Which of the following is required for photosynthesis to take place?









Please select the best answer from the choices provided





please answer as quickly as possible


Answer 1


D. water


sugar ( glucose ) and oxygen are bi-products

Answer 2


(d) water


water is required for photosynthesis to take place .

sugar , oxygen , ATP are not required to take place in photosynthesis.

Related Questions

The potential difference across a resistor increases by a factor of 4. How
does the current change? (Ohm's law: V = IR)
A it increases by a factor of 4
B it decreases by a factor of 4
C it increases by a factor of 2
D it decreases by a factor of 2



Correct option is C it decreases by a factor of 2

Answer: A - it increases by a factor of 4


Ohm's law is V = IR where V = potential difference, I = current, and R = resistance. Assuming that resistance stays constant (since the question mentioned no change in resistance), we only need to look at "V" and "I" in the equation V = IR.

"V" and "I" are directly proportional. In other words, whatever change happens to "V" will also occur to "I". Since "V" increases by a factor of 4, then "I" will also increase by a factor of 4.

You could also approach this problem by plugging in a change of 4 for the potential difference in the equation: V = I*R.

If we plug in 4V for V, we now have:

4V = I*R

Since the left side increases by a factor of 4, then the right side (only looking at current in this case) will also need to increase by a factor of 4 in order to have the right side stay equal to the left. Therefore, current will also increase by a factor of 4.

Hai vận động viên chạy trên cùng 1 đoạn đường, vận động
viên A chạy với vận tốc 12 m/s vận động viên B chạy với vận tốc 36
km/h. Hỏi vận động viên nào chạy nhanh hơn?



Pemain A


Mengingat data berikut;

Kecepatan pemain A = 12 m/s

Kecepatan pemain B = 36 km/h

Untuk menentukan siapa pelari tercepat di antara dua pemain;

Pertama-tama, kita harus mengubah kecepatan menjadi satuan standar pengukuran yang sama.

Jadi, mari kita gunakan pengukuran umum meter per detik.


36 km/h = (36 * 1000)/(60 * 60)

36 km/h = 36000/3600

36 km/h = 10 m/s

Kecepatan pemain B = 10 m/s

Oleh karena itu, dibandingkan dengan kecepatan pemain A; pemain A lebih cepat.

Question 12 of 15
If nitrogen, which has an electronegativity of 2.0, bonds with hydrogen, which
has an electronegativity of 2.1, the bond between the two atoms will be
classified as a(n)
covalent bond.
Answer here



Covalent bond.


There are 4 main types of bonds:

Covalent, ionic, metallic, and hydrogen.

Covalent bond: Involves the sharing of pairs of electrons, here the difference between the electronegativity of the atoms is not too large. Covalent bonds usually form an octet of electrons.

Ionic bond: This happens because the electrostatic attraction between the atoms whit very different electronegativities

Hydrogen bond: Electrostatic attractive force between an electronegative atom and a hydrogen atom covalently bonded to another electronegative atom.

Metallic bond: Type of bond that makes the metallic atoms to stay really tightly together. The atoms bond because of the electrostatic atractive force between conduction electrons and positively charged metal ions.

Now, in this case, we have the bond between Nitrogen (electronegativity = 2.0) and Hydrogen (electronegativity = 2.1)

So we can see that:

The elements are not metals, so we can discard metallic bond.

For a hydrogen bond, we need 3 atoms (one of which is hydrogen), here we have two, so we can discard this option.

Ionic bond needs different electronegativities, here the electronegativities are really close together, so the ionic bond can be discarded.

we can conclude that the bond will be a covalent bond.

True or false: Ultimate tensile strength increases as the thickness of a solid material sample increases.







Tensile strength should remain constant, regardless of thickness. For larger cross sections, it can slightly increase because the atoms in the center become more constricted and therefore less responsive to the applied stress.


Tensile strength should remain constant, regardless of thickness. For larger cross sections, it can slightly increase because the atoms in the center become more constricted and therefore less responsive to the applied stress.FALSE

Compare the MKS, CGS & FPS system of units. which system of units are convenient to use? Justify your answer.


Answer: The system of unit which is most convenient for use is the MKS unit.


