Which of the following is NOT a legally required civic duty for American citizens?
a)Citizens must agree with all laws that are passed in the United States.
b)It is the duty of every citizen to get an education.
c)Male citizens 18 years or older must register for military service and join the military when requested by the government.
d)All citizens are required to pay taxes to the government.


Answer 1


The answer to this is A


You don't have to agree with every single law

Answer 2
answer is a citizens don’t have to agree but have to follow the law

Related Questions

Why did the United States invade Afghanistan in October 2001?

Select all that apply.

to protect its military ally Pakistan from an invasion

to retaliate for the September 11 terrorist attacks

to stop the Taliban from developing nuclear weapons

to overthrow a dangerous communist dictatorship



to eliminate taliban and terrorist activity , to destroy AI Qaeda.

What was the major impact of the new deal on the US



The New Deal helped improve the lives of the suffering people of the depression. The New Deal played an important role in the economic and social affairs of the nation.




La Gran Depresión y el Crac del 29

La Gran Depresión, considerada una de las crisis económicas más grandes del siglo XX,[9]​ comenzó el jueves 24 de octubre de 1929 con el crac de la Bolsa de Nueva York, hundiendo a esta para expandirse progresivamente por todos los sectores económicos y posteriormente por la totalidad de los países ind…

La debacle de Hoover

En el momento del estallido de la crisis, Herbert Hoover ocupaba la presidencia de los Estados Unidos. Contrariamente a lo que se dijo, en particular por su rival, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Hoover no fue inoperante, sino que trató de encauzar la crisis.[12]​ Sin embargo, la política llevada a cabo por Hoover fue un fracas…

Un nuevo presidente audaz

El 2 de julio de 1932, Roosevelt prometió en un discurso de su campaña electoral «un nuevo trato para el pueblo estadounidense


How was the Chavin economy structured?

It relied on trade with other civilizations.
It was based on a gold coin system.
It relied on the ocean as its main resource.
It was based on natural resources and bartering.



Despite the trading and commerce, the main economic activity during the Chavin period was, like pretty much all other civilizations around the world, agriculture. Just like the Mesopotamians, the Chavin constructed large irrigation systems to make the usually rugged terrain more fertile.



it is D. It was based on natural resources and bartering.


got it right on the unit test review look in the image

What possible problems where there with vanports oregon’s location



Vanport was dramatically destroyed at 4:05 p.m. on May 30, 1948, when a 200-foot (60 m) section of a railroad berm holding back the Columbia River collapsed during a flood, killing 15 people. The city was underwater by nightfall, leaving 17,500 of its inhabitants homeless.


hope this helps in some way

What are 3 good things about sparta education



The strengths of Spartan education are military combat, physical fitness, and stealth tactics.


hope this helps

The construction of the Berlin Wall made the Cold War tensions worse.
O False





nepal is beautiful and a landlocked country why​



nepal is beautiful because of Mt. Everest and it is landlocked because there is no water.

Nepal is landlocked country because it lies between two biggest country of Asia China and India, No territory of the Nepal is connected with Sea. ... Because it doesn't touch any Sea or Ocean. Nepal is surrounded by China on North, by India on East, South and West.

Why was Hitler angry after WW1?



The Treaty of Versailles against the Germans


Adolf Hitler the man that would later lead Germany to World War II was angry after WW1 simply because of the "The Treaty of Versailles against the Germans."

He felt that The Treaty of Versailles is harsh punishment on the socio-political economy of Germany. The Treaty of Versailles forbids some territories and alliances from Germany. It also asked them to pay a high debt as reparations. It also blames Germany for the loss and damages of the war and finally reduce the military personnel of Germany.


Because Germany had lost the war.Because he believed that Germany had not been defeated militarily but had lost because the armed forces had been “stabbed in the back” by the Jews and by other enemies of the German people on the home front.Because the terms of the Versailles Treaty — particularly the “war guilt clause” — were manifestly unfair to Germany — and were intended to cripple Germany for generations to come. Most Germans and many non-Germans agreed with this assessment.The promise of “self-determination for all peoples” was denied to Germanic peoples. The national borders drawn by the winners show this to be true.

Most nations in the world today have
Select one:
a. market economies
b. command economies
c. mixed economies
d. traditional economies





Most nations have mixed

Giev brainliest pls

the answer is C. Mixed economies

Which statement describes the U.S. relationship with Iraq during the 1990s?

