Which of the following job tasks would be performed in information systems and computer science careers? Select all apply. A. coordinating data transfer between offices B. designing and implementing new work schedules C. managing and securing company data D. writing code to develop a software program 3 / 5 2 of 5 Answered


Answer 1


A, C, and D


I think this is right, but don't quote me on this.

Answer 2

it helps you get the right amount


opton b

Related Questions

How to do the writing task 1 from the 2020 GAT​



Tips on doing the GAT

Read all the information carefully

Read each question carefully and try to pick out the key ideas and information.

For the multiple-choice questions, try to quickly reject choices that appear wrong, then read the question again and select the answer most likely to be right.

Mark me as brainliest ❤️

A modifier changes, describes, or explains?


Answer: A modifier changes, clarifies, qualifies, or limits a particular word in a sentence in order to add emphasis, explanation, or detail.

Explanation: Modifiers tend to be descriptive words, such as adjectives and adverbs.

[Rewrite the following sentences using the Causative Form]

1.The travel agent is organising our trip to Asia
We _________________​



Several options may work:

We are having our trip to Asia organised by the travel agent.

We're having the travel agent organise our trip to Asia.


These are just two ways you can formulate the sentence using the Causative Form. Hope it helps :)

Assessment Directions: Read each item carefully. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer. Write only the letter of the correct answer for each question.

1. In a sea breeze, the air is warmer ?

A. beach B. ocean C. land D. sky
2. Where does the initial source of energy come from that creates winds?

A. the atmosphere B. the moon C. the Earth's inner core D. the sun
3. What type of breeze is usually felt at nighttime?
A. land breeze B. sea breeze C. beach breeze D. wind breeze
4. What does ITCZ stands for?

A. intertropical covering zone

b.intertropical converging zone c.intertropical convergence zone d.intertropical conversion zone 13​





A.the atmosphere


A.Land breeze


B.Imteropical converging zone

Complete the following sentence with the appropriate word.
Too much cheese
good for your diet.





Too much cheese isn't good for your diet.

The answer is isn’t

The similarities between shopping mall and open air-market







write a personal narrative essay that describes a significant experience that has shaped your identity. develop the narrative through pacing dialogue and details that engage the reader​




Start by saying something that has impacted your life the most. The work it through how it has affected the people around you. Maybe how it has brought trauma into relationships that you can't control stuff like that. Usually the bad stuff is easier to write about

What rules applies to long quotations in MLA in-text citations a) Surround with quotation marks; double space lines b) Indent and start a new line; single space lines c)indent and start a new line; double space lines



c). indent and start a new line; double space lines.


The rules for in-text citations in MLA(Modern Language Association) format for long quotations include an "indent with a margin of half-inch, the quote begins from a new line and follows double spacing." The use of quotations marks is strictly prohibited in case of long quotations(comprising of more than four lines). They are located in a free-standing pattern with the indent towards the left side and required to be written using double space to separate it from the original content followed by the author's last name and page number in parenthesis post the last full stop. Thus, option c is the correct answer.

___1. Journalistic writing is generally expected to be objective, relying on? ___ 2. It is the feature of journalistic writing that catches reader's attention. ___ 3. What do we call its feature that answers the 5 W's? ___4. The part in journalistic writing where a writer can put his opinion? ___5. The journalist should write his article in the ________ form?A. Headline B. Facts and evidence C. Summing up D. Orientation E. Present Tense F. Past Tense



___1. Journalistic writing is generally expected to be objective, relying on

Facts and evidence

___ 2. It is the feature of journalistic writing that catches reader's attention.


___ 3. What do we call its feature that answers the 5 W's?

Summing up

___4. The part in journalistic writing where a writer can put his opinion?


___5. The journalist should write his article in the ________ form

Present Tense

of Recall any to a new place. you exciting journeys in nepal



what is the question


Read each of the excerpts from The Awakening.

The youngsters came tumbling up the steps, the quadroon following at the respectful distance which they required her to observe. Mrs. Pontellier made them carry her paints and things into the house. She sought to detain them for a little talk and some pleasantry. But they were greatly in earnest. They had only come to investigate the contents of the bonbon box.

[Mrs. Pontellier] stood watching the fair woman walk down the long line of galleries with the grace and majesty which queens are sometimes supposed to possess. Her little ones ran to meet her. Two of them clung about her white skirts, the third she took from its nurse and with a thousand endearments bore it along in her own fond, encircling arms.