System of units is defined as the complete set of units which comprises of both the fundamental units and the derived units. The mass, length and time are considered to be the fundamental quantities and their units are called the fundamental units. The systems of unit which are in common use can be compared through their description below:

--> MKS system of unit: In this system of unit, the unit of length is in meter (m). The unit if mass is in kilogram (k). The unit of time is in seconds (s). Hence the name m.k.s system of unit.

--> CGS system of unit: In this system of unit, the unit of length is in centimeter (cm). The unit if mass is in grams (g). The unit of time is in seconds (s). Hence the name c.g.s. system of unit.

--> FPS system of unit: In this system of unit, the unit of length is in foot (Ft). The unit if mass is in pound (Lb). The unit of time is in seconds (s). Hence the name m.k.s system of unit.

The system of unit which is most CONVENIENT for use is the MKS unit. This is because of the introduction of the international system of units (S.I unit). This unit was endorsed by the International Standard Organisation (ISO) to form a logical and interconnected framework for all measurements in science and technology. The MKS system of unit was made the SI units enabling physical quantities to be represented by only one unit.

what means 10² what we call this​


we call it as well as 100 . so easey


10 squared


10 squared

In Depth:

Let have a square that has a side length of 10.

A square four sides are equal and if we find the area of a squared, our formula is

[tex] {s}^{2} [/tex]

Our in this instance,

[tex] {10}^{2} [/tex]

or we call it

[tex]10 \: \: squared[/tex]

Using your Periodic Table, which of the following elements below has the largest atomic radius? A.) Aluminum B.) Sodium C.) Sulfur, D.) Fluorine





it is highly reactive metal.




In a period , as we go from left to right in a periodic table, atomic number increases .

Differentiating electrons enters into same shell hence the effective nuclear charge decreases .

Hence atomic radius decreases along period.


Aluminium is the element which has greater atomic radius and sulphur has smaller atomic radius.

The Euler buckling load of a 160-cm-long column will be _____ times the Euler buckling load of an equivalent 120-cm-long column.







Calculate the minimum area moment of inertia for a rectangular cross-section with side lengths 3 cm and 8 cm.

201 cm4

18 cm4

128 cm4

4 cm4

24 cm4



A certain source of 12V with an internal resistance 1colomb is connected to 5colomb external resistance what is the current

how to find work done by load


Calculation involving work done
work done = force × distance.
work done = 1,000 N × 5 m.
work done = 5,000 J (or 5 kJ)

Why gases are easily compressed?



photosynthesis is the process by which green leaves prepare their food in the presence of sunlight,air and water

A sound wave traveling at 340 m/s is generated by a 480 Hz tuning fork.
How long is the sound wave?



Wavelength = 0.7083 meters


Given the following data;

Speed of wave = 340 m/s

Frequency = 480 Hz

To find how long is the sound wave, we would determine its wavelength;

Mathematically, the wavelength of a waveform is given by the formula;

Wavelength = velocity/frequency

Wavelength = 340/480

Wavelength = 0.7083 meters

A 3.00 kg box sliding west at 2.00 m/s makes an inelastic collision with a second box sliding 1.50 m/s east. Afterwards, they both come to a stop. What was the mass of the second box?​


Let west be the negative direction, and east be positive. Then the total momentum of the system is conserved such that

(3.00 kg) (-2.00 m/s) + m (1.50 m/s) = 0

Solve for m :

m = (3.00 kg) (2.00 m/s) / (1.50 m/s) = 4.00 kg

Water, H2O ,and methane ,CH4, are both covalent substances . why is water a liquid at room temperature while methane is a gas ? A. Carbon compounds tend to be gases . B. Water has a stronger intermolecular forces


This is because Water forms Hydrogen bonds whereas Methane only forms dispersion forces.This makes water have stronger intermolecular forces so the answer will be B

write some uses of magnetic force​



television,radios, microwave ovens, telephone system and computer

(i). Compass.
(ii). MRI Scanners.
(iii). Electric Motor.
(iv). Speakers.
(v). Refrigerators.
(vi). Computer.
(vii). Microwave.
(viii). Cars.

