Which of the following occurs as protein form?


Answer 1




Peptide bonds are formed by a biochemical reaction

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1.active transport. The movement of ions or molecules across a cell membrane in the direction opposite that of diffusion, that is, from an area of lower concentration to one of higher concentration. Active transport requires the assistance of a type of protein called a carrier protein, using energy supplied by ATP. SAP Activate is a content-rich and agile methodology for implementation and/or upgrade of SAP solutions across industries and customer environments. It sets out an innovative adoption framework that expedites SAP S/4HANA implementations.

2.If the process of transpiration stops in plants, then the excess water inside the plants will not be able to come out. Hence, the plants will burst due to the presence of excess of water inside them.

The DNA molecule could be compared



The correct answer is -To a ladder.


Most commonly DNA molecule is considered and compared to a twisted ladder as the structure of DNA can be compared to a ladder. It makes the side of the ladder by an arrangement of alternating chemical phosphate and sugar backbone, making the 'sides' of the ladder.

Nitrogenous bases that are purine and pyrimidine make up the 'rungs' or steps of the ladder and also bind with hydrogen bonds with one other in the rug as two bases make a single rug, and are attached to the backbone where the deoxyribose (sugar) molecules are located.

................... controls metabolic activity of a cell?​


enzymes control metabolic activity of cells

Energy is released when:
A. Chemical bonds break
B. Chemical bonds are made
C. Both A and B are true
D. Neither A nor B are true


The correct answer is B.

plz help quickly:
The diagram below shows the ways cells can release energy from food depending on whether oxygen is present.

Respond to the following:

What is the name for the top process (Hint: what is the term for a process that does need oxygen present to occur) ?

What is the name for the bottom process (Hint: what is the term for a process that does not need oxygen present to occur)?

How many ATP are produced at the end of the top process shown?

How many ATP are produced at the end of the bottom process shown?



1. Aerobic respiration

2. Anaerobic respiration

3. 36 ATPs

4. 2 ATPs


According to the diagram attached to this question, the process of cellular respiration is described. Based on whether OXYGEN is present or not, cellular respiration can be divided into two:

- Aerobic respiration is the respiration that occurs in the presence of oxygen. As shown in the top process, aerobic respiration starts with glycolysis → krebs cycle → Electron transport chain (ETC). At the end of these three steps, 36 ATP molecules results.

- Anaerobic respiration is the respiration that occurs in the absence of oxygen. As described in the bottom process of the diagram, anaerobic respiration starts with glycolysis and enters alcoholic or lactic acid fermentation depending on which product is formed (alcohol or lactic acid). At the end of the process, only 2 ATP molecules is synthesized.

A que tipo de comunicacion celular se refiere, los factores de crecimiento son señales que secretan las celulas para estimular su propio crecimiento y proliferacion


Answer: Comunicación intracrina


La comunicación celular consta de un proceso en el que las células se comunican entre ellas y con el medio externo mediante señales físicas o químicas. Entonces, dichas células reciben, procesan y transmiten señales no solo con su entorno sino también consigo mismas. Las señales que se originan en el exterior de una célula que son agentes físicos pueden ser, por ejemplo, la presión mecánica, la luz, la temperatura, el voltaje, etc. Las señales químicas pueden ser moléculas como péptidos, gases, etc. Dichas moléculas de señalización pueden sintetizarse a partir de diversas vías biosintéticas y liberarse a través de transportes pasivos o activos. Estas señales van a ser detectadas por receptores, los cuales son proteínas en la superficie celular o en el interior de la célula que detectan las señales y producen una respuesta. Los receptores de la superficie celular suelen unirse a señales o ligandos extracelulares, lo que provoca un cambio conformacional en el receptor que le lleva a iniciar una actividad enzimática o a abrir o cerrar la actividad de un canal iónico para permitir o bloquear el transporte. Por otro lado, los receptores intracelulares, como los receptores nucleares, tienen un mecanismo diferente, como el cambio de sus propiedades de unión al ADN y la localización celular en el núcleo, regulando directamente la transcripción de genes y por lo tanto la regulando la expresión génica.

