Question 9 of 10
What meeting was held to change the Articles of Confederation?
A. The Second Continental Congress
B. The Constitutional Convention
C. The National Politics Convention
D. The First Continental Congress ​


Answer 1
The Constitutional Convention

Related Questions

What types of society do we live in today?


Explanation: Democracy Republic Capitalism

What is nativism?

The belief that the early inhabitants of America were better than incoming immigrants.

The belief that immigrants had just as much of a right for jobs and work as Americans.

The belief that Native Americans are better than whites.

A policy that banned Chinese immigrants.



The belief that the early inhabitants of America were better than incoming immigrants.



What did Americans learn from the Battle of Iwo Jima?



That we shouldn't invade Japan.


We learned that even though we won, Japan would mount a suicidal defense to any invasion. Hence, we opted to use our bombs instead, on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


That invading Japan would cost too manly lives on both sides.


The Americans' learned that invading Japan would entail total devastation on both sides as Japan would put on a destructive defense of the islands down to the last man. At the battle of Iwo Jima the Japanese soldiers built into the island concealing their weapons and soldiers. Their island hopping would eventually slow down. so in turn they stepped up their attacks and started using flame throwing tanks.

A man is more likely to leave a relationship if he believes his partner is _____.
more attractive than him
of average attractiveness
equally attractive to him
less attractive than him



the 4th point is the answer

2 2.2.6 Quiz: Principles of the Constitution
Question 2 of 10
What is one way the judicial branch checks the power of the executive
A. Supreme Court justices are appointed for life.
B. Supreme Court justices must be approved by Congress.
O C. The Supreme Court can rule executive orders unconstitutional.
O D. The Supreme Court can veto legislation.


The activities of the legislative and the executive branch is checked by the judicial branch. The judicial branch holds them accountable for unconstitutional acts and also strikes down the actions that it believes are unconstitutional.

The Supreme Court can declare the executive orders it acts to be unconstitutional e.g the actor the president of a country can be seen to be unconstitutional and this will then be removed. In this case, the power of the executive is limited and this is an example of checks and balances.

In conclusion, the Supreme Court can rule executive orders unconstitutional. The correct option is C.

Read related question on:

Answer:C The Supreme Court can rule executive unconstitutional

Explanation: C The Supreme Court can rule executive unconstitutional

What were the rulings on gods vs lopez (1975). Help!!!


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

Goss vs. Lopez was a Supreme Court Case that said that a student cannot be suspended from school without a notice and hearing.

What happened is that 9 students in the Columbus School District in Ohio were suspended for misconduct and they weren't given a notice or a hearing of some sort. So, they, led by the student Dwight Lopez filed a lawsuit against  the school district, represented by Norval Goss, head of the department of pupil personnel.

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Lopez and stated that what the principals in the school district were doing was unconstitutional and infringed on the 14th amendment due process rights of the students, so they would have to be allowed a notice and a hearing before suspension.

Have a wonderful day and keep on learning! :D

what was one advantage and one disadvantage of joint-stock companies?​



1. LARGE CAPITAL: The outstanding advantage is that it allows vast mobilization of capital which otherwise is not possible to arrange. In a public company, there is no limit to the number of members. A very large number of people acquire interest in the company by purchasing shares.


1. FRAUDULENT MANAGEMENT: Frauds have been a common feature of many a company. The promoters and directors may indulge in fraudulent practices. The company law has devised various methods to check the fraudulent practices but they have not proved to check them completely.

The nazi party’s Nuremberg laws disenfranchised


the communities that supportes socialism like jews and gypsies

When Herbert Hoover took office in 1929, he brought to the presidency strong opposition to progressive ideals. decades of experience in elected office. principles of self-reliance and limited government. few credentials to lead a prosperous nation.



principles of self-reliance and limited government.


Herbert Hoover did not want to involve the government in any kind of actions against Depression, so the government stayed back. This is a sign of limited government.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

Describe the different hypothesis (Nebular Hypothesis, Planetesimal Theory, and Tindal Theory) explaining the origin of solar system.



Nebular Hypothesis:

According to this theory, the Sun and all the planets of our Solar System began as a giant cloud of molecular gas and dust. Then, about 4.57 billion years ago, something happened that caused the cloud to collapse. This could have been the result of a passing star, or shock waves from a supernova, but the end result was a gravitational collapse at the center of the cloud.

From this collapse, pockets of dust and gas began to collect into denser regions. As the denser regions pulled in more and more matter, conservation of momentum caused it to begin rotating, while increasing pressure caused it to heat up. Most of the material ended up in a ball at the center while the rest of the matter flattened out into disk that circled around it. While the ball at the center formed the Sun, the rest of the material would form into the protoplanetary disc.