How much Voltage is required to run 0.025 A of current through a 24 resistor?
Use AV = IR.
A. 960 V
B. 0.60 V
C. 1.7 V
D. 0.0010 V


QUESTION:- How much Voltage is required to run 0.025 A of current through a 24 resistor?


A. 960 V

B. 0.60 V

C. 1.7 V

D. 0.0010 V





so your answer:-


[tex]V = 0.025 \times 24 \\ V = \frac{ \cancel{25}}{ \cancel{1000} {}^{ \: \: \: 40} } \times 24 \\ V = \frac{ \cancel4 \times 6}{ \cancel4 \times 10} \\ V = 0.60Volts[/tex]

so your ANSWER is OPTION B.

V = 0.60 Volts (V)

How do human activities lead to change in the weather?



There is overwhelming evidence that human activities, especially burning fossil fuels, are leading to increased levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which in turn amplify the natural greenhouse effect, causing the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, ocean, and land surface to ...

Which model of the universe is the most widely accepted, and what does it


The future of universe is predicted from space time curve. There are many possibilities solutions or outcomes which on plotting are classified as open, close, flat and curved. Open Universe is when universe is expanding and it will continue to expand forever

what changes must be done to the wire to increase its conductance.​



- Decreasing the resistance

- Using a shorter length

- Using a smaller area wire


Formula for conductance in wires is;

G = 1/R


G is conductance

R is resistance

This means that increasing the resistance leads to a larger denominator and thus a smaller conductance but to decrease the denominator means larger conductance.

Thus, to increase the conductance, we have to decrease the resistance.

Resistance here has a formula of;

R = ρL/A


ρ is resistivity

L is length of wire

A is area

Thus, to decrease the resistance, we will have to use a shorter length and smaller area of wire.

the distance between any two bodies is 10 M and the gravitational force between them is 3.2×10-⁹m. if the mass of one object is 40 kg, calculate the mass of another body. (And:119.9 kg)​



0.8 x 10^-9 kg



Distance ( R ) = 10 m

Force ( F ) = 3.2 x 10^-9 N

Mass ( m1 ) = 40 kg

To find : Mass ( m2 ) = ?

Formula : -

F = m1.m2 / R^2

m2 = FR^2 / m1

= 3.2 x 10^-9 x 10 / 40

= 3.2 x 10^-9 / 4

= ( 3.2 / 4 ) x 10^-9

m2 = 0.8 x 10^-9 kg

In the image below, a free-body diagram represents the forces of several vehicles driving across a bridge. Assume that the bridge is in statio equilibrium and that it has zero weight, and solve for the unknown reaction force
A. 10,800 N
B. 65,200 N
C. 120,200 N
D. 53,400 N​



The answer is "57,400 N".


[tex]\Sigma F_y=0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{static equilibrium}\\\\\to 121,200+R=17800+150,000+10800\\\\R=57,400\ N[/tex]

The answer is 57,400 N because the choices are wrong.

the mass of piece of granite is 15.6g when it is suspended can a mass of 5.5g of water is displaced find the dencity of granite



2836.36 kg/m³



Densty of granite(D')/Density of water(D) = weight of granite(W')/weight of water displaced(W)

D'/D = W'/W................... Equation 1

Make D' the subject of the equation

D' = W'D/W............... Equation 2.

From the question,

Given: W' = mg = 9.8(15.6/1000) = 0.15288 N, W = 9.8(5.5/1000) = 0.0539 N, Constant: D = 1000 kg/m³

Substitute these values into equation 2

D' = 1000(0.15288)/0.0539

D' = 2836.36 kg/m³

Compression and rarefaction are commonly used with longitudinal waves. And Crests and trough is commonly used with transverse waves!



yes Compression and rarefaction are commonly used with longitudinal waves. And Crests and trough are commonly used with transverse waves!


The world’s tallest building is the Burj Khalifa which stands at 828 m above the ground. An eccentric billionaire CEO has an office on the top floor. He insists on having a personal elevator installed that consists only of a giant spring that spans from the basement to his office when it is uncompressed. If his mass is 120 kg, what spring constant in N/m is required so that he momentarily comes to rest on the ground floor?



