Which of the following were gods to the Incas? Select all that apply.

the moon


the sun

the stars



Answer 1
The answer is Sun,moon,stars

Related Questions

please help,thank you have a good day



B. Son las nueve menos veinte


(a) son las diez menos veinte

english translation- it’s ten minus twenty

15 points pls help


1. I found out what the capital of Ecuador was.
2. I knew what the capital of Ecuador was.
3. I knew (had been to) the capital of Ecuador.
4. I’ve gone to (met) the capital of Ecuador.
Hope this helps :)

________ de María son rojos.

Los dedos
Los hombros
Los labios
Los pies



Los labios


Contexto: El Señor Gómez acaba de ganar la elección para ser un representante de su estado. Estos son algunos comentarios que hizo durante su discurso de aceptación. Lo que sí hubiera yo es buscar maneras de reducir el déficit. Como ustedes, yo quería saber lo que está pasando en nuestra nación. Nosotros trabajamos lo más posible para que no haya desconfianza. Ustedes saben adónde va el dinero que pagan en impuestos. Habíamás conversación sobre inmigración y lo que se puede hacer para proteger la frontera. Nosotros hablamos más de relaciones con otros países, pero hay otros asuntos más importantes para discutir. Nos gusta enfocarnos más en mejorar el sistema educativo. Yo debajo el promedio de desempleo durante los próximos seis meses. Nosotros alegramos de contestar todas sus preguntas Nosotros dependemos menos de los recursos de otros países, pero es necesario por el momento. Informacamodarabbandolaadiotere amaportacan​




English traslation:

Context: Mr. Gomez has just won the election to be a representative of his state. Here are some comments he made during his acceptance speech. What I will do is look at how to reduce the deficit. Like you, I want to know what's going on in our nation. We work as hard as possible to prevent mistrust. You know where the money you pay in taxes goes.

More needs to be said about immigration and what can be done to secure the border. More needs to be said about immigration and what can be done to secure the border. We talk more about relations with other countries, but there are other more priority issues to discuss. We talk more about relations with other countries, but there are other more priority issues to discuss. We like to focus more on improving the education system. We like to focus more on improving the education system. I will lower the average unemployment over the next six months. We are happy to answer all your questions. We are less dependent on the resources of other countries, but it is not necessary at the moment.  

Por otro lado, estamos orando

Y cuando creemos que está mejorando

Nos agarra un apagón

porfavor ayudenme a ponerle una estrofa que ritme es una poesia satirica


Y todo dio un bajon o y de repente dimos un bajon

How to say let’s watch a movie in Spanish



Let's watch a movie in spanish is: Veamos una película


Match the subjects with their appropriate form of verb recorder.



Mis hermanos

Pedro y yo




1. Recuerda
2. Recuerdas
3. Recuerdan
4. Recordamos
5. Recuerdo

write the alphabet in spanish​





Alphabet in Spanish is called alfabeto



The above picture shows the Spanish Alphabet.

As known there are 27 letters in the Spanish Alphabet. As you can see There are more that 27 but the letters Ch, ll, and rr were included in the Spanish alphabet long ago but now they are no longer included.

Ruben y Marisol 1.______ enfermos. Ruben no 2.______ energia. Esta muy 3._______. Y Marisol tiene tos. Tiene la garganta 3.______. 4._________ mama de Ruben y Marisol 5.______ nerviosa porque 6.______ dos hijos estan enfermos. Pero su medico 7.______ muy bueno. El doctor Rodriguez es muy 8.______. Les 9._______ un examen a Ruben y Marisol. Despues, 10._____ habla. Ruben y Marisol 11._____ catarro. El medico les da 12.______ receta. Ellos 13.______ a la farmacia donde 14.______ los medicina. Dentro de poco, van a 15.______ muy bien. Sus padres estan 16._______.
The words required to use and must be in their correct form: inteligente, el, dar, tener, estar, ir, un, vender, estar, rojo, cansado, gustar, contento, ser, su, querer, tener, le, estar


1. están
2. tiene
3. cansado

Despues de leer la lectura del libro de lecturas escribe con tus propias palabras lo que significa las siguientes frases la superficie del agua es tensa para una avispa es un sendero multiple fluyendo siempre





