Johnny has 304 apples, his sister ate 301 of them. How many apples does he have? After His sister ate the apples a magic fairy multiplied the apples by 281893.21 times. Now how many apples does Johnny have. After the faity multiplied the apples a demon can and divided the apples by pi * the square root of 9284. Now how many apples does Johnny have?


Answer 1


1. John still has 3 Apples

2. John now has 845679,63 Apples (I'm not sure if you've written the number of the multiplying fairy right...).

3. If the * is multiplying:

John now has 25937228,2 Apples.

Step-by-step explanation:

Just use the calculator.

Related Questions

Cho góc AOB = 100 độ vẽ OC là tia đối của tia OA , OM là phân giác của góc AOB . Tính góc COM?



130 độ

Step-by-step explanation:

góc BOC= góc AOC-góc AOB


góc MOB = góc AOB/2=100°/2=50°( vì OM là tia phân giác của góc AOB)

góc COM= góc MOB + góc BOC

= 50° + 80°

= 130°

Write the expression as a single function of alpha.



-cos α

is the answer-------

Write in point-slope form, slope-intercept form, and standard form an equation that passes through (-1,2) with slope 4.


point slope form:y-2=4(x+1)

then distribute 4 and simplify y-2=4x+4 , y=4x+6 is the slope -y intercept form

then, move 4x on the left side, you get -4x+y=6 , multiply every term by -1, you get 4x-y=-6 which is standard form.

Yousuf had 117 marbles and Andrew had 23 marbles. Yousuf then gave some of his marbles to Andrew so that Yousuf ended with thrice as many marbles as Andrew. How many marbles did Yousuf give to Andrew?




Step-by-step explanation:


140/4 = 35

35-23 = 12

Create a system of linear equations with one solution. In your final answer, include the system of equations and the graphs of the lines.



System of equations

[tex]x + y = 5[/tex]

[tex]y - 2x = -4[/tex]

[tex](x,y) = (3,2)[/tex] --- solution

See attachment for graph

Step-by-step explanation:

Solving (a): Linear equations with 1 solution

The only condition to this is that, the system must have 1 solution.

Other than that, there is no other condition.

A linear equation is represented as:

[tex]ax + by= c[/tex]

For the equation to have 1 solution;

[tex]a_1 * b_2 \ne a_2 * b_1[/tex]

And example of such equation is:

[tex]x + y = 5[/tex]

[tex]y - 2x = -4[/tex]

Solving (b): The graph

See attachment for graph

The solution is the point of intersection of both lines of the graph. So, we have:

[tex](x,y) = (3,2)[/tex]

Is the height of these students a function of their wrist circumference?

Yes because as wrist circumference increases height also increases.
O Yes because a line can be fit to these data to predict other pairings.
No because the height of 151 cm is paired with two wrist circumferences.
O No because the wrist circumference of 16 cm is paired with two heights,


No because the wrist circumference of 16 cm is paired with two heights

hope this helps

Please help me with this.. and tell correct answer..​



Step-by-step explanation:

55 +80 + ∠C = 180   {Angle  sum property}

135 + ∠C = 180

∠C = 180 - 135

∠C = 45

The side opposite to the biggest angle is the longest side

Biggest angle is ∠B. So the longest side is AC

Smallest angle is ∠C. So, the shortest side is BA

Please help!! I have no idea how to do this



i have also no idea but plz mark me as brainlist

Find the zeroes of the following quadratic polynomials and verify the relationship between
the zeroes and the coefficients.




Step-by-step explanation:

Since 4u²+8u=4u(u+2)

Zeroes ={0,-2}


But i don't know the relationship.

What is the quotient of the synthetic division problem below, written in polynomial form?

-1| 1 7 15 9 7​



Step-by-step explanation:

If we have 5 terms to the right of the -1 outside the box thing, that means that our original polynomial is a 4th degree (the degree is one lower than the number of terms in order to allow for the constant which has no variable). Set up the synthetic division as shown in the problem. The rule is to bring down the first term, the 1 to the right of the box, multiply it by the number outside, -1, and put that product up under the next number in line inside the box. Like this:

-1 |   1    7     15     9     7



Now add straight down, multiply the sum by -1 and put that product up under the next term in line, the 15:

-1 |   1     7     15     9     7

            -1     -6              

      1     6  

Then add straight down again, multiply the sum by -1 and put that product up under the next term in line, the 9:

-1 |     1     7     15     9     7

              -1     -6    -9      

        1     6     9

Then do the same thing. Add straight down, multiply the sum by -1 and put the product up under the next term in line, the 7:

-1 |     1     7     15     9     7

              -1     -6    -9     0

        1     6      9     0     7

This is the final result. The last number, the 7 is the remainder, but the rest of it makes up what we call the depressed polynomial and is a polynomial that is one degree less than the degree we started with. So this depressed polynomial is a 3rd degree. The numbers are the coefficients on the x terms:

[tex]1x^3+6x^2+9x+0R7[/tex] or more simply stated:


Can someone help with these two questions


Question 2

3rd part and 4th part are equivalent

Question 3

(i) 762,500

(ii) 7625

(iii) 0.007625

Answered by GauthMath please click thank you and comment thanks if you like it.

