Which of the following was a reason the US adopted a policy of isolationism before world war 2


Answer 1

Answer: Why America Isolated Itself...

Explanation:  It was because of WW1, it was due to the many casualties that America suffered in WW1. The United States did not want to interfere with other countries' political affairs during the war but they did at the very end. They joined in and had "open door policy" and remained neutral in the war. Afterward, America did not experience as much of a devastating loss from WW1 but they decided to seclude themselves to repair themselves after the war. Ironically, they experienced an economic boom and prospered. Partially due to the war and a shift into a new decade. However, all good things must come to an end. By the end of the 1920s, the Great Depression kicked in. Economic devastation flooded other countries aswell. Since other countries were also experiencing a depression, trade slowed down and communications to other countries slowed down. This also contributed to isolationism before WW2. Luckily, in the beginning of WW2, America decided to isolate itself once again. This was however disrupted due to Pearl Harbor. WW2 ended up helping America get out of the Depression and was one of the reasons why America decided to participate in the war.  

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Which statement best summarizes the role of the media in the U.S. political
A. The media shape public opinion by choosing how to report on
developments and policies.
B. The media promote the two-party system by requiring outlets to
represent only one party.
C. The media endorse the government's policies to ensure political
D. The media restrict access to information by publicizing only
corporate-sponsored content.



A. The media shape public opinion by choosing how to report on

developments and policies.


The media has a lot of influence in the U.S. political process. Every outlet of media chooses which stories to report, which policies to highlight, and more importantly, the kind of angle, spin, or bias, from which to report.

Audiences are likely to shape their views according to the way the Media reports, making them very influential in shaping the political opinions of the audience.

Define constitution ​


Answer:a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed


which civilization had the first democracy



Greek.................................... °°°hope it's helped you°°°




In the year 507 B.C., the Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced a system of political reforms that he called demokratia, or “rule by the people”



How did Mehmet II overcome the strategic blocking of the Golden Horn by the Byzantines?



he dragged his ships overland


Why did American Indians cut themselves with the


Native American weaponry was used by Native American warriors to hunt and to do battle with other Native American tribes and European colonizers.


The answer is they did not understand that swords are sharp.  


Just got the question




Learn Programming


If you learn how to program you get a new and useful skill. The added bonus is people will think you are smarter then you really are.


Try doing some new stuff you havent done before


It will distract you

Who invented the onesie? And why did the person make it


sir winston churchill invented the onesie!

the purpose of it is to allow your baby the comfort of a shirt with added benefit to not having to worry about the shirt riding up as well as keeping cloth diapers from falling down throughout the day! :)

Historians compare similarities and differences between societies primarily to.what?
collect evidence on historical events.
comprehend how the past affects the future.
o learn about famous people who lived in the past.
O explain why cultures have varying views on an event.



Correct Answer:

O explain why cultures have varying views on an event.


In ancient history, most events are documented by historian of that time. This goes to show how the culture of that area treat some issues or their view regarding to some certain events.

For example, in ancient Greek, most people's representative who fall out of favour are banished to other region to live out the remaining years of their lives unlike now that such is no longer obtainable.




took the test

What are some ways
you can identify bia in
a source?



The author sets a limited view of the topic.


They don't offer the other point of view. Facts may be omitted from the source. There may be additional information needed.

What does the shaded area on the map show? India after World War II Bangladesh after World War II the colony of India in the 1800s the Mughal Empire in the 1700s



The Mughal Empire in the 1700s


The shaded area on the map shows the Mughal Empire in the 1700s which controlled much of South Asia between the 16th and 19th centuries but encompass modern-day  ‎India; Pakistan; Afghanistan and bangladesh. Mughal Empire was at her peak from 16th to 17th centuries


d. The Mughal Empire in the 1700s


The British were looking for a way to improve their access to the East Indies so they could do what ?