La señalización celular puede producirse a corta o larga distancia, por lo que puede clasificarse como autocrina, yuxtacrina, intracrina, paracrina o endocrina. La señalización autocrina implica que una célula secrete una hormona o un mensajero químico que se une a los receptores autocrinos de esa misma célula, lo que provoca cambios en la propia célula. En la señalización paracrina, una célula produce una señal para inducir cambios en las células cercanas, alterando el comportamiento de éstas. Las moléculas de señalización conocidas como factores paracrinos se difunden a una distancia relativamente corta (acción local), a diferencia de la señalización celular por factores endocrinos, donde las hormonas recorren distancias más largas a lo largo del cuerpo y a través del sistema circulatorio. La señalización yuxtácrina es un tipo de señalización entre células o entre una célula y la matriz extracelular que requiere un contacto estrecho, entonces se diferencia de la comunicación autócrina y endócrina en que estas últimas no requieren contacto. Y por último, la señalización intrácrina es un mecanismo de control del crecimiento que implica la acción directa de factores de crecimiento dentro de la célula. Algunos factores de crecimiento producen complejos factor/receptor en la superficie celular y son rápidamente internalizados por la célula en cuestión y translocados al núcleo sin degradación.

Un factor de crecimiento es una sustancia natural capaz de estimular la proliferación celular, la curación de heridas y, en ocasiones, la diferenciación celular. Por lo tanto, actúan como moléculas de señalización entre las células y pueden actuar sobre las mismas células que las producen y liberan. Entonces, si estos factores de crecimiento actúan sobre las mismas células que los secretan, se habla de un comunicación intrácrina.

cómo hacemos el arte se convierta en un dinamizador de una milpa






5. The atmosphere of early Earth is unlike today's atmosphere.

A. When did oxygen first appear in Earth's early atmosphere? (3 points)

B. What factor caused the appearance of oxygen? (3 points)

C. What is one form of evidence used to support this theory? (4 points)



it's 5


today's atmosphere we enjoy today is radically different from the atmosphere that formed with the earth billions of years ago.

the small pine forest in which a rabbit lives is the rabbit's ______.​





The rabbit’s habitat. = B

Which of the following is an example of a beneficial mutation?

When an organism's lifespan becomes shorter
when an organism's body becomes deformed
When an organism becomes unable to reproduce
When an organism develops immunity to a disease



When an organism develops immunity to a disease


when organisms develop immunity than the organism become more comfartable to the enviroment

Lactic acid fermentation takes place after glycolysis in the absence of:
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Glucose
D. Oxygen





Fermentation take place when there is a lack of oxygen in a cell. Without oxygen, the only process that can create ATP from glucose is glycolysis.


its oxygen.


Fermentation take place when there is a lack of oxygen in a cell. Without oxygen, the only process that can create ATP from glucose is glycolysis.

pls mark me as branliest

At a pH below 3.5, fats and hypertonicity in the duodenum decrease gastric motility by what mechanisms





Which of the two cells have a greater rate of cell division: a muscle cell or brain cell?


I think it’s muscle cells.

Which statement is a hypothesi

A. I hear crikets in the summer, so crickets chirp more when its warm outside
B. Crickets are cooler than grasshoppers.
C. If the temperature increases, then crickets will chirp more.
D. Does temperature affect how much crickets chirp?​





A hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables. It is a specific, testable prediction about what you expect to happen in a study.

because hypotheses are “If, then” statements

2 difference between pupa of honey bee and pupa of silkworm??​


The larvae of a silk moth secrete the silk thread which is used to make clothes. Honey bees produce and store honey which is nutritious food. Silkworm is a creamy white colored insect which is about 2-3 cm long and shining in nature. Bee larvae have been shown to be an excellent food source for rearing insects

What is chromosome?
A: a type of organism that has genes
B: a form of gene that control a trait
C: a strand of genetic material
D: a specific trait that is passed on


Answer:  B. A strand of genetic material


Its a thread like organism that carries DNA

______is the largest sac between small and large intestine were cellulose of food is digested .

_____ is the largest gland in human body.

______ is the enzyme present in saliva which act on starch food.

pls can u solve it :/​



1. its rumen

2. liver

3. enzyme amylase


Please mark me brainliest to answer more question

happy to help u

Which of the following is NOT a feature of ALL
A. radial symmetry
B. cnidoctyes
C two body forms-medusa and polyp
D. three tissue layers


D.three tissue layers I think

ls Carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis​



6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

yes it is the plants need carbon dioxide

Which of the following is an example of an anabolic reaction?

citric acid cycle

fatty acid decarboxylation




It’s A, citric acid cycle

Which of these provides evidence from development biology of a shared evolutionary history ?