How many index laws are there?



There are three laws of indices.

What should be subtracted from thrice the rational number -8/3 to get


Answer: -21/2 or -10.5

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x be the number that is going to be subtracted from the rational number

3 × (-8/3) - x = 5/2 ⇒ Write the equation

-8 - x = 5/2 ⇒ Do multiplication

-8 - x + x = 5/2 +x ⇒ Add x on both sides

-8 = 5/2 + x ⇒ Simplify

-8 - 5/2 = 5/2 + x - 5/2 ⇒ Subtract 5/2 on both sides

x = -21/2 = -10.5 ⇒ Simplify

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

Plz answer will give brainliest


These triangles are congruent by SAS, therefore HI and IJ will be the same length.

3v = v + 60

2v = 60

v = 30

Hope this helps!

Samuel played a video game. He gained some points, lost 87 points, and
finished with less than 320 points, Which of the following inequality
represents the given situation?
A.) n-87 < 320
B.) N + 87 < 320
C.) N-87 = 320
D.) n +87= 320




Step-by-step explanation:

The correct inequality that represents the given situation is: A.) n - 87 < 320.

How to explain the equation

The situation states that Samuel played a video game and gained some points. Let's represent the points he gained as 'n'.

Next, it is mentioned that he lost 87 points. To represent this in the inequality, we subtract 87 from the initial points gained, which gives us 'n - 87'.

Finally, the situation specifies that Samuel finished with less than 320 points. This means that the final score, represented by 'n - 87', is less than 320.

This inequality represents that the initial points gained by Samuel (n) minus 87 points is less than 320 points, indicating that his final score is less than 320 points after losing 87 points.

Learn more about equations


Analyzing Graphs of Functions
Which graph shows a function where f(2) = 4?



the first one

Step-by-step explanation:

check which graph passes through the point (2,4)


First graph

Step-by-step explanation:


F={(-1, 2), (3, 2), (4,2), (0, 2)} Is Fa function and why/why not?



yes it is a function         A

Step-by-step explanation:

Find f(-5) if f(x)=[x+1]


Answer: -5

Step-by-step explanation:

square brackets mean that you need to select an integer part from the number that does not exceed the original number, that is, if we have a number, that is, if [5,1]=5 or [-5,1]=-6    ;  curly brackets highlight the fractional part {}   [tex]\displaystyle\ \Large \ \boldsymbol{Rules: } \\\\\\\boldsymbol{ if \ x >0 => [x]=x-\{x\}} \\\\\\\boldsymbol{if \ x<0 => [x]=x-1+\{x\}} \\\\\\then \ \ f(-5)=[-5+1]= [-4]=-4-1+0=\boxed{-5}[/tex]                                                                                                              

hellppp meeeeeee pleaseeee​



Step-by-step explanation:

abscissa = x coordinate

ordinate = y coordinate


A( 2,-3)   / (2, -3) / 2/  -3

B(-1,-7)    / (-1, -7) / -1/  -7

C(2,0)    / (2,0)   / 2 / 0

D(-9, 6)  / (-9,6) / -9 / 6

E(2,4) .  / (2,4) .  / 2 / 4

F(0,-5)  /  (0,-5) / 0 / -5

At 11:30 a.m. the bottle is 1/4 of the way full. At what
time will the bottle be 1/2 full?
o 11:31 a.m.
11:35 a.m.
O 11:40 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
It’s B: 11:35 a.m.



B. 11:35 am

Step-by-step explanation:

11:30 a.m. the bottle is 1/4 of the way full.

At what time will the bottle be 1/2 full?

Time required = 1/4 ÷ 1/2

= 0.25/0.5

= 0.5 minutes

Total time required for the bottle be 1/2 full

= 11:30 am + 0.5 minutes

= 11:35 am

B: 11:35 a.m


A The bottle was 1/2 full at 11:35 a.m. and doubled again after 5 minutes.

B The bottle was 1/4 full at 11:30 a.m. and doubled twice after 10 minutes.

D Exponential growth involves a constant multiplicative rate of change.

Step-by-step explanation:

Edge 2021

What effect will replacing x with (x + 7)have on the graph of the equation
y = x^2



The answer would be C.

Compared to the original graph (red), the new graph (blue) is shifted 7 units to the left.

Step-by-step explanation:


shift 7 units to the LEFT

Step-by-step explanation:

b) 5(2x - 4)
Expand the following




Step-by-step explanation:



A ball is thrown vertically with a velocity of18 m/s. It’s height, h, in meters above the ground after t seconds is given by the equation: h= -5t2+10t+35. Algebraically, determine the following.
Find The maximum height of the ball and the time it takes to reach that height
The time it takes the ball to hit the ground.




Step-by-step explanation:

First of all, something is wrong with either the wording in the problem or the equation that you wrote; if the upward velocity is 18, we should see 18t in the equation, not 10t. I solved using 10t.