God, gold, and glory motivated European nations to explore and create colonies ....,The lure of gold: finding new routes to trade Eastern

Which statements about America in the 1960s are true? Choose all answers that are correct. A. Relations between blacks and whites in northern cities were sometimes violent. B. Urban centers had well-funded schools and low unemployment. C. Some young men became conscientious objectors who refused to fight in Vietnam. D. California was a center of the counterculture movement.



I think the answer is A sonce it talks about black amd white people.

In the 1960s, race relations were tense in northern cities, urban centers varied in school funding and employment opportunities, and California was a hub for the counterculture movement. Hence, among the given statements, A, C, and D are true.

What was the counterculture movement?

The counterculture movement was a social and cultural phenomenon that emerged in the 1960s, particularly in the United States. It was characterized by a rejection of traditional social norms and values, including those related to gender roles, sexuality, and personal expression. The movement also embraced alternative forms of spirituality, experimentation with drugs, and a general distrust of authority and institutions.

The 1960s were marked by a series of race riots in several cities, including Los Angeles, Detroit, and Newark. Opposition to the Vietnam War grew in the 1960s, and many young men chose to become conscientious objectors. California was a center of the counterculture movement.

Therefore, in the 1960s, race relations were tense in northern cities, urban centers varied in school funding and employment opportunities, and California was a hub for the counterculture movement. Hence, among the given statements, A, C, and D are true.

Learn more about counterculture, here:



Which areas of the Great Plains were most severely affected by the Dust Bowl?


The Dust Bowl affected states such as Oklahoma and Texas and evening stretched as far as Kansas, New Mexico and Colorado. All over the SouthEast.

Drag each label to the correct location.
Match each description to a type of primary source
personal scrapbook,
government census data,
corporate business records,
university archives
-the population of the three largest cities in the US In 2010 - a picture of what junior prom dresses looked like in 1998 -the vote from a shareholders meeting in 1997 - a graph showing net profits and losses for 2003 - publications by English Department faculty members in 1963.- the number of citizens under the age 18 in 1960 - alumni association bylaws from 1989 - a ticket stub from the movie Titanic



personal scrapbook -   a picture of what junior prom dresses looked like in 1998, a ticket stub from the movie Titanic

government census data - the population of the three largest cities in the US In 2010, the number of citizens under the age 18 in 1960

corporate business records - the vote from a shareholders meeting in 1997, a graph showing net profits and losses for 2003

university archives - publications by English Department faculty members in 1963, alumni association bylaws from 1989


Personal scrapbook -  It is a type of picture book which depicts some story. so the description matches this source is "a picture of what junior prom dresses looked like in 1998" and "a ticket stub from the movie Titanic".

Government census data - This data provides information about the country's people and economy. So it includes "the population of the three largest cities in the US In 2010", and  "the number of citizens under the age 18 in 1960".

Corporate business records - These records show trends in business. so it includes "the vote from a shareholders meeting in 1997", and "a graph showing net profits and losses for 2003".

University archives - It collects or documents the history of the university. So, it includes "publications by English Department faculty members in 1963", and "alumni association bylaws from 1989".


goverment :the population of the three largest cities in

Bussiness: the United States in 2010a graph showing net profits and losses for 2003

personal:a picture of what junior prom dresses looked

like in 1998

university: publications by English Department faculty

university : members in 1963 alumni association bylaws from 1989

bussiness: the vote from a shareholders’ meeting in 1977

goverment: the number of citizens under age 18 in 1960

personal:a ticket stub from the movie Titanic

Explanation:i got it right in edmentum

Which of these events occurred first?
1066 CE - The Normans invaded England.
O 1993 CE - The European Union was formed.
1919 CE - The Treaty of Versailles was signed.
80 CE - The Roman Colosseum was completed.


Answer: The answer is 80CE

Explanation: C.E. stands for Common Era, which refers to the time between year 1 C.E. to modernity ( 1st century to 21st century). This term is used as a synonym of A.D., which represents the year Christ was born. Moreover, in the Common Era events are organized from the year 1 C.E. to 2020 C.E. (current year).


D- 80 CE


Select the correct location on the map.

