth or wrinkled). The genotype of one parent is YYSS (homozygous dominant for both traits), and the genotype of the other parent is yyss (homozygous recessive for both traits).

According to the principles of Mendelian inheritance, when crossing two parents with different genotypes, the offspring will inherit one allele from each parent for each trait. In this case, the offspring will receive either a Y or y allele for color and an S or s allele for texture.

Since the parent with the genotype YYSS is homozygous dominant for both traits, all of its gametes will carry the Y and S alleles. On the other hand, the parent with the genotype yyss is homozygous recessive for both traits, so all of its gametes will carry the y and s alleles.

When these gametes combine during fertilization, all the resulting offspring will receive a Y allele for color and an S allele for texture, as there are no alternative alleles present in the parents. Therefore, none of the offspring will have the yyss genotype.

In summary, the dihybrid cross between the plants with genotypes YYSS and yyss will produce offspring with the genotype YySs, but none of the offspring will have the yyss genotype. Therefore, the percentage of offspring that will be yyss is 0%.

To learn more about dihybrid cross, here



The complete question is:

A type of corn has kernels that are either purple or yellow, and smooth or wrinkled. Yellow-Y- is dominant over purple-y- and smooth-S-is dominant over wrinkled --- A dihybrid cross is performed between a corn plant with the genotype YYSS and a corn plant with the genotype yyss. What percentage of offspring will be yyss? Select one or more:

a. 100% b. 80%c. 50% d. 25% e. 10%f. 0%

walking, running and carrying a book involve using ________ type of muscles.
a) cardiac



It is voluntary I believe.


What are the 4 main parts to an amino acid


All amino acids have the same basic structure, which is shown in Figure 2.1. At the “center” of each amino acid is a carbon called the α carbon and attached to it are four groups - a hydrogen, an α- carboxyl group, an α-amine group, and an R-group, sometimes referred to as a side chain.Mar 6, 2021


» A central alpha - hydrocarbon.

» A carboxyl functional group.

» And amine functional group.

» A side chain.

Would a bacterial cell undergo mitosis in the same way as a eukaryotic cell? Why or why not?


Unlike eukaryotes, prokaryotes (which include bacteria) undergo a type of cell division known as binary fission. In some respects, this process is similar to mitosis; it requires replication of the cell's chromosomes, segregation of the copied DNA, and splitting of the parent cell's cytoplasm.

​Which cellular component is common to all cell types?


All cells share four common components: 1) a plasma membrane, an outer covering that separates the cell's interior from its surrounding environment; 2) cytoplasm, consisting of a jelly-like region within the cell in which other cellular components are found; 3) DNA, the genetic material of the cell; and 4) ribosomes, .

Can bats eat butterflies?


Bat can eat butterflies, like most bugs. That being said they usually don’t eat butterflies as they are active at different times of the day then bats. Bat usually eat other bugs, such as moths, caterpillars, spider etc.

Hope this helps. Please consider making me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but it is appreciated as I put time and research into each answer. Have a great day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Cuales son el grupo de briofitos más abundante



Existe una clasificación para las plantas briofitas entre las que se cuentan: 1. Las Hepática, que se considera el mas diverso y como consecuencia hasta el mas abundante en el planeta ya que cuenta con al menos 8000 especies.


⁝⁞⁝⁞●∈ Jess bragoli ∋●⁝⁞⁝⁝

#seguir aprendiendo!!

1.Explain the energetic constraints that prohibit prokaryotes from getting larger than they are. Be sure to explain the implications of the energy canyon for the evolution of eukaryotes.



Space constraints.