[tex] \huge \mathtt \red{answer}[/tex]

the leg of the whale and the skeletal structure of it provides the evidence from developmental biology of a shared evolutionary history.


D. The skeletal structures of a leg of a horse and a flipper of a whale are very similar.


(Will mark brainliest)

As you know, coronaviruses, influenza viruses, measles viruses, and rhinoviruses all encode RNA-
dependent RNA polymerases. All four of them introduce this gene into host cells. Two of them
ALSO introduce the RdRp enzyme. Which two? Why MUST they carry the polymerase protein in the
virus particle?



In order to form more DNA molecules.


These viruses carry the polymerase protein in the  virus particle because this protein synthesizes DNA molecules from deoxyribonucleotides. This formation of DNA molecule enables the virus cell to increase in their population. Each and every new cell of virus requires DNA molecules so we can say that this polymerase protein is very important and necessary for virus.

Which of the following best describes bacteriophage?
A.A bacterium that obtains energy by feeding on other bacteria
B.A virus that infects bacteria
C.A virus that passes eukaryotic genes to prokaryotes
D.A bacterium that takes in free DNA from its environment



b. A virus that infects bacteria.

How are all fungi and all protists alike?



Since plants and fungi are both derived from protists, they share similar cell structures. Unlike animal cells, both plant and fungal cells are enclosed by a cell wall. As eukaryotes, both fungi and plants have membrane-bound nuclei, which contain DNA condensed with the help of histone proteins.

Nature of cell structure.
Both are eukaryotic organisms and have well-defined nuclus, cell organells.

Chang wants to build a circuit that will light up a bulb from a flashlight, and has a battery, switch, wire, and a light bulb.

Which component would Chang use as the source of energy?

the battery
the switch
the wire
the light bulb


The correct answer is: the battery. Taking into account the battery is the only possible source of energy.

The battery component would Chang use as the source of energy.

What is Battery?

Batteries consist of one or more cells, each of which undergoes chemical processes to produce an electron flow in a circuit.

Each battery has three primary components: an anode (the "-" side), a cathode (the "+" side), and an electrolyte of some sort.

When the cathode and anode of a battery are connected to a circuit, a chemical reaction takes place between the anode and the electrolyte. Following this reaction, electrons return to the cathode and experience a second chemical change.

Therefore, The battery component would Chang use as the source of energy.

To learn more about Battery, refer to the link:



Plz answer my question i asked before this (plz, i will give brainliest to u if answered correctly)



is that the one i answered already...


The transfer of heat by the movement of matter, such as the flow between the warm and cool parts of a
liquid, is an example of:
O A. Radiation
B. Conduction
OC. Induction
D. Convection


the answer would be B

Allosteric effectors: Question 1 options: can lead to a decrease in the availability of a protien alter enzyme activity by binding to the active site of an enzyme can cause large changes in enzymatic activity decrease the sensitivity of the enzyme at nearly all concentrations of substrate do not alter the sensitivity of a metabolic pathway



can cause large changes in enzymatic activity


An enzyme refers to a biological catalyst that is typically used to speed up (accelerate) the rate of a chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy of its reactants.

An allosteric effector can be defined as an agent, organ or molecule that is being binded to an enzyme at a site, thereby causing a reduction (negative effect) or an increase (positive effect) in an enzyme activity.

When the activation energy of a reaction is low, the rate of the reaction would be faster. Therefore, an enzyme speeds or catalyzes the rate of a reaction by lowering its activation energy.

Additionally, if the conditions are not optimal for an enzyme, it limits the ability of an enzyme to bind or be joined with its substrates.

Furthermore, an increase in temperature increases or speeds up the rate of a reaction while low temperature limits or reduces the rate of a reaction.

In the human body, the optimal temperature for enzymes is around 37 degrees celsius (°C).

In conclusion, an allosteric effector can cause large changes in enzymatic activity because it acts as an intermediary and mediates specific effect in a metabolic pathway.

A heterozygous tall (Tt) plant is crossed at with a short plant (tt). The probability that offspring plants will be tall is
a. 25%

b. 50%

c. 75%

d. 100%


The answer is 50%, or B.

si tienes caspa y te cortas el cabello asta hacerte pelado, se te va la caspa ?


No. Tiene que ver con el cuero cabelludo, no el cabello. Puede que ayude pero tendra que hacer tratamiento.
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