Which statement most accurately describes the effect these two scenes have on the plot structure of the novel?
They contribute to the falling action by providing further details about Mrs. Pontellier and Madame Ratignolle and the women’s relationships with their children.
They contribute to the rising action by providing further details about Mrs. Pontellier and Madame Ratignolle and the women’s relationships with their children.
They contribute to the resolution by providing further details about Mrs. Pontellier and Madame Ratignolle and the women’s relationships with their children.
They contribute to the exposition by providing further details about Mrs. Pontellier and Madame Ratignolle and the women’s relationships with their children.


Let me preface by saying “I am not sure” but my thoughts lead me towards the exposition.
Reasoning: exposition is meaning or purpose, this seems to be providing the fair woman with a foundation of her character’s meaning and role in the story.

Where is Macbeth going when he sees the bloody dagger? 



option A.' To kill the king' is the correct option

How important is critical reading and critical thinking in dealing life situations life situations and in making choices ans in decision making?Cite example in a real life situation.​



Critical thinking is more than just important! It's one of the most crucial cognitive skills one can develop. By practicing well-thought-out thinking, both your thoughts and decisions can make a positive change in your life, on both a professional and personal level.


dialogue on asking your parents to attend the winter ball​


you: Mum and Dad, I need to have a word with you

Dad:- Sure.

You:- Can I please go to the ball with my friends.

Dad:- mhm I am not sure.

You:- Please, Micheal Jackson is showing Up for half an hour of so.

Dad:- what do say Sara(mum)

Mum:- I say we should let her go. When is this ball

You:- tomorrow 8 o clock

Dad:- In that case you have our permission to go.

You:- thank you

( you leave the room)

Read the excerpt from Javier's research paper about
Which text feature would best clarify the information
in this part of Javier's paper?
O an illustrated diagram of a samurai in full battle
O a chart showing the time warriors spent in training
O a bulleted list itemizing the samurai's codes of
O a time line with dates and events leading to the rise
of the samurai
In the 12th century, the samurai warrior class took
control in Japan. The rigorous training for these
warriors began in childhood. Trainees studied self-
discipline, martial arts, and poetry. They were also
expected to follow a guiding code of conduct called
Bushido, which translates to "the way of the warrior."
Additionally, young warriors spent hours perfecting
their skills in horseback riding and archery. After years
of preparation, the warriors were ready for battle. In
conflicts, samurai were covered head to toe. They
wore heavy iron breastplates to protect their chests,
and leather armor to shield their arms shoulders,
thighs, and shins. They wore bulky metal helmets that
protected their heads and necks. High-ranking
warriors sometimes added feathers, horns, or other
decorations to their helmets. Near the end of the



A). An illustrated diagram of a samurai in full battle gear.


Text features are characterized as the elements of the narrative that are apart from the actual content of the narrative. This promotes better comprehension as it allows the readers to locate particular information quickly and easily. It also helps in knowing the main points of key ideas that the author is emphasizing.

In the given excerpt, the use of an 'illustrated diagram to show Samurai in full battle gear' would help the readers in understanding the Samurai warriors' history and the modes in which they prepared for their battles. The diagram will not provide the information in a precise and highlighting manner that will be easier to understand but also allow them to know the key ideas effectively. Thus, option A is the correct answer.


a. an illustrated diagram of a samurai in full battle


Which revision corrects the sentence



Which sentence? Please at least put a picture.

In the event of Yan Limeng, through the publicity attribute of social media, the cultural propaganda offensive from Guo Wengui and Ban Nong made immeasurable loss in the process of resisting the epidemic all over the world.



Twitter is the event of Yan Limeng, through the publicity attribute of social media, the cultural propaganda offensive from Guo Wengui and Ban Nong made immeasurable loss in the process of resisting the epidemic all over the world.

“A Sound Of Thunder”

Choose the letter of the word or phrase that matches the word in italics

The boxer was resilient-- every time he was knocked down he got back up.

Resilient is in italics

A. Capable of withstanding shock
B. Stubbornly irrational
C. Consistently unbeatable
D. Capable of using defensive motion




C or A


Its either a or c because b and d don't make sense. If I was asked that question, I would probably pick c.

Capable of withstanding shock is the letter of the word or phrase that matches the word in italics. Hence, option A is correct.

What is the A Sound Of Thunder?

Provides wealthy explorers the chance to travel back in time and hunt extinct animals like dinosaurs. A hunter by the name of Eckels invests $10,000 to join a hunting group that will travel 66 million years in time to the Late Cretaceous period in order to embark on a guided safari to kill a Tyrannosaurus rex.

