Which of these words has the most similar connotation to tantalized? A. teased B. tortured C. worried D. annoyed


Answer 1


A. teased


this seemed the most appropriate to me but it also could be B. tortured

Related Questions

identify words with positive and negative connotation

(please help me )​


Gossip is the most negative

Trevor shared the gossip that he had heard from his friend.

what is the reason for being the whole world like a house.​



It provides current data on horse prices as well as metrics used to assess valuation in housing chart of credit growth around the world.......

Why does the jeweller keep the duchess waiting for ten minutes?
to hide the jewels
c. to appear punctual
b. to tidy up the office
d. because it brings him pleasure



Because the duchess needs money to pay her gambling debts


In Virginia Woolf's short story "The Duchess and the Jeweler," the jeweler keeps the duchess waiting for ten minutes because he wants to create an impression of busyness and importance. Hence, option c is correct.

What was the purpose duchess in Virginia?

In Virginia Woolf's short story "The Duchess and the Jeweler," the purpose of the duchess is to sell a pearl necklace to the jeweler.

The duchess is a wealthy and aristocratic woman who wants to sell her family's heirloom, a pearl necklace, for a large sum of money. She believes that the jeweler, who is known for his expertise and wealth, is the best person to buy the necklace from her.

The jeweler is aware that the duchess is a wealthy and influential client, and he wants to give her the impression that his business is in high demand and he is a busy man. By keeping her waiting, he is attempting to create an image of himself as a successful and sought-after jeweler. Hence, option C is correct.

Find more on Virginia wolf: The Duchess and the jewelers:



Things we can manage in our working environment beside of salary​​​


Answer: didn't understand question


1. Explain the difference between Plot and Theme?

2. Define Protagonist and Antagonist?

3. Clear Sentence Structure.

Define the following vocabulary words




1. A key difference is that themes are often short and can be said in one sentence, whereas the plot of a story can be lengthy.

2.protagonist-the leading character or one of the major characters in a play, film, novel
Antagonist-one that contends with or opposes another example: a villain


Precise: exactly or sharply defined or stated
Concise: giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words

Please describe yoursellf in a tweet." Remember a tweet has a maximum of 280 characters, so you need to communicate as effectively as you can. Tell the class what makes you who you are. You can talk about anything that is important to you, or what interests and hobbies you have. You could talk about your favorite fods, actor/actress, singer, song, games, places, things to do, etc. You could talk about your family or personal relationships. You could describe your personality. You coulduse a quote you really like. Say anything yoOu like, as long as you keep it school appropriate:)



Type your search here


Giving you more characters to express yourself

By Aliza Rosen and Ikuhiro Ihara

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Trying to cram your thoughts into a Tweet – we’ve all been there, and it’s a pain.

Interestingly, this isn't a problem everywhere people Tweet. For example, when I (Aliza) Tweet in English, I quickly run into the 140 character limit and have to edit my Tweet down so it fits. Sometimes, I have to remove a word that conveys an important meaning or emotion, or I don’t send my Tweet at all. But when Iku Tweets in Japanese, he doesn’t have the same problem. He finishes sharing his thought and still has room to spare. This is because in languages like Japanese, Korean, and Chinese you can convey about double the amount of information in one character as you can in many other languages, like English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French.

We want every person around the world to easily express themselves on Twitter, so we're doing something new: we're going to try out a longer limit, 280 characters, in languages impacted by cramming (which is all except Japanese, Chinese, and Korean).

Although this is only available to a small group right now, we want to be transparent about why we are excited to try this. Here are some of our findings

please help!

“California is the best place to live” is an example of ____.

a: actuation
b: policy
c: fact
d: emotion
e: value




If it's not then it's probably a


(california isn't that good anymore tho unfortuantly)

have this glass of coconut juice into passive​



this glass have coconut juice

II. Change the following sentences into passive voice.
36. They sell magazines in the mall. ( HTĐ)

37. The chef bakes all the bread on the premise.(HTĐ)
38. The garage is fixing my car at the moment.(HTTD)
=> My lost wallet has been handed by someone
=>All of our assignments have been graded by the teacher
41. The local newspaper reported the story.
42. The truck damaged my car in the accident.
43. His uncle was looking after him while his parents were away.
44. They had already sold all the tickets when I tried to buy some.
45. They will make a decision tomorrow.
46. They are going to make four people redundant.
47. We use the internet every day.
48. Lan gives a lot of presents for me.
49. What lesson did Miss Thuy teach yesterday?
50. Have you finished all the tasks?