Ruben y Marisol 1.______ enfermos. Ruben no 2.______ energia. Esta muy 3._______. Y Marisol tiene tos. Tiene la garganta 4.______. 5._________ mama de Ruben y Marisol 6.______ nerviosa porque 7.______ dos hijos estan enfermos. Pero su medico 8.______ muy bueno. El doctor Rodriguez es muy 9.______. Les 10._______ un examen a Ruben y Marisol. Despues, 11._____ habla. Ruben y Marisol 12._____ catarro. El medico les da 13.______ receta. Ellos 14.______ a la farmacia donde 15.______ los medicina. Dentro de poco, van a 16.______ muy bien. Sus padres estan 17._______.
The words required to use and must be in their correct form: inteligente, el, dar, tener, estar, ir, un, vender, estar, rojo, cansado, gustar, contento, ser, su, querer, tener, le, estar




Posibles soluciones:

1. están

2. tiene

3. cansado

4. inflamada

5. María la

6. está

7. Sus

8. es

9. buen médico

10. hice

11. les

12. Tiene

13. una

14. van

15. compran

16. pasarlo

17. recuperados

Escribe la respuesta correcta en español o en Inglés.
What year Is It currently on the Aymaran calendar? (You will need to take into consideration the date of the Aymaran
New Year. If It is currently past the Aymaran New Year, add the number from the lesson. If the current date is before the
Aymaran New Year, add the number from the lesson and subtract 1.)
(June 22, 2021)


English Answer: In the Aymaran Calendar, it is the year 5,528.

Spanish Answer: En el Calendario Aymara, es el año 5.528.

Please help!! with Spanish!! ASAP.


1 a. Resuelve algunos problemas.
b. Aritmético.
c. Total.
d. Dejar una propina.

2. - Problema ends with letter A.
- Feminine.
- Masculine.

Hello, hope this helps you:)
hi thank you so much

Las chicas __________ miedo. *


Tienen tienen tienen

What is the representative animal of the Quechua culture?





The llama is the representative animal




In Spanish, por and para are...



In English para means in order to and por means for


A example for them could be:

para pasar la clase necesitas hacer la tarea.

Estamos feliz porque compramos una casa por muy poco dinero


Por y para son preposiciones.



3.¿crees que la mortalidad es un inconveniente para la libertad y la realización de la personalidad, o por contra es lo que le da sentido a la vida? Argumenta tu respuesta.



crees que la mortalidad


Activity: write 3 three sentence about the picture. use the correct forms of adjectives in your sentence​


Do you have a picture you can show ? So people can help

Which indirect object pronoun correctly completes the sentence?

Daniel escribe una carta para Camila.

Daniel ______ escribe una carta.






Daniel *le* escribe una carta.

13. ¿Cómo puedes responder? ¿Qué hiciste en tu vacaciones? *
1.Yo fui a la playa y tomé el sol, nadé en el oceano
2.Yo fuiste a la playa y tomé el sol, nadé en el oceano
3.Yo fui a la playa y toméaria el sol, nade en el oceano


Answer: Yo fui a la playa y tomé el sol, nadé en el oceano



1.Yo fui a la playa y tomé el sol, nadé en el oceano


1.Yo fui a la playa y tomé el sol, nadé en el oceano

1. Qué lástima pero... What a shame, but...
2. En otra ocasión... I'm really sorry, but...
3. Cuanto lo lamento pero... I'd love to, but...
4. Me encantaría pero... With great pleasure...
5. Con mucho gusto It'll be a pleasure...
6. Será un placer... Another time...



1- Que lastima pero... What a shame, but...

2- En otra ocasion... Another time...

3-  Cuanto lo lamento pero... I'm really sorry, but...

4- Me encantaria pero... I'd love to, but...

5- Con mucho gusto  With great pleasure...

6- Sera un placer... It'll be a pleasure


2 - Determinación del tema
Un sueño soñaba anoche soñito del alma mía,
soñaba con mis amores, que en mis brazos los tenía.
Vi entrar señora tan blanca, muy más que la nieve fría.
—¿Por dónde has entrado, amor? ¿Cómo has entrado, mi vida?
Las puertas están cerradas, ventanas y celosías.
—No soy el amor, amante: la Muerte que Dios te envía.
—¡Ay, Muerte tan rigurosa, déjame vivir un día!
—Un día no puede ser, una hora tienes de vida.

Muy deprisa se calzaba, más deprisa se vestía;
ya se va para la calle, en donde su amor vivía.