Where was the Ming dynasty located?​


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

The Ming dynasty was a Chinese dynasty. There have been tons of Chinese dynasties in history, so if you want to know where a certain dynasty, China is a good guess. The word Ming also sounds pretty Chinese, so that could help you figure it out as well.

Therefore, the Ming dynasty was located in China, so the square is the one farthest to the right.

Have a wonderful day! :D

Up until the Yongle emperor (reigned 1403–1424), who moved the capital to Beijing in 1420, Nanjing served as the main Ming capital. The administrative importance of Nanjing decreased throughout the rest of the dynasty as it served as the secondary capital.

What caused the Ming dynasty to fall?

A famine resulted from crop failures brought on by unusually cold weather. The government persisted in oppressing the populace despite its inability to address the issue of poverty. Li Zicheng (1606–1645), a peasant soldier, led a coup and mutiny.

Following the fall of the Yuan dynasty under Mongol rule, the Ming dynasty, formally known as the Great Ming, ruled China from 1368 to 1644. The Han people, China's dominant ethnic group, were in charge of the Ming dynasty, the country's final orthodox dynasty.

Learn more about The Ming Dynasty here:



the expansion of islam resulted in european expansion in which of the following ways



The expansion of Islam resulted in European expansion in the sense that "a. Europeans sought to convert new people to Christianity to counteract Islamic influence" however the Crusades also played a large role, albeit not in the sense that they wanted to spread ideas or culture.


1. If money , fear or people’s judgements were not factors, what I wish to BE in my life?

2. If money , fear or people’s judgements were not factors, what I wish to DO in my life?

3. If money , fear or people’s judgements were not factors, what I wish to HAVE in my life?



If money, fear or people's judgments were not factors, then I wished to become a pilot, do what I love and pursue my dreams without the need to try to make ends meet, merely by working in some meager income jobs. I wished to have the stability to make my own decisions and have the resources to focus and work for my dream.


1. If the issue of money, fear, or judgment from people isn't a factor, the one thing I wished to be in my life I to become a pilot. Not only does money pose a problem for me, but the means to attain such heights also requires me to go against my family's belief of a female responsible for the house. The act of pursuing such a profession will only lead to more contempt, which is 'doing what a man is supposed to do', thereby a form of demeaning the man's role in society.

2. What I wished to do in my life is to be able to make and take my own decisions without the need to think about what the people will say behind my back, or the means to make such decisions and also the fear of being ostracized.

3. Lastly, if money, people's judgment, and fear were not a factor, then I wished to have the freedom to be who I am, do what I like, and have all the means necessary to make my dreams come true. I wished to have the stability to do what I love, with no problems with money or people's opinions.  

Compare our government today with the government of Henry viii



Henry VIII did not have the same approach to government as Henry VII had done. Henry VII was very much a person who wanted to involve himself in the day-to-day running of government – almost in fear that he would lose control of government if he was not in as much control as was possible in those days of limited communication. Henry VIII took a very different approach. He believed that government could be left to trusted men who once they knew the king’s wishes would implement them. Therefore, though Henry VIII was not overly involved in government, his men were actually carrying out his policies. Henry believed that his men were honourable and that loyalty would be their guiding star. Therefore, he did not need to involve himself in government as his trusted and loyal ministers would do it for him. Success was likely to be rewarded. Most, if not all, knew what failure meant.

Henry’s ministers knew that there were only two times in the day when Henry might be available to discuss policy – around the time each day that he took Mass and after dinner. Even then, neither time could be guaranteed, especially the latter. Henry was very good at quickly understanding issues that needed to be answered. While history tends to remember his six wives and infamous temper, it tends to forget that Henry was an intelligent man though probably not as intelligent as he thought he was. He was not the “universal genius” that Erasmus called him either. However, there is little doubt that in the early years of his reign, Henry could easily digest information when it suited his purpose to do so. Keith Randall described Henry as a “shrewd politician”.