36. They sold magazines at the mall
37. The chef baked the bread on the premises
38. The garage fixed my car
39. My wallet was found by someone
40. The teacher graded all the assignments
41.the story was reported by the local newspaper
42The accident made the truck damage my car
43.after his parent passed away his uncle was looking after him

How do I deal with someone that I hate so much that I live with?
(no its not a sibling)



Find something you like to do that can let out anger so you don't have as much anger to let out on that person.

people say that the nearest forest is full of tigers. ( change in to passive voice) ​



The forest was full of tigers, said by the people


the forest was full of tigers said the people

what does ctc stand for​



CTC stands for cost of company

Match the sensory detail with the correct sense.

1. The penny whistle is a charming piece of musical ingenuity A. touch

2. ride on the elephant in the Johannesburg Zoo B. sight

3. chipped brick and tin huts C. sound



1. The penny whistle is a charming piece of musical ingenuity C. sound

2. ride on the elephant in the Johannesburg Zoo B. sight

3. chipped brick and tin huts A. touch

most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the greenhouse


Answer:Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the “greenhouse effect” — warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space.

Explanation:Hopefully this helps:)

What is the social impact of the bhopal gas tragedy



Though the Bhopal gas tragedy took place close to 29 years ago, the city is still experiencing the effects of the gas leak. Around 3700 people died almost immediately following the incident in December 1984. The immediate cause of death was due to choking, circulatory collapse and pulmonary oedema (filling up of fluid in the lungs). Further post mortem reports revealed that people died not only of suffocation but also because the toxins had caused swelling in the brain, leading to disorientation and finally death, due to collapse of the nervous system. Other conditions include degeneration of the liver, and kidneys and rotting of the intestines. The stillbirth rate was 300% and neonatal mortality (death as an infant) was about 200% right after the tragedy.

Years later, the effects of the gas leak are still seen.In the year 2002 a report published by the Fact-Finding Mission on Bhopal found a number of toxins, including mercury, lead, trichlorobenzene, dichloromethane and chloroform in the breast milk of nursing mothers. In 2004 BBC Radio 5 broadcast reported that the area where UCIL had set up the plant, was still contaminated with toxic chemicals including benzene hexachloride and mercury, which were stored in open containers and in some cases spilled into the ground. In 2009 the same body also took samples from a commonly used hand pump situated north of the plant and found that the water contained 1000 times the World Health Organisation's recommended maximum amount of Carbon tetrachloride, a known carcinogen.

Since then clinical studies have shown that the survivors have still been suffering from debilitating conditions such as pulmonary fibrosis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, recurrent chest infections, keratopathy and corneal opacities. They also showed that the following generations were suffering from respiratory, neurologic, psychiatric and ophthalmic symptoms.

Studies have found that exposure to methyl isocyanate leads to toxicity of the immune system, and alters the DNA of a person, leading to chromosomal instability. Babies born to pregnant woman exposed to MIC in the first trimester of pregnancy, showed symptoms of persistent immune system hyper-responsiveness (responses that are not in line with the amount of irritant present) .There has been a drastic increase in the number of babies born with physical as well as mental deformities. Children are born without arms or legs and are often unable to speak or care for themselves. Doctors in the region say that these deformities are very different from conventional birth defects and therefore very difficult to treat.

With recent news that third generation children of survivors are still showing debilitating deformities, and the funds meant to rehabilitate the victims are warming some politicians' pockets, It is appalling that the Indian judicial system has not taken enough action against the culprits.


1 Would you like to have lunch with me on sunday hesaid to me
2 Would you like a cup of tea Jain said



can you please complete your questions?

cause it doesn't make sense

The Canterbury Tales were mostly written in ________ form.

- prose

- poetry

- sonnet

- eulogy





the answer is poetry

The author of Passage 2 would likely criticize the author of Passage 1 for


It is likely that the author of Passage 1 would criticize the author of Passage 2 for failing to think about the drawbacks of this increased time spent on technology—such as a decreased amount of time to spend "learn[ing] and develop[ing] through outdoor activities." Choice (A) is incorrect because the author of ....

Why is it important that an argument address a counterargument? Most teachers will not read a paper that does not include a counterargument. All readers will distrust texts that neglect to include counterarguments. Doing so strengthens the ethos, logos, and pathos of the argument. Counterarguments are usually weak and easy to rebut.



Doing so strengthens the ethos, logos, and pathos of the argument.