In "A Sound of Thunder," the butterfly stands in for the delicate ecological balance of the natural world. Bradbury reminds us that a butterfly, like every other species, has a place in the natural order despite its small size.

Thunder is a metaphor for both the dangers of human conceit as well as everyone's unavoidable demise.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about A Sound Of Thunder, click here:



Read this excerpt from "The Legend." Let the night sky cover him as he dies. Let the weaver girl cross the bridge of heaven and take up his cold hands. In this excerpt, the speaker's wish for the man relates to which theme?


Answer: Dying is a natural part of the life process.


In this excerpt, the speaker's wish for the man relates to the theme that dying is a natural part of life process.

The theme of a story simply means the moral lesson which the story is conveying. In the excerpt, the speaker is telling the readers that dying is a natural process and it's a normal phenomenon.

According to the sentences in the excerpt "Let the night sky cover him as he dies. Let the weaver girl cross the bridge of heaven and take up his cold hands". The shows that the speaker believes it's a natural process to die and that it's part of life.

Select the correct message.

Sheila is a marketing executive at an event management firm. She needs to tell her supervisor, Rhonda, to check a social media post about
the firm's services. Select the message that shows Sheila is using the best practices for instant messaging in the workplace.



I would go with the second option.


I think this is right, but don't quote me on this.


Karishma is reading "The Tell-Tale Heart." She reads an excerpt, looks for clues, and makes a prediction about what happens next. Read the same excerpt and her prediction.

His room was as black as pitch with the thick darkness, (for the shutters were close fastened, through fear of robbers,) and so I knew that he could not see the opening of the door, and I kept pushing it on steadily, steadily.

Karishma predicted that the narrator would carry out the murder plot undetected.

Next, read the subsequent excerpt that Karishma read.

I had my head in, and was about to open the lantern, when my thumb slipped upon the tin fastening, and the old man sprang up in bed, crying out—"Who's there?"

Which revision is most logical for Karishma to make to her prediction as she continues to read?

A. The narrator would carry out the murder plot undetected.

B. The narrator will be seen, but not heard as the murder is committed.

C. The old man becomes aware of a frightening presence in the room.

D. The old man prepares for his own murder.



D. The old man prepares for his own murder.


According to the question, Karishma is reading "The Tell-Tale Heart." and she reads an excerpt, looks for clues, then makes a prediction about what happens next.

According to her first prediction, she believes that the narrator would carry out the murder plot undetected because his approach to the house has been stealthy so far and no one has heard him.

Next, from the subsequent excerpt she reads, the old man hears him as he is about to open the door and asks loudly who is there.

Therefore, the revision that is most logical for Karishma to make to her prediction as she continues to read is that the old man prepares for his own murder.

This is because, he already knows there is an intruder and now he would prepare for his murder.





What does Mary Warren tell Danforth?
O A. That she wants to confess
O B. That the girls were lying
O C. That Abigail is a witch
O D. That she is pregnant





mary tell the judge tat the girls are telling lie

What are clues given that told you that they were
without money? Give three examples.



What are the Types of Context Clues?

There are five basic types of context clues. If you can help your child understand what they are, and how they work, she’ll have an ever-ready tool kit to use whenever she’s reading and finds herself stumped by an unknown word.

1:Synonym or restatement clues – When an author uses these types of clues, he or she will say the same thing twice: once with the more difficult word, and then again in a more simple way, often right in the same sentence. If your child doesn’t understand a word in a sentence, tell her to keep reading. A restatement clue may be coming right up.

2: Antonym or contrast clues – These types of context clues give us hints to the meaning of words by telling us what they’re not. Often the word “but” is included in the sentence to tell us that an opposite thought is about to be presented. That opposite is the antonym we’re looking for. Point out the antonym to your child. Then ask her, “What’s the opposite?”

3: Definition or explanation clues – With this type of context clue, the definition of the word is literally given to the reader in the form of an explanation. Sometimes the author will add very specific words to tell us an explanation is upcoming. These can include phrases like “which means” or “that is” or “in other words.”

4: General or inference clues – These types of context clues are a little more subtle. They usually require readers to look beyond the sentence they’re reading for understanding, sometimes even at the entire passage, the topic of the piece or the illustrations. If other, more specific context clues are missing, looking for inference clues is your child’s best bet.

5:Punctuation or font clues – The clues hidden here are found in capitalization, italicization, quotation marks and even parentheses. These clues tell the reader that the word could be a name, a book title or even that, in the case of parentheses, the word is being defined for us.