—¡Ábreme la puerta, blanca, ábreme la puerta, niña!
—¿Cómo te podré yo abrir si la ocasión no es venida?
Mi padre no fue al palacio, mi madre no está dormida.
—Si no me abres esta noche, ya no me abrirás, querida;
la Muerte me está buscando, junto a ti vida sería.
—Vete bajo la ventana donde labraba y cosía,
te echaré cordón de seda para que subas arriba,
y si el cordón no alcanzare, mis trenzas añadiría.

La fina seda se rompe; la muerte que allí venía:
—Vamos, el enamorado, que la hora ya está cumplida.



just trying to get some points


Which word correctly completes the sentence?

Hace mucho calor. ______ está muy fuerte.

El invierno

El sol

La nube

La nieve


It is El Sol. This is because the sentence says it is very hot. The options are winter, sun, clouds, and snow. Only sun is hot

Que es Ptpac???? Xfd


Answer: It is a guy who creates music.

Please read the following sentences and conjugate the verb in the parenthesis.

2 points each for a total of 18 points.

1. Yo __________ 8 horas todos los días. (dormir)

2. Tu __________ el nombre de las personas. (recordar)

3. Ana y Luis __________ las hamburguesas vegetarianas. (probar)

4. Ella _________ los piesos todas las mañanas. (fregar)

5. Ustedes _________ Español. (enteder)

6. Monica, Juan y yo _________ el partido. (perder)

7. El arquitecto _________ el patio. (medir)

8. El gato _______ al ratón. (perseguir)

9. Los estudiantes _______ una beca. (conseguir)



Reacción química de Ni+3 H-1




Explanation: symbolab

¿Cuál de las siguientes configuraciones globales corresponde a un elemento químico que se comporta como metal? [He]2s2 2p6 [Ar] 4s2 3d2 4p3 [Ne]3s2 [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p4





La pregunta requiere que miremos cada una de las configuraciones electrónicas dadas y decidamos qué configuración pertenece a un metal.

Ahora debemos mirar la configuración electrónica más externa de cada especie.

Primeramente; una configuración de capa más externa de ns2 np6 corresponde a un gas noble.

En segundo lugar, una configuración de capa más externa de ns2 np3 corresponde a un elemento no metálico del grupo 5.

En tercer lugar, una configuración de carcasa más externa de ns2 corresponde a un elemento metálico del grupo 2.

En cuarto lugar, una configuración electrónica de ns2 np4 corresponde a un elemento no metálico del grupo 6.

What makes an irregular verb in Spanish, be irregular?

A: These verbs do not follow a specific pattern when conjugating them.

B: These verbs follow a specific conjugation pattern.

C: None of the above

D: These verbs all have the same endings.



A- these verbs do not follow a specific pattern when conjugating them.


The Answer is (a) these verbs follow a spatters when conjugation patter

¿que es el handbol? ¿Es un deporte? ¿cómo se juega? ¿cuantos jugadores? Busca información sobre esto


es un deporte que contiene de dos equipos de siete jugadores. es como el futbol pero con la mano, tienen q pasar la pelota con la mano para meterla a la portería. se juego en dos periodos de 30 minutos.

There was a burglary in a nearby house and the police are taking an inventory of missing items. Listen to the audio and write down the rooms and the missing items in the exact order you hear them.



The robbers stole items in the nearby rooms if the sound is clearly and loudly be heard.


According to the audio, if the sound is more clear and high it means that the robbery was done in the nearby rooms whereas if the sound is very low so it means that the sound comes from the rooms that are present in the last. If we hear the sounds of opening of shelves so it means that they rob the items present in the shelves and cupboard. The robbers must go for the cupboard where precious items are placed.