Providing a counterargument means that a paper and its author understand other people's perspectives. It also means that the author had thought through the argument and what others might say. A counterargument means that an author is well read and has studied all sides of an argument. Additionally, it shows that the author has the ability to rebut points made by people that disagree with them.

This helps appeal to readers through ethos, logos, and pathos. It strengthens ethos because the extra information provides credibility. The counterargument also can change a reader's feelings, which shows pathos. Finally, logos is strengthened because a strong rebuttal appeals to one's logic.

Write a sentence containing the plural possessive form of the noun, parent.


do not touch that which is foreign


My parents’ house is being renovated.

Which of the following sentences has a correct signal phrase for the book The Nasty Bits written by author Anthony Bourdain? Question 1 options: A) According to Anthony, “Perhaps the best thing chefs can do is cook, whenever possible, with heart” (40). B) In The Nasty Bits, chef Anthony Bourdain states, “Perhaps the best thing chefs can do is cook, whenever possible, with heart” (40). C) The Nasty Bits states, “Perhaps the best thing chefs can do is cook, whenever possible, with heart” (40). D) “Perhaps the best thing chefs can do is cook, whenever possible, with heart” (40).


The best signal phrase is In The Nasty Bits, chef Anthony Bourdain states, “Perhaps the best thing chefs can do is cook, whenever possible, with heart” (40)

In formal writing, signal phrases are phrases and words used to introduce a quotation. This commonly includes the first name and last name of the author and an introductory word such as states, thinks, asserts, claims, etc. Also, details such as the profession of the author and the title of the book, article, etc. can be included.

In this context, the best phrase is option B, these are the reasons:

This is the only one that includes the name and last name of the author (Anthony Bourdain)It includes the word "states" that is appropriate for the quoteIt has complementary information such as the title of the book "The Nasty Bits" and the profession "chef" that make the signal phrase to be complete

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/16718721?referrer=searchResults

II. Choose the best answer.
1. While I__________ along the road, I saw a friend of mine.
A. had cycled B. have cycled C. cycled D. was cycling
2. __________ I came to see her yesterday, she was reading a book.
A. Before B. While C. After D. When
3. Ann: “What do you usually do on Saturdays?” - Mary: “______________”
A. I’d be sleeping all day B. I used to drive to work
C. I’m not doing anything D. I usually sleep until noon
4. What ________ when Peter called last night?
A. have you done B. are you doing C. were you doing D. did you use to do
5. _________ your new teacher yet?
A. Had you met B. Have you met C. Do you meet D. Are you meeting
6. This is the second time I __________ that song. The first time was at the club last month.
A. have heard B. heard C. hear D. will hear
7. _________ here since 1999 when her parents moved from HCM city.
A. She’s been living B. She’s living C. She was livingD. She’d live
8. Listening to very loud music at rock concert ________ caused hearing loss in some teenagers.
A. have B. has C. have been D. has been
9. Lan: “What do you think of horror films?” - Nam “____________”.
A. Oh, my god B. I haven’t seen them for a long time
C. Oh, I find them really disgusting D. I just saw a film last night.
10. A large number of staff in my office _________ English quite fluently.
A. speak B. speaks C. is speaking D. has spoken
11. Mary said that she _________ her homework since 8 o’clock.
A. did B. was doing C. has done D. had done
12. I’ve known him ________ I left college.
A. when B. during C. until D. since
13. He ______ for a job for some weeks before he found one.
A. is looking B. looks
C. would have been looking D. had been looking




1. C

2. D

3. D

4. C

5. B

6. B

7. A

8. B

9. C


11. B

12. D

13. D

How do Babette's and Maman-Nainaine's feelings about the figs contribute to the overall
meaning of the story?


The key exchange would be this: "Ah," said Maman-Nainaine, arching her eyebrows, "how early the figs have ripened this year!" "Oh," said Babette, "I think they have ripened very late." Their different feelings indicate the way each character perceives the passing of time, which is what Chopin is exploring here.

"Ah," remarked Maman-Nainaine, raising her eyebrows, "how early the figs have ripened this year!" Babette answered, "Oh, I think they've matured rather late. Chopin is analyzing the passage of time in this composition through the many emotions that each character exhibits.

What is story?

Story is defined as a description of an incident or occurrence that happened to someone, particularly one that is spoken.

It can also defined as a story that is made up for entertainment, a recounting of an actual event, or a rumor that is being circulated.

Expository, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive writing are under the four main types of writing.

Writing a story often follows a format, which helps writers organize their work. Numerous stories share this framework, which is recognizable and often has five main parts. Setting, Plot, Conflict, Theme, and Character.