To find the max height of the ball and the time it took to get there, we need to complete the square on this quadratic and solve for the vertex. That will give us both of those answers in one!

To complete the square, set the quadratic equal to 0 and then move over the constant, like this:

[tex]-5t^2+10t=-35[/tex]  The rule is that we have to have a 1 as the leading coefficient, and right now it's a -5, so we factor that out, leaving us with:

[tex]-5(t^2-2t)=-35[/tex] and now we are ready to begin the process to complete the square.

The rule is: take half the linear term, square it, and add it to both sides. Our linear term is a -2 (from the -2t); half of -2 is -1, and -1 squared is 1. We add in a one to both sides. BUT when we put the 1 into the set of parenthesis on the left, we didn't just add in a 1, we have that -5 out front that is a multiplier. That means that we actually added in a -5 after it's all said and done.

[tex]-5(t^2-2t+1)=-35-5[/tex] and we'll clean that up a bit. The right side is easy, that's a -40. The left side...not so much.

The reason we complete the square is to put this quadratic into vertex form. Completing the square creates a perfect square binomial on the left, which for us is, along with the simplification on the right:


Lastly, we move the -40 back over by adding and setting the quadratic back to equal y:

[tex]-5(t-1)^2+40=y[/tex] and we see that the vertex is (1, 40). That translates to a height of 40 meters at 1 second after launch. That's the vertex which, by definition, is the max or min of the parabola. Because our parabola is negative, the vertex for us is a max.

To find out how long it takes the ball to hit the ground, set the quadratic equal to 0 and factor however it is you are currently doing this in class. You can continue to factor from the vertex form we have the equation in if you'd like. Let's do that, since we are already most of the way there. Begin here:

[tex]-5(t-1)^2=-40[/tex] and divide both sides by -5 to get

[tex](t-1)^2=8[/tex] and take the square root of both sides to "undo" that squaring on the left:

t - 1 = ±√8. Now add 1 to both sides to isolate the t:

t = 1 ± √8. In decimal form:

t = 1 + √8 is 3.828 seconds and

t = 1 - √8 is -1.828 seconds.

Since we all know that time will NEVER be a negative value, the time it takes the ball to hit the ground is 3.828 seconds.

how to solve (n^(3)+3n^(2)+3n+28)-:(n+4) in long polynomial division?



Open the image. (Hope you don't mind about bad writing)

what is x(2)+y(6) if x=4 and y=(-4)

Also, can anyone just talk?




Step-by-step explanation:

Follow . PEMDAS

plug the numbers in

4*2 =8 and -4*6=24

add both...


Step-by-step explanation:




hope it helps..

Express 34C21 as a sum of two terms from pascals triangle.



The combination is:


To find:

The [tex]^{34}C_{21}[/tex] as the sum of two terms from pascals triangle.


According to the pascals triangle:


We have,


Using the pascals triangle formula, we get


Therefore, [tex]^{34}C_{21}=^{33}C_{20}+^{33}C_{21}[/tex].

Lucia gave Brenda half of the cash she had in the store counter at the end of the day. Brenda put the money in her purse and added one half of the amount she had from her own savings. Brenda had saved half of what Lucia earned in the store that day. Brenda took her purse and went to the dog shelter and brought food and treat packet for 5 dogs. Each packet cost her $15. How much money did Lucia earn at the store that day?




Step-by-step explanation:

The amount Lucia gave Brenda = Half the amount in the store counter

The amount Brenda added to the money Lucia gave her = Half the amount in her (Brenda) savings

The amount Brenda had saved = Half of the amount Lucia earned in the store that day

The number of food and treat packets Brenda bought = 5

The cost of each packet = $15

Let x represent the amount Lucia earned and let y represent the amount Brenda saved

We have;

x/2 = y

x/2 + y/2 = 15 × 5 = 75

Therefore, we get;

y + y/2 = 75

(3/2)·y = 75

y = 75 × 2/3 = 50

y = 50

From x/2 = y, we have;

x/2 = 50

x = 2 × 50 = 100

The amount Lucia earned in her store that day, x = $100

Someone please help me!! I don’t know the answer!!



Step-by-step explanation:


The measurement of the arc is 3Pi

that represents 108 / 360 of the circle.


108/350 2 * pi * R = 3* pi


Pi is on both sides of the equation. They both cancel.

108/360 = 0.3

0.3 * 2 * R = 3

0.6 * R = 3

R = 3/0.6

R = 5

The answer would be R= 5

dididjdjdjdhjdjdh < so that i could answer

2cm + 5cm + 6.4cm cuboid



64 volume of the cuboid

formula used is lbh multiplies together.

Mark me as brainliest

Hope it helps:)

Step-by-step explanation:

1 by 8 of the passenger of a train where children is there where 40 children traveling in the train on a Saturday how many Abbott were there in that that day?



200 adults

Step-by-step explanation:

1/8 of the passengers (children) is 40

Total passengers in the train is 8/8

Therefore to get the total number of passengers is given by

(8/8) × 40 × (8/1)

= 240 passengers

Adults in the train = Passengers - Children

= 240 - 40

= 200 adults

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