Space constraints are the energetic constraints that prevent prokaryotes from getting larger than their limit. Space constraints control the sizes of both the largest and smallest bacteria. Bacteria can't shrink more than they have already because there is not enough space left for DNA and necessary proteins. In the same way, the prokaryotes can't increase in size beyond their limit due to space constraints.

what are the steps of earthworm farming? Be concise in your points​




8 Easy Steps to Your Own Worm Farm

1. Find Containers. You need a container that can drain to keep your worm farm in.  

2. Site Your Farm. Decide where you will put your worm farm on your plot.  

3. Add Bedding. The worms in your farm need material in which to live.  

4. Add Worms.  

5. Add Food.  

6. Cover.  

7. Maintain.  

8. Migrate Worms.

Please help me with question 7 ASAP



B is the correct answer.


A is incorrect because diffusion does not depend on living system. It can occur in non-living systems as well. C is incorrect because when all transport proteins are used, the transported molecules are carried by the maximal number of transporters. Thus, the transport rate of substance is maximal.

D is false because translocation is primarily related to phloem.

Which would happen if more forests were cut down? A. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere would in Ос B. Fossil fuels would build up in the soil. C. The nitrogen cycle would be stopped. O D. Nitrogen would be fixed by bacteria more quick​





What word is used to describe the normal, or target, value for something?


The set point is the normal, or target, value for something.

Hemophilia is inherited in humans as an X-linked recessive condition. A phenotypically normal woman whose father was hemophiliac marries a normal man. What is expected among their offspring?



100% of the girls are expected to be normal, X+X+ and X+X-50% of the boys are expected to be normal, X+Y50% of the boys are expected to be hemophilic, X-Y75% of the whole offspring normal (X+X+, X+X-, X+Y)25% of the whole offspring hemophilic (X-Y)


Due to technical problems, you will find the complete explanation in the attached files

Which of the following is a difference between RNA and DNA?
A. DNA is a nucleic acid, RNA is not
B. DNA uses Ribose, RNA uses Phosphates
C. RNA is single stranded, DNA is triple stranded.
D. RNA uses Uracil, DNA uses Thymine


D) RNA also is single-stranded, while DNA is double-stranded. Think D for double. Both types use adenine, cytosine, and guanine for its base pairs.

The correct answer to the question is Option D) RNA uses Uracil, DNA uses Thymine.

What are the differences between DNA and RNA?

The sugar deoxyribose is found in DNA, while ribose is found in the RNA.

DNA is a double stranded molecule, whereas RNA is a single-stranded one.

DNA is very stable under alkaline environments, but RNA is not.

In humans, DNA and RNA have distinct purposes. DNA is in charge of storing and transmitting genetic information, whereas RNA directly codes for amino acids and serves as a messenger between DNA and ribosomes in order to produce proteins.

DNA and RNA base pairing differ somewhat because DNA utilises adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine whereas RNA uses adenine, uracil, cytosine, and guanine. Uracil differs from thymine in that its ring lacks a methyl group.

To conclude with we can say that Uracil is contained in RNA but not in DNA. Uracil creates two hydrogen bonds with adenine in RNA.Thymine replaces uracil as the nucleo base in DNA. Uracil can be thought of as a demethylated version of thymine. Each nucleotide of RNA has a ribose sugar, with carbons numbered 1' through 5'. A base, often adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), or uracil, is added to the 1' position (U). Purines are adenine and guanine and pyrimidines are uracil.

Learn more about DNA and RNA here:



Surgeons at Hospital A report that the mortality rate at the end of a one-year follow-up after a new coronary bypass procedure is 15%. At Hospital B, the surgeons report a one-year mortality rate of 8% for the same procedure. Before concluding that the surgeons at Hospital B have vastly superior skill, which of the following possible confounders would you examine?
a. the severity (stage) of disease of the patients at the two hospitals at baseline
b. the start of the one-year follow-up at both hospitals (after operation versus after discharge)
c. differences in postoperative care at the two hospitals
d. equality of follow-up for mortality
e. all of the above


Answer: All of the above.