Thus, "Ah," remarked Maman-Nainaine, raising her eyebrows, "how early the figs have ripened this year!" Babette answered, "Oh, I think they've matured rather late. Chopin is analyzing the passage of time in this composition through the many emotions that each character exhibits.

To learn more about story, refer to the link below:



Read the quotation from the Council of Trent in the 1500s. [W]ith God going before us . . . we may . . . deliberate and discuss . . . whatsoever is needful for repelling those assaults of barbarians and infidels, with which they seek the overthrow of all Christendom. What is the quotation most likely about



A refusal to accept the spread of Protestantism.


The Council of Trent was the 19th ecumenical council of he Catholic church held at Trent during 1545-63. The council was convened as a result of the rising Protestant Reformation.

The Council determined the path that the Catholic church would take as a recourse to the Reformation. It determined the doctrines that the Catholic church would take regarding the heresies that the Protestants had spread. And in the given quotation from the Council, we can assume that the main purpose was to refuse to accept the spread of the Protestant religion.

Thus, the correct answer is the first option.

IV. Put the verb into the correct form using WILL or BE GOING TO.
1. A: I’ve got a headache. B: Have you? Wait there and I (get)……….an aspirin for you.
2. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water? B: I (wash) ……………….. the car.
3. A: I’ve decided to re-paint this room. B: Oh, have you? What colour (you/paint)………. it?
4. A: Look! There’s smoke coming out of that house. It’s on fire!
B: Good heavens! I (call)…………………... the fire-brigate immediately.
5. A: The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it?
B: No, it looks as if it (fall)……………. down.
6. A: What do you want to be when you grow up?
B: I (be)……………….. an astronaut.
A: Good for you!
7. A: Do you mind if I turn the TV off? I (place)………………….. a long distance call, and it’s hard
to hear if the TV is on.
B: No, that’s fine. I wasn’t watching it anyway.
8. A: Who wants to erase the board? Are there any volunteer?
B: I (do)………………… it ! C: I (do)………………… it ! D: No, no! I (do)……………….. it!
9. A: Why do you have an eraser in your hand? B: I (erase)………………….. the board.



will get

was going to wash

are you going to paint

will call

is going to fall

will be

am going to place

will do

will do

will do

am going to erase


Why did Kii Yazhi get his mouth washed out with soap?



Mr. Reamer washed his mouth out with soap because he spoke Navajo.





What were Seneca's influences on Shakespeare



Seneca's influence is seen in Shakespeare's revenge tragedies Titus Andronicus and Hamlet and his plays of vaulting ambition Richard III and Macbeth. Shakespeare derived the following seven general features from Seneca: An obsession with scelus, crime.


Write the sentences correctly pls

1 All his friends will be there except Peter.

This button look as if it will match the material.

They divided the chips equally among the three children.

Where did the Egyptian people live at?

The football player practiced for an hour


All of his friends will be there except for Peter.

This button looks as if it will match the material.

They divided the chips equally amongst the children.

Where did the Egyptian people lived?

The football player practiced for an hour.


1. All of his friends are going to be there, except for Peter.

2. This button looks like it will match the material.

3. They divided the chips equally among the children.

4. Where did the Egyptians live?

5. The football player spent an hour practicing.

Which of the following is an opinion adverb



Opinion adverbs (or prepositional phrases) express a wide range of opinion: certainty, reality, sources, limitations and precision of the situation.

How does Douglas is cultural point of you as slavery from the early 1800s shape as motivation to become literate, yet also create obstacles for him? provide at least two examples from the text right at least a 100 word response



Douglass wanted to learn to literate because he was spiritually, emotionally, and physically aware of how slaves were forced to live in ignorance and poverty. In his youth, he would learn that ignorance was a handicap that white masters used to keep African American slaves under control. Douglass was influenced by personal experiences and spiritual breakthroughs. Getting an education was a challenge.




Douglass was willing to learn to literate because he was spiritually, physically, and emotionally aware of how slaves were forced to live in not only poverty, but ignorance. In his youth, he would learn that ignorance was a handicap that white masters used to keep African American slaves under their control. Douglass was influenced by personal experiences and spiritual breakthroughs he had experienced through his time with them. Although getting an education was a challenge, especially for him and his people, but he persisted and eventually was able to not only write what he wrote and do what he did, but also inspire many others to rise an do the same. All despite certain challenges they would have to overcome.

(it says at least 100 words, the other answer has only 62, while this paragraph has 120 word count.)

please rate brainliest and have a great day everyone


odyssey ware

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