A. The United States kept thousands of troops stationed in Iraq to maintain a stable government.
B. The United States gave Iraq a large amount of military aid to help the country fight against Iran.
C. The United States cut off diplomatic ties and trade relations with Iraq to protest its poor human-rights record.
D. The United States maintained economic sanctions against Iraq to prevent it from becoming a threat to peace in the region.



c is the right answer to your question

A is the correct answer

A student made this graphic organizer to help write an informative essay. What fact could be added to column A?

Imported cotton came from colonies in Egypt and India.
There were excellent harbors on the Pacific Coast.
The navy often recruited people for fishing.
A relationship with China strengthened the region.



A. Imported cotton came from colonies in Egypt and India

Explanation: just got done putting answer b in. i got it wrong and it showed that answer a is correct

Please help I’ll give brainliest



South America

Please give brainliest


South America


I'm not quite sure, but I believe it's this one.

sorry if it's wrong, hope this helps :)

At which Jewish holiday would someone eat matzo at a Seder?

Yom Kippur
Rosh Hashanah


The Jewish would eat matzo on the day of Passover


Its Passover (D)



Help me with these 20 questions on Law and Government. (This is due tomorrow at 11:00 AM)

1. What is government and why does it exist and why do we need it?

2. What ideas influenced the Constitution?

3. What is the importance of the Constitution?

4. What is federalism and how does it work?? What are its Strengths & Weaknesses??

5. How and why do people vote the way they do??

6. What is the process of political socialization and how does it affect voter behavior?

7. How does the American electoral process work?

8. How do Presidential and Congressional electoral processes differ?

9. What is the role of Congress in government?

10. What is the constitutional role of the legislative branch??

11. Compare and Contrast the House and the Senate??

12. What are the limits to legislative power??

13. What is the role of the President in American government?

14. What is the constitutional role of the Executive Branch?

15. How does the executive branch function as an institution??

16. What are the limits to executive power??

17. What is the role of the courts in American government??

18. What is the Constitutional role of the judicial branch?

19. What are the limits to judicial power?

20. How do civil liberties and civil rights influence civic life?



1.  What is government?

It is a set of institutions in which these philosophical decisions are made It is unique because it has authority and legitimacy

Why does government exist?

To do what individuals cannot do for themselves To do "what is good, just, and honest" -John Winthrop

Why do we need government?

without it, we would live in an anarchy provides stability

2.  What ideas influenced the Constitution?

dictatorship a government in which one person or a small group holds complete authority.

3.  What is the importance of the Constitution?

It is our CURRENT framework of government It puts the power of the government in the hands of the PEOPLE It protects our rights as citizens It separates the power of the government into 3 branches so that no one person or group becomes too powerful It places important limits on government power

4.  What is federalism and how does it work?? What are its Strengths & Weaknesses?

the system of dividing power between federal and state governments in the United Statesstrengths: One of the strengths of a federal system is that it encourages innovation and experimentation in policy development.weakness:  It hinders policy development and leads to budgetary inefficiency

5. How and why do people vote the way they do?

Where people vote based on the portrayal of the leader or figureheads rather than for their constituency candidate


So many questions so here is the first 5




uh waz hannin?


“El hombre se sitúa en el centro del universo y desde aquí comienza a comprender el estado de las cosas mediante el uso de la razón”. La definición anterior corresponde al:

a) Geocentrismo b) Antropocentrismo c) Teocentrismo d) Heliocentrismo e) Anglicanismo.
porfa es para una prueba



B. Antropocentrismo.


La anterior definición corresponde al término antropocentrismo. El geocentrismo dice que la Tierra se sitúa en el centro del universo, el heliocentrismo dice que el Sol se sitúa en el centro del universo, el teocentrismo afirma que Dios se sitúa en el centro del universo, el anglicanismo es una religión cismática que surge en Inglaterra a partir del siglo XVI. Por ende, la respuesta correcta es B.

What can we learn from this hi storical event? How can we ensure that the US does better at living up to its democratic ideals, especially i n times of crisis?




Due to the attack from Japan, Americans were easily swayed to be xenophobic towards Japanese Americans and even other Asian Americans. Examples such as Executive Order 9066, Korematsu v United States and Japanese Internment show how Japanese Americans were unfairly treated after the attack.

From events such as these we learn America is not the perfect country our government tries to make us seem like. We learn that racial prejudice such as these are not acceptable in any instance- war hysteria or not. 9/11 is another similar example of American xenophobia after an attack.

We the people must push our government officials as well as our representatives to live up to its democratic ideals. By advocating, voting, calling your representatives, you may help promote these ideals. Educating ourselves and educating others is the most helpful thing we can do.