To answer this, one must first take into account the severity of the disease with which the patient came to the hospital. Because it is not appropriate to only compare the treatment of a hospital that received a patient with something mild, with the treatment of another hospital that received another patient but with a serious illness or damage. Clearly, this second hospital is going to face a greater challenge in trying to save the life of the person who has come in. It is not the same to operate on a serious patient on the verge of death, as it is to operate on a healthy one for something minor that just because of that alone has a higher chance of survival. If something goes wrong, it is not necessarily or not entirely the hospital's responsibility. Someone who is more compromised in terms of their health will be more vulnerable and require greater care. While the hospital must be able to do this (and there may be some that are better than others) it must be kept in mind that the patient's previous health.

The onset of one-year follow-up at both hospitals (post-operative versus discharge) will differ significantly between the two hospitals. Each hospital will have have different staff, different doctors and nurses, different equipment and ways of handling. All this makes the treatments vary a lot from one hospital to another.

Something similar occurs with tje differences in postoperative care, that may vary from place to place. However it also depend on the underlying condition with which the patient has come, postoperative care also varies according to how the staff is managed, the hygiene of the site, the resources available, and others. The same applies to equal follow-up for mortality.

In summary, for all options it is necessary to keep in mind that while hospital care and staff training are very important, there is one variable that is beyond the scope of what doctors and nurses can do, and that is the severity with which the patient has come for care. The more serious the patient is, the more difficult it is going to be to treat him/her. However, the more modern the hospital and the better trained its staff, the more likely it is to cure more people.

Which of the following observations constituted the strongest evidence against the existence of blending inheritance?
a) Some characters are shaped by the environment (as well as heredity).

b) Sometimes two parents have the same appearance, but they have one or more offspring with a different appearance.

c) Characters acquired from the environment of the parents are often transmitted to the offspring.

d) Individuals never have characters intermediate to their parents-- there is always complete "dominance" of one parent's character.



c) Characters acquired from the environment of the parents are often transmitted to the offspring.

19. Which species gymnosperm has brightly colored, fleshy female cones that people often
mistake as "berries"?


Answer: Ginkgo


There are 4 types of gymnosperms that produce fleshy fruits around their seeds which are usually considered as cones. These are Ginkgo, conifers, gnetophytes, and cycads. These plants have been evolved for fruit production as gymnosperms are known for their naked ovules and their seeds are stored in rough woody structure that is called as cone. There are separate males and female cones are present in gymnosperms.

Among the options given Ginkgo is the correct option it produces cones that look like berries. This advantageous evolution and helps in transfer of seeds through animals as they consume fruits or berries and disperse seeds in their feces.




The body's natural state of equilibrium is
known as homeostasis. When the body is not
in homeostasis the body goes into ketosis.
What is the name of the psychological
phenomena that could occur to individuals who
are in longer periods of ketosis? The answer to
the question is worthy of exemption from the
final. Let me know if you have any questions.



Ketone Bodies Affect Brain Metabolism in Healthy Individuals. In humans, both acute and chronic increases in ketone body availability to the central nervous system cause massive changes in cerebral fuel metabolism.


I deserve brainliest

The psychological phenomena that occurs to individuals with longer periods of ketosis is :  Anxiety

The best natural state of the human body is to be in equilibrium ( homeostasis) while sometimes the body goes into an unstable state ( ketosis ) especially due to the deficiency of carbohydrates in the human system.

Ketosis : this is a process where the body system burns up fat stored in body to produce ketones which is used as a source of energy by the body. this process occurs due to deficiency of carbohydrates in the human system, the state of ketosis has some effect on the brain and this causes the release of GABA a neurotransmitter in the brain.homeostasis : this is a state of the human  whereby the body is able to maintain/stabilize all the internal variables related to the human body, such as :


                    emotion level

                    water level

Hence due to the release of a neurotransmitter ( GABA ) in the brain during ketosis the psychological phenomena that occur during ketosis is ANXIETY

learn more about ketosis : https://brainly.com/question/15824628

2. Which of the following organelles is responsible for making chemicals the cell can use for energy for cell processes from the chemicals in the food you eat?
cell membrane



I think it's mitochondrion.


nuclei/ nucleus - store genetic information;

mitochondria- produce chemical energy; the cell's powerhouse

ribosomes- assemble proteins

cell membrane controls what goes in and out of a cell

Why might an individual with AIDS have difficulty fighting off otherwise harmless infections?​



Having HIV/AIDS weakens your body's immune system. It destroys the white blood cells that fight infection. This puts you at risk for opportunistic infections (OIs). OIs are serious infections that take advantage of your weak immune system.