The planets formed by accretion from this disc, in which dust and gas gravitated together and coalesced to form ever larger bodies. Due to their higher boiling points, only metals and silicates could exist in solid form closer to the Sun, and these would eventually form the terrestrial planets of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Because metallic elements only comprised a very small fraction of the solar nebula, the terrestrial planets could not grow very large.

Planetesimal Theory:

The planetesimal theory, put forth by Viktor Safronov in 1941, explains planet formation in the early solar system from accretion of small bodies, growing in size as gravity attracted more and more objects. As the small bodies orbit, their gravity is very weak and they must rely on non-gravitational forces to stay together, such as radiation pressure and the emission of thermal photons.

Growth of the small planetesimal caused the strength of its gravity to increase. Growth to approximately one kilometer in size allowed the gravity of planetesimals to attract objects to them, increasing their size to seeds for planetary formation.

Collisions were common during the formation of the solar system and planets. Planetesimals continually collided and destroyed each other, but some planetesimals were able to withstand the impacts and grow, eventually forming into planets.

In contrast, the giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) formed beyond the point between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where material is cool enough for volatile icy compounds to remain solid (i.e. the Frost Line). The ices that formed these planets were more plentiful than the metals and silicates that formed the terrestrial inner planets, allowing them to grow massive enough to capture large atmospheres of hydrogen and helium. Leftover debris that never became planets congregated in regions such as the Asteroid Belt, Kuiper Belt, and Oort Cloud.

Tidal Theory:

involving the approach near the Sun of another star. This set up tidal forces, and the instability of the Sun resulted in part of its mass being torn off to form the planets. The theory was proposed by Sir James H. Jeans (1877–1946) and Sir Harold Jeffreys.

Combining alcohol and/or drugs with automobiles ...
A. has no financial impact.
B. has limited financial consequences.
C. is a costly choice.


Combining alcohol and/or drugs with automobiles is option C. is a costly choice.

What are Alcoholic beverage?

An alcoholic drink is known to be a kind of a drink that has some percentage of ethanol.

This is seen as a type of alcohol that tends to  function as a drug and is said to be made  by the act of  fermentation of grains, fruits, or other sources of sugar.

Therefore, Combining alcohol and/or drugs with automobiles is option C. is a costly choice.

Learn more about alcohol  from



Why do you think Georgia’s climate might be attractive to the military and other industries?


I think Georgia's climate might be attractive to the military and other industries because it is warm and dry for the most part of the year.

According to a ranking compiled by a reporter named Liz Osborn, Georgia was ranked as the 6th state in the United States with a favorable climate. Cities like Atlanta, Athens, Macon, and Columbus have temperatures that are a bit cooler than those in Florida. Macon has 45 inches of rain and 66% sunshine.

Other cities in Georgia have averages of 45 inches of rain and 60% of sunshine. The military needs warm and dry weather for successful operations. Industries also need favorable weather for operations.

Therefore, Georgia's climate is favorable for the military as it is mostly dry and sunny.

Learn more about Georgia's climate here:

10. Administrative officials who were granted land by the rulers were known as _____



I'm pretty sure it's called landlord


What was Alexander Hamilton's position in government?



He was an impassioned champion of a strong federal government, and played a key role in defending and ratifying the U.S. Constitution. As the first secretary of the U.S. Treasury, Hamilton built a financial foundation for the new nation, against fierce opposition from arch rival Thomas Jefferson.


Alexander Hamilton

Portrait by John Trumbull, 1806

1st United States Secretary of the Treasury

In office September 11, 1789 – January 31, 1795

President George Washington

Is there a “right” way and a “wrong” way for celebrities and athletes to take a public stance on particular issues?




Celebrities such as movie stars, professional athletes, musicians, and reality television stars have campaigned for and against political parties, candidates, and on political issues. Examples include Oprah Winfrey and George Clooney endorsing Barack Obama's presidential campaign in 2008 and a song written by American musician Hank Williams Jr. endorsing Senator John McCain's campaign in the same election.Prior to winning the 2016 United States presidential election, President Donald Trump was a businessman and television personality who actively appeared on Fox News to discuss politics and endorsed political candidates. Michael Higgins concludes that Trump's media-centered politics amounts to a "pseudo presidency", confounding orthodox forms of political accountability. According to John Street, this is evident in how he is represented, how he performs and how his 'fans' respond to him. It is also symptomatic of wider changes in the conduct and form of the contemporary, mediatised political realm.


Celebrity influence in politics, also referred to as "celebrity politics," or "political star power," is the act of a prominent person using their fame as a platform to influence others on political issues or ideology.According to Anthony Elliott, celebrity is a central structuring point in self and social identification, per-forming as it does an increasingly important role in self-framings, self-imaginings, self-revisions and self-reflection.The influential people considered celebrities can be anyone with a major following such as professional athletes, actors/actresses, television personalities, or musicians. Celebrities have two kinds of specific power; the abilities to shed light on issues and persuade audiences.Social media is one of the most common areas for celebrities to discuss specific issues or current events that are being politicized; the individuals may also speak out in public forums such as television talk shows, events, or during their own widely attended performances.