The Taliban controlled which country?


Saudi Arabia




I believe it was Afghanistan
The answer is C. Afghanistan

The supreme court case pollock v. farmers, loan and trust began when


the court voided portions of the Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act of 1894 that imposed a direct tax on the incomes of American citizens and corporations, thus declaring the federal income tax unconstitutional.

Select all that apply.

Select the items that describe a tariff.



There are two types. A “unit” or specific tariff is a tax levied as a fixed charge for each unit of a good that is imported – for instance $300 per ton of imported steel. ... An example is a 20 percent tariff on imported automobiles.


*I made sure to include photo this time*

in the blank (look at photo for question)

a- the federal government's policies favored the North over the South
b- they were left defenseless during the Mexican-American War
c- the North would impose severe taxes on slavers

a- declaring a war on the North
b- banning all trade with the North
c- separating from the United States​



I can't understand the question properly


1. A 2. C are you answers for your question

Which of the following statements best reflects how the
technological changes referenced in the passage have affected the
global economy in the 21st century?
O They have reinforced the need for industrial systems and
O They have helped establish a postindustrial, knowledge-based
O They have promoted the shift of industrialization to less-
developed nations.
O They have helped older industrial corporations monopolize global



they have reinforced the need for industrial systems and resources

in which form of government do delegates speak on behalf of citizens



the d is the right answer


i got a A+ in that test

President Roosevelt and members of his administration gave speeches that
warned of Japan's rising power in the Pacific. What was the point of these
O The administration used the speeches to make a case for going to war.
O The speeches made the case that Japan was greater threat than Germany.
o The speeches gave Americans hope that diplomatic relations would help the
United States avoid war with Japan.
O The administration used these speeches to explain military strategy, if and when
the United States went to war.


Answer: The administration’s used the speeches to make a case for going to war


If a person was born in North America, would they be called North American?
because that is the continent were they born like Europeans are called because they born in Europe?


Typically no, if someone was born in North America people would usually specify by saying United States, Canada or Mexico.


Yes, if you were born in North America, you could call yourself a North American.


Many people born in North America identify themselves with their country rather than their continent. They would say "I'm a Canadian", "I'm American", or "I'm from Mexico" when asked where they are from. However, it is still correct to call yourself a North American if you are born in this continent.

How did Chinese communism differ from Soviet communism ?



The Soviet Union and China were uneasy allies. Chinese communism differed from Soviet communism, especially on Marxist ideology. A main difference was their view of the peasantry as playing a major role in the communist revolution. On the other hand, Soviets put their trust in a "revolutionary elite" of intellectuals and urban workers instead of the rural poor. After border clashes and disagreements over ideology, in 1959 Soviets withdrew all of their aid and advisors from China, ending their alliance.

Hope this answer is right!

Before World War II, the Catholic Church and Nazi Germany signed an agreement that A. allowed Catholics to worship as long as the Church recognized the Nazi regime. B. denounced communism and the rule of Stalin in the Soviet Union. C. eventually failed , in which Nazi Germany agreed to follow peaceful diplomatic tactics. D. exempted Catholics from service in the German military forces.



diplomatic" (and any subsequent words) was ignored because we limit queries to 32 words.

Which line from the passage most clearly identifies the
reason Wilson has changed his position on the war?
O when I addressed the Congress on the 26th of
February last"
O "I thought that it would suffice to assert our neutral
rights with arms"
"armed neutrality, it now appears, is impracticable"
O "German submarines have been used against
merchant shipping"


Answer: the german submarines


just got it right




Why did the 1919 Treaty of Versailles dismantle the German and Austro-
Hungarian empires but not other empires?


Though representatives of nearly 30 nations attended, the peace terms essentially were written by the leaders of the United Kingdom, France and the United States, who along with Italy, formed the “Big Four” that dominated the proceedings. The defeated countries—Germany and allies Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria—weren’t invited to participate.
In the end the Allies agreed that they would punish Germany and attempt to weaken that nation so much that it wouldn’t pose a future threat. Germany’s representatives had no real choice but to accept the terms.

Answer: The correct answer is B

Explanation: Just took A P E X

what is the importance of culture in Religion?



Religion influences cultures, but it is also influenced by culture. Religion can play a big part in the cultural identity of people, influencing how they dress, what and when they eat, and how they behave. hope I helped let me know



"Religion influences cultures, but it is also influenced by culture." Religion can play a big part in the cultural identity of people, influencing how they dress, what and when they eat, and how they behave."

Other Questions
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