Drag each feature to the correct category.
Identify the groups in favor of the abolition of slavery and those against it.
abolitionists in the
United States
fugitive slaves
slave traders
cotton plantation
owners of the southern
United States
For Abolition
Against Abolition


For abolition: Abolitionist in the U.S., fugitive slaves. Against abolition: Cotton plantation owners of the Southern United States, slave traders


The term "abolition" is mainly used to describe the end of slavery. In the U.S. abolition was supported by abolitionists, this included all those who considered slavery was immoral or negative and wanted slavery to end. Moreover, abolition was supported by slaves and fugitive slaves who wanted freedom and knew slavery was related to unfair and cruel conditions.

However, abolition was not supported by everyone, especially not but those who obtained profits from slavery. This included plantation owners in the  South because they used slaves to cultivate products such as cotton or tobacco or slave traders who obtained money by selling and buying slaves.

35 POINTS PLS HELP!!!! Which of the following could be placed in the area labeled G? A.) Members of this branch are directly elected by the voters. B.) This branch has the power to veto laws. C.) Members of this branch can vote to add new members. D.) This branch has the power to settle disputes about the laws.



A. Members of this branch are directly elected by the voters.


Hope it helped


Its A have a nice day


List the eight major physical regions of Africa What do these different regions tell you
about Africa?



Africa has eight major physical regions: the Sahara, the Sahel, the Ethiopian Highlands, the savanna, the Swahili Coast, the rain forest, the African Great Lakes, and Southern Africa. The second part I genuinely don't know the answer to.

I NEED HELP THIS WAS DUE YESTERDAY Why were the words in the Declaration of Independence “that all men are created equal” not exactly true?




Most believe that “all men created equal” is talking about humanity

While some people argue that the founders when they put “all men” they were excluding women and children. It’s also controversial because slavery was still going on during this time and it could be views as hypocrisy

What guaranteed equal access to public facilities regardless of race?
the Thirteenth Amendment
the Fifteenth Amendment
the 1875 Civil Rights Act
the Jim Crow laws






C (the 1875 Civil Rights Act)


For edge:)

How do employers generally respond to poor economic times? A. Raising the prices of goods to make back money B. Lowering the price of goods so people will buy C. Higher more people at low wages D. Cutting workers’ wages to make up for losses



D. Cutting workers' wages to make up for losses


During poor economic times, many companies often struggle with how best to manage their most valuable resource - their human resource while remaining viable or relevant as a business. This means that employers would do everything possible to retain their employees even if it will involve cutting their wages rather than laying them off.

Most companies during tough economic times adopts strategy to cut workers' wages inorder to make up for losses. Here, companies cut costs and adapt to changing market demand. In as much as the poor economic times affects most if not all companies, most employees would also be willing to accept pay cut rather than being laid off.

Values in the Declaration
How are the American values of liberty and egalitarianism represented in the Declaration of
As natural rights
As examples of separation of powers
As part of the social contract
As part of an unjust government



In the Bill of Rights

In the Constitution

In the Declaration of Independence


Discoveries of artistic works from early men and women include all of these except



The answer would be watercolor painting.  I did this too and good luck

please help me i need help


The correct answer is North


The South.


The president of the North was Abe Lincoln who was a lawyer and Illinois legislator. Jeff Davis was president of the South. His background included military leadership.

The Federalists believed that the French Revolution was a chaotic and dangerous war. an important fight for democracy. a valuable battle with Britain.



Correct Answer:

1. was a chaotic and dangerous war.


The French revolution was a period of social and political upheaval in France which led to the overthrew the monarchy; establishment of a republic; catalyzed violent periods of political turmoil; and finally culminated in a dictatorship under Napoleon.

The French Revolution hardened differences between the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans. The Federalists feared the anarchy of the French Revolution and worried that Democratic-Republicanism would bring that kind of disorder to the United States.


a chaotic and dangerous war.


edge 2021

What is the definition of czar.



an emperor of Russia before 1917. tsar Nicholas 2


a person appointed by government to advise on and co-ordinate policy In a particular are' the former British drugs czar.'


This is an emperor or a king.


Also an autocratic leader and ruler.

This is also a person exercising great power in a field.

Hope these helps.

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