Nick and Andy are brothers and they study at the same school. Nick usually walks from home to scholo in 40 minutes



Can you pease send the rest of the Question?


Who was the last "liberal" Republican President and who was the first "liberal" Democratic President?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can answer the following.

I consider that the last "liberal" Republican President was Richard Nixon. Many historians support this opinion based on the decisions he made during his controversial administration.

Nixon tried to maintain foreign trades and political affairs that favored the United States. For instance, Nixon's decision to discontinue the use of the gold standard promoted international investment in the International Monetary Fund.

President Nison got rid of the gold standard on August 15, 1971. To the surprise of many, he announced that the U.S. dollar was not going to be convertible into gold in the foreign markets. When Nixon discontinued the use of the gold standard, international investors invested in different markets and in the International Monetary Fund.

However, everybody knows how Nixon ended up his administration once the Pentagon Papers were published and the Watergate scandal. He had to resign to the presidency in order to not be impeached.

And regarding the first "liberal" Democratic President, I consider it was Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Democrat President that created the New Deal, a series of programs aimed to help the millions of Americans who had lost their jobs after the stock market crash on October 29, 1929, the beginning of the so-called Great Depression.

In the Lowell textile mills text, what were the petitioners calling for?



eslgno se in



They were calling for gender equality.


What is parchment made out of?



Parchment paper is made from cellulose fibers prepared from fir trees or plants such as cotton or flax. Paper can be made which mimics the thickness and smooth surface of parchment.


hope it helps

Parchment is made out of or from calf, goat, sheep skin or calf skin. It has always been prepared for writing or printing.

why did the contact of the Indus valley civilization with Mesopotamia decline ?
urgent ....​



hope this helps


Many scholars believe that the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilization was caused by climate change. Some experts believe the drying of the Saraswati River, which began around 1900 BCE, was the main cause for climate change, while others conclude that a great flood struck the area.

Why did the U.S. dispatch warships to the waters off Panama?

•. to annex the land needed to build the Panama Canal

•. to aid a Panamanian rebellion against Colombia

•. to prevent Panama from giving control of the Canal Zone to Britain

•. to ensure that Panamanian debts to American bankers were repaid



to aid a Panamanian rebellion against Colombia hope that helps you out



B.  to aid a Panamanian rebellion against Colombia


I just got it right on the quiz.

name three kinds of people that lived on the frontiere what did each do



This one I dnt answer becouse it is difficult I don't even know

Question 5 of 10
What was the biggest effect the Columbian Exchange had on Europe?
A. Diseases from the New World killed millions of Europeans.
B. African slaves were brought to Europe to work the land.
C. New types of food helped many Europeans live better lives.
D. Europeans sold m-bay animals to Native American tribes.


C - New types of food helped many Europeans live better lives
is the answer.

How did the end of the Ice Age affect the Americas?


The end of the Ice Age created new environments that supported herds of smaller animals, those of which Paleo-Indians and others were able to hunt.

why is it better to live as an Ancient Chinese farmer than a merchant



Many ancient Chinese were peasant farmers, but they were respected for the food they provided for the rest of the Chinese people. Although they lived a hard and difficult life they worked in a small family farm.

On the other hand, Merchants didn't earn alot of respect due to not providing anything, but rather to trade goods made by others. Although they weren't respected, they lived a very wealthy life than the ancient Chinese framers.

This was one reason why life was better as an ancient Chinese framer.

Short answer:

It's better to live as an Ancient Chinese framer than a Merchant because Ancient Chinese farmers were respected and Mercahnts weren't respected, due to what they did for a living.

What was the primary objective of Alexander the Great?

A) educate and free the slaves

B) conquer the world

C) spread culture throughout the world

D) provide equality to all of the city-states



(b) conquer the world.


Provide equality to all of the city - states. Conquer the world. Spread culture throughout the world. Educate and free the slaves.

A) giáo dục và giải phóng nô lệ

The Nubian system of writing ___________.
was similar to Egypt's
was based on Chinese
used an alphabet
was the earliest writing ever



Used an alphabet


i did this before this is  the correct answer, hope i helped

Used an alphabet. :)

how would an anti-federalist most likely have responded to Hamilton's assertion





Why were iron tools more difficult to obtain than copper ones?
O A. Iron requires a lot of sea salt.
B. Iron requires ore, which is rare in Africa.
C. Iron requires copper for smelting.
D. Iron requires more advanced technology.



Explanation: This is because iron is more reactive than copper in the metal reactivity series

Why were European traders from centuries ago attracted to India?


European traders were attracted towards India because of the spices grown in tropical climates - pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, dried ginger etc. These spices had become an important part of European cooking. Also, they found the cotton cloth very attractive.
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