The spring constant is approximately 2.84 N/m


The height of the building, h = 828 m

The mass of the billionaire that has an office on the top floor, m = 120 kg

Gravitational potential energy, P.E. = m·g·h


g = The acceleration due to gravity ≈ 9.81 m/s²

The gravitational potential energy of the billionaire at the top floor is therefore;

P.E. of billionaire at top floor = 120 kg × 9.81 m/s² × 828 m  = 974,721.6 J

The elastic potential energy of the spring, [tex]P.E._{spring}[/tex] is given as follows;

[tex]P.E._{spring} = \dfrac{1}{2} \cdot k \cdot h^2[/tex]


k = The spring constant of the spring in N/m

h = The extension of the spring = The height of the building = 828 m

Given that the energy of the spring is conserved, we have;

[tex]P.E._{spring}[/tex] = P.E. of billionaire = 974,721.6 J

Plugging in the values gives;

[tex]P.E._{spring} = 974,721.6 \ J = \dfrac{1}{2} \times k \times (828 \ m)^2[/tex]



[tex]k = \dfrac{2 \times 974,721.6 \ J}{(828 \ m)^2} \approx 2.84 \ N/m[/tex]

The spring constant, k ≈ 2.84 N/m.

A force of 1250N is used to move a 50kg body along a rough horizontal plane. if the coefficient of fiction is 1.2 what is the acceleration of the body from rest​




The net force acting on the body will be 250 N since there is significant friction also. Thus, the acceleration of the 50 Kg body is 5 m/s².

What is friction?

Friction is a kind of force acting on a body to resist it from motion. Thus, frictional force will always be negative. The frictional force acting on a body is the the product of the coefficient of friction and the normal force.

Here the normal force = 1250 N

coefficient of friction = 1.2

Frictional force = 1250 N × 1.2 = 1500 N

Net force = 1500 N - 1250 N = 250 N

Acceleration = net force/ mass

                     = 250 N/50 Kg

                     = 5 m/s²

Therefore, the acceleration of the body from rest is 5 m/s².

To find more on friction, refer here:




Which Connects the ovary and uterus​


the fallopian tubes connect the ovary and the uterus

the length breadth and height of an object are 20 cm 15 cm 25 cm.find the volume and density​


Complete Question:

The length, breadth and height of an object are 20 cm, 15 cm and 25 cm respectively. Its mass is 7 kg. Find its volume and density


a. Volume of cuboid = 7500 cm³

b. Density = 0.000933 Kg/cm³


Given the following data;

Length = 20 cmBreadth = 15 cmHeight = 25 cmMass = 7 kg

a. To find the volume of the object.

An object that has a length, breadth and height is a cuboid.

Mathematically, the volume of a cuboid is given by the formula;

Volume of cuboid = length * breadth * height

Substituting into the formula, we have;

Volume of cuboid = 20 * 15 * 25

Volume of cuboid = 7500 cm³

b. To find the density of the object;

Density can be defined as mass all over the volume of an object.

Simply stated, density is mass per unit volume of an object.

Mathematically, density is given by the formula;

[tex] Density = \frac {mass}{volume} [/tex]

Substituting into the formula, we have;

[tex] Density = \frac {7}{7500} [/tex]

Density = 0.000933 Kg/cm³

define international employees ​



An “international employee” is defined as an employee of Stanford University whose work site is located.


In practice, if a voltmeter was connected across any combination of the terminals, the potential difference would be less than what is calculated. State why this is so and explain how the difference is kept to a minimum in modern transformers.



This difference is kept to a minimum because the resistance in transformers is a few tens of ohms and the resistance of modern voltmeters is of the order of MΩ.


A voltmeter is built by a galvanometer and a resistance in series, this set is connected in parallel to the resistance where the voltage is to be measured, therefore the voltage is divided between the voltmeter and the element to be measured, consequently the measured voltage It is less than the calculated one, since for them the resistance of the voltmeter is assumed infinite.

This difference is kept to a minimum because the resistance in transformers is a few tens of ohms and the resistance of modern voltmeters is of the order of MΩ.

Help help please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



You need time buddy

Explanation:Exactly honest

How was manganese, a heavy element present in trace amounts in the
human body, formed?
O A. Through the star cycle
B. Through the big bang
O C. By fusion in small stars
O D. By fusion in large stars


The answer is b because it is cool
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