Explain at least two ideas involving the history of evolutionary principles BEFORE Darwin's theory of discovery of natural selection.



Species are fixed and Earth itself is less than 10,000 years old.


One theory states that species are fixed, or permanent on the earth and no change occurs. The second theory was that Earth itself is less than 10,000 years old and no change occurs in it. These two ideas present before Darwin's theory of discovery of natural selection which is rejected after Darwin's theory because Darwin's theory is based on evidences.

g A rare genetic disease arises from mutations in subunits of TAP (TAP1 or TAP2). Individuals with this disease are susceptible to recurrent infections. What effects would you expect from this mutation



A rare genetic diseasearises from mutations in subunits of TAP (TAP 1 or TAP 2). The individuals with this disease are susceptable to recurrent infections.

The efforts could be expected from this mutation- MHC class II molecules will not be loaded with peptides, so CD8+ T cells cannot be activated. MHC class I molecules will not be loaded with peptides, so CD4+T cells cannot be activated MHC class I molecules will not be loaded with peptides, so CD8+T cells without be activated.

True or false ? Pioneer species are typically replaced by other species over time


I think it’s false but I think

Most carbohydrates manufactured in leaves and other photosynthetic parts are transported through the phloem to the rest of the plant by the process of translocation. osmosis. transpiration. receptor-mediated transport. turgor pressure.





Translocation is the movement of sugar that is produced by the source( i.e the part of plants where sugar is produced for other plant parts which could be leaves) to the sinks( i.e the active growing parts of plants where sugar is been deposited for use) where it is used up.

Translocation is done through the phloem tissue to sinks. Sinks could include leaves, fruits, shoots, young developing seeds, tubers and stems.

Translocation is done through the pressure flow model where concentration of sugar that is high at the source creates a low solute potential which helps water movement into the phloem from the adjacent xylem. This movement creates a high pressure potential in the phloem that produce the movement of phloem sap by bulk flow from source to sink.

what is the advantage of having a commercially available glucose gel or liquid available to treat a diabetic emergency?



There are also a number of commercially available glucose tablets and gels. Benefits to using commercial products include the following: They aren't as tempting to snack on as candy is. They contain no fat, which can slow down digestion, or fructose, which has a smaller and slower effect on blood glucose.


Hope it helps ^-^


The advantage of having a commercially available glucose gel or liquid

available to treat a diabetic emergency include the following:

No fat.No fructose.

Glucose gels are used to treat individuals with diabetes in emergency

situations. They contain no amount of fats which could interfere in the

process of digestion and slow it down.

They also have no fructose present in the gel as its presence would prevents

which prevents the glucose effects in the body from functioning optimally.

Read moire about Diabetes here https://brainly.com/question/504794

What is the most likely explanation for the results in the graph?
O A. The plantlike organisms are using up all the oxygen that the fish
B. The apple orchard releases toxic chemicals into the water of the
C. The nitrogen from the fertilizer makes it impossible for plants to
D. The fish have migrated away from the bay to find warmer water,



B. The apple orchard releases toxic chemicals into the water of the  bay.


Option B is the correct answer. It is the most likely explanation for the results in the graph.

From the graph, we can see that the population of the fishes sharply dropped. Since the fertilizer is applied to the apple orchard and the orchard was planted beside the bay, during the rain it is possible that the water has washed some of the fertilizers into the bay. The chemicals used in making fertilizer are harmful and toxic.

This reveals that the toxic chemicals released from the apple orchard are responsible for the decline in the population of the fish.

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