Other Questions
Which equation represents a hyperbola with a center at (0, 0), a vertex at (0, 60), and a focus at (0, 65)? Select the correct texts in the passage.Liam is planning a fictional story about a young boy's adventure in the wilderness with his pet dog. Which sentence could be improved byincluding dialogue?They had been traveling for hours, and Simon was ready to make camp for the night. He could tell by the slowed pace of his loyal dog, Bruce,that he was ready for a break also. The cold winds had picked up speed, and both travelers had endured the sharp sting as they'd climbed thesteep trail of the mountain. Simon nodded toward Bruce and told him it was time to call it quits for the day. He found an open spot that wassheltered by trees and began unloading his backpack. Bruce found a mossy spot beneath a tree and curled up, but he never took his eyes offSimon. Simon's stomach grumbled, and he wished that he hadn't consumed all of his provisions earlier in the day. The Venn diagram shows the memberships for the Spanish Club and the Math Club.Use the diagram to answer the questions below. Solve the system of equations?? A client experiencing mania who tends to be manipulative says angrily you had better let me out of here or I'm going to call my lawyer Please help. Thank you A chair rental company charges $100 for delivery plus $3 perchair. You want to order 200 chairs for a concert. How muchwill it cost?O a. $300O b. $600O c. $700O d. None of the aboveabove Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.When you _____, you create original insights by making connections between a text, yourself, the world, or other texts.1. Synthesize2. Evaluate3. Summarize4. Infer The two lines graphed below are not parallel. How many solutions are there tothe system of equations?55A. Infinitely manyB. OneC. TwoD. Zero what is human rights Christine has bought 6 bags of chips that she bought for $3.60. How much would it cost if she bought 11 bags of chips? You have an experience that causes a complex network of neurons to be built in your brain. This network is most likely a _____. (Mark the one best answer.) a receptive field B disease C memory D motor pathwa HELP PLEASE IM STUCK!1. Which of these describes the relation for this set of coordinate pairs?{(-1, 5), (12, 18), (0, 6), (-3, 3), (4, ?), (?, 11)}a. x - y = 6 b. f(x) = x +6 c. f(x) = 6 d. y = 6x e. None of these Segment [tex]$s_1$[/tex] has endpoints at [tex]$(3+\sqrt{2},5)$[/tex] and[tex]$(4,7)$[/tex]. Segment [tex]$s_2$[/tex] has endpoints at [tex]$(6-\sqrt{2},3)$[/tex] and[tex]$(3,5)$[/tex]. Find the midpoint of the segment with endpoints at the midpoints of [tex]$s_1$[/tex] and [tex]$s_2$[/tex]. Express your answer as [tex]$(a,b)$[/tex]. Give two examples of html structure A positive real number is 4 less than another. If the sum of the squares of the two numbers is 72, then find the numbers. Two uses of mortise chisel WRITE THE DEFINITIONS OF EACH ANIMAL ORGANELLE LISTED. (1) nucleolus (2) nucleus (3) ribosome (4) vesicle (5) rough endoplasmic reticulum (6) Golgi apparatus (7) cytoskeleton (8) smooth endoplasmic reticulum (9) mitochondria (10) vacuole (11) cytosol (12) lysosome (13) centriole please helpWarm up: If you were to make a video to tell someone about America, what would you include? For this task, you will consider the information you have researched so far, conduct further research, create a thesis, and write a one-page research paper based on your research and thesis. Your research and thesis should address the following prompt: How should Florida address its growing energy demands, and what energy sources should the state focus on in the future? Consider the energy options available in Florida, the pros and cons of various energy sources, as well as concepts such as energy conservation.In the next steps, you will conduct further research, form a thesis, and write a one-page research paper based on your findings and opinions.a. Select a topic. Before creating your report, understand the purpose, process, and goals of a research assignment.The first step in writing a research paper is to select a topic; in this assignment your topic should focus on issues related to energy production and consumption in Florida.Begin brainstorming ideas by thinking about your prior knowledge of the topic.Try engaging in preliminary research to help select a relevant, interesting topic.b. Choose a thesis statement. Begin thinking about the stance or viewpoint that your writing will take. Once you have a general idea of your opinion, develop a thesis statement, or the main idea of an essay that includes the topic and the viewpoint.Make sure that the thesis is relevant to the topic and assignment.Keep in mind that as you continue researching and begin writing, your thesis may change slightly from your original idea.Check with your teacher to make sure that the topic you chose is appropriate and feasible.c. Gather sources. Next, begin gathering and organizing additional sources to build your argument. It is important to understand the purpose of your research. Evaluate each source, and consider these questions:Who authored the document?What is the purpose of the document?When was the document written?How will this document help your argument?d. Develop your position. Now that you have analyzed sources to use as evidence, revisit the essay topic. Then develop your report with these factors in mind:Create an outline to help organize the structure of your report.Your thesis should be well-supported by your research.Match the evidence in your sources to the points in your report.Articulate any solutions you may think are relevant to deal with the energy issues in Florida.e. Write your first draft. Write a one-page research paper on your selected topic. As you write your paper, use quotations from and summaries of your sources to support your argument.To avoid plagiarism, make sure to cite your sources properly with in-text citations and a works cited page.f. Proofread and Revise. When you are finished writing your first draft, reread your essay to check for all of the points above, and then proofread and revise to be sure your work doesnt contain errors in grammar, spelling, logic, or cohesion. Finally, develop a final draft that is polished and ready to be turned in. Nice work!