6:Tone or mood clues – Sometimes the mood that the author has set for us helps us guess at a word’s meaning. If the setting is a ghost story for instance, and the protagonist is “brooding,” we can be pretty sure it doesn’t mean he’s happy. Asking your child how she would feel in the setting of the story is one way to clue her into the meaning of a new word.


Follow me thank you.

summarize the central ideas in Society and Solitude in a paragraph



'Society and Solitude' is an essay written by Ralph Waldo Emerson in 1857. ... In this essay, the author discusses the notions of society, or association with other people, and solitude, or being alone. He praises the virtues of solitude, suggesting that private contemplation leads to enlightenment.


She's fallen of bicycle.(Add a suitable tag question)​



She's fallen of bicycle,hasn't she?


What happened while she was riding her bicycle?


Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition.

1) Ram asked Shyam to give the letter_______ his boss.
a) with b) over
c) to d) from

2) Delhi is famous ___ its street food.
a) from b) for
c) with d) among

3) The family welcomed the guests ___ great warmth.
a) from b) to
c) with d) in

4) Lalit warned his sister to be aware ___ that boy.
a) from b) to
c) of d) with

5) The boy was not interested _____ studies.
a) for b) in
c) to d) with

6) He beat him _____ a stick.
a) for b) with
c) by d) to

7) He fell _____ the horse.
a) of b) at
c) against d) off

8) You are prepared _____ the test.
a) to b) with
c) for d) at

9) We are engaged ______ our work.
a) into b) in
c) at d) on

10) I am glad ____ your success.
a) at b) with
c) to d) for

11) He wrote a letter _______ his father.
a) with b) to
c) from d) near

12) He jumped ______ the pond.
a) in b) at
c) on d) into

13) Sunita went ______ the stairs.
a) in b) on
c) up d) by

14) The apples are ___ the basket.
a) in b) on
c) into d) at

15) She is sitting _____ the floor.
a) in b) at
c) on d) under.​



1.c 2. b 3. c 4. c 5.b 6. b 7. d 8.c 9. b 10. a 11. b 12.a 13. c 14. a 15. c


Tell me if you need an explanation. Hope this helps!

does anyone have any book recommendations?


Answer:Fever 1793


Sure. Two, actually. I use them in my work all the time.

New Hart’s Rules is the updated edition of Hart’s Rules for Compositors and Editors, a style guide published by the Oxford University Press. Hart’s Rules began as a single sheet of paper drawn up by university printer Horace Hart in 1893, but over the years it’s morphed into a tightly-written comprehensive guide to punctuation and style. It will not teach you how to write, or how to understand English, but if you don’t know what the right thing is to do, it will help you out. (It’s sometimes available with the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors as the Oxford Style Manual, but I find the Manual a bit unwieldy and prefer them in separate volumes.)

Fowler’s Modern English Usage is a much

PART A: Which statement identifies the central idea of the text?



In the face of failure, it’s beneficial for people to focus on the things they can control, including how they respond to the failure.


Bethany Brookshire's "Lessons From Failure: Why we try, try again" talks about people's reactions to failure and how we respond to it. The informational text also talks about why we try, try again despite numerous failures.

In the text, the author states how failure is a normal part of human life. But at the same time, it is upon us how we respond to such failures. And throughout the text, she presents the central idea of how "rethinking our emotional responses seems to help" is the ideal recourse.

The statement that best identifies the central idea of the text is that in the face of failure, it is beneficial to focus on the things that we can control rather than brood over it. Also, remaining calm and positive despite the failures is important.

Thus, the correct answer is the third option.

what were the Browns and other families asking the supreme court to do?


Answer: allow african american children to attend the school of their choice


on edge

What does the author of "The Neglected Senses" expect to learn by
blindfolding herself for a walk through Lhasa?
A. She expects to learn how the people of Lhasa react to the blind
B. She expects to learn how the blind students navigate the city so
C. She expects to learn what Yapgchen and Choden did when they
were not in school.
D. She expects to learn why Yangchen and Choden seemed to enjoy
walking through Lhasa.



B. She expects to learn how the blind students navigate the city so



The author of "The Neglected Senses" expected to learn how the blind students navigate the city so

confidently by blindfolding herself for a walk through Lhasa.

The author observed that the blind students were confident moving through the city without much assistance, given their visual impairment and so she decided to blindfold herself and take a walk with a blind student named Lhasa.

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